All the matters in Laomei were settled, and we flew back to the capital safely.

The next time I come to the United States will be in May, when "Batman" is on the fast track for promotion and distribution, and it will be very busy.

There is still more than a month left, just enough time to deal with some chores at home.

When he landed in Beijing and turned on his cell phone, Wu Guohua called and talked about something that had something to do with him.

When Lu Pingping heard it, he turned out to be a great poet.

""The Promise" will cooperate with top technology companies in the United States and America to open up a new 3D movie viewing experience."

Lu Ping'an was speechless.

Are great poets so impatient?

The contract has just been finalized, and production has not even started yet, so the promotion has started here.

It seems that the great poet is indeed stimulated by the "minions" like Lu Ping'an who have grossed over 100 million yuan.

But to be honest, such news is indeed very damaging.

The great poet is still the top director in the country in the eyes of the public, no worse than Lu Ping'an. Even if he does not have a film with a box office of over 100 million for the time being, he is still top-notch.

The filter is too thick and the health bar is too long. There is nothing we can do.

So in this way, the promotion momentum of "The Promise" will be even more powerful.

The reason why Wu Guohua said this had something to do with Lu Ping'an.

In fact, it’s because of 3D.

As we all know, the only 3D company in China is IMAX Technology, and this company is Ping An.

Now the great poet has crossed the road and found the old beauty.

This will definitely make people wonder if something happened between the two directors.

Wu Guohua said: "Here's the rumor, someone said that the American company that Director Chen found this time spent a full US$8 million!"

"Holy shit!"

Lu Ping'an was stunned, "Is this all special effects plus 3D?"

"No, it seems to be 3D."

"Then they still know how to play!"

Lu Ping'an gave a thumbs up.

4.2 million, invoiced for 8 million.

Tsk tsk.

Ping An will not comment for the time being.

After the topic was over, Lu Pingan asked again: "Is there anything else urgent?"

"Everything is normal. There are a few appointments that you need to handle, including Director Kang Honglei, Cheng Long, and Mr. Xu. The rest of the interviews are waiting for you to make your own decision as usual. The company's phone calls have been coming out these days after the Forbes rankings came out."

Ranked first in Forbes, with an annual income of 200 million.

Fifty million more than the second-placed Yao.

The more eye-catching you are, the more you will be hated.

There's nothing wrong with keeping a low profile.

But you can’t just ignore everything.

"Leave a few big ones."


"We'll talk about the rest when I come back in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Pingping went directly to China Film.

Let’s talk business first when meeting Han Sanpin.

There's only one thing that matters, and that's "Batman."

"Batman" is a Sino-US co-production, with China Film Co., Ltd. participating in part of the investment. During the filming, it made many contributions to the domestic film and television industry, and many mainland practitioners were deeply involved in it.

In addition, the success of "Batman" is not only related to money, but also related to whether the country will use this to really produce a serious Hollywood director.

This will be of great significance to the domestic film industry and even the Asian film industry.

So Han Sanpin attaches great importance to this movie.

Now the US has set a schedule, and then the mainland has set a schedule.

Han Sanpin means that this must be done in a big way.

Lu Ping An's attitude is that if it is not released during the domestic protection month, nothing else will happen.

The original version was released in June. At that time, it involved the cooperation between China Film and Warner, which excluded the domestic protection month.

Now that Lu Ping'an is here, even if the movie is his own, he doesn't bother to do it.

Han Sanpin praised Lu Ping An’s big picture.

But when will the film be set? China Film will continue to discuss it with Summit.

But Han Sanpin didn't know that this matter was actually finalized by Lu Ping'an, so it was really a done deal.

In the end, "Batman" will basically be scheduled for July 10, which is a pretty good schedule.

Han Sanpin finally asked: "Are you confident?"

"At worst, I won't be in Hollywood anymore."

Lu Pingan answered very easily, and Han Sanpin knew that Lu Pingan was really confident.

Just have confidence.

He asked no more questions.

When a movie is about to be released, how it goes every step of the way actually depends mostly on luck.

