At the beginning of the film, the four young people's situations are quickly introduced using their modern corrupt lives.

Awen, Awei, Xiaoqiang, Neck.

Awen University majored in history. I am dawdling around. I am very good at English and Japanese. I am especially fluent in Japanese. I can understand short movies without translation. I can also achieve the level of simultaneous interpretation and translate for three other people on the spot. , Mandarin, English and Japanese, you can switch between the three languages ​​at will.

At the same time, he works part-time as a tour guide and often does some work as a second-hand dealer in cultural relics.

At the beginning of the film, in a certain city in the United States, Awen sneakily resells a bunch of cultural relics to fool foreigners. Foreigners are not stupid. They can see that these so-called Chinese cultural relics are all fakes, but there is a foreigner who compares some objects from World War II. interested.

For example, the rusty National Army medal, the tattered Red Army hat, and bugles, especially the bugle, the foreigner particularly liked, saying that his father mentioned this Satanic horn from hell on the spot.

Awen thought to himself that these foreigners are idiots. They don’t want good things, but want these bad things. But they are bastards who don’t want to make money if they have money. Anyway, these things were just picked up by the way. They had no intention of selling them but just throwing them away. , so just take action.

The foreigner said that if there was any more, I would still have it.

After earning more than five thousand US dollars, Awen said goodbye to the foreigners and met up with three other friends.

Xiaoqiang is the shortest, but he is the best at playing games. He has all kinds of military knowledge at his fingertips. He only talks about being brave, but in fact he is an otaku who only talks but does not practice.

He has the ugliest neck, but he dresses the trendiest. He likes European and American pop music the most and calls himself a rapper.

Ah Wei looks tall and tall, and looks like a big fool, but he is a Japanese activist. He has the words "I love Japan" tattooed on his left arm, and he yearns for neon. The neon girl is beautiful and charming. Polite, he also thought that if he went to Neon, he could legitimately play with Japanese swords.

Although Awen and others teased Neon for not being such a big guy, they also looked forward to him taking everyone to Neon to have fun and experience Neon customs for themselves.

Four young people with different characteristics share a common hobby.

Play CS, watch neon animations, long for war, like guns, but have no respect for history. Except for Awen, none of them have received a serious nine-year compulsory education. They all rely on a little money from their families. , I have been ignorant and unskilled until now.

At the same time, they also have a consensus, which is to make money.

After Awen sold the cultural relics, he told them that the badge of the National Army and the bugle of the Red Army had just been sold for more than 5,000 US dollars!

The three of them were shocked. How could this thing be so expensive?

Isn’t this more profitable than using fake antiques to fool foreigners?

The key is that this thing is easy to find.

The guy who played Rock Neck told me that his grandpa had it, a box full of it!

The neck was described one by one, saying that he had seen it when he was a child, and that there were many objects in it. After hearing this, Awen immediately contacted the foreigner just now.

A rough estimate of the price. Good guy, can it be sold for $100,000? !

Upon hearing this, the other three looked at each other with interest.

Whether it’s true or false, go get it and talk about it!

But the problem is that Neck has not been back to his grandfather's house for many years, and his grandfather's house is in a mountain village far in the south.

For money, I did it!

After many twists and turns, everyone drove to Ning's grandfather's house with gifts. Unfortunately, as soon as they entered the village, they found that the elderly grandfather fell and fell unconscious at the edge of the field. He was sent to the hospital by the villagers.

Four heartless young people went to the hospital and then went back to their grandfather's house to find the box of objects!

Returning to the village, I came to my grandfather’s lonely house in the back hill.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets for a while, but couldn't find it.

Neck vaguely recalled at this time that his grandfather's house was originally in the back mountain. There was a big hole next to the old house, which was blown up by a Japanese bomb. It was later transformed into a cellar, but he later moved it out of fear of danger.

Neck also recalled that his grandfather had told him since he was a child that it was the command post of the New Fourth Army at that time.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Awen: So what are you waiting for? Come over quickly!

As soon as everyone gathered together, they went immediately.

The four of them were walking through the mountain forest. At this time, the mountain wind was blowing, which was a little strange, but the four of them didn't pay attention.

Finally, they finally found the dilapidated cellar. After entering, they found that there were 6 corpses inside!

But this is not a problem in front of the target box.

The four heartless guys quickly opened the box. After seeing bugles, military uniforms, medals, watches and other items, everyone was very happy and made a fortune!

