
Zhang Weipin slammed the box office data in his hand on the table and frowned.

Things have changed far beyond his imagination.

I thought the two movies would remain on par for a long time.

But unexpectedly, such a gust of wind suddenly blew.

Beginning on the 7th or 8th, a burst of wind about list craze started blowing, and the "Bucket List" is now completely unstoppable.

And then it was less than two weeks.

"Bucket List" completely opened up a gap of nearly 100 million with "Golden Armor".

So fierce!

In fact, the fundamental reason for such a large gap is not entirely caused by the social effects of the list craze.

The people under my command have already given a research report.

Based on comprehensive calculations, the gap in data such as film schedule, attendance, and ticket price between "The Bucket List" and "The Golden Jacket" actually affects only about 50 million at the box office.

The remaining nearly 50 million box office revenue actually came from the "multiple viewing" phenomenon of movie fans.

In the survey, nearly 20% of people said they had watched it more than once.

Zhang Weipin is very familiar with this phenomenon.

That was the case with "Titanic" back then.

The movie has been released for half a year, and some people can watch it more than a dozen times.

Lu Pingan's "Wonderful Night 1" also caused this phenomenon in 2004.

At that time, everyone felt that 3D played an important role.

But now it seems that there is an essential problem that cannot be ignored.

That is the quality of the movie itself is the fundamental reason for this phenomenon.

From here, Zhang Weipin also had to express his admiration for Lu Ping'an.

Lu Ping An is indeed the only one in China who can achieve this in the field of commercial films.

However, I admire you, and the work that needs to be done still needs to be done.

Now your box office is high, right? I can't stop you, but you can't even think about breaking records safely.

As long as you can't break the box office record, then Ping An Lu will still be "regressing".

At this point, Lao Mouzi has now broken the record of "Hero" anyway.

He is making progress, while Lu Pingping is regressing.

If this article is done well, it will be wonderful.

And I want "The Bucket List" to stop at the box office.

Zhang Weipin also already has a plan.

The first is the issue of the right time and place.

You know, the Spring Festival is coming soon.

According to past data, the box office during the Spring Festival is not very good.

So even if nothing is done, if "Bucket List" continues as normal, it will be difficult to break box office records.

Of course, the "bucket list" is not normal now, riding on the east wind of "bucket list fever", it is unstoppable.

But this east wind seems good now, but if there is a way to break it, or even turn it into a headwind, then the situation will naturally be different.

In this regard, Zhang Weipin has also come up with a solution.

I don’t know if it can be stopped or even turned into a headwind.

But at least if you do it, it will definitely have an impact.

Zhang Weipin glanced at the calendar on his desk.

Calculating the time, he felt that the effect should be visible!

In fact, starting from the 10th, Zhang Weipin realized that this matter was not simple.

So from that moment on, he began to intervene and wanted to continue to stop it.

The breaking point is also very simple.

Didn't the person named Lin Xiaohui take her father on the last journey?

Then change things up!

He gathered some writers and began to denounce "The Bucket List" on the Internet and in some media for using people who died or were seriously ill to promote it.

This kind of hype is definitely the most unlimited!

And such articles actually didn't have much effect at first.

After all, this story is so touching, and it is a true story, and the various social effects it caused are not huge.

But as “list fever” began to spread.

Hospitals, travel agencies and other industries began to join the battlefield.

The traffic has increased, and the good thing is that the movie box office has soared.

But the bad side is also not absent.

There is a lot of traffic, and all kinds of monsters and monsters will smell it and come here.

For example, many so-called experts, doctors, medical institutions, or scammer groups have extended invitations to Lin Xiaohui.

Come to me, it can be cured!

Various advertisers and health care product companies also began to abuse Lin Xiaohui's name and began to commit fraud.

There were also various stakeholders such as travel companies who came forward to sign contracts. After being rejected, some people became angry and reported back.

Some celebrities who are like clowns have also begun to take advantage of the popularity and start to express their opinions regardless of whether things are true or false.

In short, in the face of interests, everything is a feast, whether you die or not.

So Lin Xiaohui's last live broadcast journey with her father seemed to have gradually changed after three weeks of fermentation and the popularity remained high.

It was at this time that Zhang Weipin's killer move finally showed its influence.

"Lin Xiaohui: Textbook-like steamed buns eating human blood"

"A grand performance praising suffering, let's see how it ends"

"The irresponsibility for life and the distrust of modern medical treatment are the greatest sorrow of Father Lin's life."


At this time, Father Lin's life journey attracted a lot of attention.

Such misleading news will naturally cause many people to question the incident.

Many people who did not know the truth and were incited suddenly felt as sick as eating flies.

Over the past few weeks, I have been so moved by the father and daughter, but now you tell me this is fake?

Many people in the industry have also smelled it, and feel that Lu Ping An may encounter a huge backlash in this wave.

As a result, before this "backlash" wind could blow, things entered the next stage.

Lin Xiaohui and her father's checklist trip was finally put on TV.

And this time, there are 7 sets!

Channel 7 is a military and agricultural channel. They actually started reporting on Father Lin, which surprised many people.

But upon closer inspection, everyone suddenly realized.

After all, in addition to being a patient, Father Lin is also a veteran of the counterattack against Vietnam!

On TV, Lin's father, Lin Jianguo's complexion was very different from three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago he looked like a normal person, but now he looks a little haggard and has to rely on a wheelchair to walk.

However, when he saw the leader of the old army, he still managed to cheer up and gave a standard military salute.

The spirit of the soldiers is always present, which makes people awe-inspiring.

Then in the camera, after everyone introduced the glorious achievements of the veterans, everyone set off to the destination together.

It turned out that this trip was one of the last ones on Father Lin's list, which was to see his old comrades, and they were at the Martyrs Cemetery.

At the Longzhou Martyrs Cemetery in Guangxi, Father Lin opened Moutai, poured wine for his comrades, and then talked happily about the changes in the motherland, and then said with a smile that he would be with you soon!

This scene made everyone in front of the TV cry.

At the end of the news, the host asked Mr. Lin, what else is on the list?

Father Lin smiled weakly and said: After one month, I have done everything I need to do, and I have no regrets. If I really have to say regrets, there are actually three. One is that I hope to see the country stand on top of the world again. , the second one is to see the successful opening of the Olympic Games with my own eyes, and the last one is to hope that my daughter can have a child soon, but it is a pity that I can’t see it.

There are countries and small families.

Father Lin's list was completely sublimated.

Lin Xiaohui and the audience burst into tears again.

Seeing this, all the reports on the Internet and in society have disappeared.

You are not stupid. There are 7 sets of reports and real military officers are involved. There is no need to guess whether the matter is true or not. Moreover, the topic of Father Lin has now risen to such a grand level. Although there are factors of forced sensationalism, this is definitely a gain. The higher-ups support it, if you make any small moves at this time, then you will die!

Sure enough, after the news was broadcast, the voices in society immediately returned to normal.

Instead, there were various reports on the incident from various official media.

Lin Jianguo's final list perfectly fits the "positive energy", and the official media will naturally follow up the report.

This once again caused a more violent response from society.

Everyone started various discussions about veterans, life, death, medical issues, etc.

There is still good and bad in it.

But when the general direction has been "controlled".

Things can only go well.

And in this way, the movie "The Bucket List" has also been put on a unique coat.

In the words of the latest film report of Six Princesses:

In the domestic films of the early 21st century, "The Bucket List" will definitely have a place.

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