(Purely plot, don’t jump if you don’t like it)

The movie continues, and in the picture, Officer Li, who is still working at the consulate, and is currently patrolling, hears a voice in his earphones, saying that an intruder has been found.

Officer Li looked down and saw that there was indeed a commotion below many floors.

Officer Li glanced at the water pipe next to him.

When everyone thought he was going to go down the pipe, like in all his previous movies.

Officer Li chose to take the stairs!

He calmly walked downstairs.

He looked very much like an old man.

However, Officer Li looks old, but his brain is still good.

With eyes and ears in all directions, he passed through the chaotic crowd with sharp eyes and quickly found the little thief disguised as an embassy staff member.

Then the little thief resisted, but when everyone thought Officer Li was going to start a fight, Officer Li actually started to quarrel.

Where is your home? What have you eaten? Who fed you like this? Where did you learn this skill? Even Carter’s grandma is better than you.

The rant made movie fans feel nostalgic.

This is the way of black Carter!

There are many Carter's catchphrases in what Officer Li said.

Why do these two people feel like their identities have been reversed?

The little thief also got so angry because of the bad words that he accidentally fell down and fainted.

The next scene is a scene split in two on the big screen. Officer Li and Carter are facing the little trouble they have just solved at their respective posts. They adjust their suits in unison and have a handsome ending.

Then, the movie title subtitle of "Peak 3" appeared.

Then in the movie, the two chatted on the phone.

He said he hadn't seen each other for many years and wanted to find time to get together.

Officer Li joked about whether Carter had turned gray.

Carter joked back, "You seem to talk more than before. Did you learn it from watching Sesame Street?"

Very warm atmosphere.

After seeing this, many people who initially felt that the character design was a bit broken and were dissatisfied no longer thought much about it.

After all, this is the third part, and many years have passed.

The two have known each other for such a long time, so it is normal for them to have a certain influence on each other.

And it is this kind of chatter about old times and the somewhat interchangeable settings that allows movie fans to open up those long-term memories.

Of course, the start is indeed very good, but if there is no action scene next, this plate will still lose a lot of attraction.

Fortunately, Lu Ping An obviously wouldn't do this.

Soon, Officer Li, who got the chance to take a vacation, came to Los Angeles to find Carter.

Carter was a traffic policeman at this time and was fired because he made another mistake.

But Carter wants to save face.

He didn't want his good brother to see his downfall during this short two-day vacation.

So after he had just achieved a small feat, but the thief again complained that he used too much force, so that he could not resume his original position, Carter decided to put on a show and pretended to be super busy to show Officer Li.

Anyway, let’s talk about it after these two days.

The object of the show was to find his little cousin, the leader of the community gang who appeared in the previous game, to show Officer Li a show, so that Officer Li would know that I, Carter, am very busy, but no matter how busy I am, I can still squeeze into my busy schedule. I took some time to meet you!

This scene, where Carter threatens his little cousin, is another laugh point.

In the previous game, Officer Li played one-on-one in this billiard hall.

When Carter came to discuss it, his little cousin disagreed and refused to pay. Who would agree to be beaten for nothing?

Carter directly took out the billiard cue and played tricks. The little cousin was very stubborn at first, but later he found out who was coming? Reluctantly agreed directly.

Old movie fans will recognize this gag at a glance.

New fans were amused by Carter's quips and antics.

Then the matter was settled. In the afternoon, at the same airport, Carter picked up Officer Li.

Officer Li was still in a neat suit, and Carter was a little unhappy. Was he here on vacation or for work?

Listen to me and do as the Romans do! Change your clothes!

Officer Li raised his finger to express no.

Carter said enthusiastically: I will change too!

In the next shot, a black man in a Tang suit and Officer Li wearing a gold chain appeared on the streets of Los Angeles.

Everyone laughed.

Then the fun begins. Carter, who is taking Officer Li for a ride in a convertible, encounters his colleagues from the traffic police team on the street.

Colleagues didn't know Carter was taking leave today, so they almost let it slip.

Carter pulled the man away in order to shut him up, preparing to threaten him.

But in the car, Carter's cell phone rang. When Officer Li looked at the name on the caller ID, he knew it was his little cousin, an old acquaintance.

But he didn't answer and asked Carter.

Of course Carter asked him to take over, he was an actor.

As a result, Officer Li heard the other party's cry for help after answering the call.

When the camera turned, the little cousin was already lying in a pool of blood. Something had really happened!

