"1937" successfully won the Oscar, and will be directly released in the mainland.

This time, Xingchen Film and Television finally experienced what it means to be treated as a mission film.

In ordinary theaters, "1937" will be fully released on March 10, after the Lantern Festival.

In some agencies, after winning the Oscar on the 26th, they started showing it in various places on the 28th.

Copies and the like were all handled through China Film and Film Bureau as early as years ago.

The next step is for each unit to arrange their own time and do their own work related to the movie.

A military camp far away in Kunming.

The soldiers were very excited today.

Because I can watch a movie today.

Opportunities like this are rare in military camps.

In fact, apart from being slightly mentally pleasurable, the actual benefits of watching a movie are not many. On the contrary, it will make you more tired.

Because you are watching a movie, the training tasks must be completed in advance. The soldiers will not play tricks with you.

But today everyone is happy because the movie has something to do with them.

In the afternoon, everyone finished training early and took a shower early.

Then the leader gave an order, and the soldiers lined up and headed to the auditorium.

The team was neat and orderly, and each handsome young man sat upright in his seat according to his position.

Everyone's eyes were always looking at every corner in front of them.

Are Baoqiang and the others here?

I heard he was coming, but I miss him so much after not seeing him for a few days.

The minds of some soldiers who are close to the crew of "Soldier Assault" are active.

A year ago, the crew of "Soldier Assault" came here to film for several months. During these months, several of the main actors of the crew ate and slept together with the soldiers. It would be an exaggeration to say that they became brothers and comrades-in-arms, but no matter how you say it, They can be regarded as acquaintances, the kind who recognize each other when they meet and have a meal with them.

At the end of last year, "Soldier Assault" had a round of broadcasts. The TV series was very interesting, but the response was not great when it was broadcast outside. Naturally, the creators could not return to the military camp to meet again.

But this time "1937" is different.

This movie won an Oscar and is famous internationally.

Bao Qiang, one of the leading actors, and several other actors, such as Zhang Songwen and others, are all actors in "Soldier Assault".

Not only that, when "1937" was being filmed, there was a company from the team that helped with the filming.

Therefore, "1937" can be regarded as half of the soldiers' own movie.

So this time "1937" has been in the limelight, and they heard that Baoqiang and the others would also come, so the soldiers started looking forward to it a few days ago.

Without thinking much, as the propaganda officer appeared, the chiefs also arrived.

After the leaders were in place, Baoqiang and the others, who were dressed in military uniforms without epaulettes, appeared next.

The soldiers' eyes lit up and they just waited for the propaganda officer to say "Everyone is welcome!"

The roar of applause was deafening.

Baoqiang and others on the stage instantly dreamed back to a year ago, feeling extremely excited.

Then he began to look for old friends, but unfortunately they were all short-haired, so he couldn't find them for a while.

The propaganda officer understood the meaning, and he had already made arrangements, and quickly named those classes.

Several old soldiers stood up, and Baoqiang and others laughed happily, finally meeting their old friends.

But this is a military camp after all, not a TV station hosting a variety show.

After a brief appearance, we started watching the movie directly.

The large screen and projection equipment are old models, but they are sufficient to support projections.

Soon, a two-hour immersive battlefield unfolded in front of all the soldiers.

The leaders sitting in the front row were very satisfied.

There are film and television works related to the military in mission films every year.

To be honest, many works are actually not very good-looking.

Of course, there are also some good-looking ones. The concept, lines, performances, etc. are all very attentive.

For example, "Garland Under the Mountain" is always shown. This film is like a masterpiece. After all these years, it seems that no one can surpass it.

There's also the movie "Born Out of the Sky" from a few years ago which is also a pretty good movie.

But this is the first time in so many years that a blockbuster of international standards like "1937" has been released!

It’s not that “1937” is really better than the first two.

But this kind of visual shock has never been seen before.

Is this already at the level of a Hollywood blockbuster?

In this regard, some of the more knowledgeable warriors have already shown off to the warriors around them.

No Hollywood blockbuster has this dick!

It’s worthy of winning an international award!

In addition to admiring the film technology,

This level of production also conveys to all the soldiers that the country is becoming more powerful and technology in all aspects is advancing by leaps and bounds. This is a great way to convey pride, even if the film industry has nothing to do with them.

Of course, what makes everyone even more proud are the shots in the film.

In the second half of the movie, in a very long shot before Zhou Yiwei crosses the formation, Zhou Yiwei runs all the way while the soldiers around him scream and rush.

Many soldiers recognized it at a glance. Isn’t this the scene we filmed?

Everyone searched their memories and soon realized that they had the opportunity to appear next.

Sure enough, after a few minutes of running, Zhou Yiwei jumped into the trench. Several soldiers in the team whispered softly because they saw themselves!

The unprecedented novelty made everyone very excited.

At the same time, the feeling of being a soldier and experiencing a fight against Japanese soldiers in the movie can make these young young men even more imaginative.

So needless to say, at the end of today's movie viewing, everyone's summary meeting will definitely be filled with shouting and screaming.

Of course, the overall tone of the movie will still be to remember the national humiliation, learn from the martyrs, carry forward the spirit, work hard, and always be prepared.

After a breathtaking and hearty movie ended.

Baoqiang and others met with the soldiers.

The soldiers either agreed or ridiculed Baoqiang's performance in it.

Baoqiang and others shared with the soldiers how foreigners were shocked, and exchanged the international community's different understandings of World War II, etc.

But this meeting was short-lived, because Baoqiang and the others would go to other military regions to continue their "road shows."

This time, their trip had a total of eleven stops, which was considered a form of "literary condolences".

In addition to the army, other units also started a massive movie-watching operation at the same time.

If there are conditions for screening, the viewing will be organized internally, and Xingchen will receive a viewing fee for each movie viewing.

The fees are not high, but they add up to a significant amount.

At the same time, the number of moviegoers will also be counted.

Those who are not eligible for screening will be arranged to watch the movie in a nearby theater after it is released.

At the same time, the release plan of "1937" in theaters has also been determined. Each theater will receive indicators and the film will be released for at least three months, and the film schedule shall not be less than two times per day for each theater.

For such support, if necessary, the external department's statement would be, "Since the release of the anti-war themed film "1937," it has been widely welcomed and praised by audiences across China and has aroused strong responses. The Film Bureau respects market behavior and decided to extend the screening. cycle to meet the entertainment needs of the masses."

Judging from the current scale, coupled with the normal market box office of the public release, the apparent box office data of "1937" will be quite explosive!

In 2000, "Decision of Life and Death" took in 120 million yuan at the box office, becoming the first domestic movie to break 100 million yuan. At that time, Lu Pingan, Ning Hao and others commented on it as "useless" when they were drinking. At that time, how many There is some irony in them.

Nowadays, Lu Pingan’s movies also enjoy this kind of treatment.

In this regard, the current Lu Ping An will naturally have a deeper understanding.

Instructing entertainment life, it plays a positive role in guiding, glorious!

Of course, piracy will definitely occur during this period, and the authorities will not stop it too much.

But it doesn't matter, Xingchen will also turn a blind eye.

In addition, now that he is on such a big car, Xingchen will also make further adjustments to the movie's subsequent earnings.

For example, we only earn a share of the box office of the theater chain for that month, not to mention the rest of the additional income, such as screening fees, not to mention the copyright fees for the Six Princesses, and even a part of the box office share of that month will be donated to concerned department.

The industry won't say anything if you do this, because anyone in this special lane will do it.

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