Hope it goes well.

After we finished talking about the main business, we started talking about "Painted Skin", "Stones", "Initial D" and so on.

These things have been discussed a long time ago. Now we just need to review the situation and confirm it further. We can talk quickly.

After talking about everything, at the end, Han Sanpin finally mentioned the great poet.

"Brother Kai has hired Lao Mei for his 3D, do you know this?"

"Just found out."

"Has he looked for you before?"

"No, I never asked."

"How is the 3D level of the old and American?"

"all the same."

"Are you sure it's the same?"

"That can still be fake. That's where my technology comes from. I even dare to say that in actual use, what I have now will be more mature. Many technical points have been optimized by my team, and the actual cost is now more than The old American ones are a lot cheaper.”

"So he spent $5 million in vain?"

"Five million? I heard it was 8 million, but no matter how much it is, it is indeed a waste of money. I can still make some money with my offer of 15 million yuan."

After hearing this, Han Sanpin sighed and shook his head: "I didn't even ask, it really doesn't make sense."

The great poet and Lu Ping'an were somewhat conflicted, and he knew this.

But it's just a small conflict, just talk it over and it'll be fine.

As a result, now, this problem seems to be difficult for the great poet.

Really petty.

In fact, doing this for the great poet is almost equivalent to making the conflict between him and Lu Ping'an public.

Not only was it made public, it was also stepped on.

He was afraid that others would not know that he did not value Lu Pingping, including the technology in his hands.

There are actually rumors in the industry about the conflict between the two.

In fact, everyone knows that this conflict can be traced back to that dinner party, and the root cause is the jealousy of the great poet.

Safe Road is so awesome, it broke box office records.

Now there may be one more, and that is Forbes No. 1.

Just like Lao Mouzi back then.

He was originally his photographer, but turned around and became more accomplished than him.

It would be okay to say that it didn't matter at first, but now it's like this, which is the worst thing a great poet can see.

He is arrogant and has no tolerance for others.

It's okay now. I spent so much money in vain.

Moreover, if great poets are looking for foreigners rather than Lu Ping An, this will definitely have an impact on Lu Ping An.

However, Lu Pingan's tone was relaxed: "It's okay, Uncle Han, it's just a business. If you can't make this money, the theater still has to rely on me."

"Are you ready to take revenge?"

"If he does this, can I still look good on him?"

"Be careful. After all, you are a theater operator and you are open for business. This kind of bargaining chip is not easy to use."

"Don't worry, Uncle Han. I know it well. If the movie does well at the box office, of course I won't be stupid. But if the movie doesn't do well, don't blame me for following the normal rules."

"That's the truth."

Han Sanpin nodded in approval.

After all, Lu Ping’s fault was not his fault.

Out of some kind of psychology, the great poet ignored the fact that Lu Ping'an was now more than just a director.

They have technology companies and theater chains in their hands.

If the two of them join forces based on their initial friendship, many things will go smoothly.

Technology can be deeply cooperated, film schedules can be taken care of during the release period, ticket prices and studio accounts can be negotiated better, and accounts can be settled in advance to be more secure, etc.

But now, Han Sanpin shook his head.

The great poet is too proud.

Now I can only say that I hope "The Promise" won't be too bad, otherwise Lu Ping An will really be merciless.

However, Han Sanpin feels that "The Promise" is unlikely to be any worse.

The great poet is extremely powerful this time.

"The Promise" has been the most anticipated movie in the industry since its establishment.

Now entering the post-production stage, the momentum continues unabated.

How could you dare to do this if you were not fully confident about the work?

If this trend continues, "The Promise" may indeed become another great milestone in mainland film history.

By then, the great poet will have "Farewell My Concubine" and "The Promise" in his hands, and his prestige will probably be surpassed by no one in the mainland or even in Asia.

So Han Sanpin once again reminded Lu Ping'an: "No matter how cautious you are, there is still a long way to go."

"I know."

Lu Pingping responded with a smile.

He is not as pretentious as the great poets.

