China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 256: A good deal, fortune-telling and a drinking cup

Lu Ping'an didn't reply to Liu Shishi's message until the afternoon the next day.

Liu Shishi, who had been waiting since last night, almost jumped up when he saw the news.

At this moment, her mood had already gone from wondering how Lu Ping An would respond, to comforting herself that Lu Ping An was busy and didn't see her, and then waiting again, and then this morning she began to wonder if Lu Ping An was just talking, and now she is looking down on everything, feeling Everything yesterday was just a dream

As a result, now, as the text message sounded, her whole body became excited. After seeing the three words "Director Lu", she jumped up on the bed with excitement.

Then do reading comprehension again and again.

"Verbal thanks are useless."

What's the meaning?

Director Lu was scolding himself.

Or are you hinting at something?

Or is it a reminder to yourself to think more realistically and act well?

Or what does it mean?

I understood it over and over again, analyzing it word by word, even the punctuation marks.

For example, if it ends with a period, it shouldn't be a curse.

But when I think about it, I don’t want to scream. Otherwise, why would I add the word “fart”?

Then she asked her classmates and good friends in the name of "I have a friend."

In the end I still couldn't make up my mind.

He simply gritted his teeth and chose one of the possibilities.

Then, an hour and a half later, Lu Ping'an received a reply from Master Liu: "Then I'll treat you to dinner when the pay comes."

After Lu Pingan took one look, he put down his phone and replied to Mr. Wang from Huayi who came to attend the closing ceremony: "Go fishing tomorrow? Forget it, I don't know how. Next time, I'll learn and get some equipment." Together."

Today, God is good, and "Painted Skin" was successfully completed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Next, he will move to Beijing to continue shooting special effects shots.

However, this does not prevent us from holding a very large final press conference today.

Before the final press conference began, the crew’s artistic director Hu Xiaofeng, who was born in Shandong Province and lived in Hong Kong, smiled happily:

"The filming ends at 3 p.m., and the press conference ends at 4 p.m. Shen Shi, this time is good, and today is a good day, good luck! Blah blah blah."

Chen Kun immediately complained in a low voice: The old magic stick has started again.

As the art director, "old magician" Hu Xiaofeng has nothing to say about aesthetics, but there is one thing wrong with it. He usually likes these magical things.

But everyone is still very tolerant of him.

It's okay for an old man to like traditional culture. The key is that what this old man said is still very good.

Although everyone can't understand the previous words, "Daji" can still understand it.

This is a great blessing.

Everyone was very happy to take it.

It seems to be affected by this.

The atmosphere at the subsequent final press conference was also very lively.

The main creators, the director, Lu Ping'an, Xiao Wang and others joked with each other.

The reporters also received big red envelopes.

It feels like today is really an auspicious day.

The press conference ended and everyone moved to the hotel for the closing banquet.

We will have a good drink today, and everyone will go about their own business after it’s over.

The busiest among them is undoubtedly Mr. Zhou.

After her scenes here are over, she will go to the set of "The Banquet" without stopping.

"The Night Banquet" was postponed for a month for her sake.

It can be seen how much Huayi attaches great importance to Mr. Zhou.

It’s no wonder that Mr. Zhou had already determined that he would change jobs.

Action director and actor Kou Zhanwen will return to Beijing immediately to join the motion capture team of "Kung Fu Panda" and "Pacific Rim".

Wu Jing is returning to Hong Kong. His "Slaying the Wolf" was released a few days ago and the movie was a hit on the street. However, as a villain, he has good dividends. Now he is in Hong Kong to the point where he can get roles almost at any time.

I believe he can take a big step forward after "Painted Skin" is released.

Speaking of the release of "Painted Skin", Mr. Wang asked Lu Ping'an at the closing party.

"Lao Mouzi will start a new work after the New Year. I guess it will be placed in the Lunar New Year slot next year. I don't want to compete with him for "The Night Banquet". As for "Painted Skin", it's best to stagger it."

What Xiao Wang always talks about is "Golden Armor".

It will be released in December next year.

He thought for a while and said: "Summer and Lunar New Year stalls are both fine."

“We have to compete with Hollywood blockbusters in the summer season.”

"Just argue, I don't care."

There will be very few Hollywood blockbusters in the summer next year, and there will not be any domestic blockbusters, all in the second half of the year.

