Not long after Liu Shishi left the house, Cai Yinong discovered her.

"Master, why did you come out?"

Master Liu looked a little flustered: "Yes. Director Lu just asked me a few questions, and then asked me to come out when a call came in."

"Well, that's a pity." Cai Yinong frowned slightly, and then asked, "What did he ask you?"

"He just asked me where I was from, which school I went to, etc."

"anything else?"

"No. Oh, does it count if he gave me his number?"


Cai Yinong's eyes lit up, and she felt much more comfortable looking at Master Liu, and then asked, "Show me the number."

Liu Shishi did as he was told. After Cai Yinong wrote it down, he thought about it, pulled her aside and whispered a few words.

Soon Master Liu blushed and shook his head repeatedly.

Cai Yinong hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, so she lit her temples:

"They gave you their number, but you're still like a piece of wood. Do you know how rare this opportunity is?!"

"But, but"

Master Liu didn't come up with a reason, he just blushed.

Cai Yinong also understands that Liu Shishi has just debuted, so it is normal that he is not easy to accept.

But it's really for her own good.

After thinking for a while, she pulled Liu Shishi over and started various outputs.

Liu Shishi blushed all the way, and those who didn't know thought she was sick.

Listening to those shameful things, she couldn't help but feel a little worried. It seemed that she had been too hasty in signing the contract with Tang Ren.

Then I remembered what Lu Ping'an said, "I can't help myself."

In this comparison, Director Lu is really a good person.

At this time, she remembered the private number of Lu Ping An that she had not shown in her hand.

She couldn't help but wonder, how about asking the road guide later, what should she do if she encounters such an unreasonable request?

After thinking about it, she thought it would be better to adapt to circumstances first.

When you go out, you have to be careful about everything, and you can't trust people so easily.

Soon it was night.

Lu Pingan had a dinner with several TV series creators and investors.

Everyone knows about script changes and optimization.

However, this matter was brought up by Director Lu Da, so no one had any objections.

Lu Pingan continued to give reassurance.

The start-up time remains unchanged and the scenes remain unchanged.

So everyone became happier and happier.

Then under Cai Yinong's control, the entertainment industry's accompanying culture was once again vividly displayed.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter who you are, famous or not, just drink in front of the protagonist Lu Ping’an and the boss.

Artists really have no human rights in this situation.

Even if Lu Ping'an says no, everyone will behave on their own.

If you ask us to drink less, then we are not performing well.

Then blow bottles, big cups, and all kinds of greetings.

At this time, Lu Ping'an missed the good things about his family.

Everyone in his own company or his own wine shop knows his temper.

If you can drink, just drink. If you can't, just drink. Don't force it.

Lu Ping'an doesn't pay much attention to these things now.

The body is most important.

But who said that this is Cai Yinong's game.

So drink, you will be happy even if you drink too much, and all kinds of jokes will come true.

The atmosphere was up, and Peter Ho's manager was very knowledgeable. Seeing that everyone was almost drunk, he turned on the TV in the box and gave in to Jingyun to show off his singing voice.

Bu Jingyun still acts like a big brother in front of Brother Hu and others, but in front of Lu Ping'an, he is no big brother. "Director Lu, what do you want to hear?"

"Whatever you want, just order something that won't hurt your throat."

Bu Jingyun's agent never forgets to build his goodwill: "Then let's sing "All the Way North" and wish Director Lu's movie a big hit!"


Everyone chirped.

Bu Jingyun was 7 minutes drunk and started singing.

The singing was pretty good. Lu Pingan clapped and liked it, looking very happy.

Is this useful?

At least Director Lu Da has deepened his impression on Xiao Bu, which is extremely useful to them.

Then soon after, Peng Yuyan also started singing. His singing was average, but he also gained the approval of Director Lu Da.

Then there is the actress, Liu Xiaojie, the future heroine of "I Am the Fire Phoenix", was encouraged by her manager to sing "Eyelashes" for Director Lu Da, which is currently the number one hot song list.

"The eyelashes are curled and the eyes are blinking."

Liu Xiaojie danced and sang to Director Lu. The little rabbit swayed and the men present drooled.

Halfway through the song, I even winked at Director Lu Da.

This is somewhat profound.

However, Cai Yinong soon stole the limelight. She first asked Hu Ge to sing "Rain in June". He was the original singer, and it quickly won the praise of the whole house.

Then he encouraged Master Liu: "Master, go sing "Have to Love" with Director Lu!"

The whole audience was drunk and having fun, and the atmosphere was very lively.

This kind of scene is contagious.

Even those who are timid will become bold.

