Jiang Heng does not have that kind of impatient sense of urgency, and will not let the crew work non-stop after the start of filming.

Although they cannot rest like statutory holidays, they will always give the crew a day off every ten days or so.

On this day, Jiang Heng took a break and slept in the hotel until noon. After dinner, he drove out for a stroll. It was not the hotel's car, but a new BMW 728 in the area.

There was a Benz on the Hong Kong side and a BMW 728 on the Beijing side. Finally, there were cars on both sides.

The only thing missing was a luxury house.

He was not very fond of villas, because he lived alone most of the time in his past and present lives.

He always felt that the villa was too spacious, and a large flat was better.

If it was a large flat with a river view, it would be a perfect residence for him.

It was a pity that it was really difficult to find such a house in Beijing in 1998.

After driving around the Second Ring Road for a while, I finally saw a newly opened real estate project. I went in to take a look and found that the apartment was a bit small.

But seeing that the sales girl was young and beautiful and was working hard to promote the product, I decided to buy two units by credit card.

Seeing Jiang Heng take out his ID from Hong Kong, the sales lady showed a surprised expression on her face, but she had to hold it back.

After signing the contract and paying the house price, the sales lady timidly asked: "Um, please ask, are you the director Jiang Heng who filmed "The Matrix"? "


"Ah...!" The girl shouted halfway and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

At this time, the manager of the sales office came over jogging and asked Jiang Heng to sit in the office, saying that the boss of the company would be here soon.

In fact, when Jiang Heng took out his ID, the salesperson recognized him and quietly told the manager.

The manager was afraid that if he showed his enthusiasm, he would scare people away, so he waited until Jiang Heng signed the contract and swiped his card before coming over.

After all, some bigwigs in the film and television industry have some quirks, and if they scare people away, the boss will probably want to kill him!

After all, Jiang Heng is also the director with the highest box office performance in China. If such a person comes to buy a house in their community, it will naturally be an excellent job. It may also attract some stars and artists to move in!

Since Jiang Heng bought a house, he had to deal with the developer. Naturally, he would not offend people easily. He smiled and followed the sales manager upstairs.

After chatting for a while, a man with glasses and a shrewd face came into the room.

"Oh, Director Jiang, I said I met a magpie when I went out this morning. It turned out that a noble person came!"

Jiang Heng looked at the man's face and thought that at least the house could be delivered on time and it was not unfinished.

"Hey, I'm just a filmmaker, I can't be called a noble person!"

"Director Jiang, what you said is too polite. I watched your movie "The Matrix", it's really wonderful. It's beyond imagination and wonderful! The box office results are unprecedented! 400 million US dollars worldwide, converted into RMB, it's more than 3 billion!

Do you know what the annual sales of the top real estate company in the country was last year? Just over 2 billion, and the profit is less than 200 million! Compared with your performance, we are not worth mentioning!"

Jiang Heng was stunned and thought to himself: "You are almost praising me to the sky, you are not asking for money!"

He laughed, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Director Jiang, our acquaintance is fate, I will treat you tonight, let's have a simple meal together?"

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said: "No, I have an appointment tonight, another day, another day!"

Seeing this, the boss did not force it. He smiled and changed his phone number and led a group of people to send Jiang Heng to the sales office.

Some young men and women who came to buy houses were wondering who was being given away with such fanfare!

As soon as they saw that he was driving a BMW 728, they knew that he was either rich or noble.

At this time, a staff member whispered, "The famous director Jiang Heng!"


"Jiang Heng!"

"No way, he came here to buy a house? He is not from Hong Kong...!"

"It is because Director Jiang is from Hong Kong that he came here to buy a house. Do you know why? The feng shui here is good, and people there believe in it!"

Several people who were looking at houses around were originally a little hesitant, but after hearing this, they hurried to pay the deposit.

There were also those who were afraid of the sales office's routine and wanted to see Jiang Heng's house purchase contract to confirm whether the matter was true or not, but they were rejected.

True or false news is the easiest to spread.

At night, the news that Jiang Heng bought a house in Beijing spread in a small range.

The next day at noon, Han Sanping called and said with a smile: "Why did I hear that you bought a house yesterday?"

"Oh, I drove by and it looked good, so I bought two sets!"

Han Sanping was choked, feeling that Jiang Heng didn't say it was buying a house, but rather buying two sets of Jianbing Guozi.

"You didn't tell me in advance, at least I can help you with some advice!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "No big deal, I just bought two sets, I don't necessarily live in them, I will definitely buy them in the future if there is a suitable one, and then I may have to ask you for help!"

Han Sanping said casually: "Don't worry, I promise to help you pick a set that suits your taste!"

He asked about the progress of the filming of the film, and of course everything went smoothly.

A monster movie doesn't require much acting skills, and the highlights are all in the special effects, how difficult can it be to shoot.

In the blink of an eye, it was early July, and it was officially finished.

After the crew disbanded, Jiang Heng first made a rough cut of the film, and then took the source back to Hong Kong.

The excuse was naturally to go abroad to do special effects. Han Sanping wanted to send someone to accompany him, but was rejected outright, so he gave up.

In Hong Kong, Jiang Heng first went back to his home to rest for two days, then flew to Australia, and soon flew to the United States.

He bought a house in North America so he didn't have to stay in a hotel all the time. Although he didn't get a gun license, he lived in a high-end community, so his safety was guaranteed.

He stayed there until November. During this period, except for returning to China to donate money, he spent the rest of his time writing scripts in the United States.

The reason was that when he was bored, he flipped through "Journey to the West" and "Investiture of the Gods" at home, thinking about which story to adapt.

As a result, when he carefully read the episode "Lion Camel Ridge", he was shocked. The scenes described in the original work were so scary and bloody that Hollywood horror movies were nothing compared to this.

It's a pity that if it is filmed according to the original work, it will not pass the review at all.

Then he thought: "This movie doesn't have to be released in China! I can sell it directly to North America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia!"

Then he thought again, "It's just that there are too many bloody scenes. At most, they can delete or cut them at will, or just shoot a clean version for China. Anyway, it won't lose money!"

Therefore, Jiang Heng has been busy with one thing for more than four months, which is to adapt the script of "Lion Camel Ridge", which is now basically completed.

I immediately fell into a difficult problem, who should play the role of Sun Wukong?

Wu Yizu is now quite famous internationally, but Jiang Heng doesn't think he is very suitable in terms of his body shape and face.

Suddenly, he saw Wu Jing dodging flexibly under the pursuit of dinosaurs in the completed film "100 Million Years BC", and thought to himself: "Okay, you!"

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