China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 173 Media: Behind the glory of Lu Ping An is a loneliness (two-in-one)

Xiang Guoqiang has had a heavy task in his hands recently.

He manages the Akers Special Effects Company. After the special effects for "Wonderful Night" were produced, he personally escorted them back and forth between the capital and Los Angeles.

In addition to the special effects company, Lu Pingan's funds are also temporarily managed by him.

Buy stocks, make money, and use the money earned to invest in various fields specified by Lu Ping An.

He handles the income and expenditure of every fund, as well as the legal affairs of every fund.

In addition, Lu Pingan now also has photography technology.

This involves the realization of technology and the development of theatrical distribution.

This is also handled by Xiang Guoqiang.

It can be said that as a laborer, Xiang Guoqiang has achieved the ultimate in his abilities.

And such work naturally does not match the pay.

So Xiang Guoqiang mentioned the salary increase for the first time after receiving Lu Pingan's call.

Lu Ping'an agreed without hesitation.

His offer is about to expire in three years, and it's time to talk about remuneration.

Lu Ping'an doesn't mind giving him a little more. People with such strong abilities cannot be treated badly.

So soon, after an hour of phone communication, the new treatment was reached.

Xiang Guoqiang is still Lu Ping An's assistant in private, but will serve as the president of all Lu Ping An's other properties except Star Film and Burger King.

The most important company among them is "Small Target Capital", and all future industrial expansion of Lu Ping An will be inseparable from it.

Xiang Guoqiang's salary was increased to RMB 2 million per year plus a stepped salary increase, a stepped equity incentive from 0.5% to a maximum of 5%, and countless benefits.

The remuneration is relatively reasonable.

After all, you are 100% loyal.

There is no need to worry about betrayal, it is just like one's own family, and the offer is slightly more than what is available in the market, so it is not a big problem.

In this way, it can be managed for at least more than ten years, which is not bad.

Once things are done, the next step is to work.

In terms of the film industry, the current top priority is still the expansion of mainland distribution channels, that is, the expansion of cinemas.

It is now April, and Lu Ping An has expanded from 8 companies a year ago to 26 companies.

These cinemas are scattered, some were originally cinemas, and some were shops.

Lu Pingan's plan is to turn these into a chain of theaters, and then join them as a whole with the mainland theater chains that have already invested in them to obtain relevant qualifications and apply for independent theater licenses when appropriate in the future.

There are 26 cinemas, and the standard for each cinema is that there are at least 6 cinemas, and at least one of the 6 cinemas is a large cinema that can adapt to future giant screens.

And 26 companies are far from the focus. Lu Ping An’s plan is to complete an investment of 500 million yuan this year.

Lu Ping An currently has quite a lot of funds in hand.

NetEase has earned 262 million US dollars, of which 90 million has been spent to invest in Peak, purchase copyrights, invest in Golden Harvest and mainland theater companies, and prepare for the production of "Batman".

Of the remaining US$170 million or so, US$120 million is intended to buy land and build buildings in the capital.

The remaining US$50 million can be used for theater expansion.

In addition, Lu Ping'an's box office and part of the disc income from Hollywood's "Chainsaw" and "Death Day" have also been accounted for, totaling nearly 70 million US dollars.

In this way, this year's plan of 500 million yuan for the expansion of cinema lines in the mainland can be realized.

There are definitely people who are engaged in movie theaters, and there are many of them, but who would spend as much as 500 million to do it?

If Lu Ping An's behavior were publicly known, he would inevitably be called a fool.

A finely decorated theater with land is a heavy asset. At present, few people think that the potential of the film market will become that big in the future, and real estate may not always rise in the future.

Playing like this is simply gambling with your life!

But can Lu Ping An still not know the future development?

If you calculate the accounts carefully, you will definitely make a profit no matter what.

The movie theater business will continue to be prosperous for at least fifteen years in the future.

In addition to this, there are shops and land. What Lu Ping An wants is not real estate in fringe cities, but first- and second-tier cities.

Therefore, according to the increase in housing prices, Lu Ping An will be able to earn more than the value of these real estate properties in the next ten years.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, or how much you make, as long as you don't lose money.

The most important thing is that through this big deal, we can gain a guaranteed voice.

Film production is one aspect, and distribution is another aspect.

If we spend 500 million this year, there will be at least one or two hundred theaters, and each theater will have 5 big screens. The total market share occupied by this is not a small amount.

Of course, this is only an ideal state. According to the actual situation, it will be quite good to have 50 theaters before the release of "Wonderful Night" this year.

But that's enough.

There are 50 theaters and hundreds of big screens. My colleagues in the industry want to talk to me loudly?

500 million will be used for theater expansion, and the remaining 60 million US dollars will also have somewhere to go, and that is to invest in some Internet companies.

In June this year, Penguin will be listed on the Hong Kong stock market.

During the Penguin financing stage, it was difficult for Lu Ping An to participate. Now that it is listed and has money, it is natural for it to participate.