Although Liu Shishi was only half drunk, he still had the courage to make a request.

This kind of scene has the meaning of a secret contest between you and me.

Liu Xiaojie on the side frowned slightly.

I hope Master Liu will be rejected.

Lu Ping'an, however, took the phone gracefully so as not to embarrass anyone, and then said to Bu Jingyun in advance: "I'll break my voice later, please come back to me at any time."

Bu Jingyun patted his chest and assured him that there was no problem.

Then he started singing.

Of course Lu Ping An couldn't sing this kind of song, he could only sing the climax.

So I only sang a few lines and then handed the topic to Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun took it naturally, and Liu Shishi also understood the meaning, and then they sang together.

In the play, they are also a couple.

So in the end it was a full house again.

Then other actresses followed suit, and Lu Ping'an still did the same, taking care of everything, showing Director Lu's righteous demeanor.

In the end, Bu Jingyun and others drank too much.

Everyone vomited at least twice and were very drunk.

Master Liu, who always served Lu Ping'an a glass of wine, seemed to be at least half or six points drunk.

This little girl has a good drinking capacity!

Soon the banquet was coming to an end.

Cai Yinong found an opportunity and took the opportunity to talk to Lu Ping'an and asked: "Director Lu, let's go to the bar downstairs later."

"No need, everyone is drunk, go to bed early."

Cai Yinong said: "The room upstairs has been opened."

With that said, she pushed Master Liu over: "Master, send Director Lu upstairs to rest."

Liu Shishi was pushed to his side, his face turned red, and he seemed to acquiesce.

There is no need to say what it means.

Cai Yinong even looked a little anxious.

She was afraid that the other agents present would get there first.

After all, it’s a safe road.

She wouldn't be like this with other directors.

Lu Ping'an's forehead was covered with black lines.

Unexpectedly, Cai Yinong would be more troublesome than expected.

But Lu Ping'an soon felt relieved.

Who am I? A super high-quality financial backer + celebrity + handsome guy!

Not only does this project rely on it! Or a future Tangren shareholder! More importantly, he is a major Hollywood director! It exists at the top of the internal entertainment pyramid.

Climbing yourself is basically equivalent to entering Hollywood.

Once again, it is also the top domestic resource.

Don't talk about yourself, now you are replaced by an ugly man like Feng Dapao.

There are also a lot of upside-down posts.

That is to say, it is better to stay safe on normal roads.

So far, I have only had relationships with five Asian actresses.

If he had let go completely, hundreds or even thousands of people would have been killed earlier than him.

As for today.

Liu Shishi, well, there is indeed something attractive that makes him "do as the Romans do".

But forget it.

Pears are still waiting.

"Mr. Cai, it seems you still don't know me well enough."

Lu Ping'an looked upright and had a serious expression.

Master Liu on the side immediately raised his head when he heard this. He was relieved but also felt a lot of regret. Then he was afraid of being completely looked down upon by Lu Ping An.

When Cai Yinong saw this, he sobered up instantly, and then thought about what he had done wrong.

At this time, Lu Ping'an said again: "You don't have to do this here. Relax and don't do this."

After saying that, he looked at Master Liu again and said, "Perform well."

After saying that, Lu Pingan waved and left.

Cai Yinong was left alone to sigh, Lu Ping'an was indeed different.

Master Liu, on the other hand, was already secretly happy because before Lu Ping An left, he secretly made a phone call gesture to him.

She knew that Director Lu was reminding her that if she encountered such a thing in the future, she could call him for help at any time.

So the mood instantly became extremely beautiful.

"Master, Sister Cai wants to say sorry to you for what happened today. Sister Cai will not do this next time."

"No, no, no, Sister Cai, I know you do it for my own good."

"Teacher, please contact Director Lu more often in the future. Do you know that Director Lu is different?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Master, let's go and watch."

"Oh, here we come."

The two of them went back to close the stall in a good mood.

Lu Ping'an, who had become a saint, was gritting his teeth at the moment.


That's a teacher.

After being a big fool, if word gets out, not many people will say you are noble, but most people will say you are stupid.

Just as I was thinking about it, Lizi texted me: "Is it over?"

Lu Ping'an came back to his senses instantly.

Compared with the 200-year-old school beauty of China National Theater Academy, Blind Sister is only six.

Soon, a text message from Shishi came: "Director Lu, be careful on the way back, and thank you for today."

The corners of Lu Ping'an's mouth curled up slightly. The instinct coming from a big scumbag made him quickly think of a reply: "Verbal gratitude is of no use."

Well, I'll reply tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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