Be cautious of course.

. . . . . . . .

After Han Sanpin came out, he had already forgotten about the great poet and "The Promise".

He already knew the plot of the movie, it was no different from the original time and space.

So there is no need to worry like Han Sanpin that a great poet will soar into the sky and dominate the mainland film industry.

Next, I just have to wait for it to be released and then eat melon as usual.

And this time the melon can be eaten very deliciously.

After all, Lu Pingan has no reason to help him stand up anymore.

In addition, Lu Pingan’s domestic 3D business has not been affected.

The originally scheduled "Myth" 3D business has not changed.

Cheng Long called and said he would come to Beijing in a few days to deliver the finished film.

The United States has not received any inquiries from the "Myth" side either.

Not bad. Lu Pingan has decided to consider arranging more films for him when "Myth" is released.

After talking about the movie, he met with Li Chenggong before returning to the company.

The Burger King office building is upstairs from the main store. When we arrived, it was lunchtime. The main store had a lot of customers, and it looked just like any other.

In February this year, the "Sudanese Red Controversy" began to ferment. By March 17, KFC, which had always claimed that there were no carcinogenic pigments in its products, finally couldn't stand it anymore and admitted that it was "red-related". Subsequently, more than 1,300 stores across the country removed Orleans from their shelves. Grilled Wings and Orleans Chicken Thigh Burger.

In sharp contrast to KFC, it is naturally Burger King.

Regarding the Sudan red incident, Lu Ping An noticed it a year ago. Over the past year, there have been many random inspections. Of course, the sampling targets are not only Sudan red.

Li Chenggong also attaches great importance to this aspect. He knows that the boss of Burger King is a public figure and if something goes wrong, the impact will be greater than an ordinary accident, so he also takes the initiative to cooperate.

Now it seems that the situation is very good.

Although the Sudanese red incident has had some impact on the entire industry, making many people temporarily afraid to eat related foods, Burger King's performance is now very stable and even rising slightly.

Lu Ping'an expressed satisfaction.

After seeing the fried chicken restaurant, we returned to the company.

Huang Bo and Bao Qiang came up to serve tea and water very attentively.

Baoqiang is a normal person. As long as Lu Ping'an is in the company, he will take the initiative to take over these tasks.

Huang Bo rarely comes to the company because he has not signed a contract before and is still in school.

Today is different. Today is a big day for Huang Bo, because he has just signed a contract with Xingchen, becoming the second Xingchen artist after Bao Qiang.

The conditions were very good, and it didn't matter to him even if they were average. It would be a great blessing to be able to sign the contract.

Now that he has signed the contract, Huang Bo can really gain a foothold in the capital.

The next step is to follow Lu Pingping.

After knowing each other for so long, he had already seen clearly what kind of person Lu Ping An was.

In short, there is nothing wrong with hanging out with him!

So now, he is the biggest loser in the company!

"I'll come, I'll come, brother, Mingqian Longjing was just brought from Hangzhou, you can try it."

"Brother, I know you like to eat pig's trotters. Liuting pig's trotters were just brought here from home. Try them when you go back. They're still hot."

Lu Ping'an: "No Tsingtao beer?"

"Yes! I will set up the courtyard for you in the morning!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

I haven't eaten all day and I'm already hungry.

. . . . . . .

It was the Qingming Festival, and Cheng Long visited the company before the Qingming Festival. The 2D to 3D conversion work for "The Myth" will begin after the Qingming Festival, and the movie is scheduled to be released in September.

This version of "Myth" is still the same, without any changes.

Lu Ping'an didn't adopt Lu Ping'an's earlier suggestions, such as "Korea" and the iron swords used by other generals.

The Qin Dynasty still used bronze swords, but the opponent actually used iron swords. It must be unreasonable.

But there was nothing they could do if they didn't listen, so Lu Ping'an didn't bother to pay attention.

Now that things are done, when it comes to box office expectations, Cheng Long's team expects a minimum of 200 million.

