With the popularity of "Latent", Lu Ping'an's reputation in Hollywood and China has skyrocketed.

What followed was that more people wanted to get on the line with him.

All kinds of phone calls and text messages came to him. If there were no conditions, they would ask him about his schedule after returning to China. If there were conditions, he would directly ask if he could come to Lao America to visit the class.

The person on the phone doesn't matter how close they are to each other. Every time his status improves, he will show up like this. Lu Ping'an is already used to this, and he will refuse anyone he can.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about, and there's nothing to worry about.

The rise in status, and the rise in Hollywood status, is particularly advantageous in handling domestic relations.

So at this time, it doesn't matter whether you agree or not.

Whether you reply or not is what matters.

So even if they are rejected, everyone is happy.

At least Lu Ping An responded.

To them, this is face!

Of course, not everyone will be rejected by Lu Ping An.

If Yan Danchen and Zeng Li came over, he would definitely be happy, provided they came separately.

But they are very sensible and don't want to cause trouble.

Liu Qianqian also said she wanted to come and have a look, but Lu Ping'an didn't refuse because he came with Zhang Songwen Yiwei.

"Brother Ping An!"

On the Los Angeles set, after the crew finally took a break, Liu Qianqian's soft voice sounded.

"Let's take you to visit the set."

Lu Ping'an smiled and waved, Liu Qianqian followed happily, Zhang Songwen and others also followed, and Liu Xiaoli followed behind without any surprise, in a happy mood.

This time she and Liu Qianqian came to visit the class, naturally with the intention of getting closer to Lu Pingan.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

After all, Lu Pingan is now the only director in China who has a firm foothold in Hollywood.

Not only is he a director, after the explosion of "Latent", Lu Pingan also has the right to participate in investing in Hollywood projects.

Looking at the country, and even looking at the Chinese community, this is the only one.

Is there anyone in the domestic industry who doesn’t want to get closer to him?

Therefore, Liu Qianqian, who had a good relationship with Lu Ping'an, naturally got the advantage first.

Let’s not talk about whether we can get any opportunities through this, but it is definitely necessary to at least maintain that relationship well.

Therefore, after the completion of "Sword and Sword 1" a few days ago, Liu Xiaoli immediately asked Liu Qianqian to return to the United States for vacation.

As a Chinese-American, isn’t it normal for me to go back to the United States to take a break after work?

When I return to the United States, it will naturally become more normal for me to drop by Los Angeles to visit an acquaintance’s class.

Of course, Liu Xiaoli was also worried that Lu Ping'an would be disgusted with her obvious snobbery, so she asked in advance before coming and said that if it was really inconvenient, then forget it.

After all, some things can't be taken too far.

Fortunately, the situation was not as bad as she thought. The relationship between Lu Pingan and Liu Qianqian was still very good, much closer than ordinary people.

This made Liu Xiaoli very comfortable.

She felt that she had not had any side conversations with Lu Ping'an about resources in more than two years, which was really wise.

"Brother Ping'an, does such a big set cost a lot of money?"

On the set, Liu Qianxi looked at the scary "Gotham City" in front of her and sighed.

"Yes, it must have cost nearly 10 million US dollars."

Lu Pingping introduced.

Now they're on the set of "Gotham Model."

80% of the scenes in Gotham City in "Batman 1" will be shot here.

The set was set in a huge airplane hangar.

The hangar is 230 meters long and 50 meters high.

It's big, but it's several meters shorter and shorter than the hangar Nolan found in the original version.

No way, the original Cardington hangar in London is not available for rent, and it's cheap here.

In fact, the cheapest one is to set up in China, but this kind of studio is not just based on the cost.

Future sustainable benefits must be considered.

The United States is Batman’s home base, and it is also the home base of Batman fans.

In the future, this studio will be open to paid visits and can also be used as a shooting base for other related movies.

This is a business model in Hollywood.

If it were placed domestically, although the construction cost could be reduced, the equipment cost would not be low, and the subsequent benefits would be far less than here.

Of course, it’s okay if you really don’t earn much, since it’s not much expensive anyway.

“How spectacular!”

Liu Qianqian sighed again, with a shocked expression.

Lu Ping'an was also not surprised by this expression.

Because almost everyone will be like this after coming in and looking at it.

After all, a city was born out of thin air here.

