China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 374 No wonder Squid likes to engage in finance

Las Vegas, in front of a theater.

A Rolls-Royce slowly stopped.

Wattsberg was dressed in casual clothes and got out of the car very leisurely. His movements were very elegant. At first glance, he looked like an old man with no shortage of pension.

After he got off the car, Nordin, who was dressed in luxurious clothes, also got off the car. He looked aloof and frowned slightly, as if he was still wondering why Wattsberg always brought him to such an ordinary movie theater.

Wattsberg ignored it, walked into the theater, and lined up like ordinary people.

Nordin couldn't stand it any longer. Just like the previous few days, he snapped his fingers and the assistant next to him stepped forward. After a while, the group booked a movie theater.

"This is the bottom line, we won't do it next time."

Nordin said something arrogantly to Watts, and then followed the staff directly to the cinema.

Watts still shrugged nonchalantly, and he was very happy to let the pretender get frustrated. Then he followed and asked: "Which movie did you choose?"

The assistant replied: "It's Grindhouse, Mr. Wattsberg."

"Oh, Grindhouse."

Watts had no objections. The movie was released yesterday, and Lu Ping An had already watched it yesterday. The data was also given, so you can play it.

Now I come to the theater just to watch random movies to add a little fun to the betting game.

The betting game has now been upgraded by Wattsberg to betting on movies throughout March.

Although Lu Ping'an is speechless about this, since the bet is just a game, and the overall timeline and other factors have not changed significantly, the final result of the box office data of his own movies should be about the same, plus Watts Bo Ge begged him for a day, so he promised to take time to watch new movies every day and then give some professional predictions.

The predicted data naturally comes from Goldfinger, which records the original time and space box office data of each movie.

Of course, he also said, don’t bet on death.

Of course Wattsberg nodded repeatedly, but he didn't think Lu Ping An would make any mistakes.

Even if something goes wrong, the error won't be too outrageous.

After all these years, he has come to this realization.

After entering the cinema, the two sat down and the cinema manager came over to meet them.

Then the countdown to the movie begins.

The two of them didn't talk much. They watched first and discussed later.

It was like this for three days.

Soon "Grindhouse" started playing.

The film is directed by Quentin and Rodriguez respectively and consists of two independent stories: "Death Proof" and "Planet Terror".

"Death Proof" tells the story of the perverted killer Mike who mutilates young girls, and "Planet Terror" tells the story of dancer Cherry and her boyfriend leading the survivors to escape after a zombie crisis breaks out in a small town.

The overall story is pretty good.

Two directors with a large number of fans are sitting here. Many fans think that their movies are mainly bloody and violent. Released in this way during the horror month, it will really make the audience excited.

At present, the Imbd score has been released, with a score of 7.7, which is extremely high.

The score on Rotten Tomatoes is also as high as 84%.

The cost was 53 million. When it was first released yesterday, the box office forecast given by relevant media was 100 million.

The prediction given by Nordin's team is 85 million.

After watching the movie, Nordin smiled and asked: "My data has not changed, what about yours?"

Wattsberg was slightly flustered.

Because he thinks this movie is really not bad.

This is a cult film through and through, absurd, disgusting, violent, humorous, bloody, and extremely visually impactful.

During horror month, this should be very suitable for horror movie fans.

The only problem seems to be that the set is too long, more than 190 minutes.

In this case, the number of screenings will be reduced by nearly half.

But taking into account the overall publicity, the number of theaters, the appeal of the director and various famous guest actors in the film, etc., even if the market response is really not good, in his opinion, this film will not be low in any way. of 50 million.

But the problem is, Lu Ping An’s prediction yesterday was that it would not exceed US$30 million!

This answer is somewhat exaggerated.

The cost is 53 million, two major directors are in charge, and the global box office is 30 million?

What a fuss!

Wattsberg hesitated for a while, but finally said: "No more than 30 million! No change!"

Nordin was very surprised. He thought that Wattsberg was telling nonsense about this number. The real number would have to wait until after watching the film. But now, is 30 million really his answer? !

"I'm asking you about the final global box office."

"Sure, just 30 million! Okay, see you tomorrow."

Wattsberg got up directly to go to the toilet.

Nodding didn't care, he was already very interested at this time.

For three days, the two made various predictions about various movies.

Although the predicted box office numbers all varied, none was as big as today's one.

Not even the predictions for Purge 1 compare.

Currently there are three movies at the top,

For "Chainsaw 4", Watts predicts about 80 million in North America and about 160 million globally. Nordin's team also predicts about this number.

For "Dead Day 2", Watts predicts around 50 million in North America and around 80 million globally. Nordin's figures are 10 million and 20 million less respectively.

For the above two movies, the media’s predictions were quite different from theirs.

As for the new series "Human Purge", the three-party predictions are huge.

The Nordin team felt that this kind of high-concept movie was very risky, and it was not directed by Lu Ping'an, and there were no stars. The cost was only 2 million. According to comprehensive calculations, it would not replicate the miracle of "Chainsaw 1", but The overall profit will not be bad, with the final global box office reaching around 60 million.

Professional media predictions are 40 to 50 million.

But the prediction given by Wattsberg is at least 60 million in North America and 100 million worldwide! And it still does not include China.

As a result, the difference in predictions of the "Human Purge Plan" came to 40 million.

But unexpectedly, a "Grind Room" with a difference of 55 million suddenly popped up at this moment.

The key is not the data difference, but the exaggerated underestimation of the box office.

Two major directors are in charge.

Only 30 million box office?

And no more than that.

How can this be?

Nordin said: "Watts, tell Lu Ping'an that I will raise the bet this time."

"How to add it?"

"If he is really right, the valuation can be directly increased by 100 million."

"One hundred million? You're playing house! If you dare, add five hundred million!"

Watts said with a smile.

Nordin also laughed after hearing this: "Okay, okay, then five hundred million! And if it's wrong, I won't reduce the valuation. I just want to see how magical Lu is."

Watts was a little stunned now.

But he thought about it carefully.

Anyway, the final investment will be proportional to the investment, and the impact on Nordin will be tens of millions to 100 million at most.

This little money is nothing to this guy like Nordin.

But the extra 500 million valuation can give Watts a face in front of Lu Ping An.

So Watts thought about it and agreed directly: "I will follow you now, just keep an eye on you!"

After agreeing, Wattsberg thought it was still wrong, so he went directly to the "Batman 2" crew after leaving the theater.

But halfway through he changed his mind.

Let's bet on this, all I want is a happy word.

He really wanted to feel good in front of Nuoding, but he also wanted to feel good in front of Lu Ping'an.

Over the years, I have never won a bet with Lu Ping An.

He felt that he wouldn't tell him this time. After some time, he wanted to see Lu Ping'an's surprise in person.

With this in mind, Watts asked the driver to turn around and go home directly.

A few days later.

"Grindhouse" has been released for a week. Although the final box office has not been released, the result is basically determined.

The weekly box office was 5.5 million.

No matter how high the box office is in the future, it will not exceed 30 million, because according to this situation, it will be taken off the shelves in two or three weeks.

Nordin was completely dumbfounded. He looked at Lu Pingan like a god and gave a thumbs up: "Professional!"

Wattsberg kept laughing.

Lu Pingan's surprised expression just now made him happy.

Lu Pingan signed the contract with a smile.

His personal assets suddenly increased by nearly 200 million US dollars.

No wonder squids like finance so much! (End of chapter)

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