In the early days of listing, Penguin's total market value was only a few billion Hong Kong dollars, and the issue price was HK$7. By July, when the stock price was the lowest, it was below HK$4.

At that time, half of Lu Ping'an's "Latent" account will be received, and the funds in his hands will exceed 100 million US dollars.

Therefore, it is easy to acquire 100 million or 200 million Penguin tradable shares, and the shareholding can easily reach more than 10%.

10% of the shares, if nothing else, just say that the stock appreciation will make huge profits in the future!

In addition to Penguin, Internet companies such as NetEase also want to continue to hold.

After spending so much money, I have earned myself a huge future. No matter what, it is worth it.

But as a result, Lu Ping An's funds will bottom out in the next few months.

But that’s okay, funds have been set aside for all recent projects.

With the exception of "Batman", Lu Ping'an's films are not big-budget films, so there is not much financial pressure.

After several recent projects are completed, funds will be abundant again.

So money is really not a big problem for him, the problem is only time.

After things were arranged, Han Sanpin called and said that the schedule for "Happy Death Day" almost failed to pass.

The reason is that after the schedule was previously set, the superiors verbally conveyed instructions that starting from this year, June and July will be the Domestic Film Protection Month.

It was communicated orally and no documents were issued, with the intention that each theater chain would cooperate voluntarily.

Such rules will continue until 2023.

"Happy Death Day" was scheduled a few days in advance. In addition, this movie is relatively special because the director is Lu Ping'an.

Therefore, this year’s Domestic Protection Month starts from June 25th to August 15th.

Han Sanpin said that this was some care from the superiors, otherwise "Death Anniversary" would have been placed after May or August.

In this way, the "House of Flying Daggers" encirclement in "House of Flying Daggers" will still be unaffected.

It’s not like the higher-ups don’t know this.

Han Sanpin said that this also shows that Lu Ping'an's importance in the eyes of his superiors is getting heavier and heavier.

All right.

Lu Pingan can only say: "I will continue to work hard and continue to work hard."


. . . . . .

As time enters May, the tepid mainland film industry gradually begins to boil.

The main force stirring up the market is still the much-anticipated "House of Flying Daggers".

In mid-May, "House of Flying Daggers" will compete at the Cannes Film Festival.

Although it was not shortlisted, the media manuscripts were very high-profile.

"Zhang Yimou's new film House of Flying Daggers has been highly recognized by foreign movie fans."

Still the same taste.

It was only screened, not shortlisted, and got nothing. When it was reported in the mainland, it became a promising film.

But who said that this time is not the information age for all.

What's going on abroad? People all depend on what the media says.

So the publicity effect of "House of Flying Daggers" was very good.

And the new picture's promotion of "House of Flying Daggers" doesn't stop there.

Since "the film gained a reputation in Cannes, France", various promotional texts have been released one after another, and the promotional video and theme song have also announced the release date.

A series of various publicity has made the public have high expectations for "House of Flying Daggers".

It's just that the situation of "House of Flying Daggers"'s publicity and control has not lasted long.

Lu Pingan, another major commercial film director in China who cannot be ignored, has also released news about his new film.

And as soon as it was released, there was a series of news.

First of all, "Happy Death Day" is scheduled to be released on June 24.

Domestic movie fans were excited after seeing the news.

They knew the background information about the film.

In addition to being the work directed by Lu Pingan in Hollywood, this is also a film that Lu Pingan has completely established in Hollywood, which is of great significance.

After "Insidious" became a huge hit, many domestic media have reported on a safe road to Hollywood.

Lu Ping'an first entered Hollywood and became a blockbuster with "Chainsaw 1".

But I still can’t get any big-budget films.

This is unfair treatment. If other directors had his achievements, their second film would cost at least 50 million to start with, but Lu Ping An only got a mere 5 million!

Facing discrimination and injustice, Lu Ping'an didn't complain at all. He knew that if he wanted to be respected by others, he had to become stronger!

So for his second movie, he was still very competitive and spent only 4 million US dollars to make "Happy Death Day". In the end, despite the negative reviews, it won a global box office of 115 million US dollars, once again becoming a blockbuster!

Through this film, Lu Ping'an's director's net worth has also reached 3 million US dollars, becoming the current number one among Chinese directors.

Not only that, Lu Pingan also got an investment opportunity for the third movie.

However, the opportunity came, but the script that was submitted still had little potential, and Lu Pingan's own script was not recognized.

Only then did Lu Pingan realize that the success of the two movies still failed to bring him the respect he wanted.

So Lu Pingan once again decided to show his super talent!

In the third film, Lu Ping'an gambled his career and withstood huge pressure. With a production cost of only 800,000 US dollars, "Latent" earned a global box office of 200 million US dollars.

After "Insidious", Hollywood finally recognized Lu Ping'an and even gave him the title of "King of Thrillers"!

Director Lu Pingan’s net worth has also soared to 10 million US dollars! And completely secured his position as director of "Batman".

As for the several director changes that the director of "Batman" has gone through, what are the hidden secrets?

The media didn't say anything, only that they would know after "Batman" is released.