Officer Li didn't think it was an act, and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter and informed Carter of the matter.

Carter was still there complaining that the call was ten minutes late, almost giving himself away.

At the same time, seeing Officer Li look like that, I secretly admired my little cousin for his good acting skills.

Then he said calmly: I'm taking care of Los Angeles, it's just a small matter, don't worry!

The two set off.

People in the theater raised high expectations while laughing.

Then the story officially enters the "rush hour".

Carter boasted all the way and drove Officer Li to the billiards room, but he didn't expect that the entire billiards room had been smashed to pieces.

Carter was stunned, but his first reaction was that his little cousin was too dedicated.

Officer Li looked serious from beginning to end.

Then when he saw his little cousin in a pool of blood, Carter finally panicked.

Officer Li quickly asked him to notify his superiors to call for backup. Carter’s call was ridiculous. Not only was he sending someone a case for nothing, but he also had to reveal his secret. Then he thought about it, this was a major case. If it could be solved, reinstatement would not be a certainty. ?

So he lied to Officer Li. Now the case belongs to us, and we must solve the case as soon as possible.

At this time, Officer Li also found clues to the case. Carter took advantage of the situation and said: "Let's go after it. Don't worry about it here. Someone will take over."

Carter didn't really want to leave the stall like this. He still called his old partner in the major crimes unit.

The old partner also agreed, but on the way, the old partner was hit by a car and fell into a coma.

Soon, the situation took an interesting turn.

Officer Li worked diligently to help Carter solve the case and track the suspect.

The police also received a report, and upon investigation, they found that the black man and the yellow man were the biggest suspects.

So a ring-within-a-ring hunt begins.

On this side, Officer Li found the martial arts gym based on clues.

Then the martial arts scene in the original film in which Sun Mingming made a cameo happened.

It has little to do with the main plot. Most of it is purely funny, but it also gives clues.

Under Carter's questioning, Officer Li revealed that the clues he found came from his junior brother.

That is the role played by Hiroyuki Sanada in the original version.

Now he is also played by Hiroyuki Sanada.

Now the junior brother has become the biggest suspect. Officer Li looks very bad. He doesn't believe that the junior brother will become like this.

At the same time, there are still many doubts. Why did the junior brother attack a small community gang?

Without thinking much, the two soon faced an encounter.

Hiroyuki Sanada made a comeback, and then a Cheng Long's iconic warehouse fight scene appeared.

The two used various props to fight back and forth, which made the fans very satisfied.

This is the original Cheng Long's action.

But in the end, the merciless Officer Li was defeated. Not only that, he was also ridiculed as "old".

However, the audience could see that Officer Li had indeed withdrawn his strength.

Carter on the side was furious. He felt that Officer Li was too nostalgic for his old friendship, and wanted to go up and challenge the guy who looked weak.

As a result, he was beaten so quickly that he was unable to fight back.

Hiroyuki Sanada did not kill him, but ran away because the police siren sounded.

Carter, who was spared his life, climbed up to Officer Li and exhaled in defense: You are not old, he is too young.

The two coughed and stood up from the mud, preparing for the arrival of the police.

At this time, the two did not realize the seriousness of the matter, and complained that the police were always the last to show up.

As a result, the two of them were regarded as suspects in the next second. Carter yelled at his own people at first, but soon smoke bombs were thrown in, and the other party also fired. This was obviously the rhythm of a killer!

Kurt's disguise was exposed and he fled in embarrassment. Officer Li hated the iron.

But if there is any other way, let’s run away first.

So the two formed a fugitive.

Carter was very depressed and curious, how could his little cousin, such an honest gang leader in the community, attract Swart?

Officer Li was also puzzled, why did his junior brother become like this?

How strange!

We must understand the situation!

The most important thing next is to treat the injury first, and at the same time communicate with the little cousin in the hospital to get more clues.

The two arrive at the hospital, each disguised as a nurse and a doctor.

Officer Li is a doctor and Carter is a nurse, disguised as a woman.

Officer Li was startled and then speechless. Who couldn't see this?

Carter was even more helpless: You only put down two of them, and you took out the male doctor first. How else could I choose?

Officer Li had no choice but to stuff two big lumps into Carter's chest and also made a wig.

Then as soon as they appeared, two funny-looking medical staff blinded everyone in the hospital.

Then the two went through various funny scenes and finally arrived at the little cousin's ward. The little cousin was already awake.

The two sneaked in and met a female doctor, Mr. Huang.

