China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 36 You play the Monkey King

Since his first movie failed at the box office, Wu Jing was abandoned by the film industry and could not find a role for quite a while.

He had no choice but to shoot TV series, and starred in "Water Margin" and "Tai Chi Master".

The ratings and reputation of "Tai Chi Master" were good, which made him famous, but it did not improve his resources much.

Except for the rising big director Jiang Heng who asked him to play a supporting role, no one asked him.

The reason is simple.

In the mainland film and television market in the late 1990s, there were not many martial arts and action film and television scripts, and even if there were good roles, they had to be famous and have connections.

There were more martial arts and action dramas in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but in the era of overall market downturn, the competition was also quite fierce.

Wu Jing only had connections with Yuan Heping and Zhang Xinyan in Hong Kong and Taiwan, because "Kung Fu Kids" was directed by these two people.

But because of the box office failure, Wu Jing did not dare to contact these two people, so he stayed depressed, not knowing where his future was.

Originally, Yuan Heping would have planned to shoot "Little Flying Dagger" at the end of 1998, but because of the abortion of the "Matrix" project of Hua Na Company, he returned to Hong Kong early. By chance, the role of Ah Fei fell into the hands of someone else.

Wu Jing, who was depressed in Beijing, didn't know what he had missed.

But the call from Jiang Heng made him know what he would get.

"Hey, brother, are you at home?"

Jiang Heng was several years younger than Wu Jing, and he was always polite when he knew his future achievements.

Wu Jing was flattered. He was just a nobody, and a big director like Jiang Heng actually called him a brother. It was really a great honor.

"At home, at home, Director Jiang, you, you are back from abroad!"

"Yes, I am back, the post-production is done, and it will be released next month!"

Wu Jing was very surprised, "Great, if there is anything I need to do before the release, just ask!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "I really have something to talk to you!"

Wu Jing said, "Then let's find a place and talk while drinking?"

"Okay, where are you now, I will drive to pick you up!"

Wu Jing was not shy, and immediately reported a place name, and then asked, "Can you find it? Or I will take a taxi!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "No, when I have nothing to do, I often drive around the city, maybe I know it better than you!"

Wu Jing thought to himself, "How is it possible!"

But he didn't know that Jiang Heng was talking about his previous life, not this life.

After hanging up the phone for more than half an hour, Jiang Heng's car drove to the agreed place. Wu Jing looked at the BMW 728 in front of him, and he was so envious.

After getting in the car, he sighed, "This car is really beautiful!"

Jiang Heng said: "Don't sigh, you can drive this car in less than two or three years!"

Wu Jing subconsciously: "How is it possible?"

I immediately thought of a possibility, looking at Jiang Heng beside him, looking forward to it and feeling nervous.

"Well, I plan to make a movie, and I want you to play the leading role!"

When Wu Jing heard this, he felt like a thunderclap in his ears, and the whole person was stunned.

Jiang Heng has made two films so far. I don't know how much the investment of one is, but the global box office exceeds 400 million US dollars.

I don't know how much the box office performance of the other is, but the investment cost is over 100 million.

He should be talking about the third film, and the investment cost must not be small.

Even my senior brother Jet Li, I'm afraid he doesn't have such an opportunity!


Jiang Heng laughed, raised his hand and looked at the Rolex, "I spend hundreds of thousands every minute, why would I lie to you?"

"That's right!"

After Wu Jing confirmed that the matter was true, he could no longer suppress his excitement.

He rubbed his face twice and asked, "What are you going to shoot?"

"Journey to the West!"

"I play the Monkey King?"


"Are you going to shoot the havoc in heaven?"


Wu Jing was a little confused, "What are you going to shoot then?"

"Lion Camel Ridge!"


Wu Jing thought about the descriptions of the three monsters in the original Journey to the West, which were also quite exciting, "It's not a small investment!"

"It must be at least 100 million!"

"That's quite a lot!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, but in fact, he was not very confident.

The story in Journey to the West is indeed wonderful, but foreign audiences may not like it or understand it.

The plot of escaping from the mouth of a dinosaur may be a little bad, but even brothers in Africa and South America can know what the movie is about.

It's hard to say about the box office.

His "super microcomputer" has video deduction and generation functions that are countless times better than the AI ​​video tool Sora. It doesn't cost money to shoot special effects blockbusters, so it will never lose money.

I'm just afraid of "nominal losses" and ruining his golden signboard!

Seeing Wu Jing still in a state of confusion, Jiang Heng drove to a small Northeastern barbecue restaurant nearby without further ado.

Asked for a private room, ordered many skewers and beer, and then started drinking!

Seeing Jiang Heng skillfully using a pencil sharpener to peel shallots, Wu Jing wondered, "Aren't you from Hong Kong?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Do you also eat shallots with barbecue there?"

"Of course!"

"Then you learned fast enough!"

Wu Jing was a little puzzled, "Why do I feel more like you grew up in the city!"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Maybe I was from here in my previous life!"

"Who knows!"

Wu Jing raised his glass and drank it all with Jiang Heng.

He was in a very excited mood now, and had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Do you believe in fate?"

"Did you talk to Wu Zu like this?"

Wu Wu Zu had studied at Shichahai Martial Arts School for a period of time and became Wu Jing's apprentice, so he was considered his nephew.

In addition, both of them had the surname Wu and were born in 1974, so they had a very good relationship when they were filming in the crew of "100 Million Years BC".

The two often drank together and talked about some things before joining the crew, which made Wu Jing very envious.

Jiang Heng laughed, "That's about right. What I asked him was, do you believe this world is virtual?"

"Do you believe it?"

"I kind of believe it!"

"No way!"

"Then do you know that if artificial intelligence develops to a certain level, AI tools can be used to convert text into video. A person who never existed in reality can appear vividly in the video. Do you think the characters in the video are real...!"

"Wait, wait, what does artificial intelligence mean, and what about AI? You're exaggerating...!"

Wu Jing's head hurts. He has been studying in a martial arts school since he was a child, and he doesn't know much about science!

"Well, let's talk about the script directly!"

"Okay!" Wu Jing said after drinking a glass of beer.

"Have you read the original Journey to the West?"

Wu Jing shook his head, a little embarrassed, "I've only watched the TV series!"

Jiang Heng patted his head helplessly, and suddenly felt that this drink was a bit redundant. He should have told Wu Jing directly: You will play the Monkey King in the new film Lion Camel Ridge, with an investment of more than 100 million yuan, and it will be released worldwide!

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