On the 19th, the pre-premiere concert of "Twenty Again" was held.

This time, Lu Pingan invited many stars such as Han Hong, Daolang, Guorong, and Jay Chou to help out.

Needless to say the effect.

This lineup alone is already at the level of a small "Same Song".

Yan Danchen and Joker Xue went on stage to sing songs from the film as originally planned.

Three songs from the film were released and also received overwhelming applause.

After it was over, Han Hong caught Lu Ping'an and asked, "Didn't I know that you could also write songs? You hid it deeply enough."

"It's all thanks to Lao Liao."

Lu Ping'an didn't dare to pretend to be a musician in front of this eldest sister.

But Han Hong didn't let him go. Fortunately, he "didn't let him go" with benefits.

"Why should I come to the concert? Don't you know? Ping An is also a musician. If Ping An doesn't make movies anymore, he can still be a gold medal producer in the music industry. Don't believe it, here are some songs in the movie. You will know after I release it!”

In the interview after the concert, Han Hong released "Big Melon".

As a top performer in the music world, she immediately attracted a lot of attention in the music world just like the role of the great poets back then.

This also adds another hot spot to "Twenty Again".

Lu Ping'an was a little embarrassed, but did not refute. After all, he had revealed that he could compose music when he was interviewed by Yang Lan.

As Han Hong said, after the three original songs of "Twenty Again" were released online that night, they immediately broke into the top of major music charts.

The most popular among them is of course "The Thief of Time", which on the 20th had already broken into the top ten of the broadcast list in 16 places including Beijing.

In this era where music gods are fighting each other, it is indeed not easy for a song to achieve such results.

Yan Danchen also reaped the first wave of dividends from the movie.

It's a pity that her talent is indeed limited, otherwise she really can continue in the music scene. After all, Lu Ping'an is here, and it is really not troublesome to put together a few albums for her.

Having said that, the original songs are of high quality, and musicians in the industry have given them high praise. This has also made the popularity of the movie and the enthusiasm of movie fans continue to rise.

While this has brought about better box office expectations, it will also bring about the usual negative outlook.

Some people in the industry, some media and some people who care about melons are most concerned about one thing: whether Lu Ping An will overturn this time.

We have seen too many examples of overturning, such as the great poet, Mr. Xu, and Lao Mouzi.

Why can't Lu Ping'an be next?

For people in the industry, this sentiment is getting stronger and stronger after seeing the extremely high pre-sale box office.

Then before the premiere on the 20th, among the many microphones in front of Lu Pingan, a reporter imitated Liu Yan's interview with the great poet and asked Lu Pingan: "If the box office reputation is not as good as expected, how will you feel?"

Lu Pingan was not prepared to step on the great poet. He adopted his ancient attitude, confident and calm:

"I have confidence in my work. Let the movie speak for itself. By the way, remember to bring tissues."

With that said, the premiere begins.

It’s still Lu Ping An’s style. Before the screening, there is no nonsense or interaction. Everything will be discussed after the screening.

After sitting down, Lu Pingan reached out with his left hand and found Yan Danchen's hand beside him.

As usual, his fingers hooked in her palm, and Yan Danchen smiled happily.

Then, the movie started showing.

At the same time, movie fans across the country are also waiting for time to enter their target theaters to see it.

Chen Sicheng is one of them.

Tian Baoqiang told him a few days ago that Director Lu asked him to buy tickets to watch his movie.

Of course Chen Sicheng didn't think that Director Lu valued the tens or hundreds of dollars. He just felt that Director Lu was testing him!

Because when I was drinking in Kunming, I said that I had a dream to be a director.

So after the filming of "Soldier Assault" was completed a few days ago, he plunged into Lu Ping'an's movie ocean.

Study movies, study safe roads.

The final result of the research is that Lu Ping'an's movies are all very good.

Well, that's bullshit.

So of course you have to watch a good movie, and I booked a screening today.

Like Lu Ping'an, he also has a girl by his side, but he hasn't reached that stage yet.

Chen Sicheng touched his pocket and found a pack of wet wipes in it. Chen Sicheng felt a little more at ease. He felt that Baoqiang would not lie to him. This film should make people excited and excited.

With this in mind, the movie begins.

. . . . . .

Pay attention, this seventy-year-old woman is called Shen Mengjun. One day, she turned into a 20-year-old girl.

This version of "Twenty Again" is basically the same as the original mainland version of "Twenty Again".

To say that the biggest difference is only a few songs, as well as the use of individual shots and lines.

Director Lu Da has been in the industry for nearly six years and has produced so many excellent works. The use of lens language will naturally have a "master" atmosphere.

For example, when the heroine overhears that a family is preparing to send her to a nursing home, half of the shot shows the old lady in the dark, with her eyes lost and her expression hunched over. The other person occupying at least three-quarters of the shot is The discussion was in full swing, and the whole family was illuminated by the warm lamp.

