Nortel, the annual art exam has begun again.

This year, Nortel has more than 15,000 applicants, and a total of less than 550 people will be recruited.

Among them, the acting school has nearly 5,000 applicants, but will only recruit about 80 people in the end.

Competition is fierce.

Among them, star students will occupy many places.

For example, Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi are the representatives this year.

As soon as the two appeared.

Almost everyone at the scene realized that the number of places this time was estimated to be two less.

And for those who are just going through the motions.

Compared with taking exams, it is more worthwhile to have close contact with celebrities.

So soon, the two child stars were surrounded by random chats.

However, the two child stars did not want to enjoy being surrounded by stars today.

Because they both know that today's exam is very important.


There is no need to worry about whether you will be admitted.

They have a higher purpose.

For example, let's make a dazzling performance in front of the road guide.

"Hey, are you sure the guide will come today?"

After dealing with the candidates, Yang Zi asked Zhang Yishan again.

Zhang Yishan also said patiently: "My information will not be wrong, don't worry."

"Does the road guide really know how to solve problems at short notice?" Yang Zi asked again.

"Are you hoping he will, or are you hoping he won't?"

"No. I still will."

Yang Zi's tone became more and more nervous.

"That's right. Being able to give you temporary questions shows that I am really paying attention to you. It would be difficult if I didn't say anything."

"That's what you say, but where did you hear it from?"

"Don't worry about it. Just be prepared."

Zhang Yishan looked confident, and strode forward after speaking.

Yang Zi is not as confident as him.

It was not uncommon for child stars to fail the list in the past years.

Speaking for myself, the overall conditions are not outstanding.

Especially when I saw a very beautiful girl not far away, I felt even more unconfident.

But what she didn't know was that when the girl she saw looked at Yang Zi, her low self-confidence also weakened again.

"Child stars are here, how can this compare?"

Dili bit her lip and felt that Nortel was really too hidden.

Before today, she had seen the art exams of Chinese opera and Shanghai opera.

Overall, Nortel put the most pressure on her.

The overall appearance level of the candidates here is the highest.

It also looks like the background is the darkest.

These two child stars are examples.

The other two schools may also have it, but she didn't see it with her own eyes, so she didn't have a deep impression.

However, the pressure of competition is great.

But Nortel also had the greatest appeal to her.

If you want to say why, it is naturally because of the high level of Nortel.

I just lined up with the candidates to visit the lobby of the Nortel Administration Building.

A row of trophies is displayed in the most conspicuous place there.

The overall trophy count may not be as high as the other two schools.

But Nortel has the most number of major awards.

Several Oscar statuettes, various top international award trophies, and several three major Best Actor trophies.

This kind of impact is completely incomparable to the other two schools.

In addition to the trophy, the most attractive thing is the Nortel cooperation project.

This time Nortel also released various photos of the crew in the exhibition hall.

It contains domestic film and television dramas, co-productions, photos with Hollywood stars, etc. that are similar to those of the other two schools.

But Nortel is more than that.

The most eye-catching thing is the photos of "student works taken by the crew".

Those projects, Batman Iron Man Brokeback Mountain and so on.

Like thunder in the ears.

The most important thing is that Nortel students are really involved, such as animation, editing, special effects and other majors.

It is said that acting students from time to time will participate in Hollywood projects through Xingchen. Although they are mostly guest stars, they are also eye-openers and experience to increase their qualifications, right?

With such a scale of resources, who would not be jealous of those who want to be an actor?

Especially someone with an exotic look like himself has an advantage.

But now the competition pressure is so high, can you successfully pass the exam?

While thinking, there was a commotion outside.

Then someone exclaimed: "The road guide is here!"

This immediately caused the candidates to exclaim.

"Why is Director Lu here?"

"Director Lu took advantage of today's art exam to come here. He definitely didn't come here to relax. I'm afraid he will be an examiner."

"Really or not, Director Lu will be the examiner? It's over, it's over."

"Shabi, isn't it a good thing for Director Lu to be an examiner? If he performs well, he might rise to the top in one step."

"You are dreaming. You have read too many novels."

The appearance of Lu Ping'an made the candidates who were already nervous even more nervous.

Dili's fleshy lips also bit her lips tighter. She looked at Lu Ping'an, curious and flustered.

The deterrent effect brought by this kind of guidance is very lethal to students with insufficient social experience.

She was thinking the same thing as many others at this time.

It would be fine if I met the road guide and was praised by him, but if I made a mistake and performed poorly and was written down by him, it would not only be a matter of failing the art exam, but my career might be over. .

Of course, no matter how scared you are, you still have a little bit of fantasy hidden in your heart.

For example, Director Lu spotted himself in the crowd at a glance.

And then I was shocked

Just as she was thinking about it, Dili raised her eyes again and immediately met the eyes of the road guide in the distance.

Dili Rouba was shocked, she really got what she wanted.

I was just imagining certain scenes, are they coming now?

As a result, as soon as the idea came up, Director Lu's eyes flew elsewhere, as if her face was just the most ordinary flowers and plants on the road, which did not arouse any interest in him.

Sure enough, I still overestimated my appearance.

Dili felt a chill in her heart when she saw the guide walking into the teaching building.

She was not the only one who felt equally chilled.

Lu Ping'an came in a hurry, and his eyes did not stay too long on anyone's face, including Zhang Yishan and Yang Zi. They just passed by without any changes in their eyes.

This has disappointed countless "pretentious" candidates.

But it also made many practical candidates very comfortable.

After all, Director Lu treats everyone equally. If he were the examiner, it would at least be fairer, right?

Soon, the commotion caused by Lu Pingan's appearance in the examination room completely calmed down as the examination began.

Then, the candidates followed the procedure and began the life test.

The road in the examination room was safe, and I felt quite curious at this time.

After all, this is his first serious time as a judge.

However, most of this sense of curiosity had dissipated when we first entered the venue.

Because I have seen all the familiar faces that I should see, the appearance and body shape are very different from what they were later, and there are not a few that are particularly worthy of attention, so my curiosity has dissipated a lot.

Next comes the boring exam.

Lu Pingan just watched, mainly the teacher from the acting department was in charge.

The overall art test is actually not very fair.

Those who have connections have already done public relations.

Lu Ping'an was also handed a list, and the requirements were not high. It was just on the list. If it interested him, he would be asked a separate question.

Very confident.

But Lu Ping'an was not interested because there were really not many people who were interested.

So he waited until Zhang Yishan entered the venue more than an hour later, and then Lu Pingan came up with his first temporary question.

When the judges and teachers on the side saw this, they all lamented that Zhang Yishan's strong connections could actually make Lu Ping'an speak!

As a result, Lu Ping'an opened his mouth and asked: "Have you seen The Deer and the Cauldron? You will act out a scene where Wei Xiaobao enters the palace and steals the royal meal. Is there any problem?" (End of Chapter)

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