China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 227 Everyone makes their own money

The public relations matters were finalized, and Lu Ping An had one last thing left in the United States, which was to purchase various hardware and technologies to build film infrastructure back home.

These things are difficult for others, but they are easy for Lu Ping An. Lu Ping An's special effects and photography technology are already the best in the world, so there is no need to buy them.

The United States will not sell you in this regard. What will sell you are other basic equipment and technologies that Lu Ping An lacks, which are complementary to each other.

In addition, the budget is sufficient, 300 million yuan, and at least 50 million will be spent this time, so the operation is not too difficult.

Lu Ping'an and Hu Qingquan were shopping here, and Xiang Guoqiang sent an interesting news.

"Director Chen from Mainland China has found our man."

On the phone, Xiang Guoqiang briefly explained the situation.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

It turns out that the great poet wanted to make a 3D production of "The Promise", so he looked for relevant companies in Laos and the United States. After searching around, he found a company owned by Lu Ping'an.

Currently, in IMAX and 3D related business, Lu Ping An’s IMAX Technology has completed the merger and acquisition of three companies around the world.

Relying on technological advantages that transcend the times, it is actually not difficult, let alone expensive, to recruit a technical team that is still relatively backward at the same time and be willing to spend money.

The difficult thing is how to maintain technological leadership in the future and maintain market share on an international scale.

Of these two problems, the former is basically no problem for Lu Ping An.

The head start he has is still decades away, just take your time flying the kite.

As for the latter, it's hard to say.

After all, it is a business activity with so many influencing factors that there is no foolproof method.

Fortunately, Lu Ping'an is not ambitious. His bottom line is to grasp China's basic market.

That is, no matter how fierce the competition in this business will be around the world in the future.

As long as Xingchen Film and Television can always keep in line with international standards in terms of technology, and at the same time have a certain market share internationally, it will not be able to gain a monopoly even if it does not seek a monopoly.

Even if the international share is eroded in the end due to sanctions and forced acquisitions, the domestic fundamentals can be stabilized.

At present, Lu Ping An is the only one doing 3D related business in China, or in other words, he is the only one doing this business in China.

There are many foreign companies.

But it is not very mature and it will take some time before it can be truly commercialized.

Among them, three companies with relatively mature technologies have completed mergers and acquisitions with Lupingan, and will continue to export in the future to expand the market.

It’s just that 3D is indeed not mainstream at the moment.

Lu Pingan originally wanted to use the movie "Pacific Rim" to take a step forward with "Avatar" to see if he could open up the 3D and IMAX markets internationally.

But because domestically mature 3D appeared first, some people feel that the international market has also matured, but it has not really exploded yet.

The great poet is one of the representatives.

Then I found an internationally advanced company.

Lu Ping'an originally thought that he would spend a lot of money and find an ordinary company to produce ordinary results.

But he didn't expect that the business would end up in his own pocket.

So do you accept it or not?

You're a bastard who doesn't make money.

The domestic quotation for 3D business starts at US$2 million, but the transaction price is always RMB 15 million.

It won't be so cheap in the United States. The starting price is three to four million US dollars.

The company's initial quotation for "The Promise" is US$5 million, and it will be finalized in the future, at least not less than US$3 million.

This is all money.

And it can also expand its business through movies.

Although "The Promise" is a bad movie, the thunder when it was announced was very loud.

These are free promotions for technology.

So why not answer?

It's just that some details have to be taken into consideration here.

For example, this company is owned by Ping An, and this news may leak out in the future.

Some things cannot be left to chance.

In order to handle it properly, Lu Ping'an said directly to Xiang Guoqiang: "When Director Chen finalizes it, let the news of the merger out after a while, and the time interval will be longer."

If it can acquire foreign companies, everyone will feel that the 3D technology in Lu Pingan's hands will be even more powerful.

At the same time, it also eliminates the character crisis.

After all, you are the one who finalizes the business first, and I am the last to complete the merger and acquisition. I don’t even know what happened before, so it’s not like I’m hiding it.

"I understand, I will handle it."

Xiang Guoqiang understood instantly, agreed with a smile and hung up the phone.

The road was safe and comfortable.

Two weeks later, Lu Ping'an had settled all his affairs in the United States and was about to return to China.

