China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 389 College Entrance Examination Subject?

"Is this a student of the school?"

Lu Ping'an asked.

The embarrassment flashed across the face of the school leader who was in the car, and then he denied: "No, they are all unemployed young people."

Lu Pingan nodded, but he didn't believe it.

Because he immediately recalled the high school in his previous life.

In his previous life, high school was a few years later than this period, and killing Matt was still popular at that time.

Because the high school is not very good, just like the school I am going to now, it is a "senior high school", which is a general high school under the key high school.

General high school means that there are many students who are not good at studying.

Their future prospects are dominated by two majors, and most of them go out to work directly after college or graduation.

And such a school is very chaotic, and there will be many murderers.

Lu Pingan actually holds an objective attitude towards groups like Shamate.

This group is not all bad people, but rather a group of young people worthy of attention.

The colorful world outside is very attractive, but it seems to have nothing to do with them at the bottom. Young people who want to be noticed by the world create non-mainstream pop culture like Shamate.

And as long as it's popular, it's contagious.

In the eyes of many people who are considered to be shamate, maybe they don’t know that they are shamate at all. They just think that this is the most suitable and best aesthetic for them, and it is the coolest way to show their personality.

But in the eyes of the "mainstream" it is naturally heretical.

As for the group division of this kind of heresy in school, it is basically only those poor students who cannot study well.

Why, because they have basically seen the future. They cannot go to school, and their family conditions are poor. They will basically not be able to go to university in the future. Working in a factory may be the best way out.

Their mentality is not that of students, but of "adults" who are qualified to independently control their lives.

So the school leaders like me who were in the same car hated it, but they were also helpless.

How do you manage such students?

It is the greatest tolerance to prevent them from causing big troubles and to live their student lives well.

Therefore, Lu Ping'an understood the leader's possible concealment.

When he was in high school, a leader came to inspect him and also invited the disobedient killers out.

So Lu Ping'an didn't ask any more questions.

Then the car continued to drive for about a kilometer and arrived at the school: Wenchuan County Senior High School.

This is the first school built by Rongan Fund in Bashu.

The original purpose of building this school was for primary school enrollment, but because the country is also developing, the place that was relatively remote in 2002 has become less remote now.

And the school building is very good, and all kinds of hardware are well designed from the beginning, because it is the first school.

So in the past few years, it has been continuously upgraded by the government from elementary school to junior high school and now to high school.

Guorong joked: "In the beginning, those children, all of whom went to elementary school, junior high school and high school, were unable to move."

"This is not bad. You don't have to go far away to go to school, and you can save a lot on transportation costs."

Lu Pingan got out of the car with a smile, and then greeted a group of teachers and student representatives.

Everyone already knew that Director Lu was coming. Even those who had already had contact with big stars were full of excitement and excitement at this moment.

Lu Ping'an kept a low profile and left the next scene to Guorong. He was here to witness it anyway, not the protagonist, but the college entrance examination students.

The next step is to visit the school and listen to the explanation.

There are 340 senior high school students in this class. Those who are determined to take the undergraduate examination, that is, there are four classes, half of which are arts and sciences, a total of 168 people.

The rest are all junior college exams, that is, they only take three subjects: Chinese, Mathematics, and English.

This is what Pugao is like. I guess many people have never heard of it. There are students who only take three subjects in the college entrance examination?

Among the 168 people who want to take the bachelor's degree exam, Guorong said, it is estimated that only less than 30 are capable of taking the second degree.

It is estimated that less than a hundred people can pass three exams.

From the perspective of parents in first-tier cities, Sanben University would not even take a glance at it.

But to people here, it's still college.

Even if the tuition for three books would be much more expensive, it would still be enough to open a class.

After all, a few years ago, those who were not good at studying would have gone to work long ago. But now, those who are average in study still have the option of three books. Many people have never heard of it.

In fact, in Lu Ping'an's opinion, taking three exams is worse than not taking them at all, which is a waste of money. However, each country has its own situation and cannot use its own standards to measure it.

Just like what Guorong said, he pointed to a tall boy and said that he could hit two books this time, even if it was only three books, he would be the first college student in their entire village. For this boy, it was of great significance. It's completely different, because he can use this to completely walk out.

Indeed, getting admitted to college is actually more than just a diploma for students, but it means that they can go out.

It is very important for people in poor areas to go out.

The college entrance examination is, for many people, the only fair way to change their lives.

It's a pity.

Not many people actually understand this.

Next, everyone walked around according to the procedure, and then went to eat. The swearing-in ceremony will come again tomorrow.

During the meal, the teachers talked about it.

"There are many students who are actually very talented, but for various reasons, they cannot concentrate on studying."

The teachers began to give examples.

Some have family circumstances that cause their personalities to change drastically, some have bad friends that delay their studies, and some have abandoned their studies due to various problems such as early love, playing games, and fighting.

Compared with these people, having no money to study is actually a small problem. At least it is considered a small problem here in Wenchuan. After all, this is not a few years ago.

So the teachers are very sad.

It’s not that the school doesn’t care, but because it’s a general high school and because of its geographical location, the student pool is inherently poor, so it’s extremely difficult to create a learning atmosphere.

Lu Ping'an expressed his understanding that objective factors do have a great influence, otherwise so many high schools across the country would not be able to distinguish between what is important and what is not.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but feel grateful that he had worked hard during his two lifetimes as a student. Especially in his previous life, he persevered in the face of temptation many times. Finally, he worked hard before the college entrance examination, did not give up, and successfully passed the second degree.

Thinking of this, Lu Ping'an couldn't help but think of making an inspirational movie about studying or college entrance examination.

Although it is not quantifiable how much effect this type of movie can have on reality, it does have practical significance and can have a positive effect on society.

But even if he wanted to shoot, he wouldn't have time this year or next, so he quickly put the idea behind him.

But when he returned to the hotel and chatted with Guorong after dinner, Guorong suggested: "Do you have any idea of ​​making a movie about the college entrance examination?" (End of Chapter)

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