I don’t know if it’s because “Wonderful Night” gave people too much room for imagination or something. It seems that 200 million has become an easily achievable achievement, and “Seven Swords” also said it will break 200 million.

In fact, the box office of 200 million is not high compared to the cost of "Myth" of 160 million.

However, the actual box office of the film "Original Time" in the Mainland was only 97 million.

How to put this data? Compared with the total annual box office in 2005, it is already very good, accounting for one-20th.

So I can only say that the cost is still a bit too high, and some people still want to watch it.

Lu Ping An doesn't have much to say in this regard. I can only wish them good luck and hope that with 3D and more big screens, the movie box office will be better.

However, Cheng Long doesn’t seem to care much about the box office.

It seems that the copyright has been sold and the film remuneration has been paid, so the box office is the icing on the cake.

The confidence of an international action star is tough!

After Cheng Long left, Kang Honglei also took advantage of the Qingming Festival to come over and chat with Lu Pingan about the progress of "Soldier Assault".

Unfortunately, "Soldier Assault" will most likely not be launched in the first half of the year, and it is hard to say in the second half of the year.

Because this time happened to be during the military reform period.

The document issued last year shows that military reform is still in progress this year.

Some of the troops we collaborate with now have no time to participate in TV series.

Ping An understands this.

What else can I do if I don’t understand?

So leave it at that.

When Baoqiang learned that the project was postponed, he looked a little disappointed and seemed helpless.

Because his salary this time was 50,000 per episode. He didn't know that the salary was only 10,000 more than in the original time and space. He just thought it was his elder brother who took care of him.

So the pressure is also very high, for fear of failing in the performance.

Of course, the sense of worry about gains and losses will also be stronger at this moment.

After all, a drama costs more than one million.

He had never seen so much money.

The result is about to be lost before I get it?

Fortunately, he was relieved when he learned that it was just postponed and would not be cancelled.

This made Kang Honglei shout that it was a pity that he would not have told him that he would not have canceled it if he had known it earlier.

The state just now was too much!

On Qingming Festival the next day, Lu Ping'an rarely visited the grave with his uncle and others.

The aunt was talking to the original owner's parents in front of the grave about Lu Ping'an's achievements.

Lu Pingan was thinking about his parents whom he had never met in his previous life.

But as usual, what I think about the most is not hate or love, but what they look like.

Just curiosity, no other emotions, because it has been polished long ago.

After sweeping the tomb, the family had dinner together, and in the evening Lu Ping An stayed in the Gao Cai Ren's Palace.

There is no concept of a holiday for people in the entertainment industry during Qingming Festival. Everyone hopes to be busy.

Yan Danchen and Zeng Li had no time to rest. The former had a lot of announcements, and the latter had joined a new crew.

So Gao Yuanyuan, who happened to be free, was favored.

Gao Yuanyuan's "Green Red" has been sent to Cannes. I don't know if it will be shortlisted, let alone whether it will win the award.

But this does not prevent Gao Yuanyuan from choosing a dress in advance.

"Which one do you think is better? How about this one? This one is good but too expensive. What about this one?"

Women are like this, and Lu Pingping has become accustomed to it.

So his reply in the end became a mechanical "Yes, yes, this is good."

"That won't work. This one costs over three hundred thousand."


"No, these dresses are going to be auctioned. How many people can afford so much money? It would be a huge loss if they can't be sold, and they can't be worn again."

Gao Yuanyuan would have really forgotten about Lu Ping'an.

When she was in Guizhou before, she said she would donate money to build a school.

Speaking of this, Lu Ping'an became serious and stopped using massage techniques with his hands to promote the growth of the two soft bumps.

"Then let's go for this one. It's more than 50,000 yuan. The price is right. Even if it sells for 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, you won't lose much."

"I think so too, what about this one?"

"This piece requires your chest to be straightened out. Can you hold it up?"

Gao Yuanyuan puffed up her chest, then consciously changed into another one: "Where's this one?"

"You can buy a few more dresses worn by the goddess, and you can buy them for tens of thousands. I believe many people will donate generously, and maybe you can even bid for a high price."

