Lu Pingan smiled: "Do you have any ideas?"

"Yes, but I don't know how to direct, so I want to tell you my idea. You can direct it and I can make a guest appearance."

"Okay, but I haven't been able to shoot in the past two years."

"I know that the Olympics are the most important, and this group of students may not really be admitted to a good university. If someone does get admitted, then the filming will be based on real prototypes, which will be more convincing."

"Have you already found a good prototype?"

"Yes, let me tell you, there is a student I particularly like. Come and let me show you her photo."

Guorong said and took out his mobile phone.

When Lu Ping'an saw the girl in the photo album, his brows were crooked: "Kill Matt?"

"You can't believe it. This is what she looked like three months ago. Let me show you what she looks like now. Look, this."

"She's quite innocent, and her image has changed a bit."

"The scores are rising very fast! A year ago, she was at the bottom. Do you know how many points she scored in the college entrance examination simulation paper? She was less than 200 points. Now guess what?"

"The one you said before can get into Tsinghua University and Peking University, isn't she the one?"

“Tsinghua and Peking University are too far away, but I’m sure I can get two of them, and I might be able to get one!”


"That's right, otherwise I would use her as a prototype? Let me tell you, this child used to be very miserable."

The next day, Lu Ping'an met the inspirational girl Guorong said had worked hard for a year and almost completely returned to kill Matt in the middle: Lin Xiaofang.

Lu Ping'an didn't say much, he just gave encouragement: "Come on!"

Lin Xiaofang responded with a confident and generous smile: "See you in the capital!"

Everyone knows what universities in the capital represent.

So the rest of the teachers laughed.

Not teasing, but confidence in her.

Lin Xiaofang went from "trash" to the most likely student in the school to study in one year. Everyone's view of her had already changed.

Although Lu Pingan had no personal experience, he roughly knew her story from Guorong.

But he still didn't say much. It was not certain whether he would pass the exam in the end, so he just continued to encourage: "Be careful of arrogance and impetuosity. Come on!"

After a brief meeting, a swearing-in ceremony followed.

Lu Pingan also said a few words and promised to provide scholarships.

As the first school I donated to, although the purpose has changed drastically, it is still somewhat sentimental after all, so investing more is not a big problem.

After the swearing-in meeting, Lu Pingping no longer stayed.

Before leaving, Guorong mentioned again: "I will work on the script first, and we will keep in touch."

Guorong is obviously very confident.

Lu Pingan nodded: "Then I'll wait for your good news."

The college entrance examination will be held in a few days, I hope it goes well.

Even if it doesn't go well, it's okay. Anyway, Lu Ping An has locked in the template movie last night and will definitely make it in the future.

With a wave of their hands, everyone separated. Guorong and Han Hong went to the next school, while Lu Pingan returned to Beijing.

It was already evening when we returned to the capital.

At this time, the box office for the first three days of "We Come from the Future" has also been released.

89 million, slightly over two million more than expected.

Also expected was controversy surrounding the film.

As expected, the media began to hype Xiaoyanzi.

Then various organizations and celebrities who were close to Xiaoyanzi came to ask if there was a misunderstanding, blah blah blah.

What a misunderstanding.

There can be misunderstandings even when filming someone fighting against the Japanese invaders, which only shows that the other party has shit.

Wu Guohua responded as planned: The film is purely fictional, please do not over-interpret it.

A good thing a netizen posted was the following sentence: "Any similarity is purely coincidental." So there are still similarities. Who is the similarity? So why bother talking about it?

So the eyes of the masses are sharp!

After returning home, Yan Danchen also talked about this matter, saying that Xiao Yanzi asked her to bring a message, saying that if there was any misunderstanding, she hoped to sit down and talk.

Lu Pingan smiled and asked Yan Danchen to reply: Don't worry about it, some people just like to think nonsense.

There is indeed no misunderstanding. What misunderstanding can there be if we tell the truth?

But Xingchen officials have said so. They can think whatever they want. No matter what, it will not prevent Xingchen from being insulated from this group of people in the future.

Next, Lu Ping'an spent another four days repairing in China. After the rain and dew got on all four women, he flew to Lao America.

At this time, the promotion of "Pacific Rim" in the United States had already begun for three days.

Liu Qianqian followed the team everywhere on the show.

With the new resources brought by Nordin, Liu Qianqian finally felt the intensity of Hollywood's publicity.

Old American movie fans also learned about the Chinese starring role.

