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"The Five Elements and Eight Diagrams are all in it. What could the remaining point be derived from?"

Wang Fan frowned, looking at the two lines of evolution, and the final convergence position

"This location."

Wang Fan frowned, and found another point on the stone gate, but he could not find any clues.

"In this case, then I will try my method reluctantly."

Wang Fan said, touching his fist.

""Master, what is your solution?"

The nameless old man Wang Fan said nervously.

After all, for them, the mystery they had been unable to solve might be solved in front of Wang Fan.

Wang Fan himself was a miracle maker and would not tolerate any doubts from them.

"Of course it's fists."

Wang Fan said, what can I do now?

That's the way Wang Fan has always carried out to the end, breaking thousands with one force!

"But the hardness of this material, I'm afraid..."

Master Jiemie said. You know, in this place, he used the hardest material in Xia Country to make puppets, and in the end the puppets were shattered under this kind of collision.

But this stone door didn't even move.

""Martial God, this is indeed true. No matter where this point is, this door, all the subtle points have been attacked with great force, and there is no effect at all."

Drunk Arhat also spoke at this time.

Now Wang Fan is attacking this point through the confluence of these two points, which may not have any effect.

After all, the power of the machine is probably not weaker than the power of Wang Fan's fist.

"Let's give it a try."

Wang Fan didn't have a chance to speak their language


Wang Fan punched with great force.

But the door did not move at all.

When Wang Fan's fist collided with the door, a huge sound of clashing swords was heard.

"Sure enough."

An old man shook his head in disappointment. This has no effect at all.

"If this material is made into a weapon, it will be indestructible."

Wang Fan looked at the door that was motionless and said.

The net that just bound Wang Fan was used by Wang Fan to make a puppet, and the effect was amazing.

Now the material of this door is also an amazing weapon.

""God of War, why don't you try the method just now, just like finding the evolution position of the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams on the stone door. Now we are just one step away, it shouldn't be difficult."

An old man next to him would definitely not believe that Wang Fan could open the door with his fist.

After all, this door is not something that can be broken by human power.


Wang Fan ignored it and punched again.


"Tai Chi!"

Wang Fan used a combination to attack the stone gate

"Eight Extreme Collapse!"

Wang Fan gathered his strength and attacked the gate.

""Hua La La!"

Just after Wang Fan's Baji collapsed, the gate fell off where Wang Fan had attacked, in front of everyone's incredible faces.

Of course, this falling off was only a part of it.

"This is impossible. You have to know that at the beginning, Xia Country had so many machines, but they couldn't do anything to the gate!"

The old men present rubbed their eyes. They couldn't believe this situation.

"The God of War is a person who creates miracles, and we cannot doubt him!"

Wu Ming spoke directly, and he kept mentioning Wang Fan's status in his heart.

"If it was this fast, the stone gate would not be penetrated too slowly. It was just that the hole was a little small."

The drunken arhat said

"With the God of War here, it shouldn't be difficult to gain a higher position. After all, this is the first success, and the rest is just a matter of time."

Another old man answered.

Now he doesn't care about his generation or age.

Now Wang Fan is an unparalleled existence in his heart.

"No, my fist can only open this one point now, and the only way to open it is to use fists. This is the test of the gate."

Wang Fan shook his head and said, now he can only open this one point.

Because only this one point is fragile.

Otherwise, wouldn't the evolution of the five elements and eight trigrams be useless?

And this point can only be opened with fists!

This is the test of the gate!

Through this door, you can know that the owner of this secret realm was definitely a first-class existence before.

"That doesn't matter, anyway, the martial god's bone shrinking skill is already superb."

The other old man has seen Wang Fan's bone shrinking skill.

Wang Fan did not continue to speak, but continued to attack.

Even if he used the bone shrinking skill, it depends on the thickness of the stone door.


But what no one expected was that after Wang Fan opened the stone door for the fifth time, it was opened directly.

"It's actually so thin! What kind of material is it made of?"

The thickness of this door surprised everyone.

Because it's too thin! With such a thickness, if Wang Fan hadn't arrived, all of their machines, their attacks, etc., would have been useless!


Only Wang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. With this thickness, he could use the bone shrinking skill!

""God of War, throw a few things in first to see if there are any traps. Also throw a few living creatures in, but make sure there are no poisons or anything like that."

An old man nearby spoke up and quickly prepared


Wang Fan nodded and did not rush in.

After all, the owner of the gate could be made of this material. If a trap was set up in the secret realm, it would be difficult to guard against.

"Nothing happened, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple."Nothing happened when the creatures tried to test it.

Wang Fan didn't wait, he used his skills and went in directly.

After all, Wang Fan was most worried about the poison inside, etc. Now that the creatures were fine, he was no longer worried.

Wang Fan entered, and the room was extremely spacious, and even when it was airtight, it was still bright.

"This sword and the martial arts secret book are given to the destined person!"

After Wang Fan entered, there was only a sword and a martial arts secret book in such a spacious place.

Wang Fan frowned and took the sword and the martial arts secret book in his hands.

It is so difficult to enter, and such a big door, but there is only a sword and a secret book?

How powerful and worthwhile are this secret book and sword?


Wang Fan pulled out his sword, and the whole room suddenly became much colder!

"It is indeed worthy of a door guard of this material."

Wang Fan couldn't help but admire this sword, which was unexpectedly powerful.


Wang Fan had a feeling that this sword could split a door made of this material in one blow!

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