China Entertainment's performance is king

Chapter 511 I am going to Quantai Recruitment Department

#Shen Lang Dance#

#Box Office Billion#

It must be on the hot search, and everyone has different opinions.

"The 500 million will definitely come, who wouldn't say big things." This is another fan of Xiaoxianrou.

"Why, just one day after it was released, you're sure the movie won't do well at the box office." Shen Lang had fans criticizing it.

"He doesn't seem to know how to dance, I want to see."

"Although I'm not his fan, but with his good looks, if he is willing to show me dancing, it's not impossible."

"Want to see."

Ironic, there are all kinds of voices, Shen Lang didn't care, this is the hot spot, 800 million should arrive early, let yourself pretend to be forced, otherwise, even if you can arrive in the end, you will always be suppressed by "Monster Hunt" Not very interesting.

He knows that the box office of his movie is not comparable to that of "Monster Hunt". Shen Lang suspects that the reason why the box office of "Big Winner" is not high in the past two days is that he is not popular, and the biggest possibility is that the system thinks Go head-to-head with Monster Hunt.

With such popularity, the box office of Shen Lang's movie will greatly affect the box office of other movies, but it's okay to keep suppressing it.

Shen Lang loves to study the system very much, and he also sums up the rules. After the points are used up, if he does not take any action, the points can reach the predetermined points in various ways.

However, as long as he acts on his own, the system will allocate resources to him. For example, in the previous road show, where he went, the box office was more than a little higher than other places, and spread around him.

Shen Lang also wanted to pretend to be aggressive. He was ridiculed for two days, and then the box office rose again. Even if it reached 800 million, it was a bit uncomfortable. When he couldn't beat the opponent for the time being, he was proud of it for two days and sold "Gardenia Blossoms" Go on with "Little Times".

Shen Lang looked at Weibo, and only posted one sentence, "Go to Quantai Recruitment Department", the latter sentence was not posted, but the murderous intent was there.

This is what it means to shake people. Everyone understands that many people are watching the excitement, and you are too good at talking big. The box office is what you want.

Then, around two o'clock in the afternoon.

Shen Lang had just finished a road show, and he called Li Kelong backhandedly. He just called, but Shen Lang didn't answer.

"Shen Lang, our movie has broken through 20 million, 20 million." Li Kelong's voice was full of happiness.

"It's normal, it's more than seven million after nine o'clock." Shen Lang said.

He was just talking nonsense, how could this be the same, the box office before ten o'clock is normal, after all, most city movie theaters open at ten o'clock, the box office may be from ten o'clock to night.

But it will be different later, this is not a percentage game, 50 million before ten o'clock, 55 million a day is normal.

The current situation is that the box office of "Big Winner" has grown wildly since Shen Lang said the box office was one billion and posted on Weibo.

And under Shen Lang's Weibo, there is a neat sentence, the flag is one hundred thousand to kill Yama, and this sentence is continued.

In fact, Shen Lang just wanted to shake people, but the fans seem to have misunderstood it, so it doesn't matter anyway.

"Okay, the next game is here." Shen Lang hung up the phone with Li Kelong and continued to be busy.

He obviously felt crowded. The movie theater he went to was not necessarily the same, but he clearly felt that there were quite a lot of people in the hall where "The Big Winner" was shown.

As he said, they are all brothers, and Shen Lang is quite speechless, but he understands that although he is handsome, he does not flatter his fans, he does whatever he wants, and does not refute rumors when he is in a relationship, which affects girls' fans.

On the contrary, it is the theory of licking dogs and fighting wolves, which makes some star chasing girls naturally dislike him, but many brothers regard him as a mentor.

But there is a saying that is quite true. A man's spending power is not in chasing stars, but in the system.


"Qiqian, it seems that Shen Lang's appeal is really good." Liu Tianxian was reading a book when he heard his mother's voice. From this angle, her mother is really beautiful.

"The box office has gone up again?" Liu Tianxian said.

"Yes, it's 30 million now, which is higher than that of "The Return of the Great Sage", which has a particularly good reputation." Liu Xiaoli said that she was very happy.

After all, Shen Lang has appeal, so "The Third Way of Love", which they have invested in, is also very likely to be a hit.

"There are so many, that's good." Liu Tianxian was also a little surprised, and she also posted a Weibo for Shen Lang, because of the special nature of the other party, she paid attention to him yesterday.

"It's more than good. He's relying on his own fans to fight his way out. He suffered from the lack of publicity. Before yesterday, many people didn't even know that his movie was released. After a day, everyone started to know. " said Liu Xiaoli.

From a normal person's point of view, the box office was low yesterday, but there was no publicity release, so Shen Lang just posted on Weibo normally.

Today's box office is high, because many people know that Shen Lang's movie is released, and then they start to support it. Many people know that Shen Lang's fans are mostly men, and they don't know the latest movie news in a timely manner.

"En." Liu Tianxian said, she thought so too, and also read Shen Lang's Weibo, what you should have done two days ago, you can do now, and you deserve it.

"Today, the box office of this movie can't be lowered." To be honest, today, even now, no one thinks that Shen Lang's one billion is true.

Small fresh meat movies have a cycle, which is generally reflected in the high box office in the first few days, and then a cliff-like decline afterwards. Although the same number of general movies is also the same, it is not so fast. The small fresh meat movie is about three or four days.

You did have a "Big Red Envelope", but it doesn't mean that every movie can get that score.

"Sissy, about the publicity plan." Liu Xiaoli still asked her daughter.

"Mom, let me think about it again. Besides, I agree, maybe others don't agree?" Liu Tianxian said.

"He likes you so much, he talks about you on every occasion, wishing to have an affair with you, besides, is it all fake?" Liu Xiaoli smiled.

Don't look at Shen Lang as a little fresh meat, she doesn't like it at all, what's wrong with being handsome, her girl has been famous for so many years, she has to marry either a business tycoon, or a wealthy family, Shen Lang is not worthy.

Liu Tianxian felt a little repulsed. In fact, if the previous incident hadn't happened, she wouldn't mind, but if she had an affair with him now, it would be a bit uncomfortable for the sake of the box office.

Liu Xiaoli still didn't know that her daughter had already been dumped once, and Liu Tianxian didn't tell her everything, especially such embarrassing things.


"Is it so high, Shen Lang." Liu Shishi was also surprised when he saw Shen Lang's box office, Shen Lang's play is too immediate.

It's too obvious why everyone gave Shen Lang all the credit. The movie is interesting, but it's only interesting. It's not a movie with a good plot like "The Return of the Great Sage".

"Although I'm not good enough, the fans are still very supportive." Zhao Xiaogu naturally knew the news, and he still had a bit of a knot in Shen Lang's pursuit of her.

The two are now less in touch.

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