China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 387 Wonderful Night 2 is on the agenda

End of feature film.

When the subtitles start to scroll, the little easter egg begins.

Awen received a call from the foreigner and asked if the goods had arrived.

Awen hung up the phone and, together with the other four people, donated the box of items to the relevant departments.

And the grandfather of the neck also put on the military uniform again.

Grandpa is very old, but he is still energetic.

With a group photo of five people, the film comes to the final scene.

Grandpa looked at Awen and said doubtfully: Why do you look familiar?

At this point, the entire film is finished.

Obviously, there is a second part.

Xingchen seems to like to play like this.

But it doesn’t matter, everyone is happy to see the next one.

If nothing else, the quality of the movie "We Come from the Future" is indeed very high.

The plot is interesting, the logic is rigorous, and the acting is explosive.

The most important thing is the details of the shoot.

Excellent use of lenses.

The war scenes are very real.

As expected of the team that filmed "1937"!

Of course, the most important thing is the spirit conveyed by the film.

The original film received a very high box office in Russia because there were huge social problems in Russia at that time.

But in China, let’s talk about Japanese separatists. There are some, and there are many of them, but they are not like in Russia, where “skinheads” openly roam the streets.

Therefore, the overall plot tension will naturally be much weaker than the Russian version.

But no matter how weak it is, it is still useful.

For example, after the movie ended, Zhang Lei looked at his cousin Huang Tao with a half-smile.

At this time, Huang Tao still didn't know why his cousin had objections to him all the way.

He actually felt something wasn't quite right at the beginning of the movie.

There was also a huge amount of resistance to this movie.

However, due to his cousin's force, he had no choice but to read it and complained in his heart.

As the plot progressed, he slowly began to realize whether he had indeed gone too far.

After that, I was completely drawn into the plot of the movie.

Until now, when he met his cousin's eyes, he felt a sense of shame that he had never felt before and could not wipe it away.

Looking at his cousin who dared not look directly at him, Zhang Lei was naturally very satisfied.

But he actually also knows how much role movies can play? I'm afraid it's limited.

It is estimated that there will still be many people like my cousin in the future.

As sons and daughters of China, what can we do?

Zhang Lei feels that his abilities are limited and he will basically not become a big shot in the future.

But at least, I can still do "don't forget"

On the other side, Beijing Planet Cinema No. 5 store.

As the lights came on, Zhang Songwen and other main creators came on stage amidst applause, and the interactive session of the premiere began.

"This movie came up when I was filming "1937". Yes, I decided to make two movies at that time."

"I am very satisfied with everyone's performance. Zhang Yi gave me a huge surprise. He will be a good actor in the future. Needless to say, Lao Luo performed stably. He is the most assured. The last scene of Awen was very explosive. I I think he can try a villain role in the future, it will definitely be good."

"What do you really want to express? The most basic thing is not to forget, yes, it seems easy to do, but it is actually very difficult."

"Box office expectations? Of course, the more, the better."

"Yes, there will be a second part, so stay tuned."

Ning Hao and others talked freely.

As the saying goes, if the movie is good, everything is good.

But it is also foreseeable that there may be a lot of controversy on the Internet in the future.

For example, the sentence in the movie "Celebrities with "I Love Japan" tattooed on their bodies."

Some people will definitely think of Little Swallow.

In addition to this, there will definitely be other people who will jump out and say that the movie is wrong.

In short, controversy is definitely inevitable, and it is not just about the movie itself.

But let them think whatever they want.

You can't kill him anyway.

Personally, I can't kill it.

It can't be beat in terms of movies alone.

Because the movie has become the second movie to be included in the film after "1937".

The scale this time will not be as big as "1937", but the nature will be similar.

This kind of movie is not a serious theme movie, but it is now.

Although many mainland directors seem ashamed to mention this kind of film, thinking that it is a product of the system.

But Lu Pingping would not pay attention.

These directors, looking outside, didn't see any real gains.

Now that Lu Ping'an, a director with great external achievements, has come back to make a movie with a main theme that is needed by the country and the nation, they are even less qualified to say so.

On the contrary, it might even point them to a path.

In short, the film has a golden status, so the problem is not big. The only thing that has to be paid is a little loss of copyright and splitting money.

But this is still a small matter.

Domestic copyrights cannot be sold at high prices.

As for foreign copyrights, some are now offering high prices.

Before the premiere, Ping An Lu specifically asked Hu Qingquan to find a Russian film producer.

Now that I have finished watching the movie, and looking at the eager expressions of the Russian film producers, it goes without saying that the price will not be low.

After the premiere, everyone had dinner together as usual.

There are many people in the circle who came to support me today.

It happened to be Lu Ping'an again, so it was naturally very lively.

It’s just that when there are more people, it’s not easy to talk about many things.

So after eating, the closer friends gathered alone.

Jiang Wen came today. His "The Sun Also Rises" has been completely finished and has been sent to Venice.

Of course, Jiang Wen is full of confidence in this movie. The awards, box office, etc. are all promising.

Lu Ping'an didn't say anything else, only blessings.

Then talking about watching movies, Lu Pingan made an appointment with him three days later, because tomorrow he was going to Bashu to attend the college entrance examination swearing-in ceremony of his first middle school.