The focus of the camera slowly shifts from the family to the old lady, the depth of field zooms in and out.

One dark and one light, one space is cold and cramped, while the other is warm and large.

A poor old lady who is about to be abandoned and forced into a corner appears on the big screen. The increasingly smaller space seems to indicate that she does not have much time left in her remaining life. What she will face in the future is... It is the lonely rest of life in a cold nursing home.

In stark contrast to this shot, is the young version of "Meng Lijun" who has returned to her 20s and vowed to seize the moment.

After realizing that her body had become young again, Meng Lijun returned to find the "Youth Photo Studio", but the store turned into a restaurant.

Meng Lijun, who was afraid to go home and was worried, walked on the street at night.

Under the warm street lamp, she was illuminated by her beautiful youth. Outside the street lamp, there was a rickety old lady rummaging through the trash can.

Another stark contrast.

At this point, Meng Lijun made up her mind to enjoy the moment.

Then began various shopping trips.

A shot similar to the one in which the heroine of "Wears Prada" crosses the road appears.

Meng Lijun entered the clothing store and tried on various clothes. In a flash, she saw a new set of clothes and a new look. Then she left the store and a car drove past in front of the camera. The heroine was still walking, but she changed her clothes. The final look of Meng Lijun didn't appear until the whole street was gone.

That is the style of a retro old Shanghai lady.

Yan Danchen's modern looks are actually not as good as those in ancient costumes, but if it's really charming, it's still a Republic of China drama or a period drama.

So at this moment, Yan Danchen's pretty and gentle look appeared, and her expression was different from the playful girl in the past. She had a bit of mature arrogance that she couldn't get rid of. It came from the unscrupulousness of the old lady. This kind of image was not as good as before. The painful appearance made countless people's eyes light up.

Then, the plot developed all the way.

A young girl kills people randomly in a senior citizen activity center, joins her grandson's rock band, sings "Thieves of Time" and wins the audition, and wins the favor of the handsome music director played by Yan Zu. Fantasy love is beckoning.

But the turning point came soon. The heroine soon discovered that as long as the blood was lost, she would change back. At this time, her old servant and son also knew that she was the old lady.

At this moment, the heroine's mentality changed, and she didn't want to go back.

A new life where you can start over, get rid of a family that has worked hard all your life, and embrace everything brand new.

Or will he return to his old age and die depressed because his son is no longer welcome and the family is not harmonious?

This multiple-choice question requires basically no thinking.

It's just that the accident came very suddenly.

The grandson gets into a car accident on the way to a concert, and only the heroine's blood can save him.

The heroine did not hesitate to save people. After all, the old lady was still the old lady who devoted everything to her family.

But his son stood up and persuaded him at this time.

Accompanied by the melody of "After I Leave", the camera focused on Yan Danchen and Wang Zhiwen. One after another, Wang Zhiwen said the lines with his explosive line skills: "Do you know a woman named Shen Mengjun?"

The son recounted his mother's life of hardship and frustration.

The mother was very beautiful when she was young, but her husband died early and left behind a child who had just turned one year old.

In order to raise the child, the mother endured a lot of hardships and did all kinds of menial work.

"She gave everything to this child, but in the end, this unfilial child wanted to send her to a nursing home."

"If you know her, please tell her not to come back to this house again, not to marry that short-lived husband, not to have this unfilial child, and not to mend someone else's shoes and sew clothes for that child and pick up garbage at night to feed herself. ."

"If she could have her life over again, this time, don't live like this again."

The son finally understood his mother. She had been pulled up and down since she was a child, and she was the one who suffered the most. This woman poured all her love and expectations into her son, but the son ignored her.

So now that the mother can have a new choice, why can’t the son support it once?

Everyone has their own life. Son, I am here to save you. Mother, you should also have your own life!

But the mother is still the mother.


Yan Danchen burst into tears, but her eyes became firm, and her acting skills shone brightly during the transition, "If I could do it over again, I would still live like this!"

Perfect performances by the two, coupled with the use of cameras and BGM.

Tear gas was detonated at the last moment.

Happy ending.

The heroine rescued her grandson and returned to her old state.

And the family has become extremely harmonious because of this great reconciliation.

After his grandson recovered, he went further and further on the road of music.

The whole family became his most loyal support group, and the leader was the old lady.

Just dreaming back to the past and meeting the music director played by Yan Zu, the old lady will indeed have regrets.

Fortunately, a happy reunion is a happy ending as promised.

With the roar of the motorcycle engine coming from far away.

The old man who played the role of a servant saw a store called "Youth Photo Studio".

When the camera turned, the old lady was stopped by a motorcycle in front of her.

The handsome young man took off his helmet, revealing Guorong's handsome face, which aroused the dreams of the girls at the bus stop.

It’s just that the handsome guy’s target is an old lady.

"How's it going? You're so handsome, aren't you?"

The old lady shouted in surprise:

"Old Wang?!"

The whole film is finished.

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