As the characters "enter the painting", all scenes turn to black and white.

The audience in the theater also exclaimed that it was magical.

This sense of curiosity and visual impact is indeed quite attractive.

Countless viewers were thinking there, if they were

Of course, some people think it is ordinary, because this is not an innovation. Isn’t there a story about “painting on the wall” in ancient my country?

However, this does not affect everyone's professional consideration of the movie.

In a simple word, if a domestic film can achieve such imagination and achieve such visual effects, "Wonderful Night 2" is indeed quite excellent.

Even John Woo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, the name "Wonderful Night" was correct, and the film crew grasped the theme at all times. Even if a movie like this was placed in Hollywood, the results would not be bad.

Of course, such a form is still only an aspect of "technique", and it is just the icing on the cake as a whole. When will it be able to embody "Tao", John Woo will wait and see.

Then the scene continues, because it involves censorship, so the image of the great man must be avoided.

The trio looked at the current scene with shock on their faces.

Of course, Wang Zhenyi was even more shocked.

She asked: "Where is this place?"

The son proudly said: "This is 1949, the founding of New China."

"1949, that's two hundred years later! New China?!"

Wang Zhenyi was shocked to her soul. She looked at the women in front of her and said in disbelief: "Can these women show their faces?"

She was answered by a reporter in Chinese tunic suit: "Women hold up half the sky!"

A simple sentence, but the connotation of the feelings of the times is extremely great.

The audience was all moved, and Wang Zhenyi was even filled with yearning.

But the good times didn't last long, and the pursuers came.

And there was more than one wave of pursuers.

A few modern people who suddenly broke into the National Day ceremony in 1949 would naturally be pursued by the People's Liberation Army at that time.

Of course, the bigger target than them was Chi You's tribal soldiers.

The pressure on the trio was reduced a lot, but they had to run out as soon as possible.

Before going out, the reporter in Chinese tunic suit (guest star Deng Chao) held up a mobile phone and asked: "Comrade, you dropped something."

No one answered as the trio ran out of the frame.

The reporter looked helpless and looked at the phone: "What is this?"

The audience laughed again, their thoughts began to fly, and they were all thinking, will this lead to technological advancement there?

The trio had now run out of the frame.

In order to avoid the pursuers, the three of them worked together to turn the photo frame over, blocking the pursuers inside the frame.

A small crisis has ended, but Wang Zhenyi feels that if she has the chance, she still has to enter that world to see what "women can also hold up half the sky" means.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone asked: "Women can hold up half the sky? This is really interesting. Who said it?"

The trio turned around and saw that the speaker turned out to be a beautiful woman.

No, it's four beauties.

The audience also opened their eyes and followed the trio to four ancient paintings.

Then it soon became clear that these were the four beauties of ancient China.

Yang Mi guest stars as Wang Zhaojun, with the background being snow.

Liu Shishi plays Xi Shi in a guest role, and the background is Jiangnan.

Tang Yan guest stars as Diao Chan, with the palace in the background.

Yin Tao, who will soon play the role of Concubine Yang in "The Secret History of Concubine Yang", also made a guest appearance as Concubine Yang here in advance.

The looks of the four beauties must be considered top-notch, but of course they are not.

But here, with filters, lights, makeup, etc., it is indeed beautiful.

Yang Mi, who plays Wang Zhaojun, then asked: "Women hold up half the sky. What a great sentence. I really want to see that world."

The other three also more or less agreed.

Wang Zhenyi, who is also a woman, said: "Come, I will take you there."

Fan Chenggong stopped him in time: "If you go, you will be arrested. Let's go quickly."

The photo frame over there also struggled violently in response to the situation, and it was obvious that the pursuers were about to run out.

The son said, "If you want to see something, there's still a place to see it. Run!"

Wang Zhenyi: "I will take you to see it next time!"

So the four beauties watched helplessly as the trio left, and then wandered alone, with hope in their eyes.

