China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 486 The Big Three, the Northeast King

It was October 2nd when I returned to China again.

At this time, "Red Cliff" has been released for nearly a month, with a box office of 365 million.

It did not reach the 400 million predicted by the media more than two weeks ago.

It seems that John Woo's reputation has indeed had a big impact on the box office.

But this is also very good, it is tens of millions higher than the original time and space.

But when he thought about it, the cost was 200 million higher than the original time and space. Lu Pingping silently clicked on the next page and wished John Woo good luck.

"The Mummy 3" also opened for one week, with a box office of 80 million.

But the reputation is worse than "Red Cliff".

"I generally don't like foreign films with Chinese characters in them because they are not very good."

"Incorporating Chinese elements into a business that has no connotation and is purely a commercial that destroys Chinese culture. It is a bad continuation of a bad movie that is not talking about the horse. The former female pig foot was very wise and did not take on this bad movie."

"I thought that the failure of "The King of Kung Fu" was the fault of the screenwriter, but now it seems that movies that combine Hollywood and Chinese elements will basically show acclimatization."


The reviews are as expected, Douban 5.5.

Bad movies can always cause a whipping effect.

Movie fans pulled out this year's "big bad movies" to compare them.

"The King of Kung Fu" 5.8

"Seeing the Dragon and Removing Armor" 5.6

It turns out that "Red Cliff" is pretty good, with a score of 6.2.

Netizens then shouted, "John Woo is worthy of being a great Hollywood director, and his ability is leading the way."

An Internet meme seems to be taking shape.

Lu Ping'an looked very happy.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Zhao from the Northeast called: "Brother Ping An, have you returned to China?"

"Teacher Zhao just arrived. I was about to call you when your call came."

"Isn't it true that we have a sympathies with each other?"

"Haha, Teacher Zhao, you gave me goosebumps."

The two chatted familiarly for a few minutes before hanging up the phone.

Tomorrow, Lu Ping'an will go to Lao Zhao's territory in the northeast.

"Unfortunate Journey" needs winter climate, so it was chosen to be shot there.

October is approaching, and the temperature in Beijing is still in the 20s these days. The weather in the Northeast is actually cold, and the transportation is convenient, which is just right.

But that place is not very safe, so in order to reduce some trouble, I naturally have to talk to the Northeast King.

And just saying that wasn't enough, Lao Zhao invited him over to play several times. This time Lu Ping'an took the initiative to come to the door, so he naturally had to go there.

In fact, Lu Ping'an himself wanted to go.

With the King of the Northeast under his protection, Lu Ping'an, a little southern potato who has never been to the Northeast in two lifetimes, is expected to have a good time.

Unfortunately, the time is tight, there is only one day, and it is not the serious Northeast winter.

But it doesn’t matter, just check it out first and you can go there again later.

At noon the next day, Lu Pingping flew to Shenyang.

When I got out of the customs, I saw a large group of people holding banners to pick me up, and there were more than one.

"Welcome Director Lu Ping'an to Shenyang"

"I wish director Lu Ping'an a smooth launch of his new movie."

"Congratulations to Director Lu Ping'an for achieving another great success in Hollywood"

There were more than twenty people in suits and sunglasses, including several female staff members with good looks.

This formation, good guy, isn't it said to be low-key?

There is also this banner with the words "come here" and flowers. It's a bit embarrassing.

"Hello, Director Lu, I am Wang Kun, Teacher Zhao's assistant."

The leader is super enthusiastic and everyone is super enthusiastic.

Lu Ping'an knew Wang Kun. He said he was an assistant, but he was actually Lao Zhao's right-hand man.

It's just such enthusiasm that Lu Ping'an, who is used to seeing big scenes, is a little uncomfortable.

Lu Pingan asked: "Is this too exaggerated?"

Wang Kun took it for granted with the pride of the Northeast: "According to your request, this is the most low-key. It is your first time to come to our place, Director Lu. At the beginning, we were planning to charter a plane to pick you up, that is Director Lu." You keep a low profile and don’t show off, which is really different from others.”

Wang Kun praised for a moment, and then gave an order. The people in black lined up in two rows, and then leaned over and signaled to Lu Ping'an: "Director Lu, please move."

Lu Ping'an was a little dumbfounded, but the people around him liked this kind of scene very much.

Some are already thinking that this is what their boss, Lu Ping An, should be like.

In the words of current netizens, there are now three giants among mainland celebrities. Lu Ping'an dominates the mainland film and television industry and dominates the international community. Lao Zhao is entrenched in the northeast, sitting north and looking south, and there is also the new national master Lao Mouzi who takes advantage of the opportunity to ascend. sky.

Among them, Lu Ping An is the leader, but he is not a high-profile person, so people in the company now feel that the boss always travels low-key, saves food and money, and feels that it is a bit too much.

Learn from Lao Zhao, take a look at this splendid scene. If nothing else, as a guest, compared with Xingchen's simple business reception standards, the difference in perception is huge.

If Lu Ping An heard this, Lu Ping An would naturally sneer at it.

Although in this era and period, for a super celebrity like him, even if he travels in such a pomp, there will probably not be too much condemnation from society.

What's more, this is in Lao Zhao's territory in the northeast, and it was arranged by Lao Zhao, so no one will say anything.

After passing Shanhaiguan, if you have anything to ask me, I am not just saying this.

Not only has he passed Shanhaiguan, but at this time, Lao Zhao is about to enter his peak period and has a strong influence throughout China.

A few months later, 2009 was the "Year of Zhao Benshan" in the true sense.

Benshan Media's business has spanned film and television dramas, big stages, talent education and cultural real estate. He also took the actors of "Liu Laogen Big Stage" to tour North America to achieve cultural export.

In May, Liu Laogen's big stage came to Beijing, and most of the big names in the entertainment industry came to support him.

In the second half of the year, Zhao also spent 200 million to buy a private jet, becoming the first celebrity in the mainland to own a jet. He is not so arrogant.

But times will change.

Policies and current situations will also change.

If there is any movement above, those who are deeply involved below will encounter turbulent waves. If there is big movement above, it is not to mention that, such as Lao Zhao

In addition, the Internet has memory, so of course we will know what the Internet will be like in the future.

So there is nothing to say. Being low-key and doing things in a high-key manner is always the kingly way.

Then Lu Ping'an and his party boarded the pick-up convoy.

The number of Hummers and Audis clears the way.

Wang Kun said: "We knew that Director Lu was the spokesperson of Audi, so we didn't prepare for Mercedes-Benz."

"I'm determined."

"Yes, come on, guide, please get in the car."

The leading car was a Rolls-Royce Phantom, with a black license plate A00018. Dogs on the roadside had to take a detour after seeing it.

It is said that this car is rarely used and only used by important guests.

Lu Ping'an praised it, but of course he was also thinking that this treatment might not be free.

Shaking his head, he felt that Lao Zhao was a very particular person, and he still thought too much.

And even if people come up with questions, how difficult would it be?

Soon, the car arrived at its destination.

At this time, the crew of "Unfortunately" were already waiting at the door to greet them.

Lu Pingping got off the car, and not long after, another convoy arrived.

"Brother Ping An! You are here!"

Lao Zhao got out of the car, opened his hands, and walked up enthusiastically. His coat slipped off and was smoothly picked up by the little Shenyang behind him who would become popular all over the country in a few months.

Happy New Year everyone!

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