Then the protagonist of the topic came to the main creators this time.

The happiest people at the moment are a few actors.

Their performance in the film this time is very eye-catching.

Dong Xuan and others also performed very well.

Dong Xuan's role this time was brought in by Ning Hao.

They are all in the same circle, so naturally they have to help.

It’s just that Dong Xuan thought it was Lu Ping An’s instruction, so needless to say, Lu Ping An was already booked tonight.

The most eye-catching ones are Zhang Songwen, Zhang Yi and Luo Jingmin.

Zhang Songwen said he might not be able to win an award this time.

The rest are not jealous either.

Because Zhang Yi has already signed a contract with Xingchen.

This was achieved in exchange for wonderful performance, and everyone recognized it.

As for Zhou Yiwei, "1937" has basically been able to book several awards this year.

Baoqiang has Xu Sanduo, and "Shunliu" will follow soon.

Huang Bo will also have two blockbuster roles soon.

However, on this issue, Lu Pingan and Ning Hao talked about something seriously.

""Wonderful Night 2", I want to leave it to you to shoot."

When Ning Hao heard this, his brows were crooked.


"Yes, I will produce and you will direct."

"Why don't you guide yourself?"

"I don't have time. The Olympics are coming soon."

"No, do you want to shoot this year?"


Lu Pingping nodded.

He has finished adjusting the script of "Wonderful Night 2".

This series of "Original Time and Space" is worse than the last.

According to the original path, the series will definitely continue to decline in the future.

If you want to change this situation, you have to make some adjustments to the plot content.

After the golden finger test, Lu Ping An has basically locked in the script direction of "Wonderful Night 2".

It’s just that this direction needs some time, such as catching up with next year’s big events.

This is not a malicious hotspot, but a theme in this regard.

In this way, the meaning of shooting this year and shooting next year will be completely different.

But this year he didn’t have time, so he had to be a producer and Ning Hao was the director.

At present, among all the stars, Ning Hao is actually the most suitable.

In this aspect, it actually involves the future development direction of Xingchen.

In the future, Xingchen will definitely attract more directors from the younger generation.

Lu Ping An will also design a ladder for them.

There are roughly three floors.

First Category: Lu Pingan has low-cost overseas masterpieces that can be remade. Such movies can hit a dozen average box office, and the most important thing is to focus on exporting copyrights overseas, such as "Twenty Again". The kind that blooms in many places can increase the company's revenue. In addition, this kind of movie also has a timeliness issue. If you don't make it, you will really miss it.

Second Category: Works independently created by directors or screenwriters from the company. Lu Pingan does not include their works, but can include people, such as Ning Hao’s own Crazy series, Xu Shanzheng’s Awkward series, and Chen Sicheng’s Tang Dynasty. Detective series and the like.

The third tier: movies that can hit international awards, as well as large-scale industrial blockbusters. Such movies are currently mainly produced by Lu Ping An, and secondly, they must be led by real core members of the company.

For example, Ning Hao is a core member. Lu Ping An has no time to work on "Wonderful Night 2", so he has to push him to operate it.

Once you operate the third level of work and achieve great success, it is basically difficult to return to the first level.

Just like it is not appropriate for Lu Ping An to make small-budget movies with no special meaning now.

Of course, if Ning Hao is willing to earn a little money for a while, such as filming interesting scripts in Lu Ping'an's hand, or doing something that interests him, or he doesn't particularly care about hitting the box office, or whether he can handle big projects, it's not special. Be aware of the “baggage” you carry etc.

That road to peace will not be blocked.

After knowing what Lu Ping'an meant, Ning Hao thought for a while and said, "Okay, but I don't have time to shoot "Happy Family" and "Crazy Racing" this year."

"Let's film again next year, or let someone else film "Happy Family"."

"Forget it if you take pictures for others."

"Don't worry about profits. I will make some reforms next and start to attract new directors. Of course, the interests of my brothers must be protected."

"I'm not saying this, I'm saying that I really like "Happy Family". The script has also been revised and it finally passed the review. I will not be willing to be filmed by others."

"Then let's put it aside for next year. Let's prepare for "Wonderful Night 2" after a while. It's best to start before September and strive to release it during the Lunar New Year next year and hit a big box office."

"So soon? We don't know the outcome of this movie yet. What if it fails?"

"It's impossible to pounce."

Lu Pingan is not worried at all about things like box office.

At present, the pre-sale box office of "We Come from the Future" has exceeded 50 million. In the future, 100 million will be easy, and 200 million will basically be no problem. For a cost of only 40 million, making money will definitely be no problem.

After hearing this, Ning Hao began to sigh: "It used to be big news if the box office exceeded 100 million, but now it doesn't feel the same if it doesn't reach 200 million."

Lu Pingan smiled and showed the data: "Do you know how many big screens have increased in the past few years? What is the annual growth rate of the total box office? That is an increase of about 20% every year! Let me tell you, in three years In five years, a box office of 500 million is normal."

While they were chatting, Hu Qingquan came back and brought good news.

"The Russian adaptation rights were sold for US$6.8 million."

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "Look, isn't this just a return to money?"

Ning Hao was also happy.

In this way, the pressure will be greatly reduced, and he can prepare for "Wonderful Night 2" with peace of mind.

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