At the end of May, the mainland has basically entered the summer season.

The most popular movies at the moment, no surprise, are the movies of Xingchen.

In Chongqing, Zhang Lei took his cousin Huang Tao to play on the streets of Chongqing.

The current tourism industry in Chongqing is pretty good.

Take a look at the concrete forest where you can't tell the floors, take a ride on the magical sightseeing subway, see Hongya Cave, eat hot pot afterward, and watch a movie, the mission is complete.

Huang Tao was looking forward to this, but Zhang Lei didn't think so.

On the one hand, he is from Chongqing himself, and on the other hand, he has some opinions about this cousin.

My cousin is said to be going to study abroad in Neon in the second half of the year.

Studying abroad is not a big problem. These days, most people who have certain conditions want to study abroad.

But there is something different about this cousin. He went there with a yearning attitude.

Yearning for neon!

You must know that his grandfather was a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War.

Zhang Lei, who is also the grandson of a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, certainly couldn't stand it.

But he also knows that as China and Japan have been friendly for so many years, there are not many people who yearn for neon these days. There are more and more people who like neon comics and short movies.

And my cousin is not that kind of fanatic.

Therefore, this disapproval only existed on the surface, so much so that Zhang Lei himself felt that he was too sensitive.

Suppressing their thoughts, the two came to the downstairs of Liziba Station.

"Let's take a look downstairs first, then get in the car later."

Zhang Lei explained.

The location where the two of them were at this moment was the Liziba subway station, which became very popular on the Internet.

This site has a very cyberpunk feel. The subway comes halfway up the mountain and penetrates into the middle of the floor. It's very sci-fi.

When we arrived at the place, there were already many people waiting downstairs with cameras.

When Huang Tao saw the track halfway up the mountain, he praised it: "It feels very neon. Let me tell you, neon is similar. I guess Chongqing learned from neon."

Zhang Lei rolled his eyes when he heard this.

This is Chongqing, why are you talking about neon?

But before he could say anything, the train came over there.

Everyone raised their cameras to take pictures.

Then soon there was a burst of exclamation.

Because everyone found that today’s train is very different.

If you look closely, it turns out that the entire train is wrapped with cool mecha posters.

That's a promotional poster for the movie "Pacific Rim."

Mechas, monsters, cool gray tones.

Then cooperate with the entire train to enter Liziba Building.

A sense of science fiction came over me.

People on the street took photos.

It feels like today’s Chongqing is particularly cyberpunk.

Zhang Lei remembered that "Pacific Rim" seems to be released next month.

He wanted to see it so much that he even bought a ticket. It was the only IMAX theater in Chongqing.

While thinking, Huang Tao spoke again: ""Pacific Rim", this movie should be very good, but I think it doesn't have the original flavor of neon. Let me tell you, the subject matter of neon has been around for a long time. Ping An may have plagiarized this time."

"You said you plagiarized it without even watching it?" Zhang Lei, a fan of Lu Pingan, almost laughed angrily.

"The subject matter is the same. Isn't it plagiarism?" Huang Tao didn't think he was wrong.

Zhang Lei laughed angrily this time: "'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon' and 'House of Flying Daggers' are both martial arts themes, are they both plagiarized?"

Huang Tao was at a loss for words for a moment, but he still muttered nonchalantly: "Anyway, the Chinese are a bit nondescript in making this kind of movie, and it's definitely not as good as Neon's."

Zhang Lei still wanted to argue, but Huang Tao changed the subject directly: "Let's go, let's take a car."

As he said that, he followed the flow of people into the building.

Soon the two of them went upstairs and reached the subway floor. At this time, the subway floor was filled with movie advertisements.

It was "Kung Fu Panda" with warm colors and landscape painting style.

There is also a Kung Fu Panda puppet statue in the subway station.

The publicity is so well done!

Zhang Lei couldn't help but sigh.

It is said that this film is the highest peak of domestic animation.

Well, I’m going to watch it when it comes out.

At this time, Huang Tao started again: "In terms of animation, neon is the king, and there is no one in the world that can compare with it."

"Are you a neon person or a Chinese person?"

Zhang Lei couldn't stand listening anymore and asked directly.

"Chinese, what's wrong?"

Huang Tao looked innocent, but he still didn't seem to realize that Zhang Lei was angry. He was just showing off, "Cousin, let me tell you, our family will immigrate to Neon soon. My mother has taken care of everything. ”

"Immigration? Does your grandfather know?" Zhang Lei was very surprised.

"I know it, but I can't stop it. Neon is so good. Medical care, food hygiene, safety, etc. are much better than in China. The cost of living is a little higher, but it's okay. My dad can make money, and the environment there is good. If you go away, your life span will be much longer.”

Huang Tao began to talk endlessly about the benefits of immigration neon.

At this time, Zhang Lei said nothing. He was already convinced that this cousin was hopeless.

He originally thought that Huang Tao was simply yearning for him, but he didn't want to be obsessed with it.

It was his freedom to be obsessed or not, but as a descendant of a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, Zhang Lei could never stand this kind of person.

At this moment, he wanted to leave directly, but considering that he had already bought the movie tickets and paid for them, and the movie was about the Anti-Japanese War, he simply endured it.

Maybe the movie can inspire someone and wake him up, or if he can't wake him up, just give him a scratch on his ear.

If it really didn't work, he decided to have less contact with this guy from now on, he's just a second devil! The whole family is!

After a while, the next train came.

What’s wrapped around the train this time is “We Are From the Future”.

The design of a hail of bullets gives it a blockbuster feel.

It has to be said that Xingchen invested a lot of money this time.

But the effect is indeed good, and Zhang Lei is looking forward to the next movie.

But Huang Tao spoke again: "War movies are still good-looking."

"Shut up, get in the car!"

Zhang Lei didn't bother to offend him and went straight through the door.

Huang Tao still didn't realize that his cousin was about to tear him apart, so he followed him into the car.

After more than an hour of various transfers, the two arrived at the target theater.

There are still ten minutes left until the show starts.

Zhang Lei directly took his cousin to get the tickets and entered the theater, turning a deaf ear to his cousin's words, "I haven't bought popcorn yet."

After sitting down, Huang Tao asked: "What movie are you watching today?"

"Science fiction." Zhang Lei glanced at him and said.

"American movie?"


"American blockbusters are great. I will definitely go to the United States to see them in the future. Let me tell you, domestic movies are not as good as Hollywood."

"Shut up!"

Huang Tao shut up obediently, but he felt that his cousin was reminding him not to interfere with others watching the movie.

Soon, there were more and more people in the cinema, and it was almost full.

Then the lights dimmed and various commercials began to play.

Huang Tao complained again, saying that Neon didn’t have so many advertisements.

Zhang Lei no longer wants to offend him. At this moment, he just hopes that the next movie will indeed be like the trailer and can bring some enlightenment to people.

After nearly ten minutes, the commercial ended and the dragon logo began to light up.

The movie officially begins.

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