But before he was happy for a long time, Awen found a letter at the bottom of the box.

There are four pieces of paper in the letter.

The handwriting on the paper is quite clear and looks like identification.

Looking carefully, the four of them were completely dumbfounded.

Because the names on the four identification cards were exactly the four people present!

What kind of supernatural event is this!

Without thinking much, there was a sound outside.

Everyone hurriedly climbed out, and when they took a look, they saw an old lady wearing patchwork clothes. The old lady was holding a bowl with eggs. While dividing the eggs among the four people, she asked them to help her find her son. She said she had her son with her. The wooden sign engraved with the four words "Serve the country with loyalty" was the amulet he obtained from the temple on the mountain.

When the four of them were confused, the old lady became concerned about them again and said that they were so dirty that they could go to the lake in the back mountain to wash themselves.

Some inexplicable words also diverted the attention of the four people.

Only then did they realize that they were covered in dust just trying to enter the shabby cellar.

Now that I have found the thing and am about to make a fortune, I might as well go for a swim and relax.

So the group of people quickly found the lake, and then quickly took off their clothes and started playing around.

The next second, a cannonball exploded on the lake.


The four of them were completely confused now.

With artillery fire all around, the peaceful environment just now has become a battlefield.

The day has turned into evening, and summer has turned into winter.

The four people were so cold that they hurried ashore, only to find that they were naked and could only cover their vitals and run away under gunfire.

As a result, he was quickly caught by New Fourth Army soldiers as a spy and was caught in front of an officer.

Along the way, Awen, who first realized something was wrong, reminded Awei to cover up the tattoo on his arm.

Ah Wei was still a little unhappy, but still obeyed.

When we arrived at the military camp, something even stranger happened. The documents we just picked up at the other end of time and space actually traveled together and were picked up by the New Fourth Army.

Only then did they realize that it was now 1942 and they had traveled through time!

The officer serving as the instructor (Zhang Guoqiang) was suspicious, but the handwriting on the certificate was very familiar. It was the handwriting of the political commissar of his unit.

At this time, the old squad leader played by Luo Jingmin came out to smooth things over.

It is said that these four boys were probably blown away by artillery shells when they broke out. Besides, looking at them, no matter how suspicious they are, they are definitely not Japanese soldiers.

It was the time of war, and the front line was tight. The four people's accents were very pure, and their IDs seemed to be fine. The political commissar temporarily decided to hand them over to the care of the old squad leader.

The four of them received military uniforms. Except that they had no weapons, they looked like New Fourth Army soldiers.

The old squad leader arranged for them to look after the wounded soldiers' camp, which was also considered surveillance.

But of course the four of them were not happy with this extremely boring era, so they tried every means to escape and tried various means to return to the modern era.

A rare bright spot in military camp life is the heavenly and beautiful health worker Zhang Xuan (played by Dong Xuan).

As a modern playboy, Awen began to play to his strengths.

As a result, the shells suddenly came.

The world seems to have suddenly returned to a scene of bombardment.

All four of them were frightened by the real and cruel battlefield.

What was completely different from their panic was that each of the soldiers regarded death as their own and launched a fierce attack on the enemy.

Even Zhang Xuan, who looked no different from a modern little girl, rescued many wounded people in the bloody battlefield, despite the hail of bullets.

It turned out that military doctor Zhang Xuan was not as fragile as he looked. With his strong and determined eyes and his quick rescue actions, he felt a sense of heroism as if he were a woman.

This was a completely different temperament from the girls in nightclubs later. Awen felt that he might have fallen in love with her.

In addition to the beautiful women, there is also an amiable old monitor here.

The old squad leader played by Na Kyung-min has a stern face and is unhappy with everyone. He is also very old and seems to be a difficult old man. This kind of person is the most stubborn old man in the village, but in fact he is the gentlest and most gentle. He is the one who takes care of them.

Although the suspicion of the four people has not been lifted, the old squad leader treats them no differently, just like he treats other soldiers, as brothers and comrades, and the soldiers also treat the old squad leader as their elder brother and comrade.

Especially after going through a hail of bullets, the four of them increasingly recognized the meaning of "brothers" and "comrades".

Just hearing the word "comrade", the four of them couldn't help but feel a little dazed. The word "future" is not a good word.

After a battle, the four of them became more integrated into the team.

During the break in the war, Neck, a rapper, gave these people who were decades older than them a piece of popular music in the 21st century: rap.