Boss Lu Ping'an stepped forward and finalized the plan.

Gao Yuanyuan was infected by the domineering spirit and immediately collapsed on her boyfriend's powerful Lu Ping'an.

Lu Pingan was thinking about when to send Yan Danchen and Li Zi to the red carpet.

Thinking about it again, the movie for Yan Danchen that had been talked about for a long time has not been made.

It seemed that he had ignored Yan Danchen for a long time.

Suddenly, a feeling of guilt emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Shake your head and get rid of this thought.

You still have to abide by the rules of being a scumbag. Don't be in Cao's camp and your heart is in Han's camp. You have to concentrate.

Of course, Lu Ping An also decided to start working on the project after finishing the project in hand.

To avoid feeling guilty in the future.

. . . . . . . .

After Qingming Festival, time flies.

The end of April soon came.

Zhang Songwen, who had not seen him for a long time, finally returned to the capital.

When Zhang Songwen came back, the courtyard quickly became lively.

Bao Qiang and Huang Bo were preparing the food, while Zhang Songwen was chatting with Lu Ping'an and Ning Hao about interesting things these days.

He acted in "The Strange Son-in-law Riding the Dragon" in Guangdong Province, which has 120 episodes.

It was aired on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the ratings were very good locally.

Zhang Songwen played the leading role this time, and also served as the acting director for the other actors. Not only that, he also had a say in some matters on the crew, and he directed many scenes.

"So awesome?"

Lu Ping'an was a little surprised.

Zhang Songwen said modestly: “It’s all the alumni who support me.”

It turned out that half of the entire crew came from Nortel.

Zhang Songwen also relied on Lu Ping'an and his professional skills, so his prestige was naturally considerable.

"I have to thank you for being safe. I have followed you in so many classic movies, and I am now the number one person in the industry."

Zhang Songwen was very happy.

This is a sense of pride felt by seniors in the industry.

To be more precise, this is probably the grassroots level of active special forces, showing off in front of ordinary troops.

After all, Lu Ping'an has so many great movies, but isn't he just a special forces soldier?

Moreover, Zhang Songwen also worked on the crew of "Batman" and even played a small cameo role.

This makes him even more proud.

Just looking at the happy Zhang Songwen, Lu Pingan felt a little embarrassed.

"The Strange Son-in-law Riding a Dragon" has become famous in Guangdong Province, and because Zhang Songwen is the starring role, newspapers here in Beijing have also reported on it.

But the above is not all friendly words.

Some media said that Zhang Songwen started with Tianhu.

Since his debut, he has been the main character of Lu Ping An.

Two short films and one movie, all of which achieved excellent results.

Counting so many male stars in domestic entertainment, it seems that no one has a better start than him.

But now, Zhang Songwen, who started Tianhu, is playing worse and worse. The protagonist has been playing supporting roles since then, but he has not been good at all.

He was included in Lu Pingan's subsequent key projects, but they were not important roles.

Until now, Zhang Songwen can only be reduced to the protagonist of local dramas, and the type of role is also quite funny, with no artistry at all.

So Zhang Songwen's story became the modern version of Shang Zhongyong in the media's mouth.

Some media have listed the data.

It is said that among the leading actors who participated in the "Guo Lu Ping An" project, Zhang Songwen was the worst off.

Even Zhou Yiwei is now playing the male lead in Hai Yan's drama.

Needless to say, the rest, including Chen Kun, Guorong, and Fan Wei, are becoming more and more popular.

This is true for actors, but also for other functions. For example, photographer Ning Hao is now making movies independently, and he also has strong support from Lu Ping An.

Only Zhang Songwen, after almost five years, got the leading role in a local drama that did not contribute much to future development, and this role certainly had little to do with Lu Pingan.

Therefore, Zhang Songwen was speculated that it was a matter of character, interests, or something else. In short, he was getting further and further away from Lu Ping An's circle.

There is definitely a deviation between this report and the actual situation.

But if you think about it carefully, it is true that Lu Ping'an never considered using him as the protagonist in his subsequent dramas.

