China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 250 Everyone has it in their hearts

Chapter 250 Everyone has it in their hearts.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the promotion of "Brokeback Mountain" officially started.

Unlike other commercial films, as a literary film, "Brokeback Mountain" did not have such a large publicity scale at the beginning.

After all, this is an award-winning literary film, and many media predicted that "Brokeback Mountain" would be considered a great success if it could make back its money.

However, as "Brokeback Mountain" won the Golden Lion Award in September, it subsequently aroused boycotts in North America, and then faintly set off confrontation between the two parties, forming a social controversy to a certain extent.

"Brokeback Mountain" seems to have gained popularity during the Christmas season in December, and has started to compete with some commercial films.

Of course, popularity can translate into a certain box office, but that's not all.

As the popularity grows, it only brings more controversy.

There are rumors in the grapevine that the movie may not survive the one-month release period and will be forced to be taken off the shelves by some groups.

There are also rumors from the grapevine that some people are starting to boycott Lu Ping An.

Then somewhere in North America, several theaters announced that they would not show "Brokeback Mountain."

This attracted applause from supporters and, of course, protests from "Tong" supporters.

It's just that the "gay" group is actually not a big deal in the United States at the moment, so overall, Lu Pingan and "Brokeback Mountain" are at a disadvantage, and Lu Pingan has once again encountered a big obstacle in Hollywood.

If you really want to say whether the movie is directional or not, just read the original work.

But public opinion can't stop the car so easily.

So at this time, we still have to let movies do the talking.

But before that, what Lu Pingan had to do was still not to clarify.

Instead, use this window to further expand the popularity, and then market yourself again, telling everyone "I am very good, and I will still succeed this time."

If this wave passes successfully, then Lu Ping An will not only be able to rise higher again, but his journey to the Olympics will also go smoothly.

After all, before Oscar nominations, the most critical thing is public relations.

In public relations, popularity is the most important.

Let thousands of judges know and like it, this is the way to success in the Olympics.

So before the movie is released, it's not important to trace the real origins of the controversy and clarify what's right or wrong.

In this kind of matter, it is wrong to ask the root cause and clarify right and wrong.

The correct approach is to stir up public opinion.

Entertainment till death, that's what it means.

So to catch this trend, the first program Lu Pingan and the creators appeared on was the top-rated program among American talk shows: "The Oprah Show."

That night, on the "Oprah Talk Show", the 51-year-old fat black lady Oprah asked Lu Ping'an who was sitting on the sofa interview seat:

"Is the situation not good now?"


"Any ideas?"

"Familiar feeling."


"Yes, it happens every time before my movie is released. I'm used to it."

Lu Ping'an spread his hands confidently and his eyes were determined. It felt as if the trouble in front of him was inconspicuous.

"Well, Lu, I know you are very confident, and you are also confident in your strength. In the past, you could give the doubters a hard punch every time. The punch was very heavy and the punch hurt. I had this feeling when I was watching "Chainsaw" Experience.”

Oprah touched her face.

The audience laughed.

Oprah patted Lu Ping'an on the knee: "I like Jigsaw (the villain in "Chainsaw"). Does he have a boyfriend?"

Hahaha, the scene laughed again.

After a simple rhythm, Oprah asked again, "But this time it's different my boy. This subject matter, well you know, is similar to the word starting with N here. You might really get into trouble this time."

Oprah follows the text and exaggerates things.

Lu Ping'an immediately explained very naturally:

"I know, but it's a good thing for me."

"Is this still a good thing?"

"Of course, before "Chainsaw" was released, the American people and media had the deepest impression of me as "The House of Memories." At that time, the short film had just been nominated for an Oscar, and "Chainsaw" was about to be released. People didn't think it would be such a good film. The Chinese director of the heart-warming animated short film can make a good movie, not to mention a horror movie, and it is an American horror movie. Finally, everyone knows that Ms. Oprah’s ideal boyfriend is Jigsaw.”

Hahaha, the audience laughed.

Lu Ping'an continued: "Before the release of "Happy Death Day," no one thought I could handle an American comedy. Some people didn't even watch it, but they said Chinese jokes wouldn't work here. There were even more people who thought I couldn't handle it with a small budget. The movie was a success for the second time, and everyone knew that there were no Chinese jokes in the movie, and I also made a lot of money and gained many fans of horror and comedy movies."

The audience applauded.

Lu Ping'an continued: "Before the release of "Batman," no one thought I could make a good superhero movie. Everyone thought I would make Batman bad. Before the movie was released, I even saw someone online saying, "I don't want to see it." A Batman who only knows "Hey Ha A Da" (a discriminatory onomatopoeia for Chinese kung fu), but everyone has seen that Batman doesn't have He Ha A Da. He lives out what everyone wants to see, and I have a lot more. Superhero fans.”

This time the applause was even louder.

Lu Ping'an looked at the camera: "Now, "Brokeback Mountain" is about to be released. No one thinks that I can make a good love movie, and it is also a love movie with sensitive themes. Some people think that I will mess around and lead many people to bad things. I don't think so. I just want to say that you still don’t know me well enough, so I’m telling you now, those friends who like romance movies and want to become my fans, you can start queuing up now!”

Confident and bold, yet not lacking in just the right amount of humor.

Americans are the best.

Blah blah blah blah.

There was thunderous applause.

Oprah applauded, then asked, "So, you see 'Brokeback Mountain' as a romance movie, not a gay movie?"

This is the key point of this talk show.

Of course Oprah has read the novel, and she knew the question wasn't very smart.

But this is a talk show, and the questions are for people in front of the television.

Lu Pingan smiled and said the last key word: "Yes, this is the most beautiful love story that transcends gender, class, and Eastern and Western cultures."

"After watching the movie, you will know that there is a Brokeback Mountain in everyone's heart. It is a dream that can never be reached. It may be a person or a thing. In short, you have devoted all your feelings to keep him. , but it can’t be done. In everyone’s heart, there is a deep mountain called ‘the past’ that cannot be let go or go back to.”

Lu Ping'an threw out Li An's original words from the original time and space.

The original "Brokeback Mountain" was invincible in 2005, and the only thing left was the Oscar.

When Li An was interviewed by the media, he was asked, "Why do you want to make such a movie about cowboys and homosexuals?" He replied: "Because there is a Brokeback Mountain in everyone's heart."

But just when the listener clenched his fists and wanted to hear a more profound and detailed explanation, Li An unexpectedly changed the subject and said: "When I was filming "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", I felt that 'everyone has a Green Underworld Sword in his heart. ', when I was filming "The Incredible Hulk" in 2003, I also thought, 'There is a Hulk in everyone's heart.'"

At this time, you can almost imagine the iconic shy and slightly cunning look on Li An's face. It turns out that "everyone has xxx in their heart" is a universal answer.

Just like his famous saying "I can't understand, but I am shocked".

It's probably because Li An's English is not particularly good and he can't think of any clever answers.

However, this does not prevent these "famous quotes" from becoming famous all over the world.

Because anything that can become a famous saying has its own majestic vitality.

Such as now.

Lu Pingping finished.

The audience burst into applause for at least half a minute.

Everyone has not seen the movie, but they have indeed been "fooled".

This is enough.

When the movie is released, everyone will naturally feel the true power of this sentence more deeply.

By then, Lu Ping'an would no longer need any other explanation.

Just be a handsome man quietly.

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