China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 620 Something doesn’t feel right

It’s New Year’s Day again.

Xiao Li had the New Year's Eve dinner just like last year, and after watching Northeastern Lao Zhao's appearance in the Spring Festival Gala, he ran out of the house.

The reason I gave my parents was to gather with my classmates for a night vigil at an Internet cafe.

Xiao Li is now a sophomore. His parents were just like him in the past. After going to college, they went their separate ways. The only rare time to get together was during the Chinese New Year. Of course, his parents understood this.

But before departure, his mother gave him an extra 1,000 yuan so that he could have fun.

Xiao Li's eyes lit up. With this money, he would have a lot more insurance!

He immediately hugged his mother to express his gratitude, but he just thought it was because he had grown up and her mother was no longer stingy.

But what he didn't know was that his mother had already seen through it.

Looking at the eager and freshly dressed look of my boy, you can tell with your toes that this is definitely not an Internet cafe!

Let’s also think about this year’s New Year’s Day being Valentine’s Day in the West.

Isn't the answer obvious?

"Have fun and be safe."

"I know, Mom!"

Xiao Li didn't understand the meaning of his mother's words and went out happily.

Just like last year, he soon arrived at Planet Studios.

This movie theater was not the closest to his home, it was even a little far away.

However, considering that I was on a date with my girlfriend, and that many theaters were closed at this time last year, only the Planet Cinema was brightly lit, and the decoration environment and projection equipment here were the best.

So this theater became Xiao Li's first destination.

When we got there, we found that Planet Cinema had changed its name and became Planet China Cinema.

Xiao Li remembered the news a few months ago. After Xingchen went public, China Film and Xingchen’s Planet Cinema had an in-depth cooperation. It is said that after this wave of cooperation, the scale of Planet Cinema has expanded tremendously. It is now basically the third largest cinema in China. The first and second largest theater chain.

Xiao Li couldn't help but once again admire Lu Ping'an, the richest man who was only seven or eight years older than him.

It is indeed admirable that a person can become the richest man at a young age by relying on his talent and business ability. This is really incomparable.

Especially for things like talent, it really makes no sense.

Xiao Li also often fantasizes about how great it would be if he also had such an outstanding talent. He also wants to taste what it is like to be the richest man.

But this was just a thought, after all, he knew that he really had no talent.

Furthermore, Lu Ping'an is not the only one who is talented.

In the past few years, Lu Ping'an has made such a big splash with his talent.

The future may not always be sustainable.

Just like a report said.

Several blockbusters this year are likely to use their outstanding results to explain one thing to Lu Ping An, who is absent from this year's Spring Festival, that is, "It was not Lu Ping An who made the Spring Festival, but the Spring Festival made him."

To put it simply: you can eat crabs, but no one dares to take the first bite until the road is safe, so anyone can actually get that achievement.

Regarding this kind of "secret war" in the entertainment industry, film and television industry, Xiao Li feels that he can only be regarded as an ordinary movie fan who likes to watch movies, and he doesn't pay much attention to things in the industry, so he doesn't have many ideas. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. With your ability to withstand pressure, you will definitely not be able to survive.

So for him, as long as he has a good movie to watch, it doesn't matter who made it.

"Mao Mao!"

At this time, his girlfriend's voice sounded, and Xiao Li interrupted his thoughts instantly, raised a smile and greeted her, "Baby, you are here, are you cold?"

The annoying title, even if it was shouted out, would not attract much attention today.

Because most of them are surrounded by couples.

"Baby", "honey" and "honey" were uttered one after another. Couples completed their reunion and then walked to the ticket counter or movie theater.

After Xiao Li and his girlfriend were intimate for a while, they also went to get the tickets first.

The movie they are going to watch today is "The Tomb", an adventure and treasure-hunting theme, starring the idol Jay Chou, who is also his girlfriend's idol, and sister Zhilin, so everything is subject to his girlfriend's arrangements!

In fact, what Xiao Li wants to watch the most is "Avatar 3DIMAX". This movie is so awesome that he has watched it twice and will never get tired of watching it again. Besides, his girlfriend hasn't watched it yet, so it's just the right time to take her with him.

But it is a pity that there is no "Avatar" in the midnight show today, and all the movies scheduled are occupied by Chinese movies.

In addition to "Avatar", what he most wants to see is "Little Soldier", Cheng Long + Wang Leehom, and it is her favorite war theme. However, the popularity of this movie is now the second among Chinese movies during the Spring Festival, but she cannot buy it. To the ticket.

On the contrary, "Three Guns", which is the most popular, was able to buy tickets because it had more films scheduled, but the time was at 1:50.

This point was a little late, but just right, because "Chilling" had already finished playing by then.

Watching two games in a row is not a problem for young couples.

After all, everyone doesn’t really come here just to watch a movie, right?

As for "Confucius" and "Yueguang Treasure Box" and so on, forget it, let's talk about it next time.

I quickly picked up my tickets and entered the venue as soon as the time came. After a while, the movie started.

Like last year, although most of the people in the first midnight scene were couples, everyone still paid more attention to the world that was about to unfold on the big screen.

Who doesn’t like a hearty visual feast?

It's just that this movie seems completely incompatible with "hearty" and "visual feast".

The Desert Eagle fight actually uses inferior special effects.

The inn in the desert is more like a bar in an old American western than an inn.

Why did the fight suddenly start again, and suddenly came the cavalry like the Western "Lord of the Rings".

Why did another mummy suddenly appear? Why didn't you tell me who the mummy was?

And Jay, my mom, where did Jay’s acting skills go?

In the theater, countless movie fans felt that something was not right the more they watched it.

Is this a "blockbuster" that is said to be made with 100 million yuan? !

Is this a scam?

Soon, when the movie lasted 40 minutes, several single men and women left the scene.

An hour into the movie, several more couples left.

The ones who didn't leave were probably young lovers like Xiao Li who used the dim lights of the movie theater to do sneaky things.

Sure enough, boring movies are the best way to heat up couples

After the one-and-a-half-hour movie ended, the theater lights came on, and Xiao Li, like everyone else, walked out of the theater while complaining about the movie.

At this time, the theater was still busy. Xiao Li said to his girlfriend: "I'm going to buy another drink and snacks. You sit down for a while."

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom."

Xiao Li’s girlfriend responded obediently.

After Xiao Li left, when she turned around, she was stuffed with a flyer.

At first glance, it turned out to be a hotel advertisement next to it.

This year's theaters will make money, especially in anticipation of Valentine's Day, and they will open a lot more shows.

The surrounding hotels are also not closed, just waiting to make more money this Valentine's Day.

Xiao Li's girlfriend hurriedly read the discount advertisement on the flyer, went to the bathroom, and when Xiao Li came back, she pretended to ask casually: "Maomao, are you tired? Do you want to take a rest?"

While speaking, he inadvertently raised the leaflet in his hand.

Xiao Li didn't notice it at all, and the anger in his stomach hadn't gone away yet.

After finally watching a movie, I came across one that was extremely bad.

How can I bear this?

I have to use another movie to cleanse my blind eyes!

So he patted his chest and said decisively: "I'm not tired! There's still a movie I haven't watched yet. It would be a waste not to watch it."

Girlfriend: "."

Xiao Li continued to comfort: "Don't worry, bad movies have to be cured by good movies. Trust me, you will be able to have a good sleep after watching the next scene. Let's go, the time is up."

After saying that, he still didn't pay attention to his girlfriend's sad eyes, and pulled her into the movie theater (End of Chapter)

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