Friday, August 7, Los Angeles time.

The Kodak Theater was packed.

Thousands of movie fans gathered here to wait for the premiere of "Iron Man 1".

More than half of these thousands of fans are loyal fans of Lu Ping An.

When Lu Ping'an arrived, he saw several familiar faces at a glance.

These people would attend many of his movie premieres in the past.

They also came today, so Lu Ping'an pointed at them and said hello as always.

As usual, this group of loyal movie fans cheered happily when Lu Pingping pointed at him.

Except for Lu Ping'an's personal fans, the rest are basically Marvel fans.

Just look at those homemade Iron Man image boards being held high.

A total of 3,000 movie fans gathered together, making today's premiere very lively.

Of course this will also bring about some other problems.

For example, when Robert Downey Jr. saw this scene, he was already nervous, not to mention now.

I have been doing the pre-production promotion of "Iron Man 1" these days.

On a large level, Lu Ping An has attracted the most attention.

Everyone knows that someone wants to kidnap him to the big theme of "activating Marvel movies".

What this brings about is that Peak has been on the market for almost a week now, but the stock price is still hovering near the issue price.

It is obvious that when "Iron Man 1" is released, if the box office and word-of-mouth performance are not enough to convince industry insiders that the goal of "activating Marvel movies" can be achieved, there will be no suspense about the stock price falling below the issue price.

And on a concrete level.

Whether "Iron Man 1" will be successful or not has been analyzed by various institutions, industry insiders, film critics, and media people these days.

After analysis and analysis, the firepower was concentrated on Robert Downey Jr.


Very simple.

Robert Downey Jr. has a troubled past.

Also known as unknown.

At least it has a lot to do with what Marvel fans and private surveys consider to be the "best actors to play Iron Man", such as Tom Cruise, Sam Rockwell, Hugh Jackman, Clive Owen and Nicolas Cage. gap.

Of course, some media pointed out that Robert Downey Jr. has his unique advantages.

It's his dark past that perfectly reflects Tony Stark's past.

But currently this voice is not recognized by most people.

Even those who agree will soon be drowned out by other doubting voices.

Then in turn, this advantage became a reason for some people to laugh at the protagonist.

Because of this, the closer the movie is released, the more restless Robert Downey Jr. becomes.

But there is very little pessimism in this restlessness.

More of a bite.

He couldn't wait to scream to the sky and shout "Fuck you" to all the doubters.

Because he knows that he will definitely succeed.

Most definitely!

"Donnie, have you thought about your 'acceptance speech' for a while?"

At this time, Lu Pingan patted him on the shoulder.

Danny came back to his senses, took out the note from the inner pocket of his suit, and said with a little nervousness: "I've written it all, please take a look."

Lu Pingan took it, glanced at it, and tore it in half:

"Thank you for this, thank you for that, this is not Iron Man at all, it's too much nonsense."

Donnie was embarrassed: "I've been thinking about it for several days, okay, what should I say?"

Lu Ping'an smiled and said, "That's it."

Soon, Donnie's eyes under his brown glasses shone like stars.

The premiere begins.

The premiere at the Kodak Theater was Disney's creation.

No matter how the outside world questions it, Disney's support for Lu Ping An and Marvel still has nothing to say.

At the premiere, in addition to the film's creative team, Disney also invited the queen-level singer Madonna and several other popular singers to sit down, which also made the premiere even more grand.

In Lu Ping'an's view, what makes him most satisfied with this release is the scale of the release.

There are 4,322 movie theaters in the United States, with a total of 6,700 big screens.

This scale is much higher than the 6,200 yuan of "Fantastic Four 2" that Lu Ping'an was envious of at the beginning.

The most critical thing is the account sharing model.

Because this is a movie Disney co-produced.

So this time Lu Ping'an really felt what the strength of the North American local snake was.

During the first week of release, 90% of the box office revenue of so many theaters belonged to the film studio.

And you can’t change the schedule at will.

The payment cycle is also much faster than other production companies.

Under the general rules of Overlord Clause, as long as Disney's movies are of decent quality, it is really difficult to lose money.

In addition to North America, "Iron Man 1" is also distributed in 49 countries and regions around the world.

This is Disney’s true strength in the global market.

Many of these 49 countries and regions have Disney branches, so talking about it will certainly be much easier.

Without branches, when negotiating the release process, the position of local distributors is almost the same as when North American companies treat Disney.

Except that the account sharing ratio will differ according to the policies of each country, the rest can basically be arranged by just saying hello.

There are still more than 60 countries and regions where buyout issuance is common.

But the pattern of buyouts is also very different.

Because film distribution rights and surrounding copyrights are basically tied together.

That is to say, if a company wants to buy out the distribution rights of a certain Disney movie, it must also buy the surrounding copyrights.

In this way, most small companies will naturally be eliminated.

In addition to being rich, big companies also have the advantage of being stable.

The long-term cooperation between the two parties has obvious benefits to Disney’s global strategy.

In fact, anyone can think of such a model.

But not much can really be done.

This is the result of the comprehensive influence of national strength, brand strength, IP reserve and development, management and operation model and other aspects.

And Disney's ability to achieve this step cannot be accomplished overnight.

This also allowed Hu Qingquan and others to see the strength of Disney head-on.

With such a behemoth in front of him, Xingchen will have more motivation to catch up in the future.

Of course, having said that, with such strong support, I have to produce works of equal quality, otherwise I will be really embarrassed.

Fortunately, "Iron Man 1" lived up to its mission.

More than two hours later.

"Iron Man 1" ended with the applause of thousands of people at the scene.

Listen to the warm applause from behind.

Robert Downey Jr. in the front row already had tears in his eyes.

At this time, Lu Pingping handed over tissues.

Donnie took it in a slight panic and wiped away his tears before the lights came on.

Next is the time for the creators to take the stage.

It’s just that none of the creators moved their butts.

Everyone unanimously cast encouraging glances at Donnie.

Downey adjusted his suit and strode onto the stage just as fans began to wonder why there was no movement.

Then he turned around, took off his sunglasses, faced everyone, and said in the tone of Tony Stark at the end of the film:

"Yes, I am an iron man!"

The next second, the whole place turned from silence to boiling.

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