China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 510 Promise of Folk Remedies

"Who said I failed at the box office? I didn't lose at the box office, right? It's pretty good." Shen Lang said, how did Nazha understand it.

"That's good." Nazha could see that Shen Lang really didn't seem to care too much, but she also knew that Shen Lang's movie would definitely make money.

But seeing the public opinion today, I thought of coming over to comfort Shen Lang, anyway, not far away, after all, Shen Lang was nice to her before.

"What you just said is true or not, can it be counted this time?" Shen Lang asked an anxious question.

"I didn't say that, I just said, you can come anytime, just be ready." Nazha laughed.

"I knew I wouldn't have stopped you just now." Shen Lang said, and then naturally continued with the iron rod into needle plan, Nazha didn't care, put his hands in Shen Lang's hair to see if there was any gray hair, um, not at all.

Both of them understood in their hearts that they were taking what Nazha had just initiated as a joke. It was easy to get in, but difficult to follow.

Some things have to be said, it's not good to keep them in my heart, Nazha felt that he was a little impulsive, because he was afraid that Shen Lang's box office would not be high today and he would feel uncomfortable, so he wanted to work harder.

But Shen Lang really didn't think about it well, don't look at what Nazha said now, but Shen Lang knew that if there was a first time, there would be a second time, and his self-control was not strong.

Now, both Shen Lang and Nazha have set a limit for themselves. If they break through casually, their mentality will inevitably change.

"You were attacked by many people today." Nazha said.

"I know." Of course Shen Lang knew this.

Although the box office of the movie is not bad, but without publicity is a shortcoming, without distribution, people will learn from you if they don't attack you.

Several other movies should have their end, they are all part of marketing, and it is easy to fight in one schedule.

Shen Lang is the most well-known in the movie, plus there are fans of Xiaoxianrou, and the war between fans, Shen Lang is ridiculed a lot.

What was exposed, outdated, etc., made it seem that "Big Winner" has been scrapped, but in fact, this movie is making money, but others don't care about it.

"The upcoming "Monster Hunt" and "Pancake Man" both have more than 50 million votes, and there will definitely be a lot of competition for the film." Nazha is also in the circle, and he understands this kind of thing very well.

"Normally, "The Return of the Great Sage" still has 10 million votes to fill." This is a fact.

""Monster Hunt" will be released tomorrow." Nazha said.

"Don't talk about work, it's boring." Shen Lang didn't answer, and started the final sprint directly. It was also rare that Nazha didn't reject Shen Lang's kiss. This time it was word of mouth, which is rare.


"Are you leaving now?" At four o'clock in the morning, Shen Lang asked Na Zha, who was getting dressed.

"That's right, I still have filming to do, so I have to go back," Nazha said.

"No, you don't need to come at all." Shen Lang replied.

"It's nothing, it's just to impress you on purpose, remember." Nazha smiled, she was just so generous.

"You said that." Shen Lang said.

"I'm familiar with it. Don't you often tell me that's what you said when you lent me money? I've learned badly and left." Nazha said.

Nazha came and went in a hurry, telling the truth, if Shen Lang could celebrate her birthday, she would naturally come to help Shen Lang relieve his worries.

Shen Lang watched her leave, not to mention, he was really moved. After Nazha left, he sat in the car thinking about what happened just now.

She didn't come here because Shen Lang was ridiculed. To be honest, Shen Lang was ridiculed and fans were protecting her.

She just took this opportunity to come over and have a look. The two of them haven't seen each other for a while. Shen Lang will be busy next time. She will come over to see each other appropriately. Today is a good time. Hengdian is not far from Shanghai, and there is Shen Lang was moved, some things are not afraid to say it, anyway, I did it.


Shen Lang looked at today's film schedule, it's okay, "The Return of the Great Sage" has reached 20% of the film schedule, it's because the tap water hasn't been fully flushed, even though it ranked first at the box office yesterday.

"Gardenia Blossoms" and "Little Times Four" are still 30% of the film schedule, which is slightly lower than yesterday, and they still want to squeeze their potential.

As for his own "Big Winner", he still gave 3% more film scheduling. How can I say that the theaters still respect the film scheduling rules. After all, "Big Winner" outperformed the film scheduling in terms of box office.

But time is running out, "Monster Hunt" on the 16th, and "Pancake Man" on the 17th, both of which are going ahead before the soldiers and horses are mobilized. With 50 million tickets for each, there must be a lot of films. Up.

"Big Winner" is only two days away, and "Gardenia Blossoms" and "Little Times 4" are similar. The summer vacation is such a good time, and you can still keep it.

The road show started at eleven o'clock, but Shen Lang had already discovered that the box office of "Big Winner" had already begun to pick up momentum today.

It's only eight or nine o'clock, and there are already more than seven million at the box office. Shen Lang suspects that the system may rely on this method to insist on grinding to eight hundred million. It is not uncommon for movies with strong stamina.

However, Shen Lang has some experience now, and if he suddenly becomes popular, the system can use this opportunity to expand his popularity, and maybe 800 million will come earlier.

Shen Lang also wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but he didn't know how to pretend, so he just sent a short composition?


In a movie theater in Shanghai, Shen Lang appeared as a mysterious surprise after the movie ended. This is a road show. In fact, there is another way to go directly to several first-tier cities, and each city has a premiere press conference, but it also costs money. Forget it .

Shen Lang was alone this time. He was more popular than everyone else combined. In fact, there were not many people to promote it. Only Pan Zhilin, Liu Yan, and Guan Xiaotong went back to study.

"Shen Lang, Chen Zhong appeared in "The Big Winner". Everyone knows that this is a character from your other work "The Big Red Envelope". Everyone is curious. Is there any story behind "The Big Red Envelope"? "This is the host.

"I told the director about this. The director has an idea to launch the sequel of "The Big Red Envelope." Shen Lang answered in a satisfactory manner. The two of them talked back and forth about some questions. Then, for the next question, Shen Lang felt that he could Do you pretend?

"Shen Lang, do you want to speak harshly, such as a movie breaking 200 million, or breaking 500 million? Do something?" This question is very routine, and it can be regarded as harsh words, which are easy to gain popularity, such as Xiaodai.

If a movie breaks hundreds of millions, it promises nude swimming and photos, just to stimulate the box office.

"If it's 500 million, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, my brothers have always supported me. 500 million is too much to look down on my brothers and sisters. Let's pass a billion. If I pass a billion, I will dance. I don't know how to do this. Brothers know of."

Having said that, the host feels that you are too stingy, but looking at the auditorium, a group of people actually think it should be taken for granted.

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