"Source Code 2" got off to a good start in South Korea.

Lu Pingan called Liu Qianqian and asked her to keep working hard and strive to achieve such popularity in Neon and other places around the world.

Liu Qianxi happily expressed that she would make a lot of money for milk powder.

How much milk powder do you need to buy? You can feed a booster group without any problem!

Lu Pingan smiled and shook his head and continued working.

Next, after "Source Code 2" got off to a good start in South Korea, it continued to tour various places as planned.

The work on Lu Ping An's side has also come to an end.

At the beginning of March, "Batman 3" ushered in its final filming in Florence, Italy.

This scene is about the butler Afu who came to a street restaurant in Florence and met Bruce Wayne who was still alive. He drank coffee and had a pleasant chat with him. It was Catwoman Anne Hathaway.

At this time, Bruce Wayne has retired and begun to enjoy the "retirement" life. In the movie, this is an explanation to the audience, letting everyone know that Wayne's Batman era has ended and Robin's era is about to begin. .

So today's scene is actually very simple. Just two shots, passing through the crowds of waiters and diners, aiming at the two tables of Butler Afu and Bruce Wayne.

The scene is also very warm and sunny, making it the warmest and most comfortable scene in the trilogy.

The total time is less than 30 seconds, and at the usual speed, an hour will be completed.

But now, it took Lu Ping'an a whole afternoon to finish filming.

the reason is simple.

Because this isn't just Bruce Wayne's farewell.

It’s also the farewell to the entire trilogy.

So Lu Pingan himself also appeared in the scene, showing half of his face behind the housekeeper Ah Fu, reading the newspaper, perfectly playing the role of a passerby.

Not only him, but also every member of the crew appeared on camera as long as conditions allowed.

Everyone alternately plays various roles such as waiters and ordinary tourists.

If one shot is not enough, the next shot will be supplemented. Anyway, everyone must be included.

Bruce Wayne and other actors also worked hard to cooperate.

What is finally shown in the movie may only pass by in a flash, and you may not be able to see it unless you pause and look carefully.

But is there a problem?

of course not.

This is a romance for filmmakers.

Finally, with the final "click" sound.

All the diners in the cafe stood up, applauded, cheered, and gave themselves a final round of applause.

"Batman 3" was completed two weeks earlier than originally planned, and the entire crew held a big party in Italy that night.

The next day, Bell set off directly for China.

Like the original time and space, he took over Lao Mouzi's "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", but it was launched two months later than the original time and space.

After Lao Mouzi learned that the film was finished two weeks in advance, he called directly to express his gratitude.

Lu Pingan didn't say anything, he just asked him to make a good film. After all, the meaning of this movie was different.

Lao Mouzi said that no one would interfere this time.

But Lu Ping'an still expressed doubts.

How can you control Zhang Weiping?

So in this time and space, it is estimated that there will still be news about "Bell and I filming sex scenes".

No matter what, your own affairs are important.

Next, "Batman 3" will enter post-production that will last at least six months.

It is expected to be released in the summer of 2012.

The news of the finalization was quickly made public, and it immediately made headlines in the entertainment industry everywhere, especially in North America.

In the next week, Lu Pingan accepted interviews from various media.

The completion of the trilogy must have a sense of ceremony.

A week later, Lu Ping An continued to work.

"Batman 3" has come to an end for now.

But "District 9" still needs to be watched.

Two weeks later, at the end of March, production of "District 9" was completely completed.

[Congratulations on completing "District 9", completion level 101%]

Lu Pingping is puzzled.

The special effects are much more detailed than the original.

The actors are even more famous and perform much better than in the original film.

The key is that the production cost is lower than the original work because it relies on the Chinese special effects team. It is only 26 million, which is a saving of 4 million US dollars.

This almost means that everything is much better than the original work. How can it be only 101%?

Until the system gave an explanation, it turned out to be the reason why the film was later than the timeline of the original time and space.

Well, "District 9" was released in November 2009.

But now it is already 2011, two years late and points will be deducted.

Lu Ping'an couldn't help but feel helpless.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Who made this happen for the first time?

In the past, everything was shot in advance, but this movie was shot at a later date. I really can’t blame anyone else.

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking about this problem and continued to look at the reward.

The super reward this time is very simple. It is a random high-scoring science fiction movie from any timeline that does not affect the reward acquisition.

Another lottery prize.

Counting this, Lu Ping'an still has two such ones in his hand, one is "a random high-scoring animal movie" and the other is "a high-scoring movie before traveling through the timeline."

There are three in total.

Plus one more "Life is Beautiful".

Oh, and there is also "The Embalmer".

I feel like I can’t even take a photo.

After accepting the reward, he felt that he would try again later if he was in the mood.

"District 9" is completely finished.

Top Wattsberg also started watching the film immediately.

He has been talking about this movie for a long time.

As early as 2004, when Lu Pingan released a short film as the anchor point, he became obsessed with it.

Now I can finally watch the complete story as I wished.

For a moment, Wattsberg actually shed tears.

Then after watching the movie and discussing the plot and production details with Lu Pingan, Wattsberg asked earnestly:

"Lu, are you sure it's three years from now?"

Lu Pingan pursed his lips and said, "Let's talk about this later."


Wattsberg regretted extremely much at this moment why he had asked this question.

Lu Ping'an laughed.

In fact, Goldfinger contains the resources of "District 9 2", which was also filmed by the original director, but the quality is not good.

Therefore, fans of this time and space may be just like the original time and space, unable to wait for the return of the Lobster Man to Earth three years later.

After watching the film and recovering, the two began to discuss the issue of "District 9".

Lu Pingan is planning to premiere the film in Cannes this time.

It is now the end of March. Although the regular film delivery day has passed, Hu Qingquan has already said in advance that he can deliver it tomorrow.

He doesn’t know whether he can win an award, and he doesn’t insist on it. He just needs to use Cannes to build momentum.

Make money, right?

After talking about "District 9", the last question is about the American version of Wonderful Night.

Currently, "Wonderful Night 2" has completed its release process in North America.

It was released during the Christmas season last December and has taken less than 400 million in global box office so far.

Compared with the first part, the performance dropped a bit.

There are also reasons for the explosion of the Chinese version of "Wonderful Night 2", but more of it is actually the problem of the film itself.

Once the novelty of the idea of ​​"resurrection of exhibits" wears off and fails to expand the worldview, the movie will naturally go downhill. Isn't that the case with Original Time and Space?

So if the next movie is made, money can still be made, but it will also be the last one.

Lu Ping'an didn't want to keep cooking the same thing, so let's let the American version of "Wonderful Night 3" make a grand exit. (End of Chapter)

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