The first shot failed without incident.

With a scene lasting over 6 minutes, it is obviously too magical to be able to watch it all at once.

Fortunately, the actual problem is not big.

After shouting "Ka", Lu Ping'an ignored Jiang Wen who was behind him, but chatted with Zhou Yiwei, Baoqiang and the others first.

"It was good just now, but there are a few points where I have some ideas. Here, yes, this stone starts here. Baoqiang, your body is going to turn this way."

"The same goes for you, Lao Zhou. Your body is a little tighter. Don't worry about whether the ground is muddy or not. Don't be afraid of slipping. It will come naturally."

The two of them nodded and took note, then with the help of the makeup artist, they returned to their original positions and continued to think about it, waiting to do it again.

In addition to the issue of actors, photography is also very important.

"Mouse, are you okay?"

"There's something wrong. My waist is sore. Come and give me something to cushion it."

Ning Hao's current expression was serious and serious that Lu Ping'an had never seen before.

After all, the most important thing about a shot is photography.

According to current standards, as long as it is shot well, it will be Oscar-winning cinematography, so you can imagine how difficult it is to make this kind of film.

In actual operation, Ning Hao not only had to fight against the machine physically, but also suffered physical torture from cameras and stabilizers.

There are also technical confrontations.

For example, after Ning Hao put up the mat, Lu Pingan said: "Here, here, and here, the focus needs to be adjusted."

After the areas that need adjustment are pointed out.

The next step is to fight against mental pressure.

Will it be able to be filmed as required, can it be responded to the actors' temporary movements, etc.?

Moreover, if he and the actors cooperate well, if the sound recording and lighting fail to keep up, they will have to start over again, and when they start over, it will be a new round of confrontation from scratch.

Therefore, one shot to the end is not just a matter of lengthening the length of the shot. With every additional minute, the difficulty caused by various problems will increase exponentially.

This is far more difficult than the two-minute long shot in "Wonderful Night 1".

It’s just that no matter how difficult it is, you have to shoot it.

“For the best photography!”

Ning Hao cheered up angrily.

"For the actor!"

Zhou Yiwei also kept up easily.

Others chimed in, for the best visuals, best makeup and hairstyling

Overall, the atmosphere on the set is good, but everyone knows it.

Everyone felt the difficulty as soon as it started, so I'm afraid this relaxed atmosphere won't last long, and that's when the team's ability will be truly tested.

"Okay, get ready and continue in three minutes."

After a while, Lu Ping'an gave the order and returned behind the monitor, and then asked Jiang Wen, "How was it?"

Jiang Wen laughed and said, "You just want me to praise you. Okay, you're awesome. I'll have to call you master tomorrow!"

Hu Qingquan and others laughed.

Jiang Wen will also participate in the movie this time, and he will play the role of an officer in the film.

This role suits him quite well.

According to the plan, he will join the set in 21 days, then rehearse for two days, and start shooting in 24 days.

But of course Jiang Wen would not follow the plan obediently.

Lu Ping'an wanted to make a movie, and it was this kind of movie, so he naturally wanted to help with the scene.

Lu Ping'an is also very happy for him to come, and the two of them actually have a tacit understanding now.

So this time, he was assigned two lines, more actors, and more complex scenes to be the executive director.

With him around, Lu Pingping will indeed feel much more at ease.

Of course, the premise is still the same, it can’t be changed drastically, and it can’t take too much time.

Jiang Wen readily agreed, immediately put down the post-production work of "The Sun Also Rises" and went straight to Hengdian.

"You are becoming more and more adventurous now."

Jiang Wen smiled and praised.

Lu Ping'an waved his hand: "No, I just want to use this method to give Xiaozhi Translator a surprise."

"Translation? Why do these words sound so familiar to me? Is there any source?"

"Of course there is a source."

Lu Ping'an pointed upward.

Jiang Wen's eyes lit up and he decided to include it!

After the two chatted for a while, they started filming.

Then at 11 o'clock, the sun was shining in the sky, and the filming of this scene ended temporarily.

A total of 5 shots were taken.

Unfortunately, it never exceeded 95%.

Lu Ping'an ordered his troops to retreat and wait for the light to match at the same time tomorrow to continue.

That's what a mirror is all about. Light is very important. It can't be worn or rushed.

Of course, it can also be used multiple times on the same day. For example, you can shoot daytime and night scenes in the morning and afternoon respectively.

It’s just that the night scenes haven’t been finished yet, so it’s relatively easy at the moment.

At the end of the morning's shooting, Yiwei Yiwei and Baoqiang felt a little tired and felt that they had not performed well.

However, Lu Pingan, Jiang Wen and others spoke highly of them.

Jiang Wen, in particular, pinched their shoulders and praised them.

It is indeed worthy of praise.

In order to better fit the body shapes of soldiers during the Anti-Japanese War, these two people only lost half a month from the end of August to now. One lost 19 pounds and the other lost 12 pounds.

Now that the two of them have put on the uniforms of the national army and put on makeup, they indeed look very much like the soldiers in many old photos.

It's just that this level of weight loss is really not easy for people like them whose basic weight is not large.

That alone deserves a thumbs up.

In terms of performance, although "1937" does not actually require acting skills, this is only for movies that are generally aiming for Oscars. Compared with other movies, the acting skills required are also of a high standard.

The performance of these two people this morning was actually good.

The reason why it didn't pass the test was actually a problem with the overall cooperation of the crew.

Jiang Wen understood this clearly, so he worked very hard to encourage people.

Also encouraged were Ning Hao and others.

And when everyone saw Boss Jiang Wen recognizing him so much, even if it was a bit exaggerated, the feeling was needless to say.

This is what career is like. In difficult times, we often get through it by encouraging each other.

The crew encourages and cheers each other up, and it is easy to form a positive chemical reaction.

So after dinner in the afternoon, Yiwei Yiwei and Baoqiang came to the set in advance and continued to rehearse their positions on the set.

The director in charge of performances now has Jiang Wen, and Jiang Wen also takes the initiative to help with adjustments.

The rest of the crew for the scene also followed and continued rehearsals.

Everyone brainstormed and quickly found many problems and improvements.

Lu Ping'an is very satisfied. In his opinion, this project has been successfully completed, and now Renhe has truly been realized.

The rest is just a little bit of timing and location, that is, a little bit of luck.

And as the old saying goes, the weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.

Now that the crew is united, we are not afraid of not being able to accomplish big things!

Sure enough, on the third day, with the tacit understanding of everyone, the shooting of the first scene finally achieved a score of 103%.

This is enough, there is no need to take any more pictures.


Lu Pingping's voice came from the headphones of everyone in the crew.

Everyone breathed a happy sigh of relief and then cheered.

Of course, everyone knows that this scene has only two actors and is the least difficult of all scenes.

There are still a lot of super difficult ones waiting behind you.

So it's not time to relax yet.

However, the current situation is not bad. This first scene was expected to be shot in 4 days, but it was completed one day ahead of schedule, and the overall task schedule was shortened by one day.

In the future, if time can be saved in every low-difficulty scene, then those tough skills will not be a problem.

So today is really a good start!

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