Upon seeing this, Carter raised his palm to knock the person unconscious, but it turned out that Officer Li and the female doctor knew each other!

"Uncle Li!"

"Su Yang!"

It turns out that the female doctor played by Yan Danchen is the daughter of the Chinese and Korean consuls in the previous film!

This time, fans feel directly immersed in the movie.

The two were simple for a long time, but Carter started to get angry when he saw how beautiful Su Yang was.

It turned out that Su Yang was not easy to deal with. He deliberately used force when bandaging Carter's wound, causing him to scream in pain.

Later, under the cover of Su Yang, the two finally found out some news from their little cousin.

It turns out that not long ago, my little cousin received a business order to help people deliver goods. He thought it was an ordinary business, but he didn't expect it to be so important that it almost led to death.

Carter started to teach me a lesson, why didn’t you tell me?

The little cousin looked upright: You are a traffic policeman, tell you to ask me to use less red lights when delivering goods?

Carter was stunned and Su Yang laughed.

The general picture of the matter is that the gangster eats the gangster, and the little cousin is a cannon fodder in the process of changing hands between the two parties.

Officer Li kept his mind clear and began to analyze.

Now there are not many clues from my cousin, and not only is the matter not clear, it is even worse, because he has realized the seriousness of the matter.

In other words, there is likely to be another opponent now, that is, the gang that is being hacked.

Sure enough, the two of them were targeted as soon as they left the hospital in Su Yang's car.

Fortunately, Carter once again met his traffic police colleagues. After a heated exchange of words and a promise to take over, the colleagues began to give random instructions, causing traffic to be paralyzed and everyone was able to escape.

Carter didn't forget to show off to Su Yang that his driving skills were not bad.

As a result, at the next intersection, the pursuers arrived again, but Carter drove the car onto the curb, feeling a little confused.

Seeing this, Su Yang grabbed the steering wheel, switched positions with Carter, then started directly with burning tires, drifted around the corner, reversed gracefully, dodged the pursuers, and then started with burning tires again, and escaped steadily.

It wasn't until he returned to Su Yang's house and got out of the car that Su Yang nodded and praised Carter: It's really not bad.

Carter was furious. He had never received such humiliation before, and then he started asking Su Yang for his number. He was an old acquaintance. I will buy you a drink later.

Then soon, the information dealer and former AI server Bialenad appeared.

Coincidentally, Renard told the two that he was also being hunted and his family was not safe, and he guessed that the other party was probably one of the people.

He also provided some clues to the two of them, hoping that they could figure things out as soon as possible.

After the two got the clues, the first clue was two addresses, Dubai and Mexico.

Additionally he gave the name of the seller.

At this time, Su Yang's phone rang, and when he heard it, it was the man who had been ganged up on and came to the door, threatening the lives of Su Yang and his little cousin.

Now the two of them could not delay it any longer and had to set off immediately.

But the problem is, now that both of them are on the wanted list, how can they leave the United States?

Renard smiled and said that he could arrange it.

So the two embarked on a journey, first to Mexico.

On the way, Officer Li talked about the past of this junior brother.

We had a good relationship before, so I didn't kill him.

This is the same as the original version, which foreshadows the bromance between Officer Lee and Carter.

Carter complained, you two are not brothers at all.

Officer Li countered, "Me and you are neither."

But when the words came out, Officer Li knew he had said the wrong thing, but he didn't explain because he was in a bad mood.

Carter was also heartbroken, but he didn't say anything, so there was a gap between the two.

Arriving in Mexico soon, the two headed all the way to their destination: an airport.

When they arrived at the place, the two had another encounter with their junior brother.

The other party was so aggressive that the two had no choice but to run away.

This scene is similar to the original version, except that Paris is replaced by Mexico and the driver character is deleted.

The movie continues and a drag racing fight begins.

In this scene, special effects are used to make it look real. Cheng Long and Hiroyuki Sanada's boys are fighting between two cars driving at high speed.

The car was traveling at high speed, and the two of them kept changing positions on the roof of the car.

At the same time, people in the family class also perform all kinds of stunts like jumping off cars without their lives, which makes people's blood swell.

In fact, this series of shots are not all fake. There is a long section where there is really a fight on the roof of the car.

So far it seems to be working very well.

But in the end, Officer Li was defeated because Hiroyuki Sanada did not follow martial ethics and drew his gun.

When one shot went down, Officer Li was hit and fell into the car. Both Sanada Hiroyuki and Carter thought he was dead, so one continued to run, and the other wanted to chase, but was forced back by a hail of bullets.