The episode on the protagonist's side ends, and the scene returns to Chi You's side.

At this time, Chi You had already stood in the palace that looked like the Forbidden City, looking at the five huge stone platforms in front of him.

At the center of the middle stone platform, the audience will know at a glance that this is where the turtle back plate is placed.

The functions of the remaining four are unknown, but it is clear that the combination is together and may be an altar.

At this time, a guy who looked like a douchebag at first glance came up and asked to see him.

This person reported that his name was Qin Hui (Liu Jinshan, the translator in "Xiao Bing Zhang Ga"), and he could relieve the Lord's worries.

After Chi You understood, he waved his hand and said, "Go ahead and see how you can relieve your worries."

He didn't panic at all, because he had strong soldiers and horses, and he was not afraid if he had soldiers.

Then Qin Hui quickly recruited three villains.

One is a Japanese pirate dressed as a ronin, the other is a foreign soldier from the Eight-Nation Allied Forces era, and the other is a person from the Republic of China era whose painting style is black and white.

Qin Hui introduced the three people one by one. The first one was Guitou Ono (Wang Zulan, selected because he was short and a future star), Qi Jiguang, a Japanese pirate chief during the anti-Japanese era, and the second one was British Seymour (Ke Ling's "My Captain" McLuhan in "My Regiment"), the first marshal during the Eight-Power Allied Forces' invasion of China. The third one is Zhang Xiaolin (Zhang Chunzhong, played Kong Zhi in 03 "Yitian"). He, Du Yuesheng and Huang Jinrong are also known as Shanghai The three tycoons, after the Songhu Battle, the Japanese invaders stationed in Shanghai and negotiated with him. At this time, Zhang Xiaolin turned out to be a traitor who betrayed the national interests for the sake of fame and fortune.

When the audience saw these three people, their national memory was immediately awakened, and they cursed the three pieces of shit in their hearts. At the same time, they also cursed Qin Hui, saying that he could not change his attitude towards eating shit.

Of course, Zhang Xiaolin’s unique black and white painting style also makes everyone find it very interesting.

Chi You looked at the three of them with disdain on his face.

He complained to the Japanese pirate: "Why are you so short? How old are you?"

Ghost Ono immediately drew his sword: "You said I'm short?"

Chi You was full of disdain and waved his hands, and several tribesmen stepped forward to hold him up.

Guitou Ono immediately begged for mercy, and the other two glanced at the soldiers behind Chi You and lowered their heads.

Chi You then looked at Seymour: "Can all the red-haired devils come to show off their power?"

Qin Hui explained flatteringly: "At that time, people had strong ships and powerful cannons."

"I see, they just don't want to make progress." Chi You complained about the Qing Dynasty, and when he looked at the black and white Zhang Xiaolin, he added, "I have lost all my energy at home."

Black and white Zhang Xiaolin did not dare to look at him, and Chi You was too lazy to speak: "There is no one to use it now, so just make do with it, go, the arrest of Xiyi Oufan, a successful technology company, has been successful!"

Everyone took the order and dispersed.

The audience had a different perception of Chi You.

He is worthy of being one of the three ancestors of China. Well done!

Of course, in this situation, he is his own person. Facing the protagonist and the main line of the story, he is still the big boss, so I still hope that he will not succeed.

Turn your attention to the protagonist.

The trio was about to walk out of the Chinese and Western Cultural Center.

But he saw that there were more pursuers, including several with different painting styles, so he quickly found a place to hide.

As soon as the door was closed, various Chinese and Western musical instruments started playing directly behind.

As soon as this movement was heard, the pursuers outside immediately noticed it.

The trio was shocked and could only continue running away.

The son shouted: There is only one way now, and we may have to take a long way around.

Wang Zhenyi: What a pity. It would have been better if the five-flowered horse had not been stabbed.

Fan Chenggong: Stop being a horse, it’s important to run away first! (End of chapter)

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