Wang Zhenyi, played by Liu Qianqian, immediately jumped back several steps and hid behind the shelves like Chopper. Then she asked timidly and with a tone full of curiosity: "Who are you and where are you? Are they there again?" Who is he and why are he chasing you?"

At this moment, the image of a little beauty with little courage and great sense of curiosity appeared.

Liu Qianqian's fans were happier to see Liu Qianqian like this for the first time than Hu Ge's fans who had just seen Hu Ge like that for the first time.

But before he could think about it, several spears flew over and punctured the motorcycle tires in an instant.

The father and son had no choice but to get out of the car and continue running.

But Wang Zhenyi is like a curious baby. Of course she is afraid, but she still keeps up.

"My name is Wang Zhenyi. I am a scholar, poet, and scientist. Can you tell me where this is?"

The father and son stopped immediately after hearing this, and then respectfully replied: "It turns out to be Teacher Wang."

The son even said hello: "Hello, teacher."

This word "teacher" is simple to modern people.

But for Wang Zhenyi of the Qing Dynasty, it was simply an incredible thing.

"Teacher? Don't you dare to take it or not?"

Fan Chenggong: "You are a scientist and should be called a teacher."

"Yeah, hahaha, thank you!"

Wang Zhenyi seemed to be cheerful. This was a feeling beyond recognition of the times.

Then he asked: "What do you want to do now? Can I help you?"

Fan Chenggong obviously didn't want this little girl to help him. He just called the teacher casually.

So he just said: "It's very dangerous now."

Wang Zhenyi, however, directly began to introduce the wax figure in an instinctive tone.

"Don't underestimate me. I have learned riding and shooting from the Mongols since I was a child. I know astrology, calendrical calculations, poetry, and medicine. I will definitely be able to help."

Wang Zhenyi put her hands on her hips, looking confident.

As a result, the next second, a spear in the distance was aimed at her.

The pursuers also shouted: "Catch her too!"

Wang Zhenyi looked excited: "Now I can join you!"

As he spoke, he happily called on the father and son to run, and at the same time said: "I like adventure. Our entire country lacks the spirit of adventure, so why not hurry up and take action!"

The father and son looked at each other, and now they knew that this girl was not a typical Qing Dynasty girl.

The audience who didn't understand much frowned slightly, wondering why Qing Dynasty girls were crazier than modern girls.

But those who know a little bit already know that this is reasonable.

Otherwise, Wang Zhenyi would not have become a scientist and poetess in that era.

Of course, most people don’t know who this person is, but isn’t that the function of movies?

So next, the father-son duo became a trio.

The scene changed and we came to the container.

Li Bai and Huo Qubing were also there at this time. Apparently, they had been arrested.

However, Li Bai didn't care and was stroking his hair. Huo Qubing was wilted, but his eyes were still angry at Genghis Khan and the others.

Genghis Khan and others felt aggrieved and huddled together. They didn’t know why they were afraid, but they just felt afraid.

The audience also laughed. This kind of hidden joke is very funny if you understand it.

Of course, what is more interesting is the next plot.

Li Bai finally finished stroking his hair and polishing his sword, and then he was in high spirits and said to everyone in the old museum like a pyramid scheme master:

"Okay, listen everyone, when the enemy catches me, the enemy has already become a turtle in the urn!"

"They made a big mistake, a huge mistake!"

"Do you know who I am?"

"I am Li Bai!"

"Do you know who Li Bai is?"

Everyone on the scene shook their heads, and indeed, everyone on the scene, except for Genghis Khan, were all people from before the Tang Dynasty.

Just as Genghis Khan was about to speak, he was stopped by Huo Qubing's low roar.

Li Bai laughed: "Don't worry about him, everyone. He will be fine after a while."

As he said that, he continued to introduce himself: "I am the Poetic Immortal of the Tang Dynasty. I am a master of swords, poetry, and wine! The most powerful person in the Tang Dynasty is me! Do you know why? The emperor invited me personally and I didn't even get on the ship. It’s just a predicament, no big deal!”

This corresponds to "The emperor can't get on the boat", and the audience laughed in response.

Huo Qubing shook his head. He wanted to remind everyone not to believe him because his batch was wrong and there was something wrong with his brain, but he couldn't speak.

So everyone in the old museum treated him as a big shot.

Zhao Kuo even saw the production batch "1313" on the nameplate and shouted: Hey one of us!

This time, everyone was even more convinced.

The audience laughed loudly, remembering the Easter egg about "Why is Zhao Kuo so ugly?" and thinking that it was also created by Lu Ping'an, they laughed even louder.

It turns out that this guy was also thrown once by Lu Ping'an. No wonder his brain is not working well and his memory is missing.

While laughing, Li Bai began to lay out a battle plan.

Then I heard Li Bai hum for a long time, and then said with super confidence: "I have already thought of an excellent plan!"

Hua Mulan and others' eyes lit up.

But I heard Li Bai say mysteriously and seriously: "Everyone will attack as soon as they hear my 'attack' order!"

Zhao Kuo: ".Gone?"

Li Bai was proud: "No more!"

Genghis Khan, Zhao Kuo, Hua Mulan, and Huo Qubing were all confused.

The audience also laughed.

And the level of this layer of laughter is not small.

After all, among the few present, who has less military talent than Li Bainiu!

So soon, Zhao Kuo said to the cowboy: I don't know him, don't get me wrong.

Hua Mulan and others also dispersed, leaving Li Bai alone.

Li Bai was in a big embarrassment.

The audience burst into laughter.

The container episode ends, and then the scene switches to the protagonist.

The son took out the map and finally figured out the location. He said that if he wanted to save his friends now, he had to take a detour because the way back was blocked by pursuing soldiers.

There was nothing to say, so I had to continue running.

Then the trio came to the first scene: the Chinese and Western Cultural Center.

At this time, with the appearance of the turtle back plate, all the objects inside came to life.

Including those paintings on the wall.

The trio was attracted by the Mona Lisa's smile, when suddenly a snowball hit them.

The protagonist turned around and saw that it was an ancient painting in which children were playing in the snow.

Of course, what surprised the audience even more was that the painting actually came to life.

When the trio took a closer look, the children in the painting ran away as if they saw a monster.

This scene certainly made the audience feel very novel.

You can even see the white breath exhaled from the noses of the three people when they get close, which is full of details!

But something even more novel is yet to come.

At this time, the pursuers came again.

Fan Chenggong and Wang Zhenyi immediately took out weapons from another painting.

And this painting is called "Hongli Armor and Horse Riding Image Scroll".

Paintings of Qing emperors hunting.

After taking it out, Wang Zhenyi apologized for not paying attention just now.

Fan Chenggong quickly reminded that these are extraordinary times.

Wang Zhenyi then straightened her bow and shot an arrow, but Chi You's soldiers caught the arrow in one go.

This startled all three of them.

The opponent's force is too strong. What to do, of course, is to run away.

But now that three sides are blocked, how can we escape?

Fan Chenggong looked at the huge black and white photo of the Tiananmen celebrations, pulled the two of them and jumped in. (End of chapter)

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