Chinese medicine doctor Xu Yang

Chapter 402 Why am I crying?

Xu Yang's use of traditional Chinese medicine to revive this dying patient was also spreading rapidly to a small area, and soon many people knew about it.

In any era, there are many scammers.

Especially in an era when information is not flowing smoothly, all kinds of miracle doctors emerge in endlessly.

Why is Chinese medicine always looked down upon? Of course there are many excellent Chinese medicine practitioners among the people, but there are also many scammers. He who claims to be disease-free and ignorant, the killer of cancer, the king of uremia, how can he be cured of AIDS?

A lot of mess.

Real Chinese medicine doctors are very cautious, even if they are national experts, they are likely to overturn a common cold. Who can guarantee a 100% cure rate?

You said you have cured cancer, but the oncology department of any hospital has cured cancer. This is not a 100% fatal disease. Can you guarantee that you can cure the patient every time?

But having said that, I actually want to talk about the treatment of cancer.

It is true that some traditional Chinese medicine has a method for causing cancer, but the cure rate is not very high. Moreover, some traditional Chinese medicine medicines are so cruel that no one dares to imitate their prescriptions now.

I particularly hate the negative views of Chinese medicine, but I hate the boasting of Chinese medicine even more.

There is no denying that there are some outstanding Chinese medicine practitioners, but generally speaking, if you have cancer and can do surgery, you must do it. It is best to use chemotherapy if your body can tolerate it.

However, Chinese medicine can be used in conjunction with treatment during this process. Because Chinese medicine believes that the reason why people get sick is because of the overall imbalance in the human body.

Just like after cancer surgery, there is a dangerous period within three to five years. Although the tumor is removed, it is likely to recur. If the imbalance in your body is not corrected, the danger is great. Using traditional Chinese medicine can be helpful and can reduce the recurrence rate.

The same goes for chemotherapy. Using traditional Chinese medicine during this process can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. This is because traditional Chinese medicine focuses on strengthening the body and dispelling evil, which does not harm the body.

But sometimes the disease is so powerful that the righteousness in your body just can't get rid of it. At this time, chemotherapy drugs are needed, which is like having a cannon blasted down from the sky. The pathogenic factors are blown away, but the righteousness is also damaged, so the side effects are very serious.

At this time, it is a good choice to use traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the righteousness. Just like some patients who just started chemotherapy, they had vomiting and diarrhea and couldn't eat at all. It didn't take long for them to lose weight.

Using traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach can often improve the condition to a great extent. If the stomach qi is strong, the disease will be cured faster. Nowadays, many Chinese medicine practitioners are studying this method of jointly treating tumors.

There are also people who have coronary heart disease and need cardiac bypass. This is because the overall balance in the body is out of balance. If this balance is not adjusted, the patient will have to die again in less than two years. Some severe patients have been bypassed seven or eight times, and they will be dead long ago. Looks like it.


However, there are also many scammers in Western medicine, such as the messy Putian hospital and all kinds of male advertisements posted on the phone pillars, such as infertility. Some of them are thrown on the operating table, and you will be asked to pay more. And the most miserable young man...

Including the health care products industry, there used to be many TCM scammers, and TV stations’ garbage time slots were filled with miracle doctors and sellers passing on secret recipes. Now we are advancing with the times, and everyone is buying so-called high-tech products.


But no matter what, Xu Yang's reputation is here. If a Chinese medicine practitioner that no one has ever heard of said that he had cured a critically ill patient, everyone would definitely laugh, either thinking it was false news, or they attributed it to the body's self-healing mysteries.

But Xu Yang is different. No matter how you say it, he is still a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong.

As soon as this happened, no one questioned it, but everyone was very surprised, even people in the traditional Chinese medicine community.

Throughout the morning, Xu Yang received several calls with inquiries. Annoyed, Xu Yang turned off the phone directly. He was still busy, so how could he have time to deal with these.

But obviously this matter will not be resolved so easily.

In the afternoon, the vice president in charge of traditional Chinese medicine came to see Xu Yang.

"Director Xu Yang, is your phone out of battery?"

Xu Yang replied: "I turned off my phone."

The deputy dean said: "I mean, they said they can't contact you, and I can't get through to you either."

Xu Yang asked again: "What's wrong? What's going on?"

The vice president said: "Mr. Deng is looking for you."

"Ah?" Xu Yang was startled.

The vice president smiled and said: "Mr. Deng knows about your rescue of the dying patient. He is very interested in your prescription, so I told Mr. Deng your prescription. But Mr. Deng can't get through to you." .”

Xu Yang hurried back to the office and dialed Mr. Deng's phone number: "Hello, Mr. Deng."

Mr. Deng joked: "Dr. Xu Yang, you are such a busy man. You can't even get through the phone."

Xu Yang's expression remained unchanged: "I'm sorry, Mr. Deng, the phone battery is out of power."

Mr. Deng didn't mean to blame, so he went straight to the point: "I saw your prescription yesterday, and I also know about the patient. How is the patient now?"

Xu Yang replied: "I have woken up. I took some in the morning, but I am still very weak. I still need another dose of yesterday's prescription, and then I also prescribed a new prescription."

Mr. Deng said: "I'll come over and see the patient when I have time, okay?"

Xu Yang immediately replied: "It would be best if you could come over."

"As for that prescription..." Mr. Deng said with some hesitation: "Is it the special heart-saving soup?"

When asked this question, Xu Yang was stunned: "Yes... yes..."

He can remember the name and combination of this recipe, as well as his experience in using it, but he can't remember where this recipe came from?

Mr. Deng asked: "This prescription is from an old Chinese medicine doctor in Lingshi, Shanxi. How did you use this prescription?"

"I..." Xu Yang looked confused, his head pounding again.

Mr. Deng waited for a while. Unable to wait for an answer, he added, "Isn't it convenient for me to tell you?"

Xu Yang was still in a sluggish state.

Mr. Deng was a little confused, but he still said: "Have you seen his medical records? It's just that the prescription you prescribed is not exactly a special heart-saving soup, but a variation of it. It's strange that you not only dare to use it, You’re so good at using it, you can even use it so well, have you ever used it?”

"That shouldn't be the case. You've been living in the south while he lives in the northwest, and he's never been famous. Even now, few people know him. It's strange, you seem to be very good at it."

Xu Yang didn't know what to say for a moment. His mouth felt like it was covered in glue and he couldn't open it.

When talking about the old Chinese doctor, Mr. Deng said excitedly: "But that old Chinese doctor, even though he is in a remote place in the northwest, his strength is quite powerful."

"Especially for the treatment of critical and severe cases, he is the number one doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. When I read his medical records, I was very excited. I originally planned to invite him to give lectures in Guangdong, but he encountered SARS."

"We can only wait for the summer to see if the condition has gone away, and then see if we can invite others to come. It just so happens that you have also done research on this recipe. I will introduce you to each other then. You can also learn from others. Okay, Let’s talk about the rest when I get here.”

"Okay." Xu Yang smiled and hung up the phone.

Put down the phone.

Xu Yang just wanted to leave, but he felt itchy at the corners of his eyes. He stretched out his hand to wipe it, but found that there were crystal stains on his fingers: "Hey... why am I crying?"

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