A theater in Los Angeles.

Film critic Jackson followed the crowd into the theater.

The next movie he wants to watch is "Fantastic Four 2."

"Fantastic Four 2" is the most popular movie today, with half the movie schedule than "Pacific Rim", which was also released today.

It's understandable, after all, this is a Marvel IP, and there are several characters in it.

The previous work was successful.

The casting is also great.

His favorite Jessica Alba is in the movie.

Jackson is not a comic book fan, nor does it mainly do it for work. He comes to see it more for Jessica.

Watch the goddess, enjoy the movie, this is the best way to complete the movie review task, and then start a wonderful weekend.

Of course, he also wanted to watch Lu Ping'an's "Pacific Rim".

Speaking of which, he can be considered a fan of Lu Pingan.

But he wasn't his biggest fan after all.

So naturally you have to watch what you like to watch first.

After entering the cinema and sitting down, he looked around.

The attendance rate is quite high.

He estimates that "Fantastic Four 2" will not be bad at the box office this time.

Jessica is going to be famous!

Jackson felt a little happy.

Soon, the movie started.

"Fantastic Four 2" tells the story of four superheroes who first fight the new boss Silver Surfer, and then form an alliance with him to fight the big boss Galactus together.

The story is simple and fits the tone of a superhero popcorn movie.

Fans and fans watch this kind of movie just for the pleasure.

Look at the fight scenes, look at the special effects, look at the handsome actors and actresses, and then the plot is passable, it’s basically not a problem for this kind of movie to pay back.


Is the producer of "Fantastic Four 2" sick?

Not long after the movie started, Jackson, who prides himself on being relatively tolerant of movies, couldn't help but have this question pop up in his mind.

Because he quickly discovered a big poisonous spot.

Jessica Alba, what a beautiful actress, why is she so ugly in this movie?

It's not easy to make Jessica Alba look ugly.

However, the photography of this film really did it.

At the beginning of the film, there is a close-up of Jessica Alba, who plays the "Invisible Woman". However, the result was that Tony felt that it looked at least ten years older!

And the makeup was not done with any care at all. She looked like a nightclub girl. She definitely stayed up late last night.

Not only is this not comparable to Jessica's original "Dictionary Lover", it can't even compare to the first one!

And if you look further, this is not the only flaw, and it's not the biggest one either.

Such as special effects.

It stands to reason that with the theme of the Fantastic Four, combined with the rich materials in Marvel's original works, and the addition of invincible characters such as Silver Surfer and Galactus, the special effects can be extremely magnificent. Just the abilities of these four people, You can play with a lot of flowers.

Even if it cannot achieve the effect of X-Men, it will not fail.

But unfortunately, the production team seems to have collectively lost their imagination.

The special effects of the entire film, as long as there are scenes where the Silver Surfer appears, such as the London Eye rescue scene, the high-quality material design, rendering technology, and motion capture are indeed serious Hollywood blockbusters, especially the different psychology of the Silver Surfer. The state, including losing the surfboard underfoot and regaining energy, the changes in color and luster of the two bodies are very exquisite.

But the rest gave Jackson the illusion of another movie.

For example, at the beginning of the film, there is a very boring special effect. When Mr. Fantastic was on a plane, he had no place to put his luggage, so he secretly used his super power to reach into the luggage rack opposite. As a result, the old lady had no place to put her luggage. In terms of the social effect of the script, it is actually not a very good example.

There is also the second climax at the end. The hot man played by Chris Evans, who has not yet become Captain America, comes up with a way to combine everyone's abilities and becomes a "Frankenstein". At this time, Jackson even thought that the funds It was possible to burn again, but he found that he had overthought it again. In the film, he actually turned into an Aladdin-like genie!

Good guy, what is this!

Sometimes good or bad, most of the special effects are bad. If there is a good plot to support it, it is still not a big problem.

But the problem is, the plot is also very rough!

According to Jackson, the plot of the entire movie is as follows:

There is a naked "Silver Surfer" who looks like the liquid robot in "The Terminator". He was originally going to kill the earth. Of course, he doesn't have this ability yet. His master is called "Planet Devourer", who specializes in eating planets. Come to strengthen yourself.

Then in a few whooshes, when the Silver Surfer flew over the earth, he woke up the villain Doctor in the first part of "Fantastic Four", and then he was inexplicably resurrected, and he was cured of the "iron skin disease".

Mr. Fantastic built a powerful-looking device that detected the Silver Surfer, and then Doctor Doom pretended to join forces with them, but actually wanted to seize the Silver Surfer's surfboard.

The next scene is one of the few in the entire film that reminds people that they are watching a "blockbuster" made by Hollywood's top industry. It is the scene where the London Eye is uprooted by the powerful energy of the Silver Surfer. .

The following plot ferments rapidly in a market-like rhythm.

Suddenly and inexplicably, the Silver Surfer became better, and then these superheroes flew across China with "lightning speed", and in a few seconds, they reached Shanghai from the Great Wall.

Everyone worked together to kill Dr. Doom, and the invisible woman Jessica Alba died in the line of duty. However, the Silver Surfer still inexplicably waved his hand a few times like a magic trick without explaining the principle of the operation, and the invisible woman was instantly resurrected.

And in the last few minutes of the film, I thought that the super invincible BOSS that had paved the way for the entire film, the planet devourer, the creation god-like existence that far surpassed Thanos, would make a stunning appearance, show off a wave of skills, and then let the audience See the money burning.

But Jackson soon discovered that he had thought too much.

Silver Surfer used a very simple trick: self-destruction to drive away Galactus.

That's it?

Is this gone?

The intricate relationship between Galactus and the Silver Surfer, the source of their power, and the strength of their abilities are not mentioned at all, and the connection between the various plots can be said to be blank and will not be said to you.

As a result, the director now seems to be using the length of the film to hint to the audience: "Marvel's plot is so complicated, and it's so troublesome to dismantle it. I really want to perfunctory and get paid. Do you want to watch it?"

Then he realized that the whole movie was less than an hour and a half, right?

The film involves at least 7 important characters from the comics, but it only lasts an hour and a half? !

If another director had filmed it, with so many heroes, he could have produced at least three films with a length of more than 2 hours!

It can be said that "Fantastic Four 2" perfectly avoids all the methods that comic-book movies may use to create highlight moments. Whether it is the director, script or special effects, they all give people the feeling that every type of work seems to be absent-minded.

Until he walked out of the theater, Jackson didn't understand what 20th Century Fox was thinking and what the producers of this film were thinking!

Jackson felt that although the film was still watchable, it was far from as good as advertised!

There were many viewers who had similar thoughts to him, just look at the expressions of those who walked out together.

Either frowning, or looking calm.

It goes without saying what this expression represents.

After watching a good movie, my expression will definitely not be like this.

At this moment, Jackson noticed that the screening in the theater next door had also ended, and the fans who came out were all chatting there, and some were even talking about something with excitement.

This is how you feel after watching a good movie!

Jackson was curious, and then he found a girl and asked, "What movie did you just watch?"

"Pacific Rim."

The girl gave a simple answer and then left, not wanting to leave her mobile phone number for the man.

And Jackson didn't care about this, he was already walking towards the ticket office.

"I want a ticket to Pacific Rim." (End of chapter)

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