Another movie that has steadily exceeded 100 million and is aiming for 200 million has appeared in the summer season, which confirms what many media people have said earlier about the movie year.

Naturally, the one that benefited the most was Xingchen Company.

Currently, "Initial D" has been in theaters for one month, with a box office of 223 million, which is the same as "Twenty Again." And "Initial D" is about to be released, so "Initial D" has no problem becoming the number one.

Whether it can become the number one box office of the year, the media believes that it depends on September's "The Night Banquet" and "Baby Project", November's "Ink Attack", December's "Golden Armor" and Lu Ping'an, which may be released in the Lunar New Year period. How the Bucket List turned out.

Except for "The Bucket List," they're all blockbusters.

Generally speaking, based on the box office performance of the summer season, the industry is still very optimistic that films in the second half of the year will achieve good results.

Some people even say that this year is a big year for movies. It’s not just the summer season. The market has exploded, so at least half of these movies in the second half of the year will exceed 200 million.

In particular, the Lunar New Year release "Golden Armor" is expected to surpass the record of "Wonderful Night 1".

If this is the case, then 2006 can be regarded as a year of complete explosion.

There is optimism within the industry.

For Lu Ping'an and Xingchen, the overall situation is still the same.

The success of "Twenty Again", "Initial D" and "Painted Skin", and the successful activation of the online ticketing system and Southeast Asian channels, have achieved outstanding results, but this is just a summary of the work of the previous two years. That’s all.

There is no need to be particularly happy, because we have to continue to work hard for the results of the next stage of work.

Currently, the top priority for Lu Ping An is "Peak 3".

The current filming work of "Peak 3" is actually very easy for Lu Ping'an.

Just as I expected before taking on this project.

With autonomy, Cheng Long and his family class have a lot of room for development.

For many fighting scenes, as long as the plot framework and shooting parameters are unified, Cheng Long can perform it himself.

When it comes to the action scenes and special effects scenes that Lu Pingan wants to learn from, Lu Pingan will direct them, and then he will also collaborate with Cheng Long to complete them.

During this period, the two had many disputes over new technologies, scripts, requirements for action scenes, etc. There was a gap in cognition and experience, and disputes were inevitable, but they were all about the issue and the person, and things always went wrong. It is developing in a good direction.

So the film has been shot for nearly two months. The cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant, and the project progress is much faster than expected.

It is expected to be completed in one month, which is very fast.

And this speed is also well-founded.

First of all, compared with the original version, this version of the movie has one less location. One of the remaining locations has been replaced by a domestic one. The remaining locations have been further optimized. If you can shoot in a studio, you can shoot in the studio.

After all, there are a lot of things that need to be coordinated during live shooting.

You can shoot in the studio eight hours a day.

On a street, it is only open for two hours a day, and it costs money.

If things go wrong, a scene can drag you down for a week or two.

This version of Lu Ping An's "Peak 3" removed an extremely time-consuming street scene and replaced it with a closed-venue scene, which directly saved at least a month of time.

Also, during the filming of the original version of Zhang Jingchu, the director made things difficult for her because of an action, and she struggled for so long that Cheng Long became furious on the spot and said he had to pass or resign.

Although this statement contains a certain amount of exaggeration and propaganda.

But now that Lu Ping'an and Cheng Long have cooperated, to use Cheng Long's original words: "Fortunately, it's you. If it were the original director or another foreign director, the progress would be at least a month behind."

The cooperation between Chinese actors and Chinese directors is like this. Everything can be solved in one sentence, which is very efficient.

In addition, the entire original film was shot in real locations with "no special effects." This time, about 30% of the film was replaced with special effects.

For example, driving a tank in the air, fighting in the air, etc. are all actions shot in the studio, and the rest can be left to post-production.

Cheng Long was still a little resistant to this at first, but after the actual filming, he felt that even the special effects were tiring, and of course it was thrilling enough that it would not affect his reputation. So while he was more convinced of Lu Ping An, he was also happy to do it. made a bid.

In this way, you can save at least a month of shooting time.

Of course, the post-production time will be longer, but that is in the later stage, so there is plenty of time and there is no rush.

In addition to the above, the most important thing that can achieve great speed is still the golden finger.

Safe road is an Asian rattlesnake!

Other directors might have spent several days to complete various temporary shots, but Lu Pingping could just raise his hand and make some arrangements to shoot.

This made New Line's producers very angry at first, saying that Lu Ping'an was messing around and was not paying attention to the project at all!

After watching the footage, I can only give it a thumbs up.

