China Entertainment: Director’s happiness is so simple

Chapter 626: Like Xingchen, we are different from other companies!

At this time Huayi Company.

Wang and Xiaowang watched the stock price of Xingchen rise. They were envious and at the same time very excited, and were grateful that the dead end was safe.

Because at this time Huayi is in the final financing and valuation stage.

Huayi has prepared several major projects for this purpose.

"Tangshan Earthquake", "If You Are the One 2", "Painted Skin 2" and "Di Renjie: The Tongtian Empire".

Four blockbuster movies are all in production or have been completed.

They look forward to the financial miracle that will replicate the stars.

Although it is definitely not comparable to the stars, it is definitely more powerful than the rest of its peers.

When a movie is released, the stock price will rise.

Then lie down and make money.

You can do this even if it is not listed on the market.

Project expectations can affect valuation.

Wasn't that what Xingchen was like at that time?

Before the launch of "Kung Fu Panda 2", it is said that without this project, the initial valuation of Xingchen would have been reduced by more than one billion!

So when Huayi released four very heavy and top-notch productions before the Spring Festival, the valuation of the entire company directly increased by 1 billion!

This is an increment of 1 billion before listing. Once listed, it can be directly cashed out in proportion.


A Spring Festival stall.

What a bunch of idiots, they used a bunch of bad movies to ruin the Spring Festival movie, and even affected the entire market's confidence in the domestic film industry.

The most direct manifestation is that after the Spring Festival, Huayi's four movie plans have brought about a significant drop in valuation.

From an increase of 1 billion, it is now only less than 500 million.

Cut it in half directly!

Moreover, the valuation of Huayi Company itself has also become much smaller.

From the original maximum of 2.8 billion, it was directly reduced to 1.9 billion.

Just because of these idiots during the Spring Festival, 900 million yuan is gone!

But the good thing is.

At a time when market confidence has dissipated, the future of the industry is worrying, and big and small kings are sighing.

Domestic leader Xingchen released the news of "Source Code 2".

A simple ten-second preview immediately cleared up most of the negative sentiment in the entire market.

After all, as long as there are safe roads in the mainland, the film industry will not collapse.

And few would doubt it, because Safe Road Never Disappoints!

So this is the role of the faucet.

To turn the tide, no one in the country is more qualified than him.

As a result, market confidence has recovered.

The gain for Huayi is that its valuation has risen again.

The expected incremental valuation of the four movies has risen directly from 500 million to nearly 800 million.

The market value of the entire Huayi Group has also increased from 1.9 billion to about 2.5 billion.

Upon seeing this, Huayi's big and small kings thanked him from the air for a safe journey, and then continued to turn on the "fooling" mode.

After all, stars are stars, and other companies are other companies.

Xingchen Niubi can support the domestic film and television industry, but it does not mean that it can support all companies.

This can be seen from the fact that the valuation increase has not exceeded the figure before the Spring Festival.

Therefore, if you want to strive for a greater valuation, you must have a relationship with Xingchen.

At this point, Huayi and Big King have already had plans, but the original plan was to release them before going public.

But now it seems that we can only take action in advance.

Therefore, President Xiao Wang of Huayi directly stated publicly in the latest round of financing.

"Painted Skin 2 is related to Xingchen. At that time, "Painted Skin" was Lu Pingan's project, but we bought it. The current script of "Painted Skin 2" and the use of the original cast were also Lu Pingan's suggestions. So this IP is much more than the current price!”

"Lu Ping'an is also very optimistic about the "Di Renjie" series, but Mr. Xu and Chen Guofu had a relationship with us earlier, so it was our turn to do it. Lu Ping'an still regrets not meeting Mr. Xu earlier. , Mr. Xu can testify to this. Lu Ping An will also invest in this series. This is the investment contract for the first part. Take a look, so this IP is far more than this price!"

After speaking, Mr. Xiao Wang also said: "I think you still underestimate the commercial value of the series. Look at the "Wonderful Night" series. The two movies generated a box office of 1.5 billion, and the peripheral output value was nearly 500 million. How big is this? market, and how many well-known domestic series are there? In addition to Xingchen, it’s us. This time, three of our four films are series, and they will all be cooperating with Xingchen. What is the weight of this? So please consider carefully, we and Xingchen Film and Television It’s the same, it’s different from other companies!”

A pass of "fooling".

The specific results are not yet known.

But at the end of the meeting, the Huayi king opened a bottle of red wine in the office.

Soon, Huayi, like Xingchen, released the 2010 project preview news.

As expected, two movies with good reputations were released in the series, which attracted a lot of optimism from movie fans.

Han Sanpin was also very happy about this.

Lu Ping An's leading role is indeed beyond question.

As soon as the trailer of his movie came out, most of society's negative emotions towards the Spring Festival movie disappeared.

Then Huayi also played its trump card. Although it is definitely not comparable to Lu Ping An's movies, it still played a positive role in the entire market. It makes people feel that the domestic film market is still thriving, and the Spring Festival period has brought The last bit of influence has basically dissipated.

In a good mood, Han Sanpin was about to go to the "Source Code 2" set to find a safe way.

As a result, at this time, Poet Chen called.

What he meant on the phone was simple: I’m going to be in a new movie too! Give support now!

Han Sanpin staggered.

I almost forgot about this one.

He frowned slightly.

Before, he was actually quite optimistic about the great poet.

But somehow the great poet returns again this time.

He couldn't be happy at all.

But no matter what, he is also the director of the Palme d'Or.

"The Promise", maybe it was an accident.

So the support that should be given must still be given.

So soon.

Since Xingchen's "Source Code 2" and Huayi's four blockbusters.

Great poets also joined the 2010 battlefield.

"Brother Chen Kai's new work is about to start filming, and the classic epic "The Orphan of Zhao" may hit the big screen at the end of the year!"

"2010 is another wonderful year."

Hu Qingquan closed the computer page, sighed and asked Lu Ping'an, "How are you doing? Are you feeling stressed?"


Lu Pingan smiled and shook his head, then thought of something else.

Then he nodded and said, "There are still some."

"Oh, tell me?"

"I'm thinking that it would be better to postpone the filming of "囧" for a year."


"Hey, this year's Spring Festival release includes "Source Code 2", "Let the Bullets Fly", and "Lost in Thailand". The market capacity is so big, and putting these billion-level movies together will cause internal friction. It’s really not necessary unless you put one of them in the Lunar New Year file.”

Hu Qingquan laughed loudly: "There is really no one else in your eyes." (End of Chapter)

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