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"To be honest, we don't know what's in the secret realm, because we tried, but we didn't have the ability to enter."

Jiemie smiled, although it was a bit embarrassing, but he told the truth.

There are so many masters, but they haven't even touched the door of the secret realm.

"The main reason why we were on the three islands was because of the secret realm below. However, we tried various methods and still couldn't enter, so we had no choice but to give up."

Wuming sighed, just like the five secret books in the drunken arhat's hand, right in front of you, but you just don't have the ability to obtain them.

"Have you tried the current heavy machinery and so on?"

Wang Fan asked. He had to admit that the power of heavy machinery was indeed greater than that of humans.

And if Xia Guo wanted to bring heavy machinery to this island, it would not be a problem.

"I wanted to try it, but later I found that if I wanted to enter the secret realm and use heavy machinery, these three islands might no longer exist."

Zui Luohan shook his head. Considering this, Xia Guo did not take action in the end.

After all, these three islands represent too many meanings. Now Xia Guo is still trying to find a way, but we have tried all the methods we can use.

Another old man spoke up. After all, they are masters in various fields.

But they are powerless.

"So now, fellow seniors, don't you know what I'm going to prepare?"

Wang Fan smiled and understood what they meant.

"Then let's go directly now. The current state is also the best state."

Wang Fan said, now everyone has eaten and their energy has been fully replenished.

Now they have also had a deep sleep and are in a good state.

As for Wang Fan, no matter what time it is, he is always ensuring that his state is the best.


Everyone nodded and led Wang Fan to a place.

In this place, there were many buttons.

Wuming gently pressed the button, and a huge gap appeared in front of him.

Everyone moved forward together and entered the gap. In front of them was the elevator. Everyone entered.

After twists and turns, a huge and heavy stone door appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the place. We have tried every method but cannot enter. This door looks like stone, but it is not made of stone. It is ten times harder than stone!"

Everyone is very familiar with this material.

"I'll give it a try."

Wang Fan nodded, stepped back, and then quickly punched out.

However, as the old men said, the door made of this material is so hard that it is simply against the sky.

Even a monster like Wang Fan can't shake this door in the slightest.

"This material is also used in Xia Country."

Wang Fan said. In such a short time, he has seen materials that he has never heard of.

"It is indeed extremely difficult to enter now."

Wang Fan sighed. The material was so hard that even if he attacked violently, he would not be able to do anything.

"This time, we finally see that the God of War is helpless, but we don't want to see this kind of helplessness."

Drunk Arhat sighed. Wang Fan was so evil, but he couldn't do anything about it.

But it also made him see that Wang Fan was helpless.


Wang Fan didn't care about the calculations in the minds of these old men.

He now looked at the closed door and observed the details.

This observation took several hours.

""Martial God, we have observed for more than ten years, but we have not found anything on this door. I am afraid that observing it now will be useless."

An old man couldn't help but speak.

They observed and even brought a microscope, but they didn't find anything.


Wuming stopped the old man from speaking.

What a joke. They have been immersed in the accomplishments of hundreds of years, but in Wang Fan's hands, they are so flawed.

Now that they have been closed for more than ten years, they can't find any clues to the article. It doesn't mean that Wang Fan can't find it.

After all, Wang Fan is a miracle maker, and he can't tolerate any doubts from them.

Even if they are the national treasures of Xia Country, even if they are taken out now, they are all masters in the world.

But the God of War Wang Fan is really like a god.

"This position, and this position, all the tiny black dots, when combined together, form a formation."

Wang Fan suddenly spoke, asking everyone to look towards the gate.

"However, this formation was in great disarray, and it was only a part of it, so it was not easy to find."

"Also, if you observe little by little, you will not gain anything. You must observe everything from point to surface."

Wang Fan continued, you can only see the details when you look at something with a microscope, but you can't see the whole picture.

"Formation? What formation?"

Wuming is most sensitive to formations. Now, after hearing Wang Fan's words, his spirits instantly increased.

"All the formations of time are born from the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams, just like the Tao gave birth to one, and one gave birth to all things."

Wang Fan answered

"But I..."

Wuming was about to say something but stopped. As a master of formations, he had not discovered anything after such a long time.

"Senior, there is no need to say more. The main reason is that none of you are as free and easy as me."

Wang Fan waved his hand and spoke to comfort him.

After all, we can't let people be stimulated all the time.

"Everyone, please step back. After all, no one knows what is in this secret realm, or where the danger is."

Wang Fan reminded the elders.


Everyone nodded and stepped back.

But when they stopped, they suddenly realized a problem.

"Master, have you found a way to crack it?"

Master Jiemie couldn't help but ask.

"I need to try it first."

Wang Fan said, but didn't agree directly.

"The five elements evolve to this position."

Wang Fan pointed at a position and made a mark.

"The Bagua evolves and reaches this position."

Wang Fan continued to calculate and pointed out two positions.

Now Wang Fan has completely understood the Five Elements Bagua formation and is very familiar with it.

"There is another one, where is it?"

Wang Fan frowned, the two points pointed to different locations.

That means there should be another point.

The three points finally evolved into one location, which is the way to open the door.

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