The dark street corners of the slums are restored one to one, with various pipes, wires and airtight walls. At a glance, they look dirty and dilapidated, making people feel dark and dangerous.

Also scaled down are railway tracks, high-rise buildings, underground parking lots, etc.

These are for future scenes of car crashes, explosions, rail falls, etc.

People in it just feel like a smaller version of Ultraman, which is very magical.

After walking around, everyone was eyeing the Batmobile just like the fans.

"It's so handsome. This is a tank. With this car here, are you afraid of bumping into each other in BJ City?" Zhou Yiwei exclaimed immediately.

Lu Pingan asked with a smile: "Would you like to sit down and take you for a ride?"

Zhou Yiwei: "Okay!"

Lu Pingan asked again: "Where is Sissi?"

"Can I?"

"Of course, ladies first, you go first."

Lu Ping'an said and opened the driving door of car No. 1.

Car No. 1 is the only Batmobile with a co-pilot, so Liu Qianqian will not be allowed to sit on her lap.

Liu Qianqian sat in with excitement, and then the car began to rush forward as the engine roared.

Then more than a hundred meters later, the car turned and returned to the original spot.

Lu Ping'an: "Okay, the ride is over."

Liu Qianqian's face dropped: "Is this the end? I thought I was going to take to the streets."

"That's a nice thought, but I don't want to go to jail."

Lu Pingan got out of the car with a smile. Liu Qianqian's face was filled with regret, but Lu Pingan's next words made her instantly happy.

"You are the first non-crew member to ride in this car, and you are also the first girl I have ever driven in this car. Just have fun with it."

After saying this, Liu Xiaoli from behind smiled first, very happy.

After a ride, Liu Qianqian had a brief chat with the Chinese people she knew on the set, such as Ning Hao and a few teachers from Nortel, and then without disturbing them, she quietly sat back to her original position and watched the crew filming.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the day's shooting was over.

After Lu Pingan finished the finishing work as usual, he called Wu Jing, Liu Qianqian and others to go to the cinema.

Today is the day when brother James Wan's movie "Dead Silence" is released. Lu Pingping has to go and see the scene, and also let everyone relax on the way.

It is now the end of May, and the progress of Batman is close to 70%, which can be described as rapid.

In a few days, all the drama in the United States will be over and then we will move to China and London.

After working for more than three months, going to the cinema to watch a Chinese version of a movie is just a change of entertainment, and it doesn't always have to be a big name in the evening.

When we arrived at the theater, Wen Ziren was already there. He looked very nervous.

Seeing the arrival of Lu Ping'an and his party, Wen Ziren immediately found his backbone.

"Lu, you're finally here."

"What's wrong, Xiao Wen? I'm very nervous."

"Yeah, I just went to the toilet three times in the past hour."

"Be confident and don't be nervous."

Lu Ping'an couldn't say anything. This was a normal physiological reaction. He had a similar feeling when his movie was released for the first time, but it was very small.

With that said, Wen Ziren introduced the people around him.

"This is my parents, and this is my good friend Revol"

Lu Ping'an greeted everyone in a friendly manner. Wen Ziren's parents spoke Chinese fairly well and their mother tongue was not forgotten.

Revol is a white man, the "doctor" and screenwriter of the original "Chainsaw 1". He is also the screenwriter of "Dead Silence". He is a good young man.

After Lu Pingan encouraged him, everyone entered the theater.

As 6 o'clock arrives, the premiere begins.

Then the movie didn't surprise everyone in the theater.

Everyone finally realized that there is a big difference between movie theaters in the United States and in China.

At least the terrifying scene of cutting off the tongue will definitely not be seen in domestic cinemas.

This also made it seem like a group of people couldn't eat much during dinner time after watching the movie.

"I can't eat anymore. That's just right. Eat less. Let's go to the gym to exercise together later."

Lu Ping'an suggested with a smile, "Jogging is good for physical and mental health."

Zhou Yiwei was the first to say yes.

Zhang Songwen also said that exercising will make the body tired and help relieve jet lag.

Ning Hao was also the first to retort: ​​"What's so good? He's going to work out? He's going to show off his identity as a torchbearer!"

Everyone suddenly realized it and began to shout in envy to get out of the way and treat him to a big dinner safely.

Lu Pingan directly agreed: "Then let's go to the Chinese restaurant next door to eat beef tongue!"


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