China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 576 I have been waiting for three years!

The audience burst into applause.

Marvel fans danced with excitement.

This sense of ritual that opens the curtain of an epic opera like an opera is indeed crazy.

Everyone went through almost the same psychological journey in the past two hours.

At first, I was worried that the movie would be unsatisfactory, but then I started to worry that Marvel movies wouldn’t be able to save me even if Ping An Lu came.

As a result, when the movie started, it turned out that Tony Stark was not the most suitable in his mind. He actually completely conquered everyone in just ten minutes.

Then, watch Tony Stark fall from high to low.

Then he used his unique wisdom to fight back.

After that, wait for the improved version, which is the real Iron Man suit, to appear.

Everyone went completely crazy.

Until the end, this superhero, who was different from everyone else, directly admitted that he was Iron Man in front of all the media.

Everyone realized it at this moment.

A brand new superhero begins his epic journey.

And wait for the two-hour movie to finish.

When actor Robert Downey Jr. stands on the high platform of reality.

Reproduce movie lines:

"Yes, I am an iron man!"

Everyone realized it.

This is the announcement of the strong debut of the "Iron Man 1" movie.

It also announced the arrival of his own era.

Later, Downey's premiere speech was rated as the shortest and most impressive perfect speech in the history of Hollywood movies.

Next, after Robert Downey Jr. has finished enjoying the applause, he will return to the actor himself.

With wet eyes, he vigorously called the creators who were still applauding in the audience to come to the stage.

After Lu Ping'an and others took the stage, the applause became enthusiastic again.

And in the next interactive session.

The creative team has finally revealed many behind-the-scenes stories about the production of the movie.

Among them, the most talked about one is still focused on Lu Ping'an, followed by Downey.

Lu Ping'an didn't hide it either.

Directly revealed: "I actually had the idea to film Iron Man as early as 2002, but never had the chance. It wasn't until Cheng Long's "Rush Hour 3" asked me for help that the deal was brokered."

A piece of past events comes out.

All Marvel fans are immediately lamenting that if New Line didn’t hold the copyright to Iron Man at that time, Iron Man would have flown into the sky long ago!

But I still have to thank New Line. Without them, LU wouldn't have been able to get the Iron Man rights.

Kung fu fans at the scene were also feeling emotional.

It's no wonder that Lu went to film "The Peak 3". I thought it was just a collaboration with Cheng Long's Chinese, but I didn't expect that there was such a thing hidden in it!

Batman fans are also lamenting that it turns out that Lu Ping'an didn't think he could get his hands on Batman at that time. As a result, he thought he couldn't get Iron Man, which was easy to get, but he got Batman, which was the most difficult.

Fortunately, fortunately, Warner is stupid and New Line has a clear mind.

Of course, Batman fans are also a little jealous.

After all, "Iron Man" was so well done by Ping An, what about our Batman?

Fortunately, this issue has actually been mentioned by Lu Ping An during the promotion a few days ago. The Batman trilogy will maintain quality and quantity, and will continue from beginning to end.

In addition, it seems that Iron Man does not actually surpass Batman. After all, the narrative mode is different and the artistic composition is also different.

Having said that, the fans at the scene continued to ask.

In terms of casting, Lu Pingan also gave an answer:

"I selected Downey in 2006. That is to say, Downey has been waiting for this role for at least three years. I'm sorry that I have been busy with many things in the past three years. As you know, the Olympics and other movie, but it’s all worth it now, right Donnie?”

The microphone is handed over to Downey.

Downey directly said the second "acceptance speech" that Lu Pingping taught him:

"I have been waiting for three years for an opportunity. I want to play Iron Man well. It is not to prove how great I am, but to tell everyone that I must get back what I have lost!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience burst into applause again.

Everyone knows that Downey used to be a bad person.

And now, with an image that perfectly suits Iron Man, he has begun to embark on a gorgeous counterattack.

Only Lu Ping'an felt that this line was a little off.

But it doesn’t matter, just be happy.

The premiere ended that night.

Several major TV stations across the United States, driven by Disney, began to use Downey's "I am Iron Man" and "Waiting for Three Years" at the end of the premiere as news materials.

At the same time, the final 'I am Iron Man' clip of the film was also authorized to be broadcast.

So countless people knew about this dream premiere.

And in the report.

Everyone's words are the same.

"I have seen countless superhero movies, but what will it be like when superheroes come into reality? Genius director Lu Pingan has achieved the sublimation of film and art with his new movie "Iron Man""

"It's hard to imagine that a mid-level Hollywood actor would voluntarily retire for three years for a superhero movie, but Robert Downey Jr., a former drug addict, did it. Do you think he is crazy? No, Lu Ping'an's "Iron Man" tells you , Downey’s three-year wait was worth it!”

"After successfully resurrecting Batman, Lu Ping An is about to resurrect Iron Man!"

If the scene at this time were placed in a movie.

It must have been a series of TV and newspaper reports, appearing one after another within a few seconds.

Finally, a close-up was taken of Lu Ping An and Downey.

Submit a letter with the headline "Iron Man is coming!" or "I am Iron Man."

With such publicity and high topic, "Iron Man 1" became the most popular film in Hollywood's August summer season amid a lot of doubts.

Affected by this, Peak's stock price skyrocketed, breaking through 7 yuan overnight and standing at 8.8 yuan, heading towards 10 yuan.

And whether it can stabilize the rise and achieve a counterattack.

Next, it depends on whether "Iron Man" does well at the global box office.

The next day, with the first wave of screenings in the United States last night and today.

Various comments about "Iron Man 1" have also appeared online.

"He is a hero who can be funny, loves to babble and chats endlessly! The phrase 'I am Iron Man' at the end is so cool~~"

"It's so crazy and so cool, I mean both the premiere and the movie itself."

"This is a different kind of superhero, one that's annoying and yet so lovable."

"I never thought Robert Downey Jr., a rotten guy, could be so well suited to Iron Man!"

"Brother, believe me, this is no worse than Batman!"

"nonono, Batman is the best."

"Whether it's Batman or Iron Man, Lu's vision for casting is really amazing! The Joker in Batman and Downey in Iron Man, I strongly recommend Lu to run the entire Marvel."

"Marvel should have found Lu a long time ago!"

"The most handsome thing was Downey's words 'I am Iron Man' when he came on stage at the end of the premiere. At that moment, I couldn't tell the difference between reality and fiction."

“This was the coolest and most dreamy movie premiere I’ve ever been to”

"I didn't expect it to be better than this one and that one! The film is over 2 hours long and it's compact, refreshing and full of fun."

"Waiting for three years for a role! It's really unimaginable that Downey deserves to be the best Iron Man!"


rave reviews.

I don’t know how it will fare at the box office.

But before Lu Ping'an said anything, Marvel's officials looked pleased and concluded that the overall situation had been decided.

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