So the summer season will be really delicious.

It's okay if it's a Lunar New Year movie. The reputation of "Golden Armor" is still not very good, and "Painted Skin" has a chance of winning if it competes with it.

However, Mr. Wang was still timid: "Let's go to the summer festival."


"Painted Skin" was not written and directed by Lu Pingan, so it is normal to think that it cannot beat Lao Mouzi.

After hearing this, Han Sanpin also expressed his approval: "The summer schedule is ready, let's officially start this schedule."

He dreams of seeing the domestic schedule be the same as that of the United States, with several peak seasons a year.

The summer season has been good every year in the past few years, and we can’t let it fall behind next year.

So things are basically settled, it depends on the progress in the later stage.

Everyone reached a consensus that in one sentence, publicize well and make big money.

Then they clinked their glasses together and drank it all.

Then comes the bragging and spanking session.

This is the atmosphere of the closing banquet, where everyone has fun together.

Eat and drink when you need to.

Get drunk, wash away the things in the movie, and start a new life tomorrow - this is especially true for fantasy and ghost movies - this is still what "The Great God Hun" Hu Xiaofeng said.

Speaking of this great guy, the topic on the table happened to be about him.

This person was invited by Chen Jiashang. He is quite capable and his hobby is the I Ching Bagua.

Chen Kun was disdainful of him, but Wu Jing felt that he was interested.

Because Hu Xiaofeng calculated that Wu Jing's "Slaying the Wolf" would not do well at the box office, but Wu Jing himself would have a good harvest.

This matter was calculated in October, but by the beginning of December, it was really true!

After "Slaying the Wolf", Wu Jing quickly received 7 role invitations, all of which were in Hong Kong movies.

These days, Hong Kong films are still better than those from the Mainland, except of course those from major Mainland directors.

So when he said this, a certain period of time during the closing banquet became Hu Xiaofeng's "consultation time."

When Mr. Xiao Wang, Chen Jiashang and others saw this, they couldn't help but mention the "White Dragon King" in the south.

There are all kinds of opinions and attitudes about this person, but it sounds like they are all ambiguous.

Most Chinese people have the same attitude towards this kind of thing.

I would rather believe that it is true than believe that it is not true. Even if I believe that it is true, I would not really make a mockery of it.

Just like Chen Kun, if he is disdainful in his heart, he should keep it in his heart. If he offends others by saying it, he will be afraid of something if he goes back.

While chatting like this, when the old magician sat back at the main table, Lu Ping'an somehow decided on a whim that he would do the math for himself.

Hu Xiaofeng waved his hands repeatedly. It would be fine if Lu Pingan was just an ordinary character, but he is a boss after all.

But Lu Pingping ignored it.

Mainly because he wanted to see if Hu Xiaofeng would vomit blood or something like that when he counted him.

After all, he is a time traveler.

It's a bad taste.

Of course he also knew this was impossible.

But Lu Ping'an is indeed interested.

Anyway, idle is idle.

It's better than listening to the drunken Chen Jia on the other side talking about how young and frivolous he is and how many tricks he has.

So he said: "Just do the math, I also want to hear about my fortune next."

Hu Xiaofeng heard this and asked, "Are you sure?"


"Let me tell you first, I am basing this on the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes. They all come from sources, but they are only for reference. Also, you must not give away the benefits in vain."

"This is your rule, right? It's okay, come on."

Lu Ping'an took out a hundred big bills, and the other party accepted it directly.

The eyes of several people at the main table suddenly burst out with interest.

The people at the other tables continued to make noise without paying any attention.

Then Hu Xiaofeng said: "In this way, Director Lu, you can just say a number, one or several, or point to an item at will, and I will make a hexagram."

The hexagrams are very interesting. Just like he said, numbers, writing, pointing to objects, etc. can all be used to create hexagrams. Lu Ping'an doesn't understand, so he just does what he says.

Lu Pingan then pointed to a plate of winter bamboo shoots on the table and said, "That's it."


Hu Xiaofeng frowned, thought for a while, and then quickly said: "Lei Diyu!"

"Thunder Hell?"

Everyone was confused, and Hu Xiaofeng quickly explained which three words.