Then Carter watched helplessly as the enemy's plane took off, his whole soul gone.

Fortunately, Officer Li did not die, but was blocked by the sign on his chest. It was given to him by Carter when he was changing clothes at the beginning of the film, saying that it really cost real money.

Now it seems that it is indeed genuine.

He hung on to the car, followed it all the way to the airport, and then ducked into the undercarriage.

Then comes a famous scene.

As the plane took off, Officer Li's face was deformed by the huge wind pressure, and he almost fell down several times.

And this scene was also super enjoyable for the audience.

So far in the film, there are jokes and action, but not many.

But when it comes to this shot, it’s already surpassed in terms of action.

The brain circuits of old and American audiences are actually very straightforward.

As for the movements, those such as fighting with each other and fighting with furniture, firstly, they cannot be appreciated very well, and secondly, they are old-fashioned to Cheng Long.

So now this kind of action is refreshing to them, and it perfectly inherits the "fighting for life" quality.

Many film critics believe that with this single shot in the entire film, no one would say that Cheng Long can't play.

Of course, the premise is that this shot is a real shot. For Cheng Long, of course it has to be a real shot.

But now it seems that there are no special effects to be seen anyway, so they decided to wait until the movie is over before asking.

The movie continues.

The plane landed at a mysterious base, and Cheng Long, who was lying on the landing gear, finally got off. His whole body was almost out of shape, and he looked like he had frostbite and other injuries. All in all, he was miserable.

He quietly followed people into the base and found that it was actually a weapons warehouse.

As a result, Officer Li accidentally touched the alarm.

Alarm bells rang in the base.

Cheng Long and Hiroyuki Sanada also quickly faced each other.

The two begin a conversation and unravel the secret.

The truth was revealed. It turned out that this was a batch of arms sold to terrorists, which involved a nuclear bomb decoder, which could remotely control the launch of nuclear bombs.

Earlier, this decoder had flowed into the black market through spies and circulated through the black market, but they did not want to be known by the military in advance. As a last resort, before closing the network, the organization intercepted the code in advance, and then happened to be encountered by Officer Li and others.

Next thing has been received and will go to the next destination and be handed over to the real buyer.

And Officer Li, just stay here!

Then there was another fight.

But this time it was fists versus weapons, and the only option was to escape.

At the most critical moment, Carter's magic weapon descended from the sky.

It turns out that Carter did not find Officer Li's body in Mexico, so he guessed that Officer Li must have followed him.

At the same time, his good-for-nothing partner also woke up from the hospital, and based on the situation explained above, the two men were no longer wanted.

Then I found Officer Li through the location of his mobile phone, and found out that Officer Li had not left Mexico at all.

Officer Li asked again how you got here.

Carter started showing off, you forgot, I was a soldier before and can fly a plane!

Then he pointed to the small plane behind him.

The two brothers reconcile, and a big war ensues.

After clearing up the misunderstanding with his old brother and knowing that he had really fallen and that good and evil were not mutually exclusive, Officer Li stopped holding back this time and beat Hiroyuki Sanada to death.

Hiroyuki Sanada did not stay long and only let his men deal with it. He himself took the decoder and weapons and supplies into the plane and prepared to take off for the mission.

Of course the duo refused, so they started fighting from the warehouse and all the way to the transport plane.

At this time, there were many weapons in the transport plane, including tanks and bags of supplies.

The two fought in the cabin. The people inside were obviously worried about the supplies, so they didn't dare to shoot.

This also gave Officer Li an opportunity to show off his skills.

But the opponent is not only Hiroyuki Sanada who can fight, there are also several foreigners with strong skills.

Fortunately, Officer Li was more aggressive. He moved around very nimbly in such a small space.

Most of them were quickly defeated.

The numerical advantage was once again diminished.

Seeing that something was wrong, someone fired a gun, but it directly hit a certain component. The cabin door was accidentally opened, and the plane fell down.

Then soon, the supplies inside will be parachuted.

Carter and Hiroyuki Sanada were both trapped and unable to break free, so they followed a tank down.

The decoder jumped on the floor and then fell together.

Upon seeing this, Officer Li jumped down without thinking and caught the decoder in the air.

Next is an air battle similar to "Uncharted 3".

A series of long shots.

Officer Li moved around among a series of supplies, constantly fighting with the enemies, and seemed to be at ease.

At the same time, Carter must be directed to enter the tank.

Carter was already frightened, but still did as he was told.