It's just that this rap was the same as Neck's before. It sounded awkward, it didn't rhyme, and the preface didn't match the follower. The other three people held their heads and exposed black lines on their foreheads, but the soldiers clapped with great enthusiasm.

They, who lack entertainment life, regard this as the sound of nature.

Seeing everyone's support, Neck, who has never been recognized before, almost cried.

During the few days in the military camp, the four young people not only gradually became accustomed to the life here, but also began to vaguely feel that the boring words and obscure names in the history textbook seemed to suddenly come to life.

Awen also completely fell in love with Zhang Xuan, the health worker who could be his grandmother. He often ran to her at night and said the sweet words he had said many times before, but this time, he was really tempted.

But after all, they were not from this era. After thinking about it, the four decided to go back.

In the middle of the night, the four of them quietly came to the lake and jumped into the lake. However, they swam for a long time without crossing back, and were caught by the old squad leader as deserters.

The four of them pondered for a long time and couldn't figure out why, so they had to use the excuse of winter swimming to strengthen their bodies. The old squad leader was an old squad leader after all, so they believed them.

The next day, the four of them saw the old woman holding a bowl of eggs again.

The four of them thought that the strange things they encountered all happened after seeing the old lady. They didn't care, they went up and knelt down in front of the old lady. Bodhisattva, please show mercy and let us go back.

Looking at these four fools, the old lady looked confused.

It was only then that the four of them remembered that the old woman had said that she wanted them to help find her son Xiaoyi.

The four of them suddenly realized that it seemed that before they could go back, they had to find the soldier named Xiao Yi first.

But the urgent military situation on the front line did not give them much time to think.

Soon people from the regiment came, and the four people were taken to the command post. The people in the regiment raised suspicions. There was a war going on by the lake at that time, but the four people came from the other side of the lake unscathed. They were showing strange behaviors these days. , coupled with the suspected escape yesterday, it is difficult to say whether these people are spies.

The four were restricted from traveling until their identities were proven.

As for the documents, they were temporarily kept in a locked box.

When the four of them saw the box and the current command post, they quickly understood that this was exactly the box they dug out, and this was the cellar!

So four of the six skeletons they saw before were really four of them?

The four of them quickly analyzed the historical records and found that they still had 62 hours left, because then the war would begin here, and it would be quite tragic.

In other words, if they don't find Xiaoyi and bring him back during this period, the four of them and the other two will die at the command post just now!

Fortunately, at this time, the old squad leader came out to smooth things over again. In order to clear their suspicions, he found the leader and suggested that the four of them go on a tongue-catching task. He would personally lead the team and risk his life as a guarantee.

This kind of thing is not allowed in the team, but the war is tight, the old squad leader is the old squad leader of almost everyone present, and the other four people may really know what is happening on the other side, so this suggestion is quickly adopted.

Soon, the old squad leader informed the four of them. Of course, the four of them would not care about the investigation mission.

In this kind of thing, his own life doesn't matter. The top priority is to find the little translator.

As a result, the old squad leader said at this time that the Xiaoyi they were looking for had gone to the other side of the lake for reconnaissance a few days ago and had not come back yet. Even if he was still there, he would still be with the Japanese army.

The four of them understood.

In other words, running away is both shameful and useless. If you want to go back, you have to carry out the mission bravely!

So the reconnaissance team took action.

At first, the reconnaissance mission went smoothly.

But after grabbing a tongue, Ah Wei did not block the Japanese soldier's mouth immediately because of his inexperience, which exposed the whole team.

A shout attracted the enemy, and the team could only carry the prisoners and escape.

But how could he run fast with a prisoner?

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, the old squad leader shouted: "You guys go away quickly, I'll hold the enemy back!"

Everyone knows what it means to stay at this time.

Awen didn't want to leave the squad leader behind.

He set up his gun and prepared to fight the enemy.

The old squad leader yelled: What, do you still want me to ask you to leave? Excuting an order!

Then he grabbed Awen and pushed him through the barbed wire fence.

Before parting, the old squad leader suddenly remembered something, stopped Awen and asked him: "When will the war end?"

The old squad leader's old face covered with gunpowder smoke became extremely kind at this moment, and his eyes were full of hope.

Originally, the old squad leader would certainly not believe the absurd statement that these young men came from the future.

But now, he knows that he is likely to die here.

At the last moment of his life, he wanted to know whether the cause for which he had devoted his life had succeeded.

