"You're a little impulsive."

After Nordin left, Lu Pingan shook his head at Wattsberg.

Wattsberg waved his hand nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, this is just a game, I don't take it seriously."

Wattsberg then explained the practical significance of the bet.

In fact, it is a kind of gambling game in their family.

On the premise that the basic problems of cooperation are not big and the goals of both parties are consistent, some initiative can be transferred through games in financial activities.

However, this may seem like a small game, but it is actually a display of ability.

To put it simply, it’s like guessing the box office this time.

Who can guess correctly? Luck is part of it, and more of it is a reflection of control over related businesses.

The better you understand the business and the market, the more accurate your guesses will be, and you will naturally have more say in the future.

Of course, this form cannot really be used as a way to determine the alternation of rights.

The specifics will depend on the actual business development, and adjustments will be made based on specific circumstances.

But as a small game, it is indeed quite interesting.

"The chaebol family is just different."

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh.

It was indeed the first time for him to see this kind of gameplay with his own eyes.

Then he asked: "So after all these years, you have been getting along with me this way?"

"That's not true. I really didn't care much about it before. Who would have thought that you could be so powerful."

"So you are the biggest salty fish in your family."

"You can't say that."

Watts adjusted the collar of his suit and his expression became arrogant, "Now, I can be considered the number one person."

"In other words, you have made achievements and will be truly recognized by the family from now on?"

"of course."

“How much money can be considered as achievement?”

"About US$1 billion."

"You have 1 billion?"

"Our peak now is at least 1 billion."

"Okay, so now I just passed?"

“It’s good to pass the exam. If we can maintain the momentum in the future, our wealth will increase very quickly.”

Watts then talked about some prospects for the future.

In fact, it is some resources that new shareholders can bring after financing.

The other party's advantages are quite good. In the film and television drama or media industry, it has channels and shares in distribution and TV networks, as well as shares in newspapers, fashion magazines, and even some luxury brands in Europe.

With this advantage, investing in any film production company or brokerage company can actually bring great help to the other party.

Of course, film production is not like any other industry, it still relies on content.

The pinnacle is currently the highest-ranking among all old American independent film companies in terms of content and profit margin.

If you look at it realistically, Summit's record in recent years is simply terrifying.

Such a company seems to have encountered no external pressure in recent years. In fact, it is controlled by the family behind Watts.

It can be said that this time can be regarded as a "net closing operation."

After the subsequent financing is completed, Summit will probably have hundreds of millions more funds, including existing cash. The total amount is not a small amount.

The money can be used to produce new movies and TV series, or acquire some other industries, and if the momentum is maintained, one or two rounds of financing can be raised in the future.

If it can be successfully listed and combined with Nordin's advantages, it can truly be ranked among the "Big Six".

From a normal perspective, in a free and fair market, this is the most common way for any company to grow from small to large.

As long as you do your job well, you can become an industry leader.

But you know, this is an ideal state after all.

There are classes in every region of the world.

For example, in China, no matter how great you are, can you become the fourth communications company besides China Unicom and China Mobile?

The same is true in the United States. No matter how rich you are, your background determines many things that you will never be able to squeeze into in your life.

Why can’t other independent production companies replace the Big Six?

The six major powers, or the previous eight major powers, can only annex each other and will never be replaced by someone lower down.

There is a reason.

So looking at it now, the entry of the consortium represented by Nordin actually opened a door for Summit.

Whether you can completely open this door depends on your ability next.

If you do well, you can even become one of the top six in the future.

But for others, this "door" may not be found.

Sounds very tempting.

But Lu Ping'an is relatively calm.

This kind of cake, although Lu Ping An's own advantages, can indeed be eaten in theory.

But theory is theory.

He himself is not a white-skinned person, but this has actually determined his upper limit in the United States.

Therefore, it is almost certain that in the future, as Peak becomes bigger and bigger, as a Chinese, he will definitely encounter some unfair treatment both internally and externally.

Even if not, this kind of plan should still be made.

After all, you are a squid, so you still have to be cautious with people like this.

Of course, this is at least a few years away. For this financing, it is not a big problem.

After this financing, I will be able to get around one or two billion in funds.

This money can be used to build businesses in the mainland.

In the future, it will be established again in China.

Also, he did have some tricks up his sleeve.

The current financing from Summit does not include the IP that Lu Ping An owns completely.

The biggest among them are "Iron Man" and "Batman".

There is also "Inception" that was previously purchased from Nolan.

Just by relying on these, you can make a lot of money in the future.

Although there are many other horror film series and other projects shared by Peak, and the income is extremely high, overall, the actual future income is not much more than those two superhero IPs.

We will talk about the future later. The most important thing next is to have fun with this game and strive to still have the final say in Pinnacle in the next few years.

. . . . . . .

Time has entered March.

The popularity of the Oscars here in North America is gradually fading.

Instead, it’s the “Thriller Month.”

There are many thriller-themed movies in March this year.

There are endless movies from various small production companies.

There are also films by famous directors and stars joining the battlefield.

The one that has attracted the most attention is the horror movie "Grindhouse" co-directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, starring Kurt Russell and Rose McGowan.

Jim Carrey's "Number 23".

Nicolas Cage's Ghost Rider.

There is also "1408" adapted from Stephen King's novel and so on.

In addition to these, there are also movies with other themes that are also crowding the box office.

For example, Disney's "Red Dead Redemption" and Eddie Murphy's "My Wife Is Big Mac."

Of course, since March has been defined as the horror month by the majority of old American movie fans and the media, the series that have attracted the most attention are naturally the series from Lu Ping An, the king of thrillers (End of this chapter)

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