This scene was so thrilling that it exploded.

People in the cinema had already tightened their sphincters.

Many people have long been unable to breathe easily.

Because in the movie, these objects are in free fall and the parachutes can’t open yet!

And such a scene is also the first time in Hollywood history.

So the visual impact is quite big.

Everyone present had no doubt at this moment whether this film would be a hit.

Many people are just wondering how this was filmed.

Really awesome!

It is indeed a safe road.

Soon, Officer Li secured the parachute for supplies first, and Carter followed suit.

As the parachute opened, everything paused in the air, and the rhythm slowed down.

At this time, Officer Li also finished taking care of Hiroyuki Sanada, but Officer Li still wanted to save him.

As a result, it was soon discovered that a drone was flying.

Only then did Hiroyuki Sanada realize that he was here to silence him.

At this moment, he showed his true feelings: "Leave me alone, I didn't complete the task, and there is only one fate. Also, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, Hiroyuki Sanada cut off the straps and fell down by himself.

Officer Li had no time to grieve, because there was still a big trouble in front of him, that is, the drone.

The drone carrying the cannon came down directly, and Officer Li almost died.

Fortunately, at this time, Carter in the tank finally gained strength. He drove the tank machine gun and said, "Who is Grandpa Carter? Who is the best at talking, it's me!" it's me! Don't even think about hurting my brother!

The gunshots exploded and the drone exploded. The scene was so exciting to see.

But the parachute on Officer Li's head was also damaged.

Officer Li had no choice but to perform another difficult move, jumping from the supplies to the three parachutes on the head of the tank.

Another long shot in the air, with full visual effects, everyone present almost screamed in surprise.

Many movie fans also immediately thought that this scene was a tribute to the Eagle Project. It didn't look as real, but it was more exciting.

Officer Li then successfully entered the tank, but before he could stand firmly, the parachute rope broke, leaving only one of the three parachutes in an instant.

What's even worse is that another drone arrived at this time, and the machine gun was out of bullets.

Officer Li was calm and asked: Do you dare to change to a bigger one?

Carter understood instantly and began to rotate the turret.

Then I thought to myself, although I have never played in the army before, I have seen it a few times. God bless me this time!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the cannon was fired, but it missed.

Nothing to continue.

After three shots, the drone exploded.

And the two of them also faced their biggest crisis.

The tank is only a few kilometers away from the ground, and the resistance of the parachute is not enough. What should I do?

Officer Li quickly thought of an idea and changed directions in the air!

So the turret rotated to the horizontal line and faced each other, firing one shot after another, causing the tank to fall and aim at a lake.

At this time, there was an old man frying fish in the lake.

The small firecracker was thrown into the water, and there was a pop, but there was no movement, everything was still so quiet.

The scene turned again, and the camera focused on the old lady on the shore. Behind her in the middle of the lake was the old man sitting on the boat frying fish.

The next second, there was a bang and the giant cannon exploded.

Then the tank fell.

The old lady turned around and saw that the old man was gone. She actually laughed, and then the whole audience burst into laughter.

At this point, the film also comes to an end.

The two brothers who escaped had repaired their problems and returned to the United States with the decoder to prepare for the exchange of hostages.

At this time, the intelligence businessman Renard appeared again and said he wanted to see what the decoder looked like.

The two people who sensed something was wrong finally realized that Renard was the big boss.

This scene is the same as the original.

The two took down the big boss, and Carter's partner also arrived with the police.

When the big boss died, the organization was also destroyed, and the two continued to rescue the little cousin and Su Yang.

With the backing of police officers armed with live ammunition, the gangsters can easily take care of it.

But the hostages encountered a big problem because both of them had time bombs strapped to them.

In response, Officer Li directly took out the decoder, and after a while, the bomb was remotely deactivated.

Su Yang, who was no longer restrained by the bomb, began to use his strength.

A set of small combos, combined with Officer Li, can defeat the little bosses around you.

After the crisis was resolved, Carter was full of curiosity: How come you know everything?

Su Yang smiled and asked, you and Uncle Li have known each other for so long, how come you still don't know anything?

Carter continued to deflate.

At this time Carter's old boss came and wanted to share the credit.

Carter's old partner spoke from the side and said that he was the one who issued the wanted order.

The two protagonists knew what to do as soon as they heard it.

Then, just like the original version, the two of them punched each other, one on the left and the other on the right, beating up their old boss.

The movie also ends with the classic BGM of "The Peak".

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