This scene, in conjunction with the Gao Chao part of "Last Reunion", is soothing, tragic, and powerful.

When this sentence was asked, the people in the theater were not particularly tearful. Tears had already begun to well up in their eyes at this moment.

Awen looked at the old squad leader and replied without hesitation: "On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered, and on October 1, 1949, New China was founded! We won! The future is very good, and we have stood up again."

If possible, if there is time, Awen is willing to sit down with the old squad leader, drink some wine, eat some side dishes, watch the busy traffic on the street, talk for a few days and nights, and talk about the motherland that will stand up again in the future. .

But there was no time.

Hearing this answer, the old squad leader showed a rare smile, and his eyes couldn't help but look hopeful; "We really got through it."

After that, he turned around resolutely and jumped into the trench.

He fought fiercely with the enemy behind him and died heroically under artillery fire.

Unfortunately, the sacrifice of the old squad leader did not allow the four to escape successfully, and they were eventually captured by the Japanese army.

Originally, after capturing the prisoners, they would be shot on the spot. At this time, Awen's Japanese came into play. He used fluent Japanese to fabricate an identity for himself, temporarily deceiving the Japanese team and successfully avoiding execution on the spot.

They were escorted back to the military camp to await processing by their superiors.

On the way, the four of them saw with their own eyes a Japanese officer holding a samurai sword and cutting off the head of a Chinese village woman.

The four of them were startled, and whispered to Ah Wei: "A Wei, please tell them and ask them to let us go."

The anti-Japanese man moved his bib and said, "Bullshit."

Neck: "What's wrong? Aren't you and Xiaorili relatives?"

It was a satirical scene, and it was satisfying to see the Japanese elements deflated, but the people in the theater couldn't laugh.

Then the four of them came to the dungeon and met the mysterious translator.

Xiao Yi, played by Zhang Yi, is no longer human at this time.

After asking, they found out that this person was Xiao Yi, and everyone became excited.

But everyone was not happy for long, because everyone knew that Awen's delaying strategy would not last long, and it would probably be proven to be false soon.

He is about to die, what's the use of meeting the NPC in the main quest at this time?

Because they were in a bad mood, several people chatted and even quarreled with Xiaoyi.

When talking about the war and the future of the country, it is just a matter of words.

The angry rapper taunted the translator: Not everyone is a hero like you. If you knew that in the capital of the 21st century, there are many people who yearn to immigrate to Japan, thinking that Japan is a paradise, and everything in Japan is better than at home, even There are also celebrities who have the words "I love Japan" tattooed on their bodies. Are you going to be pissed off?

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other three people suddenly changed.

Xiaoqiang looked serious, and Awen felt heavy, because they knew that these things had happened.

Ah Wei, a Japanese activist, was even more angry because he was one of these fools in the first place.

In the past few days after traveling back in time, he felt extremely regretful for his ignorance and stupidity.

After hearing this, the fighting hero Xiaoyi was so angry that he grabbed the rapper's neck and wanted to strangle him alive.

This warrior, who had no skin on his body and was dying just now, was now so powerful that the three of them finally separated him.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Xiaoqiang and Xini said: "We are going to die soon anyway, so there is no point in saying this."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi, who was only half alive, said categorically: "It's meaningful! Doing the right thing is meaningful! The cause we are doing is the right cause, we will succeed, and we will not be forgotten. , in the future China will never fly the flag of another country!"

Thinking of the scum in reality, and then thinking of their past selves, the four of them did not dare to look directly into Xiao Yi's eyes. They could only comfort him and say: I will not forget it, I will not forget it.

After a long silence, Xiaoyi told everyone that he had dug a tunnel, but he hadn't finished digging it yet. He didn't have the strength to dig it anymore, and he had no chance to use it, so he would leave it to you.

Before leaving, Xiao Yi pulled out a small wooden sign from somewhere on his body. When everyone saw it, it was the main prop.

Xiaoyi solemnly entrusted the wooden sign to them. If he sees his mother, he will tell him that his son has not insulted these four words and has not betrayed the motherland.

The four of them were still trying to save the person, but Xiaoyi saw that he was really dying. The fight just now was the last bit of life force that had burst out.

However, the four of them still decided to take him away, even if it was his body.

That night, the four finally dug the tunnel, but just as they were about to escape, the movement attracted the Japanese army.

In the last half breath, Xiaoyi's eyes suddenly opened wide and he sang "The Military Song of the New Fourth Army."