The main reason is that in so many movies, Zhang Songwen is not too inappropriate, or there are others who are more suitable than him.

From a professional perspective, of course you have to choose the one that is more suitable.

But this does make people think differently.

Lu Ping'an also knows what it means to be afraid of people's words.

There are many things that I thought were fine, but maybe they really changed without knowing when.

Lu Ping'an didn't want to see this happen.

However, he will not prepare a drama for Zhang Songwen immediately.

Indeed, there are many suitable scenes for Zhang Songwen to act in, and they can be picked at any time.

Especially many foreign films, which are not particularly successful at the box office but have excellent reputations and excellent plots.

But everything has to go according to plan.

The current plan is to finish all the projects at hand first.

Then choose new projects based on the actual situation.

If there is nothing suitable for him at that time, then there is nothing.

If it is suitable, he will be able to do it, and when the time comes, he won't be able to push it away even if he wants to.

So don't rush.

Time has entered May.

"The Condor" was finished filming, and Lu Pingan met Liu Qianqian, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Today Liu Qianqian came alone, Liu Xiaoli did not follow.

Looking at Liu Qianqian who was full of energy, Lu Ping'an couldn't help but think that if he remembered correctly, Liu Qianqian at this period should have suffered some cyber violence.

Such as "abortion", "transgender" and so on.

Then a few months later, Liu Qianqian came to speak today.

It's just amazing that none of this has happened now.

The ironic nickname of "Fairy Sister" is there, but the rest are not.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but wonder if he had remembered the time wrong, or if it was for other reasons, such as Liu Qianqian getting so close to him that several big companies were afraid of her?

No matter what, even if I will be hacked in the future, at least I can be happy and have no worries now.

"Brother Ping'an, I will be an adult on my birthday this year. My godfather said we should have a larger ceremony. Do you think it is appropriate?"

During the meal, Liu Qianqian asked this question.

"I didn't expect you to be an adult so soon."

Lu Ping'an was quite emotional.

I still remember the first time I saw her, she was not even close to my chest.

Looking back now, she is taller than Gao Yuanyuan.

"Brother Ping'an, did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I heard you."

Lu Pingan came to his senses instantly, then frowned slightly and asked, "What do you think about your nationality?"

Liu Qianqian was a little confused as to what was going on with this erroneous answer.

But since Brother Ping An asked, she thought about it and replied: "My family suggested that I keep it as is, and I can do it myself."


Lu Pingan nodded and said nothing.

In fact, he didn't want to ask this kind of question, but he asked it today without knowing what happened.

He didn't really want to change people.

Anyway, this girl has a great background, so there is no need to worry blindly.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qianqian asked: "Do you suggest I transfer back?"

"My personal advice is for reference only."

"I will think about it carefully. What about the birthday ceremony?"

"Look at yourself. You like to show off your wealth. Can I stop you?"

"Okay, I know what to do."

Liu Qianqian then asked, "Then you can't let me go on my birthday. I must come."

"When is your birthday?"

"Brother Ping An!"

"Haha, just kidding. Of course I know your birthday. It's December 1st. I remember it well."

"Ping, An, brother!"

"Okay, okay, I'm kidding you. It's August 25th, right? Now you can put down the big orange."

The two were fighting until the afternoon, and Liu Qianqian was forced by Lu Ping'an to wash the dishes before going home.

Time continued to fly in the busyness, and in May, Hu Qingquan and Dale went to Italy with "Brokeback Mountain", and Tian Zhuangzhuang accompanied them.

Lu Pingan temporarily put down his work on "Pacific Rim" and prepared to go to the United States again.

The promotion of "Batman" is about to enter its final stage.

Before leaving for the United States, I got a call from the Olympic Organizing Committee.

Lu Ping An's plan entered the first round of the election and became the 13th.

Lu Ping'an said that after understanding it, he stopped thinking about it.

That night, Lu Ping An flew to the United States, and the countdown to the release of "Batman" began. (End of this chapter)

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