However, the media also quoted a lyric from last year's Milk Tea Week "In the Name of the Father": "Behind the glory, there is a loneliness." As the only mainland director to break into Hollywood, Lu Ping'an's success is far greater than imagined. hardships

What a passionate and inspiring article.

No one can be confused after watching this.

This is the pride of the Chinese people!

The light of the Chinese!

In this era, any Chinese who succeeds in the Western world will be given this aura.

That's what happened to Dayao. He played well in the NBA and became famous.

The same is true for Lu Pingan. He made his mark in Hollywood and his fame is also skyrocketing.

Therefore, domestic movie fans' views on Lu Pingan have reached a whole new level, and everyone hopes that he will go higher and higher.

This also makes everyone look forward to Lu Pingan's works more and more.

The first and third of Lu Ping'an's three "masterpieces" in Hollywood were both horror films and could not be imported into the country. Now that "Death Day" can be released, many movie fans have responded highly to it. enthusiasm.

Everyone wants to see what kind of movie can make Lu Ping'an impress the Yankees in Hollywood.

However, the news about "Death Day" is just one of a series of news.

The second piece of news is also about movies, also Lu Pingan’s new film "Hungry Platform".

Compared with "Death Day", this film is relatively unfamiliar to domestic movie fans.

Everyone only knows that this film competed in Berlin this year, but did not win.

However, everyone is very interested in it.

After all, this is the second movie Lu Pingan and Jiang Wen have collaborated on.

The media also said that this movie is of a large scale and is the most explicit among Lu Pingan's "imaginative" films!

So many fans were happy: I like the explicit ones!

Compared to these two pieces of news, it was the emergence of the third piece of news that completely set the entire film world abuzz.

"Lu Ping'an's new work "Code Name 9527" is officially scheduled to be released. The new film is titled "Wonderful Night at the Museum" and is scheduled to be released on July 30."

A week after news of the first two films came out, promotion for "Amazing Night" also began.

For some movies, you can probably tell what the movie is about just by looking at the name.

"Night at the Museum" is like this. Everyone guesses when they see the name that this is probably a story that takes place in a museum.

As for what exactly will happen.

This time the media also revealed it.

"When objects in a museum come alive overnight"

Sometimes, all you need to promote a movie is an idea.

Things in the museum come alive.

Just such an idea can arouse the interest of countless people.

Of course, if a movie has a good idea, it also depends on who directs it.

If the same movie is made by a mainland director and a Hollywood director, of course movie fans will choose the Hollywood one.

Because that is a guarantee of quality.

When mainland directors shoot these, there is a high probability that they will not be able to achieve the desired taste, and it will appear to be inconsistent.

So much so that some people often lament that it would be great if Hollywood made such and such a movie.

But now, this worry no longer exists.

Because Lu Ping'an is a Hollywood director, and a very successful Hollywood director.

Combined with the high quality guarantee of Lu Ping An Film.

So this short sentence aroused the interest of countless movie fans.

And the official announcement of "Wonderful Night" is more than just this sentence.

In the report, "Wonderful Night" also released stills of various characters again.

In addition to characters, there are also dinosaurs, African animals, ancient battlefields with thousands of horses galloping, etc.

Among them, the most hilarious ones are the stills of Fan Wei's confused + petrified expression.

Careful people will notice that this expression is surrounded by rows of sharp teeth.

Soon someone guessed that this must be the dinosaur skeleton resurrected!

Discussions started immediately online, with people guessing the plot and characters.

There are many elements in the stills released, and the topic of speculation is also very hot.

So "Wonderful Night" did nothing but released a soft article, and its promotional effect seemed to surpass all the movies currently being promoted.

At this time, if there was a software that could collect the "want to watch" data of movie fans, "Wonderful Night" would probably have almost surpassed "House of Flying Daggers" which has been promoted for a long time.

Netizens have high expectations, and the media and industry insiders also discovered the interesting point immediately.

""House of Flying Daggers" encounters House of Flying Daggers."

The movie fans were happy, and so were the moviegoers. Industry insiders didn’t express their opinions, but they couldn’t stop wanting to watch the excitement.

Zhang Weiping was speechless. He felt that Lu Ping'an was really ungrateful.

However, he also knows that even without those two movies, if only "Wonderful Night" and "House of Flying Daggers" are left to work alone, the current situation has already shown that the current domestic commercial movies are no longer dominated by Lao Mouzi and his family.

It seems that it is not easy for "House of Flying Daggers" to achieve a sweeping publicity effect.

But that doesn't mean he will give in.

In his opinion, the other party has now revealed its cards and revealed the name of the film, although it was so popular that he was a little surprised.

But movie promotions don’t just rely on this wave.

There are still at least two months until the movie is released, and the battle for the box office has only just begun.

The publicity and distribution plan for "House of Flying Daggers" is extremely complete, at the level of an atomic bomb. At the same time, without the strong support from the top, the quality of the new picture, distribution channels, etc. are not comparable to that of Lu Ping'an's small company.

So we’ll see!

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