"That's really a good thing!" Pascal sighed.

As one of the major Hollywood giants, Columbia naturally hopes that the mainland film market will prosper. Only in this way can they make more money.

Of course, if the share ratio can be increased, it will be even happier.

At the banquet, the two of them didn't want to stay in the bathroom for too long, so they chatted for a few words and went back.

Then they asked about the "Matrix 2" that was being prepared, and asked Jiang Heng if he needed any help.

Although Columbia Cinema cannot participate in investment, it can still be an agent for distribution!

If you think ten points are too expensive, eight or six can also be negotiated.

Jiang Heng will naturally not say it firmly. Agent distribution and so on will be discussed after the film is finished.

Of course, the old partner Columbia is naturally the priority.

In terms of film preparation, the male lead Wu Yizu, the female lead Li Meiqi, Gao Xiong who plays Morpheus, and Zheng Peipei who plays the prophet have all joined the group.

Zou Zhaolong, who played the prophet's bodyguard in the original work, will still be played by Zou Zhaolong.

The "Frenchman" Merovenga in the film was a Hollywood third-tier artist, and the twin-like "Quantum Ghost" was even less famous.

However, Merovenga's wife Persephone in the film was played by Italian actress Monica Bellucci in the original work. Jiang Heng felt extremely surprised, but unfortunately he had not contacted her yet.

"Well, if you want to help, it's really a little bit. Monica Bellucci in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" is very admired by me, but unfortunately I haven't contacted her yet. Can President Amy help me find her?"

Amy-Pascal smiled, "No problem, I will ask someone to contact her tonight. I have to say that Director Jiang has a good eye. Monica is a famous beauty!"

Jiang Heng smiled embarrassedly. I was looking for actors normally, but you sounded like there was something wrong!

The next day, Amy replied, saying that Monica Bellucci was very willing to participate in "The Matrix 2".

After all, the first film was a global hit and received great reviews.

And Pacific Rim, which was released last year, achieved the first place in North American box office and the second place in the world box office. It is not difficult to know that as long as there are no major mistakes, The Matrix 2 will definitely be a box office hit and the reputation should be good.

That is to say, Jiang Heng did not recruit publicly in Hollywood, otherwise, there would be many beautiful stars who would be willing to lower their prices to participate!

Monica Bellucci did not know how much Jiang Heng appreciated her, and was afraid that if the price was too high, this opportunity would be missed.

After calculating and discussing with the agency, he finally reported a 70% discount on his current salary, which was considered to express his sincerity.

Jiang Heng was naturally overjoyed when he heard this, and arranged for the company's staff to go to Hollywood to sign Monica Bellucci.

In early April, The Matrix 2 started shooting in Beijing. A number of domestic media promoted it a lot, but then it fell silent, and Jiang Heng began his busy filming career again.

Compared with the first film five years ago, The Matrix 2 has been comprehensively upgraded in terms of cast, action scenes, and plot.

Considering the difficulty in preparing the film and the close connection between the plots of 2 and 3, Jiang Heng had the idea of ​​filming 2 and 3 together.

Moreover, in history, the two sequels were filmed together, and Jiang Heng's current practice is also a routine operation.

Because it is a sole production of iQiyi, Youku, and Tencent Pictures, Jiang Heng does not need to discuss with anyone. When he wants to do this, the people below will immediately execute it.

All they did was to change the contract and extend the actors' schedule.

There are complaints, and some people wonder why Jiang Heng didn't bring it up earlier, but no one dared to protest or even go on strike.

Some people are even glad that filming 2 and 3 together is equivalent to acting in two special effects blockbusters at once!

But on this day, the president of Samsung (China) Company got Jiang Heng's phone number from nowhere and called him directly.

Of course, it was Jiang Heng's company number, and the assistant answered it.

The other party said that he wanted to visit the crew and had important business to discuss with Jiang Heng.

After reporting it, Jiang Heng thought about it for a while and knew what was going on - implanting GG!

The original version of "The Matrix 2" had a Samsung SPH-N270 mobile phone. After the movie was released, this model of mobile phone became extremely popular.

Although Samsung did not know the effect of GG at this moment, it expected that "The Matrix 2" would have a bright box office prospect, so implanting GG was still possible.

On the appointed day, Wei Guoyou, president of Samsung (China), led the crew to the crew.

"Hello, Director Jiang, I have heard of you for a long time!"

"Hello, hello, President Wei, you are here, it makes my humble home shine!"

After some business exchanging pleasantries, Wei Guoyou did not beat around the bush and told the purpose of his visit.

"Director Jiang, I came here this time to ask you to do me a favor and let the actors use Samsung phones in the film!"

"That's not a big problem. I wonder what the fee is, Mr. Wei?"

Wei Guoyou held up a finger, and Jiang Heng said, "10 million?"


Wei Guoyou coughed twice and said with a red face, "It's one million!"

"US dollars?"

"Director Jiang, you are joking. How can you quote such a high price!"

When Wei Guoyou said this, his tone was a little unhappy.

Samsung is currently one of the largest mobile phone manufacturers in the world, and its international reputation is also very high.

Playing GG in Jiang Heng's movie is nothing more than icing on the cake.

As for the fee, in his opinion, it's enough to show it, and 10 million is really a lion's mouth.

The total footage is less than one minute, why do you want 10 million from me?

Jiang Heng had a calculation in mind, which was to compare with the famous "product placement expert" Feng Xiaogang.

Motorola sponsored 7 million for the 2003 film "Cell Phone".

The problem is that Feng Xiaogang's "Cell Phone" is not comparable to "The Matrix 2" in terms of potential box office and audience, and 10 million is a bargain.

"Mr. Wei, you should know how many fans around the world will see this film, and 10 million is only a friendly price. Of course, I will not accept such a low offer!"

Wei Guoyou's face flushed, "Director Zhang, it's really too expensive!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It doesn't matter, I think Motorola, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and other companies should be interested in playing GG in this film!"

Wei Guoyou's face became uglier after hearing this.

If the sales of this competitor increase significantly because of this, it will be his fault this time.

The problem is that Samsung has always been arrogant towards the Chinese market, and the GG fees are not approved much. He really doesn't have that much authority!

"Director Jiang, is there really no room for negotiation?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "It's a waste of time for President Wei, but there's no reason for me to waste money, right? Let me add one more thing, I'm currently shooting two sequels, 2 and 3, and the interval between their releases should be within a year. Do you think 10 million is expensive?"

Wei Guoyou was stunned when he heard this, his face became uglier, he said goodbye and fled away.

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