At this time, the North American box office of "Chainsaw 2" has reached 87 million, and there is basically no suspense about breaking 100 million in the next week.

The box office performance was impressive, and the reputation was also soaring.

As expected, although the reputation of the second part is not as good as the first, it has completely surpassed the standard of success of the series.

At this point, the "Chainsaw" series has truly taken hold.

It is also because of this that Dingfeng’s valuation has once again skyrocketed by tens of millions thanks to its possession of the “Chainsaw” IP.

However, several shareholders are still not anxious about the listing.

There is no shortage of money, there is no particularly large need for expansion, and the future is even uncertain. For example, if "Batman" fails, the impact will be considerable.

So there is no need to do anything beyond the planned scope now.

At this point, several shareholders who were originally rich children and landlords showed a rare calmness.

Lu Ping'an likes this. It's really not good to be too hasty.

With the explosion of "Chainsaw 2", James Wan's reputation has soared.

This brings not only a huge increase in salary, but also a lot of people wanting to poach people.

At this point, Lu Ping'an's emotional offensive played a great role.

Big brother.

If you don't treat them badly and don't push them out, it will be easy to catch people.

Before returning to China, Lu Pingan specially opened a banquet for James Wan to celebrate in advance.

At the banquet, Wen Ziren finally met Lu Ping An. The tension he had been feeling for the past few days was finally released perfectly. The almost 30-year-old man cried like a child.

Lu Pingping, who was in his early 20s, was like a father at this time.

"Cry, cry. After crying today, when you wake up tomorrow, you have to forget your success, forget your past glory, and go to meet your future!"

Wen Ziren swallowed the chicken soup, his eyes were shining, and he promised in broken Mandarin: "Brother! I will work hard!"

Lu Ping'an raised his glass: "It's all in the wine."

Wen Ziren drank it all in one gulp, drank three more glasses in a row, and soon became drunk.

Looking at Wen Ziren who was drunk to death, Lu Pingan reflected in his heart that the chicken soup just now was still a bit stiff and not smooth enough.

I wonder if I will have the opportunity to chat with Boss Ma in the future and learn more.

James Wan's net worth has soared, and as a screenwriter, Lu Ping'an has also received a lot of dividends.

The name "King of Thrillers" is even more famous in the old American industry.

It's just that Lu Ping'an never took this kind of false reputation seriously.

Even when looking at this kind of thing, he will have some persecution paranoia.

What is the purpose of the old American media praising themselves so much?

Do you want to flatter yourself?

Do you want to raise yourself to a high level so that you will fall even worse in the future?

When you are away from home in a foreign country, you can never go wrong by being careful.

But as a time traveler, Lu Ping'an certainly won't be afraid of this.

Of course, when facing the media, Lu Pingan remained humble and also announced:

"Horror-themed movies are my passion. I will definitely continue to make horror movies in the future. It may not be as classic as "Chainsaw," but what I can guarantee is that the creativity will never be bad and the fans will not be disappointed. of"

The vaccination should be taken first, and the focus is on “interests”.

I, Lu Ping An, make horror films just for fun.

If you have other thoughts, you can forget about it.

The next morning we set off safely to return home.

Before boarding the plane, Xiang Guoqiang called: "The deal for "The Promise" has been finalized. It will cost US$4.2 million and will be completed within one and a half months. Director Chen will come to the United States today."

"I'm not good at bargaining."

"Maybe it's not their own money, so they won't feel bad about it, and the foreigner's identity is still a relatively thick filter. In fact, if they kept asking a few more words, the next offer would be 3.8 million, and they decided directly. It’s as if we’re afraid we won’t take orders.”

3.8 million is too high.

Lu Ping An's bottom line is 3 million.

The result is now 4.2 million.

"I'm very aggressive in bargaining with my own people, but I don't dare to bargain with foreigners. It's really interesting."

Lu Pingan shook his head. The effect of 4.2 million US dollars is the same as that of 15 million yuan, or even worse.

I don’t know what other people will think when it comes out.

do not care.

Anyway, he is the one who is safe and making money, so let him be.

"For the first order of business, let the team here in the United States do it well, and the reputation must be established."

"Yes. This is the first time they have received such a large order. Now that they have new technology, they will do a good job."

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