China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 108 Sky-high Advertising Fees

Chapter 108 Sky-high GG implantation fee

When Jiang Heng was filming "The Matrix" in 1997, he was unknown, so naturally no one asked him to implant GG.

The content and style of films such as "One Hundred Million Years Before History", "Lion and Camel Ridge", and "Split the Mountain to Save Mother" are not all suitable for GG implantation.

There was a businessman who approached me during the production of "Pacific Rim", but I guess they lacked confidence in the world's first mecha-type special effects blockbuster, so the price was not very high, so we were unable to reach an agreement in the end.

This time, Samsung (China) simply wanted to take advantage.

With the audience base brought by the first film of "The Matrix", as long as the plot of the second film is not too outrageous and the special effects are the same as before, it is basically a sure thing that it will be a hit at the box office.

The positive influence brought by the GG implant in the film can also be estimated.

It's just that Jiang Heng's independent production this time started in a low-key manner in the mainland, and the powerful international big-name manufacturers lagged behind in the news, so they didn't rush in.

In fact, after learning that "The Matrix 2" was launched in a low-key manner, many international big names have considered implanting GG.

But apart from Samsung (China), the first one to come over was Lenovo Computer, which Jiang Heng never expected.

In the temporary office of the crew of "The Matrix 2" at the China Film Digital Base, Yang Yuanqing and Jiang Heng sat opposite each other, took a sip of tea and said: "We, Chairman Liu, have always admired Director Jiang. It's just that he has been feeling unwell recently, so he has not been able to join us. Come."

Jiang Heng chuckled and said, "How can Chairman Liu do such a small thing like GG implantation? As long as the price is right, everything is easy!"

Yang Yuanqing's face froze when he heard this, and he murmured in his heart, "This kid recognizes money but not people, it's a bit difficult to handle!"

But the "patriotic card" needs to be played. "In terms of price, we are willing to pay more, but the competition in the computer market is fierce, especially among those international brands. The price war is fierce, and the profit of each notebook is suppressed." Very thin..."

Jiang Heng smiled, "Really? But I went to the Computer City to buy a laptop a while ago, and a knowledgeable friend who came back said that the sales cost at least two thousand yuan more, which is a huge profit!"

Yang Yuanqing looked ugly and said to himself that sales are cheating you. What does it have to do with my manufacturer?

But he couldn't say that, and sighed: "That's the dealer's problem. Our factory profit is really very meager...!"

Jiang Heng took a sip of tea and smiled without saying a word.

He is not a computer novice of this era, how can he be intimidated.

Yang Yuanqing also talked about the great significance of the rise of Lenovo Computer, which made Jiang Heng yawn.

"Well, that's it, President Yang, I support domestic production and hope that domestic brands can continue to develop and grow. However, in terms of business, I am currently filming two sequels of "The Matrix" 2 and 3, and the production costs are about the same. It requires 200 million U.S. dollars, which is almost enough to invest all your wealth. The pressure to repay the capital is extremely high.

I can choose Lenovo instead of Dell, HP and other brands with the same price, but if you want to talk about a huge discount, there is no need to talk about it!

I have to make sure I can recover the cost as soon as possible before I can talk about anything else! "

Yang Yuanqing was speechless after hearing this. He knew that special effects blockbusters cost money, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Two hundred million, or US dollars?

That’s more than 1.8 billion yuan!

All your net worth?

He wouldn't have invested all of it himself, then he would really be rich.

After thinking about something randomly in his mind, Yang Yuanqing asked: "I don't know, what is the price Director Jiang wants?"

Jiang Heng stretched out two fingers and said, "Twenty million!"

"Twenty million yuan?"


Yang Yuanqing shook his head slightly. With 20 million, he could use this money to make a GG movie and implant whatever he wanted!

"It's too expensive, it's really too expensive!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "If Dell and HP come to find it, maybe it won't be at this price!"

"I'd better think about it again and contact you later!"

Yang Yuanqing got up, returned to the car and called Liu Chuanzhi.

"Director Liu, that guy is not big, but he has a dark heart. He dared to ask for 20 million for just a few seconds. CCTV's top bidders are not as expensive as him!"

Liu Chuanzhi wondered: "Twenty million, why is it so expensive?"

"Well, he said it was a common placement price for two consecutive filming of two movies!"

"That's still somewhat reasonable. Is there no room for discussion?"

"I don't think so. He said that 200 million US dollars will be invested in the two films. From what he means, it seems that it is all his own money, but judging from his attitude, he doesn't really care about implanting GG."

Liu Chuanzhi sneered, "He really made a lot of money. With 200 million US dollars, there are not many companies in China that can put out so much cash!"

"Yes, he has become a millionaire!"

Liu Chuanzhi snorted, "Promise him, isn't it just 20 million? If we raise the price of the same movie later, we will make our money back in a short time. This movie will be released globally, and as long as the Lenovo brand becomes a household name, we will still make more!" "

"Okay, Director Liu, I'll go talk to him right now!"

Yang Yuanqing came back and said with a smile that he wanted to sign the contract.

Jiang Heng hesitated, "But I just got a call from HP. They are willing to embed GG in two movies for a price of 30 million. I'm really sorry!"

Yang Yuanqing was stunned. In less than ten minutes, Hewlett-Packard just called and offered an increase of 10 million. What a lie!

But he doesn't want to miss the opportunity. After all, there are only a limited number of blockbusters released globally every year, and most of them are produced by Hollywood.

Even if Lenovo was willing to spend money to embed GG in the film, it would be basically too late when it heard the news.

It’s not easy to come across Jiang Heng’s special effects blockbuster that is suitable for GG implantation. If I miss it because of the price of 10 million, I don’t know when I will get this opportunity again.

But if he had to make his own decision and pay an extra ten million, he would be easily criticized by his opponents.

Yang Yuanqing thought for a while, "Director Jiang, please give me two minutes, just two minutes, okay?"

Jiang Heng glanced at the Rolex in his hand, "Okay, it's really only two minutes, I'm still busy filming over there!"

Yang Yuanqing walked a few steps away, dialed Liu Chuanzhi's number and said a few words.

Lao Liu is worthy of being a "godfather" figure among domestic business tycoons. He said halfway through, "Give it to him, sign the contract and pay him immediately!" and immediately hung up the phone.

Listening to the beeping sound from the mobile phone, Yang Yuanqing looked embarrassed, and immediately said: "Um, Director Jiang, do you have a contract template? Give me a public account number, and I will pay the property!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Yes, yes, I've already prepared it!"

After saying that, he ordered someone to send the drafted contract template. After checking that it was correct, the two parties signed the contract and paid GG.

"It's a pleasure to work with you, Director Jiang. I hope these two movies will achieve good box office results!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Don't worry, Mr. Yang. I dare not say more. The global box office of the two films is more than one billion US dollars. We can still guarantee it. By then, even African audiences will be able to see the association in the film." Sign, just wait to collect the money!”

Yang Yuan Qingxin said, "If you put it this way, 30 million is not too expensive!"

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