Actors on Hollywood studios are also graded.

Just like there will be a boss in the NBA locker room.

The boss's attitude will largely affect the team's harmony and combat effectiveness.

Hollywood is not that serious, but it is undeniable that since this kind of culture exists in the United States, Hollywood will not be completely immune.

Therefore, the relationship between a big shot like Morgan Freeman and the production team is very harmonious. In addition, Lu Ping'an's prestige has reached a new level, so other actors will naturally not be upset.

The filming of Batman is on track, and "Insidious" has also received North American production.

Four weeks after its release, "Insidious" has a North American box office of 87 million. The global box office is still one week away from closing, but at this time the total box office has also reached 170 million.

For a horror film with a cost of only 3 million, this achievement is already extremely explosive.

Lu Ping'an is also quite satisfied with this result. The original box office was 155 million, which has now been exceeded.

If the remaining week is included, the excess box office will be another 10 to 20 million.

This is without taking inflation into account.

If this factor is taken into account, the results will be even more explosive.

This is quite worthy of Wen Ziren.

Hollywood is a vanity fair, and "Insidious 1" became a big hit, which brought Lu Ping An unexpected dividends.

The most direct one is that his director's net worth has soared.

Wattsberg said that a company has already made an offer, saying that Lu Ping'an's salary for directing a horror film can reach more than 10 million US dollars.

Remuneration for other types of films has also increased a lot, from a base of 3 million US dollars to at least 5 million US dollars.

And it's not a fixed salary. Now he can already negotiate for dividends. Although it's not a lot and can't be compared with a real big director, it's still a huge improvement in his status.

Summit has also received investment inquiries from many institutions.

"Chainsaw" and "Insidious" are two movies that Lu Ping An clearly said would be a series, causing Peak's valuation to soar. It has now reached around US$120 million, more than double what it was half a year ago.

It's just that Summit shareholders are not in a hurry to accept other shareholders.

The company has sufficient funds and promising future prospects, so there is no need to dilute its shares.

But in this way, other investors will definitely have to be introduced for a single project.

Hollywood is also a world. If your low-budget movies become hits one after another, people in the world will definitely be watching you.

If you don't let them get a share of the pie, do you still want to get involved?

Lu Ping An and its shareholders have already made plans for this.

If you are in the world, don't be so aloof. You won't get far if you eat alone.

Therefore, under the premise of reasonableness, Dingfeng New Project accepts cooperation.

So soon, Wattsberg started the project investment meeting for "Chainsaw 2", "Death Day 2" and "Insidious 2".

This is not over yet. Taking advantage of Lu Ping An's prestige reaching a new high, Summit also released the company's other project plans.

"Brokeback Mountain," "Kung Fu Panda" and "District 9."

In all three projects, minimalist plot introductions were released.

"Brokeback Mountain" doesn't need much introduction. It is a local art film project from the United States, and few people in Hollywood don't know about it.

"Kung Fu Panda" is a "China-US co-production". The story is a very simple one about the panda protagonist learning kung fu and defeating the villain.

There are only a few sentences in the introduction and only three pictures of the characters.

But that’s what Ping An Lu is for.

Let me tell the world that he has this project and is already working on it, so that others who are interested can stop wasting their efforts.

If you want to do it, then join our team.

The same goes for "District 9". The project "Original Time and Space" will release a short film in 2005, and then there will be a feature film.

What Lu Pingan did was to intervene first. With the script and the public project, the future was his.

Three new projects with different styles and themes, plus three successful series projects, and finally one "Batman" that is currently being filmed.

For a time, Summit Entertainment was in the limelight.

Investors from all walks of life flocked to Hollywood.

Among these investors, Wattsberg will also focus on large companies first.

New projects will be put aside first, and series will be taken out first to replace resources.

Although he can't stand the Big Six in Hollywood, he also knows the importance of having a good relationship with these people.

Hollywood is in full swing, and the domestic war between "Night at the Museum" and "House of Flying Daggers" has also begun.

In early April, news came out that "House of Flying Daggers" was scheduled to be released on July 16th, the same as in the original time and space.

"Wonderful Night" is recommended to be released after July 30.

This is the result of several influences.

"House of Flying Daggers" was completed at the end of January, and the post-production period has been completed. However, part of the soundtrack work for "Wonderful Night" is still unfinished, because Zhao Jiping and Fang Wenshan are similar in that they are representatives of slow work and careful work in the industry, and it has finally been completed. It will take about a month.

Therefore, the other party has the right to prioritize the booking.

In addition, isn't Lao Mouzi now taking on a national-level mission? For those who take on such a mission, it is easy to seek some not-too-excessive bonuses from the rear.

Therefore, it is difficult for other blockbusters to be released within at least two weeks after "House of Flying Daggers" is released.

So "Wonderful Night" was originally scheduled for the 16th, but now it has to be moved back.

According to common sense, it's okay to move it back. After all, the summer vacation lasts for more than two months.

But this year is a bit special. The Athens Olympics will be on August 13. In Han Sanpin’s view, the film market will cool down during the Athens Olympics, because the current inertial thinking is that in the context of major events, the big screen cannot compete with the TV set.

Of course, "Wonderful Night" can also be released before "House of Flying Daggers", but it will also have to be separated by two weeks, and in this way, you will not be able to reap the dividends from the split and the increase in movie ticket prices, unless Lu Ping An is willing to take the initiative. .

However, Lu Ping'an felt that it would be fine after two weeks.

The original plan was to release it a week after "House of Flying Daggers", but now it's just been pushed back another week, so it's not a big problem.

Moreover, while Han Sanpin believed that the Athens Olympics would have an impact on the film market, Lu Ping'an felt that the actual impact would not be particularly large, provided of course that the quality of the film was acceptable.

Is the quality of "Wonderful Night" acceptable?

Lu Ping'an has this confidence, especially since "House of Flying Daggers" has laid the foundation for it.

What's more, this time he won't just rely on the movie itself to attract box office.

Therefore, "Wonderful Night" is finally scheduled to be released on July 30, and the official announcement will be made at the right time.

Of course, it is also delusional for "House of Flying Daggers" to comfortably complete the two weeks of protection.

Lu Pingan still has two movies available.

The American version of "Happy Death Day" has been introduced to China this year and is being studied for finalization, and "Hungry Platform" is also preparing to be finalized.

Then let's put it all before "House of Flying Daggers".

He didn't have high expectations about the box office. Anyway, both films had already paid back their money.

"If you play like this, "House of Flying Daggers" will really be like House of Flying Daggers."

Han Sanpin smiled and settled the matter.

"Happy Death Day" and "Hungry Platform" will be released at the end of June and early July.

Lu Pingan turned around and called Xiang Guoqiang, asking him to speed up the renovation of the dozens of theaters he already owned.

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