China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 338 Optimization and shooting start

After officially setting the goal, the entire crew was full of energy.

The first meeting lasted for half a day, and then various optimizations were made.

The first is to reduce three editing points, which means four fewer scenes.

Some shots that were not very meaningful and time-consuming in the original plan were cut, and several bloody, anti-human and other intense scenes were weakened, such as replacing close shots with medium and long shots.

Overall, it does not actually affect the sense of cruelty conveyed in the film's events, and it can also add a layer of artistic feeling, which can increase the success rate of winning awards such as Best Visual Effects.

After all, the purpose of this film is not to be realistic, restore, or expose, but to put the film on the international stage through technical expression and expose historical events to a global perspective.

So everyone agrees with this optimization.

With three fewer editing points, the overall length will be much shorter, because the movie is shot to the end, and one shot lasts about 6 minutes on average.

In order to keep the film informative, the rest of the shots were added in length.

After calculation, the final movie will be about 110 minutes, which is 10 minutes less than the original version.

In addition, in terms of the use of lenses, Lu Ping'an also borrowed from the 2014 Oscar-winning movie "Birdman". This is also a one-shot movie, and the camera movements in it can be borrowed, which allows "1937" to reduce the number of shots. While editing points, increase the amount of information.

That's true for the editing, but there are compromises in other aspects as well.

For example, in several later departments, the Chinese names had to be listed later, and the names of Hollywood staff were used as the first authors.

There is no way around it.

Because if you want to take advantage of the Oscars and hit other awards besides "Best Foreign Language Film", you must have local Hollywood people behind the scenes.

You're not a local working in Hollywood, that's the original sin.

Someone like Ning Hao, who has registered with the Hollywood Photographers Association, will be used as the main photographer this time. This method can be used, but it cannot be used many times. Hollywood has its limits.

For a movie made entirely by Chinese people, only the capital is from Hollywood, and not all of it. If you want to win various nominations in Hollywood, you are challenging some kind of "heavenly rule"!

In the final analysis, the Oscar is actually still a local award.

Lu Pingan is naturally not naive enough to think that he is famous enough to shake something.

Therefore, considering the overall situation, we can only compromise.

So if "1937" ends up being nominated for 10 awards like The Originals, there will probably only be three or four Chinese names.

This is already the limit.

But no one felt any grievance.

In addition to knowing Oscar's urine.

First of all, this movie is not personal in nature, but exists for a lofty goal. It is not a big problem for everyone to sacrifice.

On the other hand, everyone actually knows how much they weigh.

Although everyone in China is a first-rate figure in related fields, compared with Hollywood, many people do feel that they still need to learn more.

Lu Ping An still fully compensates everyone for this mentality.

At least when it comes to publicity in the future, especially in China, my family will definitely stand forward.

In order to shoot smoothly and win awards, the film made compromises, and also went further.

For example, in the scene, many scenes were originally planned to be dry ground, but just in case, the ground in this scene was replaced with muddy ground with high humidity.

This will result in a lot more work, and a water tanker will be used to water it every day to maintain humidity.

It will also become more difficult for actors to film, and the test of serving the actors will also increase a lot.

But actually this is the most appropriate thing to do.

Because if it rains one day, you don’t have to wait for the ground to dry before shooting.

At the same time, the feeling of mud is more textured, which can greatly enhance the audience's immersion. Combined with the historical background of the movie, the feeling of trudging forward in the mud can also be more in place.

In addition to the ground, weather effects have also been changed.

This time, some fog effects will be added like the original film.

The white mist in the distant view can be created using special effects, which not only increases the sense of tension but also adds to the artistic sense of the picture.

When shooting, this can also reduce the wear rate.

If there are any intrusive elements that are difficult to deal with, just use fog to cover them, perfect!

In terms of actors, in order to add a more realistic effect, this time the crew also invited several veterans of the National Army who participated in the Anti-Japanese War.

This was invited by Hengdian Lao Xu through personal connections.

After the incident involving the crew's blaster came out this time, Lao Xu felt very sorry for Lu Ping'an, so he kept saying that he wanted to compensate, and if he needed any help, just ask.

So after some push and pull, Lao Xu finally made the decision to cover the cost of props and meals for the crew, even if Lu Pingan didn't want to. In addition, he also helped Lu Pingan find a few veterans.

After the veterans arrived, they quickly made many optimizations to many actual scenes.

At that time, soldiers said what they said, what they wore, what they used, what they ate, etc. during the war.

Although the team had already conducted investigations at the beginning, compared with the experience of actual combat, there were naturally many missing details.

The crew collected and digested them one by one, and then added a role to each soldier who appeared on the camera. When the time comes, each soldier will have his or her own role in the camera.

The original version seems to be like this too.

The camera pans across the trenches, and each soldier has his or her own thing to do and something to say.

The main thing is to be real and real.

Of course, this will also add a lot of workload to the extras.

Not every extra actor is willing to do extra work for nothing.

Especially this kind of shot that is just a fleeting moment.

For the same money, there are no opportunities, and the environment is bad, but there is still more life.

The key is that the requirements are still very high, one shot is taken to the end, and there is no room for flaws.

If mistakes are made over and over again, and problems arise with the extras, it will still be the crew that suffers.

Ping An Lu is not stingy about this either.

Anyway, use money to solve things that can be solved with money.

And if you want to add it, add it in place.

Adding chicken drumsticks is not as good as increasing wages.

There's no point in adding an extra few dozen yuan. Lu Ping'an said directly that the basic salary will be doubled. If the filming can be completed as planned, each person will be given an extra 100 yuan per day. If everyone performs well and completes the filming ahead of schedule, then more will be added! Give me a big red envelope!

These days, the average group performer in Hengdian can get no more than 100 yuan a day, and this is without a middleman.

When Lu Ping'an came up, he added a hundred and one hundred. This kind of fat difference was encountered only a few times a year in the entire Hengdian!

So for a while, all the extras were clamoring to be ready to become the best actor.

As things stand, a scene only takes about four days to shoot on average.

If only everyone could really accomplish every scene faster than expected and complete it perfectly.

The extra hundreds of thousands in additional extras salary is simply not worth it!

Once everything is settled, the next step is rehearsal.

There are currently a total of 18 editing points in the film, involving a total of 6 large scenes, of which there are 19 small scenes.

Among the 19 small scenes, the three simplest ones have been completed, and the first one has been rehearsed for one day.

Lu Ping'an didn't hesitate and directly ordered the filming to start.

On the 16th, the first shot of the first scene officially started shooting.

At 9 a.m., the light is in place.

After Lu Pingping said "start".

I saw Ning Hao fully armed, with a stabilizer and a camera on his body, surrounded by four or five people, either recording or helping Ning Hao stabilize his body.

In the front, Yiwei Yi and Bao Qiang, who are dressed in military uniforms but have very ugly hair, come into the picture. As if they have experienced a violent torture, the two men nervously push open a broken door. The camera moves, and in front of them is a garden that has been cut off but remains the same. Plum blossoms are in full bloom, and there are corpses not far away.

The garden is full of pink and white plum blossoms, defeated soldiers, broken buildings, corpses, and the sky cannot tell whether it is a rising or setting sun.

Warm colors and beautiful things, mixed between cruel blood and fire.

This picture brings a strong sense of art to your face.

Outside the monitor, Hu Qingquan and Jiang Wen and others who had just arrived nodded.

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