But only some of Lu Ping An's fans are willing to understand. The rest of the people's views are actually the same as before, that is, they are not optimistic about "Pacific Rim", especially under the premise that the movie will meet "Fantastic Four 2" head-on. So I won't pay too much attention to the leading actress, not to mention she is still a foreigner.

In contrast, domestic attention to "Pacific Rim" is naturally huge.

Basically, a domestically produced movie is about to be released in Hollywood. No matter what it is about, I don’t support it because it’s not Chinese.

Of course, there are also those who are negative, especially those who saw the expected evaluation of the movie by the old American media and felt that "Fantastic Four 2" has a huge chance of winning, and that Lu Pingan's first career failure is just around the corner.

Some people gloat about others' misfortunes, but those who know how to do it sneer at these people who gloat about others' misfortunes.

They know that failure at this time is not a big deal for Lu Pingan, because he has a horror film series and a Batman series to base, so it is okay if the original movie in the middle loses.

After all, Lu Ping An is no longer a "foreigner" who had nothing at the beginning.

Of course, there are many people here who want to see Lu Ping'an frustrated.

Having said that, the promotion of "Pacific Rim" has always been at a disadvantage. To find out, we still have to wait until it is released in more than a week.

Contrary to "Pacific Rim", "Peak 3" is extremely popular.

Cheng Long is old!

This topic is now very popular in the United States and even the world.

Seeing the description of dozens of injuries and injuries posted by New Line through the media, Cheng Long's fans were nostalgic.

At the same time, there are some foolish media who really think that this is Cheng Long's fault, so they follow the lead and say that Cheng Long's road to Hollywood is over!

Then many fans of Cheng Long began to fight back, saying that they would watch it no matter how old they were!

New Line was very optimistic about the situation and directly released a special episode of Cheng Long's past mistakes.

All kinds of falls, all kinds of injuries, and then the text "Legend"!

Watch the video of Miles Dragon in various stages from young to old.

"I owe Cheng Long a movie ticket" actually became popular.

"Peak 3" has added fuel to the fire.

The lively and vigorous publicity lasted for more than a week.

It’s June 15th.

News comes from the mainland that "We Come from the Future" has successfully exceeded 200 million at the box office after two weeks of release.

Approximately more than 20 million of this amount is contributed by entities and film attributes.

But it is already very strong, after all, there are already pirated copies.

Lu Pingan sent congratulations to the creators.

The main creators also responded unanimously: I wish "Pacific Rim" a big hit in North America and "Fantastic Four 2" to death!

At this time, many people in the mainland are paying attention to the war situation in North America.

The same is true in North America. Some are waiting to see Lu Ping An fail, while others are looking forward to Lu Ping An showing his true manly attributes again and how he will fight back despite being looked down upon again.

For this reason, many fans of Lu Ping An began to raise flags.

"As evidence, the safe road effect will be realized again!"

"What is the Safe Road Effect?"

"That is an effect unique to Lu. As long as his movies are poorly viewed before they are released, they will definitely succeed!"

"Then what if we are not looked down upon?"

"Why don't you talk nonsense if you don't want to be looked down upon!"

"I have already bought tickets for two movies, but I think Lu is going to kneel down this time."

"Look, there is one more person who is bullish. This time Lu is probably going to be stable again."

Movie fans have a certain sense of self-confidence, but they are in the minority after all.

However, the topic of "safe road effect" has also begun to spread.

Many passers-by paid attention after seeing it, wanting to see if the final result was really that magical.

Of course, the majority are still bearish.

After all, the hard power lies here.

"Fantastic Four 2" is not just a comic book movie, but a super comic book movie that uses 7 Marvel characters in a row!

The fan base is huge, how can we lose?

Looking back at "Pacific Rim".

Well, it also has an advantage, that is, it uses IMAX and 3D.

But there are only so many 3D screens now, less than 300 yuan, IMAX is even less, less than 150 yuan in the United States, and the movie coverage is estimated to be less than 100 yuan. How much impact can this have on the overall box office?

Moreover, for 3D and IMAX to be effective, high-quality production is required. Can you co-produce a film?

In short, on the eve of the simultaneous opening of the two movies on the afternoon of the 15th, "Pacific Rim" was almost considered to be the result of being "knocked out".

In terms of popularity, "Fantastic Four 2" naturally leads the pack.

Ordinary movie fans also enter theaters with such preconceived emotions.

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