"That's not the case. I think "If You Are the One 2" is still very good. This film will definitely be in the Lunar New Year movie."

"No way, do you think it's also a billion level?"

"That won't happen, but 500 million is still no problem."

"Then what are you afraid of?"

"Huayi is relying on this movie to boost its stock price. Do you know how much Huayi's valuation has increased a few days ago? 1.5 billion!"

".Don't you also have shares in Huayi?"

"Yes, so suppressing it is also internal friction, isn't it?"

After hearing this, Hu Qingquan rolled his eyes and was speechless: "Then you will avoid Huayi from now on?"

"No, you have to cut the leeks when they are ripe."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. You are now a capitalist."

"Don't say that to me."

Lu Ping'an smiled and pinned his committee card on his collar, "Lao Hu, please pay attention to your attitude."

"Go to hell!"

Hu Qingquan laughed and started to chase people away, "Go, go, have a good meeting."

It’s time for the conference again in March of this year.

Lu Pingan, one of the members of the 11th CPPCC.

It was the first time this year that I showed up at the conference and submitted a proposal.

Before departure, the whole family sent various cheering text messages.

Being a committee member is, after all, a matter of honoring one's ancestors.

Therefore, those who were close to him, such as my sister-in-law and others, helped Lu Ping'an think carefully about what to wear.

The uncle also taught Lu Pingan some experience.

My uncle has never been a committee member, but he has colleagues and teachers who have been.

So we can still provide some suggestions and help on this matter.

In fact, Lu Ping An already knows what you should know by now, and even the proposals are thrown out by relevant personnel for you to choose from.

In short, the preparations for going through the motions have been made.

On the first day of the conference, Lu Pingan went to the venue early.

This is a matter of attitude.

Because as one of the members of the 11th CPPCC.

He was absent in both 2008 and 2009.

There is a good reason to do the Olympics in 2008.

In 2009, I was very busy due to the Spring Festival holiday, and I had no proposal to prepare, so I asked for leave.

In fact, it is not uncommon to ask for leave, but it is definitely not appropriate to always ask for leave.

So Ping An Lu must come this year.

As soon as he arrived, someone called his name.

At first glance, it turned out to be Liu Feiren.

"Hello, Director Lu, you're here so early."

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

The two quickly started chatting.

The two have known each other for a long time, and they first met during the 2004 Athens Olympics torch relay.

Later, when Liu Feiren retired from injury in 2008, Lu Pingan sent him a text message to comfort him. Later, Liu Feiren also participated in a road show of Lu Pingan's movie, and the relationship continued like this.

Not close, but definitely not strangers either.

As the two chatted, Lu Ping'an soon learned that, like him, it was his first time to attend the meeting.

Liu Feiren also took leave in the past two years, once because of the Olympics and once because of injury.

But this year, I can’t afford to miss it anymore.

The media is paying close attention to this.

After all, they are all celebrities, and even if they are elected, they are absent.

No matter how good your reasons are.

Therefore, the two of them can be regarded as "sympathizing with each other."

Sure enough, the two reached the venue where they chatted, and reporters soon gathered around.

Ask them what proposals they have prepared.

Liu Feiren answered directly: "This proposal is about the retirement benefits of athletes and coaches. I hope to do something for sports coaches and improve their benefits during my tenure. I hope to establish a coaches foundation and increase the number of coaches." We will provide player subsidies and other means to help coaches improve their lives.”

Good guy, he speaks so fluently, he really comes prepared.

Lu Ping'an was not afraid, because he came prepared: "My proposal is related to intellectual property protection. I hope it can provide some help to the majority of cultural practitioners."

Both of them answered, and the reporter was satisfied. As for what the proposal was, everyone didn't really care about it, unless your proposal was particularly explosive.

For example, "decriminalizing sex work" and "three days off every other week".

After entering the venue, not long after, committee members from the entertainment industry also arrived.

Director Yang Lan, Pu Cunxi, Feng Xiaoning, etc.

I know many of them, and those who don’t know me become acquainted once introduced.

Everyone also has a common language because of their unified identity.

Soon Lu Ping'an received some invitations.

For example, Feng Ning knew that Lu Ping An’s proposal was protected by intellectual property rights, and immediately suggested that we jointly propose a proposal next year and promote it together.

Pu Cunxi also directly invited Lu Pingan to participate in his proposal. His proposal focused on child abduction and trafficking. Pu Cunxi hoped that Lu Pingan could appeal in the form of a movie.

Yang Lan also has the issue of education for the children of migrant workers.

Let’s not talk about whether we can really cooperate. At least after this wave of discussions, everyone is talking about not personal issues, but really considering the entire country and society.

Lu Pingan also suddenly felt that the light on his body was dazzling.

Of course, it really depends on actual interests.

For example, is the upcoming "Bottom Hot Girl" film related to Yang Lan's proposal?

For Pu Cunxi, can he make a movie called "Orphan" or "Dear"?

Now that our status is different, many things can be done more satisfactorily.

Just thinking about this made Lu Pingan feel extremely ashamed.

Now, his consciousness has not really matched his identity.

Submitting a proposal for intellectual property protection is more of a business transaction.

When I think of the two movies, I just wonder how much money I can make.

I'm so sorry for this skin!

Yesterday, I asked Lao Hu to pay attention to his attitude when he spoke.

With your current mentality, being scolded is an easy matter!


Lu Ping'an's cheeks were hot, and he quickly adjusted his mentality and solemnly said to everyone: "This, let's talk slowly later."

The seven-and-a-half-day meeting ended.

Lu Pingan's soul seemed to have experienced a wave of deep cleansing.

With the preliminary cooperation plan discussed, Lu Pingan ended his work as a committee member and returned to his own work.

It's now mid-March.

On the 13th, the biggest thing in the film industry is the launch of Poet Chen’s new movie.

The movie "The Orphan of Zhao" has an investment of 300 million and a strong lineup.

Uncle, Wang Xueqi, Huang Xiaoming, Fan Xiaopang, etc.

Chen Feiyu, the son of the great poet, will also appear.

According to the market a few years ago, such a big battle would definitely attract huge attention.

But it's hard to say now.

After all, times have changed, and we have just experienced the baptism of the Spring Festival.

However, in the end, the opening ceremony of "The Orphan of Zhao" still caused huge commotion.

On the same day, at the grand launch ceremony held in Yangquanyu County, SX Province, after the great poet spoke, the audience became crowded, and some people rushed to the one-meter-high stage specially built for the media.

You must know that there are 5,000 people at the scene, most of them are extras. With so many people rushing onto the makeshift stage, the probability of something happening is small.

Sure enough, three minutes later, the wooden platform in the media area collapsed.

In the end, four reporters and two members of the public were injured and were taken to the hospital by ambulance.

This also made the opening ceremony so exciting.

After Lu Ping'an learned the news, as the boss of Xingchen, he sent a message of condolences to Chen Hong out of morality, saying that he would speak at any time if necessary and then ignore it.

He turned to look at the new batch of Nortel students taking the art exam.

This year, Lu Pingan served as an art exam judge for the first time.

The students are a little excited. (End of chapter)

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