China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 506: Victories reported everywhere, no tickets available

"Is the movie good or not?"

In a movie theater in Qingdao.

When the movie "Crazy Racing" ended, Qingdao's son Huang Bo came on stage and shouted to the audience in Qingdao dialect.

Then there was an enthusiastic response.

"Huang Bo, cow!"




The atmosphere is warm.

Huang Bo and the other creators on stage were very happy.

This time Huang Bo has a heavy responsibility.

From the first to the third day of the Lunar New Year, he will take root in his hometown of Qingdao, radiate to Shandong, and promote the movie.

A few hours ago, Huang Bo confided his nervousness to the actor Jiu Kong next to him.

Although the New Year's Eve stall has a good reputation.

But after all, there are only 69 theaters, which is not very representative.

The most important thing is that the taste preferences of audiences across the country are also different.

Such as Qingdao.

If the movie is released and the folks think it’s just average, then that’s a big problem.

It's just obvious that he was severely filtered.

Apart from anything else, the audience in Qingdao would be very happy if he, a star from Qingdao, returned to his hometown.

Besides, this is the Chinese New Year.

The point is that the movie is really good.

Many people sincerely expressed their desire to have a second brush.

Huang Bo's performance is also quite good.

Movie fans already understand that after this movie, Huang Bo will become completely famous and truly become the "Son of Qingdao".

So during the on-site interaction, the atmosphere was much hotter than before the show started.

The environment for signing autographs and taking photos at the end of the movie was even more crowded.

Apart from anything else, it is rare to take photos with celebrities.

Now that it’s the Chinese New Year again, I can take a group photo together and pretend to be compared when I go back.

So the enthusiasm on the scene soared again.

Movie fans praised him in various ways, allowing Huang Bo to earn a lot of face in front of actors such as Jiu Kong and Rong Xiang (the fat boss in the film).

The accompanying Wanwan actors were also very happy.

This wave, I may directly open up the mainland market, how can I not be happy?

However, time was tight, and everyone did not have time to enjoy it for long before they had to leave because they had to catch up.

"Thank you, thank you. You all like to watch it. Go back and bring your friends, relatives, boyfriends, and girlfriends!"

"Has anyone bought tickets for "Wonderful Night 2" next door? See you soon!"

"I'm not leaving. I'm in Qingdao today. Maybe you will see me in another theater tonight."

"Don't forget to watch the other two movies, thank you, thank you."

After finally finishing his first road show, Huang Bo's excitement was already overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are still many more games to come.

This time he will not only be responsible for "Crazy Stone", but also "Wonderful Night 2", because he also starred in it.

He even had to take care of "People on the Road" because he is a local.

Busy now.

After leaving the theater, the phone rang soon and it was Baoqiang.

The call was connected, and on the other end of the phone was Baoqiang, who was also talking excitedly about the grand occasion of the road show.

Huang Bo happily chatted with Bao Qiang for a while, and then directly sent a text message to Lu Pingan to report.

Lu Ping An has also received reports from road show teams from various places.

During Baoqiang's road show in Xingtai, it was said that more than 6,000 people crowded into the shopping mall where the cinema was located. If security had not been adequate, there might have been an accident.

Xingtai's number one star is indeed well-earned.

Of course, there is nothing to say about the movie. Baoqiang's hometown dialect should not be too popular with his hometown people.

On that day, the theater opened seven or eight more shows for "The Lost Road", and local media reporters had already started reporting on it.

Huang Bo's appeal in his hometown is not as good as Baoqiang's, but it is equally lively.

In Hubei, Liu Qianqian and Li Zi acted together, and the excitement also attracted huge attention from the local media.

Brother Hu and Xu Shanzheng are currently in the Magic City. The Magic City is relatively cold and not so lively, but the popularity of the road show is still much livelier than that of ordinary blockbuster road shows.

There are also good news from other places.

Of course, the same is true for Lu Ping'an in the capital.

Massive publicity and star power, as well as the blessing of excellent works, made the premiere on the first day of the Spring Festival very lively.

And this phenomenon will also have a full impact on the future.

Many things may seem difficult, but as long as you get started, you don't have to worry about the rest.

For example, the later Tmall Double Eleven Shopping Festival.

There was no such festival as Double Eleven before.

Tmall did it, and the splash was not big in the first year, but it continued to be promoted, and in the following years, it directly formed a landmark festival.

The same is true for the Spring Festival stalls.

Not many people used to think that watching movies during the Chinese New Year was a major activity.

Now that we have the first time, the next step will be easier.

Of course, being the first to eat crabs carries some risks.

For example, many people now believe that even if the Spring Festival sales start this time, the overall results will still not be cost-effective for Lu Ping An.

It's just a false reputation, but as for the movie, it's still better to put it in another schedule.

In this regard, Lu Ping'an remained calm.

He is in no hurry.

Because this is the first wave of premieres on the first day of the new year.

The first wave has successfully completed its mission by relying on publicity and celebrity popularity.

Next, it’s time to rely on the movie itself.

At any time, movie quality is the basic disc.

If the movie is not good, no matter how hard you shout, it will be useless.

It goes without saying that the movie is good.

And now, the first wave has ended successfully.

Next, it’s time for word-of-mouth to officially ferment.

Soon, it was 8pm.

The Spring Festival stall experienced a day.

The number of people who watched the movie has far exceeded last night’s New Year’s Eve screening.

At this time, netizen comments on websites such as Tianya and Douban also officially skyrocketed.

The overall situation of the comments was similar to last night’s New Year’s Eve performance.

Most are individual reviews because the vast majority of viewers have only seen one movie so far.

Among them, "Wonderful Night 2" still has the most comments, not only because it has the most films scheduled, but everyone also knows that "Wonderful Night 2" is the highlight of the Spring Festival movie after all.

Of course, the other two movies still have a lot of reviews, and they also account for the majority of positive reviews.

In addition to those who only watched it once, there were also those who watched it twice or even the whole movie.

For fans who have finished all three movies, this is the time for them to show their sense of superiority.

"I've finished watching three movies in a row. I just want to say, just choose with your eyes closed. All of them are good to watch!"

"I thought that after watching "Crazy Racing" first, I wouldn't be able to laugh at the other two movies, but in the end I underestimated Lu Ping'an."

"The three movies are really different from each other. "Unfortunate" is very simple, but the closest to reality, and it is very easy to watch. "Crazy Racing" is a little bit more brain-burning, and the multi-line narrative structure may be a bit tiring for ordinary viewers. But as long as you understand it, you can grasp the point. If you don’t understand it, it is recommended to watch it again, not to mention "Wonderful Night 2". The theme is grand, well-made, and the laughs are super fun. I am still thinking about Qu Yuan. The questions (played by Chen Daomin) asked the confused 'Thinker'."

"I strongly recommend taking your family to watch a movie together instead of playing cards! For those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, having fun is better than anything else."

Many people who haven't watched it, after reading the comments, are looking forward to it and also know something.

That is to say, all three movies are super good-looking!

Not only is it super good-looking, it’s also perfect for the whole family to watch during the Chinese New Year!

This is a strong signal.

After receiving the signal, countless movie fans began to click on the pre-order page.

As a result, many people discovered that they couldn’t buy tickets online in their city! (End of chapter)

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