Then he said: "The bamboo shoots are born when listening to thunder, which is thunder, and the pottery basin is made of soil, which is the earth. Winter bamboo shoots are in the pottery pot, with thunder above and earth below. This is the sixteenth link, Yu Gua."

Everyone was confused, but Hu Xiaofeng didn't care. He knew that everyone didn't understand, so he explained the hexagram directly:

"Yu Gua, what does it say? It means being at ease at the moment and moving with the times. It means that the situation you are in is very beneficial to you. You will feel very relaxed and comfortable in such a situation."

Lu Pingan applauded: "Yes, it is indeed so."

Now he wants money, he wants girls, he wants status and status.

Isn't it very comfortable?

Everyone also nodded.

But what I agree with is not whether the calculation is accurate, but whether it is well said.

They were afraid that this guy named Hu would talk nonsense and spoil the atmosphere.

After all, this old bastard did this more than once during filming.

Fortunately, the situation is very good now.

However, just when everyone thought nothing happened, the old magician said again:

"But you have to pay attention to the changes."

"Changing your mind?"

Lu Ping'an and everyone frowned.

The old magic stick didn't care, and continued, "Your change of hexagram to the third line is for the six-three change of hexagram, Xuyu, regret, late regret."

"What does it mean? It means that the situation is also changing, and it will change for the better. This change is chaotic, but if you make good use of it and be prepared, it will be good for you, but you are likely to slack off and will If you are attached to comfort, lazily entertained, and do not actively take action to keep up with changes, you will regret it. If you are lazy and careless, you will regret it."

After saying that, everyone continued to frown.

It didn't sound like a nice thing to say, so someone motioned him to stop.

But Hu Xiaofeng continued: "This is probably the so-called bottleneck that people often say. A bottleneck is an opportunity. Next, you may encounter a bottleneck. If you break through the bottleneck, you can go further. But if you don't break through, you may never encounter a bottleneck in this life. There is no next bottleneck. This opportunity is not guaranteed. This is the only time in this life. If you pass it and fail to seize it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you want to seize the opportunity, in addition to being proactive, you must also stay true to your heart and not be opportunistic. "

"Okay, okay, Lao Hu, you drank too much."

"It's just fortune telling, don't take it seriously, come and drink."

"That actually makes sense. Who wouldn't encounter bottlenecks, right? It's not that mysterious."

Everyone quickly reconciled.

Lu Ping'an was a little curious: "How do you know that changing your mind is the third line?"

Hu Xiaofeng just explained that each of the 64 hexagrams has 6 lines, and each line represents a development node to a certain extent.

So Lu Ping'an was very curious. There were obviously six lines, why did he choose the third one?

Could it be that he chose blindly?

Everyone is also very curious about this.

Then everyone started discussing the scientific basis for fortune telling.

To put it bluntly, it’s all about what you want to say. Isn’t it the fortune teller’s choice to say it?

Hu Xiaofeng said at this time: "Because Director Lu said three words at that time, of course it was the third line."

"Three words, which three?"

Everyone was curious.

Hu Xiaofeng, under the influence of alcohol, imitated Lu Ping'an's actions at that time, pointed at the pot of winter bamboo shoots and said, "He said, 'Just let it be'. Aren't these three words?"


Everyone decided that he was just messing around.

"If I say, 'I think I'll choose it,' then it's seven words. Are you going to make one up right now?"

"What if I choose a lighter?"


Everyone booed and chirped, and Hu Xiaofeng drunkenly waved his hands casually, "You guys know nothing, this is science."

The words that followed were difficult to understand, such as "the source of the avenue" and "compulsory training for merchants", etc., which caused everyone to burst into laughter. The atmosphere above and below the main table was filled with joy, and then the topic quickly turned to other places.

Only Lu Ping'an was thinking slightly while listening to the discussion.

This hexagram seems to be quite interesting.

Without thinking much, Lizi came with wine.

"Director Lu, let me toast you."

Everyone howled.

Obviously, although everyone is not sure about some rumors, on this occasion, it would be a shame to say "finalizing banquet" if you don't want to make fun of it.

It doesn't matter if the road is safe, just fill up the wine.

Then someone started shouting: "Give me a glass of wine!"

Who is this? !


So well said!

I’ll have to add chicken legs in the future!

Lu Pingping hesitated, and had a real and fake drink with Lizi. (End of chapter)

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