China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 416 Small insurance, three-day box office

The video ends, and then the Easter eggs from the filming start to play.

All in all, the various injuries were very touching to the movie fans.

Then wait for the theater lights to come on.

The main creators came on stage to roars of applause from the audience.

Then comes interaction.

Then the part about flying on a plane was brought up first.

This part was really shot, so it once again attracted a lot of applause.

Then came various questions.

Judging from the on-site situation, the situation is very good.

In Lu Ping'an's view, this is definitely better than the original.

The original version could have fetched US$260 million.

This version can be released in mainland China again, so the box office is estimated to be at least 300 million.

This is close to the box office of the second movie.

However, after fans expressed their opinions, Lu Pingan felt that this number might still be a bit conservative.

Soon the fans took the floor and began to share their thoughts.

Generally speaking, the movie maintains the lineage of the Pinnacle series very well.

The most important interaction between the two protagonists is also well preserved in this step.

Especially at the beginning, the roles of the two were reversed, and there was a conflict in the middle. In the end, the roles were reversed again, and they had a deeper relationship.

This line is flawless and presented very well.

In addition, many of the curse words used by black Carter were also deleted, and they were not made so obscene.

In terms of action, the film's visual effects and action difficulty are highly recognized, and even the innovative action scenes will be widely cited in the future.

Lu Pingan has no doubt about this. After all, these special effects actions were taken from later Hollywood movies.

Finally, in terms of plot, although it is not particularly outstanding, it is more reasonable than the original version. It did not create a plot in which a Chinese gang organization with 500,000 people was destroyed in this way. Instead, it mentioned the "organization" very vaguely, without giving the full picture. , which laid the foundation for the next part.

Of course, there are still some rough spots, such as the big boss being exposed too simply, Su Yang's scene being a bit abrupt, etc.

But it doesn't matter, after all, the project is not his, and there is only so much money. Although he has autonomy, many of his ideas cannot actually be realized.

Now, it is enough for Lu Ping An to successfully complete the task, lose the reputation of "the dog's tail continues the mink", and at the same time, there is a high probability that the series will reach a new high, and Yan Danchen will make his debut in Hollywood.

After the premiere, Lu Pingan and Michael Jackson, who was present today, expressed their gratitude.

Michael is friends with black actor Chris Tucker.

He is here to support us today.

Lu Pingan took the opportunity to give Michael a copy of the CD of "Kung Fu Panda" and said that if he liked it after watching it, he would like to invite him to come and support the movie at its North American premiere.

Michael looked at the cover of the disc and asked happily: "Kung Fu and pandas? Wow, I like pandas very much. If I have time, I must go to China to see it."

There was no direct agreement or rejection, but that was enough.

Because the main task is given to Chris Tucker.

Just let him blow some air.

If Michael can come, it will certainly help the movie.

Although he is now deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, he can still attract traffic on many occasions.

For example, today, Lu Ping An and New Line actually had no plans to invite him. He came on his own to support his friend Tucker.

As soon as he arrived, the heat was extremely high.

For projects that he is not directly involved in, this kind of support is actually not harmful to the project. This is why Lu Pingan hopes that he will support Panda when the time comes.

Of course, he was not the insurance Lu Ping An mentioned before for pandas.

The real insurance is actually Cheng Long.

Starting from mid-August, Lu Ping An had to do the Olympics, and there was no time to run the global road show of "Kung Fu Panda" that lasted until December, so Lu Ping An handed over to Cheng Long.

Internationally, Cheng Long's influence cannot be underestimated.

There is no one among the most famous Chinese actors in the world at the moment.

Those who have died do not count.

Plus the movie is about kung fu.

So it is definitely the most appropriate thing to leave it to him.

In the future, in Europe and North America, I don’t say how much the upper limit of the box office can be raised, but at least it can ensure that the lower limit will not be too low.

If "Peak 3" explodes, the lower limit will be raised even higher.

Lu Ping An also considered at the beginning that if he asked Cheng Long to help "endorse" the product, he would fall into the "Cheng Long Curse", that is, whatever he endorses will die.

But it was just like when the authorities hired him as the spokesman for the Olympic bid.

The product is extremely competitive, and we are only looking for him to strengthen it, so there will naturally be no problems in the future.

Aren't the Canon and Taiping Insurance companies he endorses good?

Which of the other "dead" endorsed brands is not lacking in product strength and is looking for Cheng Long to take advantage of it?

Therefore, the quality of "Kung Fu Panda" is excellent, so naturally there is no big problem.

For Cheng Long, he was very happy to do this job.

He didn't take this job for free, he was paid.

After the two discussed it, Lu Pingan gave him US$5 million, which included the dubbing remuneration.

Cheng Long felt that the offer was too much and he was not prepared to ask for money at first.

In his opinion, the film is of excellent quality and can export Chinese culture. The key is the culture of his own professional field.

Moreover, when this matter premiered in mainland China, the big boss of the Ministry of Culture told me, "Sorry to trouble you."

Is there any reason not to cooperate?

Furthermore, the workload after taking over the task is not that big. It only takes one trip to a total of 24 countries around the world. Many of them overlap with his own work schedule, so it is very easy.

So if the movie is really successful, it will be like gaining fame for nothing!

Even if it doesn't work, it will still save a lot of face.

So the next step is to see how the results of "Peak 3" are.

If you get good grades, your future will be much easier.

Poor grades.

Let’s not talk about poor grades.

That night, the film "Peak 3" came out.

"Who said Jack is old? He's living a good life!"

"The difference between "Peak 3" and the first two movies is a bit big. I feel that the risk factor of the third movie has skyrocketed."

"The visual effects are superb! Jack Cheng really fought for his life this time."

"Lu's imagination is really great. The part about driving a tank in the air was so cool."

"Five-star recommendation for action drama!"

"I have to admit that Cheng Long is 52 years old after all, but he can still do so well at this age. I think we have to thank Lu. Without his imagination, "Peak 3" would probably be dull."

There are good ones and there are bad ones.

"It relies a lot on special effects, and the plot is not particularly polished."

"The plot is a little thin. Excluding the action plot, there is almost nothing left."

"I guessed it was him when the villain came out."

There are good times and bad times, that's normal.

Overall, "Peak 3" has a pretty good start.

The Rotten Tomatoes freshness index that night was 97%.

The Imdb score is 7.3, which is 1.1 points higher than the original time and space.

It’s also an excellent score.

The reviews from all major media are good.

The most important thing is that Kung Fu fans and Peak fans are quite optimistic about it.

Therefore, it is basically foreseeable that the final box office will be better than the original time and space. How good it can be will be determined by the data in the next two weeks.

August 14th came soon.

The box office of the first three days was released, and there was no surprise. "Peak 3" opened in 3,996 theaters and 6,200 screens, ranking first in the same period with a score of 68.24 million.

The data is about 10 million more than New Line predicted.

Cheng Long and Xinxian all breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Ping'an also breathed a sigh of relief. This was about 13 million more than the original time and space.

This is partly due to the fact that the number of theaters opened has increased by more than 100.

But the bigger reason is still the quality of the movie.

In the future, it will be basically no problem to surpass the original version.

But Lu Pingan also compared this with "Huan Tai".

Huantai opened for three days, and the average price per big screen was only US$8,500.

"Peak 3" actually exceeded 10,000.

Thinking about it, I still feel a little unconvinced.

But forget it, Cheng Long is not a small star after all, and this is his own work no matter what.

Therefore, Lu Pingping can return to China with peace of mind.

There’s only one chapter left, I’ll make it up tomorrow

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