It is indeed an Asian rattlesnake!

As a result, the reputation of the Asian rattlesnake once again spread throughout Los Angeles.

The shooting continued in an orderly manner.

The time has also entered August.

Internal entertainment is still lively.

In the music world, "Today You Will Marry Me" sung by Tao Jiji and Cai Yiling swept all wedding scenes in August.

Guo Meimei, who was tricked by the girl with the same name from the Red Cross Society, also released "Not Afraid, Not Afraid", which took young students by storm.

Xue Zhiqian, who became famous with "Twenty Again", released his first album, among which "Serious Snow" entered the annual ranking.

When it comes to albums, the strongest ones are naturally Jay Chou's "Still Fantasy", "Chapter 7 of Night", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Thousands of Miles Away", "Listen to Mom", etc., each of them is Wang Zha , and never tire of listening to it.

However, in terms of having the widest reach and reaching the masses the most, it is Internet songs and peasant singers. "Perfume Is Poisonous" and "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" dominate the wireless terminal.

As for celebrities, in August, some people are happy and some are sad.

Feng Zhi's official announcement of their relationship was time-sensitive because Ah Feng's ex-girlfriend Faye Wong had just given birth to Li Yan.

The relationship between the three dominates the headlines, and yes, the other male lead, Li Fan, feels that he is a bit redundant.

Fortunately, compared with the following two, he is not too lucky.

At the beginning of the month, Chen Xiaochun was involved in a car accident and suffered a slight concussion.

The aftermath has not yet dissipated, and the new generation idol Hu Ge was involved in a car accident.

Brother Hu's car accident occurred earlier than the original time and space, and the severity was much lower. No one was killed, but Brother Hu still broke his eyebrow bone and eyelid. It is said that he will need surgery and plastic surgery, so "The Condor" was postponed.

Cai Yinong was a little panicked, but she quickly made a decision. She would wait for Brother Hu to recover and asked Lu Ping'an for his opinion, and Lu Ping'an agreed directly.

This month is also a big draft month.

In the new year's "Super Girl", Shang Wenjie and Tan Weiwei have emerged. Both of them are well-behaved newcomers on stage. However, in the following ten years, the two have embarked on two completely different paths.

In the final of "Come on, Good Man", Pubajia, who looks very much like Hiro, became the champion, and the promotion of the show was also unique. It actually appeared in student books such as "Primary School Days" and "Middle School Student World".

"My Style, My Show" has also entered the finals. Lu Ping'an remembers Qi Wei this time.

Generally speaking, 2006 is considered a big year for the draft.

But in fact, among the talent shows this year, the most legendary one should be Zhao Liying who was selected by Sina Advertising in the first half of the year.

The least impressive thing should be the audition for "A Dream of Red Mansions" two months later.

A bunch of actors were selected, and they all ended up playing side characters. In the end, they all became quite famous, more famous than many of the leading actors.

As for "New Dream of Red Mansions" and the entire crew, I won't talk about it.

Lu Ping An also made some gains this August and became extremely popular.

On August 14, Lu Ping'an left a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame under the witness of Cheng Long, Hu Qingquan and others.

This is the 2468th star on the Avenue of Stars, a very interesting number.

Pingan Lu also became the fifth Chinese to leave a star on the Avenue of Stars, following Anna May Wong in 1960, Bruce Lee in 1993, Cheng Long and John Woo in 2002.

In fact, according to Lu Ping'an's race, age and achievements, it is not very easy to leave a star now.

Hollywood is also about qualifications.

But at the same time, retaining stars in Hollywood also involves public relations.

It’s just that the competition isn’t as big as the Oscars, and it’s more obscure.

Lu Pingan currently has Oscar statuettes in his hands, and there are more than one. He is definitely influential among Chinese people, and his influence in Hollywood is also good.

In addition, Hu Qingquan and Ding Watzberg are also trying their best to promote this matter, and Dell from the public relations side is also in charge.

Therefore, this can successfully leave a star, and most of the American and American society agrees with it.

Of course, there is another point that cannot be ignored, that is, it is still the honeymoon period between China and the United States, and Hollywood attaches great importance to the mainland market.

So many things will be much simpler under the influence of this general trend.

Lu Ping An's stardom in Hollywood was immediately reported in the Mainland.

It is certain to occupy the domestic entertainment headlines.

The fifth Chinese star in the world is of great significance.

The people of the country are proud of themselves.

Lu Ping'an also gained further status and glory.

Unfortunately, the popularity of leaving stars only lasted for a few hours, and the country ushered in the biggest social event in August.

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