"The glorious Northern Expedition is under the city of Wuchang,

Our names are stained with blood.

Fighting alone on Luoxiao Mountain,

Inherited the honors of the martyrs.

Thousands of struggles, wind, snow, hunger and cold;

Traveling thousands of miles to fight, camping in the poor mountains


While singing, he waved his hands to tell the four people to leave quickly.

Everyone knows that Xiaoyi is covering up for himself.

Everyone was unwilling, and Awen didn't want to see anyone sacrifice for himself anymore.

But Xiaoyi's eyes were extremely determined. He used up his last strength to push everyone, and with the help of his strength, he climbed to the door and blocked the door with his body.

He waved his hand again, telling everyone to leave quickly.

And his mouth was still singing.

"Athletes from eight provinces formed an iron current to resist Japan.

Go east, go east! We are the iron New Fourth Army! "

Despite the impact from the outside, Xiaoyi shed tears and smiled as she watched the four people leave safely.

After the four people fled, the singing behind them stopped abruptly along with the sound of gunfire.

Zhang Yi's performance was so infectious that it exploded.

Some people think that the best person in the whole movie is either him or the old squad leader.

But soon, Zhang Songwen, as the protagonist, also ushered in his dazzling light.

After some twists and turns, the four of them managed to escape from the Japanese position.

At this time, the four of them had realized that they had obtained the wooden sign this time, and they could go back as long as they returned to the lake.

But this time, no one wanted to escape.

In order for the four of them to come back alive, two New Fourth Army soldiers had already sacrificed themselves.

They owed their predecessors two lives.

Now is the time when the New Fourth Army is about to counterattack. Is it worthy of the two martyrs to run away at this time?

So just before the battle, the four people who originally wanted to run decided to stay.

Even they know that this means they will become the remains they dug up.

But they still decided to fight the invaders together with their seniors!

The battle soon begins.

Against the Japanese artillery tanks.

Countless New Fourth Army troops launched an attack bravely amidst the sound of bugles.

These four cowards who had never been on the battlefield also charged bravely at this moment.

On the way to the charge, Awen was shot in the thigh and the officer was shot in the neck.

Zhang Xuan desperately bandaged Awen on the battlefield, went to rescue the instructor, and dragged him to the bunker with four soldiers.

Awen, who was watching all this from a distance, suddenly understood that the bunker in the distance was the command post a few days ago.

So it was not the four of them who died in the bunker, but the four soldiers now.

In other words, if Zhang Xuan enters this bunker, he will definitely die!

Awen's eyes were red, and he leaned out of the crater regardless of his own safety.

Yelled loudly at Zhang Xuan, telling her not to enter the bunker.

But the artillery fire blocked the sound, and Zhang Xuan could not hear anything.

Awen could only watch his beloved girl being bombed to death in front of his eyes.

In the camera, Awen's face was covered with dirt. He struggled to hold himself up, eyes wide open, mouth open, but he couldn't cry.

His hands were groping helplessly in the dirt, and even the dirt was stuffed into his mouth without even realizing it.

But the war did not give them time to grieve.

On the way of the New Fourth Army's attack, a bunker blocked the team's path.

The four young men, filled with grief and indignation, mustered up the courage and rushed to the bunker with the explosive pack. Awei blocked the door of the bunker, and Awen dragged his injured leg and threw the explosive pack into the bunker.

With a violent explosion, this roadblock collapsed, and the heroic New Fourth Army team was able to move towards the battlefield farther away.

During the melee, Xiaoqiang was hit by an enemy bullet and his life hung on the line.

The other three people quickly carried him all the way to the lake and jumped into the lake.

This time, they finally managed to travel back through time and all survived.

After experiencing this narrow escape, everyone was completely transformed.

Xiaoqiang, who had returned from hell after being seriously injured, lay with his neck by the lake and laughed.

Without saying a word, Ah Wei found a sharp stone and scraped off the four-character "I love Japan" tattoo on his left arm.

The expression on Awen's face was the most complicated.

He walked out of the lake, his eyes dark and determined, terrifying.

In the eyes of everyone in the theater, it seems that they have never seen Zhang Songwen with such strong tension and such fierce anger.

He placed the wooden sign engraved with the four words "Serve the Country with Loyalty" by the lake, and carefully put away the small Chinese knot that Zhang Xuan gave him.

He looked back at the lake again.

The lake was silent, but when he looked at the lake, it seemed as if half of his life was buried in it.

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