Chinese medicine doctor Xu Yang

Chapter 403 Leading Treatment

Mr. Deng also came to Xuyang's hospital that day. He personally diagnosed the critically ill patient, then carefully looked at the relevant examinations and medical records, and asked the medical staff about the situation, and confirmed that the man was really cold at that time.

Mr. Deng was very surprised and chatted with Xu Yang for a while before he went back meaningfully.

Director Ma didn't know what to say for a moment.

However, the hospital's vice president in charge of traditional Chinese medicine was very excited, insisting that traditional Chinese medicine be involved in rescuing critically ill patients throughout the entire process. The treatment team and leadership team quickly called the leaders over for discussion.

The final result, of course, has no other surprises. It is to try to let Chinese medicine participate in the treatment of critical illness on a small scale. If the effect is good, then the whole process can be treated with Chinese and Western medicine together.

Naturally, the leaders in the hall knew about this matter, but the higher-ups knew more than just the fact that Xu Yang had saved the dying patient. What they care more about is the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine treatment during this period.

Various cases and data are constantly being fed back to the top, and there are also people who are specifically analyzing this matter. New reports are constantly appearing on the leader's desk.

At present, traditional Chinese medicine is mainly involved in the treatment of mild patients and some severe patients, but there are very few critically ill patients. There are also some cases that Western medicine has already rescued, and then Chinese medicine is used to cooperate.

The leader has also been very busy during this period, and the dark circles under his eyes have become a lot deeper. He has also been reading feedback reports related to traditional Chinese medicine. He was also the one who pushed for traditional Chinese medicine to participate in treatment as early as possible, so he is paying very close attention now.

The leader picked up the case published in the new newspaper and looked at it several times, but he still couldn't help showing surprise and amazement in his eyes.

"Xu Yang..." The leader said the name softly again.

The leader's eyes were somewhat profound. It was because Xu Yang had controlled the conditions of the twelve infected medical staff that he made up his mind to let Chinese medicine doctors participate in the treatment as soon as possible.

Now it’s Xu Yang again. Does it mean that Chinese medicine’s full participation in the treatment of critically ill patients must start with him? Xu Yang and his hospital have now begun to gradually involve traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and he has also nodded in agreement to this matter.

The leader thought for a while. At the end of the meeting, he said that depending on the performance of the treatment, if the effect was very good, it would not be impossible for the affiliated hospitals of Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine to independently treat SARS patients.

One of the reasons why he said this at that time was out of consideration for the status of Chinese medicine, because apparently and legally, the status of Chinese and Western medicine is equal. If he had always asked Chinese medicine to cooperate, some people might say that he did not value Chinese medicine. .

The other is to stimulate the fighting spirit of these Chinese medicine practitioners so that they can better treat diseases and save people. But judging from the results, it still exceeded his expectations.

These data are already very illustrative of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine. With the interventional treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, the probability of mild cases turning into severe cases is rapidly reduced. There are cases and data for this.

The recovery rate is also getting higher and higher. The time to reduce fever is getting shorter and shorter, and the time to relieve symptoms is also much shorter. This is proof of the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. The leader is also very lucky that he allowed traditional Chinese medicine to intervene early. This can be regarded as his political achievement.

Now if Xu Yang proves that traditional Chinese medicine can treat critically ill pneumonia patients, then the matter of allowing traditional Chinese medicine to independently treat patients can be quickly launched.

The leader leaned back in his chair, narrowed his eyes, and thought of many things at once.

Not only leaders can think of this, but Chinese medicine doctors can also think of it. Before, they were struggling to take the lead in rescuing critically ill patients. Who knew that Xu Yang would come in such a violent way.

Now Xu Yang has opened a hole.

For a moment, how many pairs of eyes were staring here.

Guangzhou traditional Chinese medicine bigwigs asked questions one after another.

Even the masters of traditional Chinese medicine from other places are asking. Some old masters of traditional Chinese medicine are very old and live in other places, so they are not suitable to come to the front line. However, they have been paying attention to the whole process and offering advice and suggestions.

So the pressure on Xu Yang suddenly increased.

At least that's what others thought, but Xu Yang himself didn't realize it and was calm.

"Hey, Director Xu, aren't you nervous when facing so many critically ill patients?"

Xu Yang turned to look at the deputy director next to him and said with a smile: "It's okay for a young doctor to be a little nervous. You are an old comrade. Are you still nervous?"

The deputy director swallowed, lowered his voice, and whispered: "The young doctors are not nervous, but scared. We old comrades are the ones who are nervous."

Xu Yang just smiled slightly.

The deputy director looked at Xu Yang carefully and asked, "Are you really not nervous at all?"

"Nervousness will only affect your judgment." After speaking, Xu Yang patted the deputy director on the shoulder and said, "In the future, if you treat more people, you won't be nervous anymore."

After saying that, Xu Yang entered the ward, leaving the deputy director alone outside.

"Huh? Treated a lot? I have worked with you for more than ten years, but why have I never seen you treat critical illness independently?" Seeing that Xu Yang had already gone in, the deputy director hurriedly chased after him.

In the ward.

Xu Yang was looking at the medical case in his hand.

Xun Wusheng introduced the condition at the side: "This patient found that he had a fever of 38 degrees on the 25th, and was admitted to the hospital. The Western medicine department examined him and found pneumonia in the lower right side, confirming SARS."

"The diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine is fever, slight aversion to cold, dry cough, palpitation and shortness of breath when moving, headache, slight chest pain, dry mouth and bitter taste, poor appetite, mental fatigue, pale red tongue, thin white coating, and soft and thready pulse. "

"Our diagnosis is spring warm and subdued dampness. The treatment method is to use cooling to relieve the surface and remove heat to remove the evil. The prescription is in the medical record, and it is combined with Qingkailing infusion. The western medicine uses Taineng, which is reliable and reliable."

"On the 27th, the patient still had fever, and his body temperature rose to 38.6. His limbs were drowsy. The fever was even worse at night and in the afternoon. His tongue and pulse remained unchanged, and his bowel movements were unobstructed."

"Then the western medicine doctor did a test. The white blood cells were 5.0 in the first diagnosis, but dropped to 2.9 in the second diagnosis. The infection focus in the right lower lung also expanded significantly compared to the first diagnosis, and it was a large lesion."

"We diagnosed damp-heat as accumulating toxins, blocking the middle and upper burners, and then continued to use heat-clearing and detoxifying methods to clear the lungs and remove dampness. But today, the 28th, the patient's fever has not subsided. Instead, it continues to rise. It is now 39.2 degrees."

"The symptoms have not alleviated, the fatigue has worsened, the breath sounds in both lungs are thick, and a little wet gong sound can be heard at the bottom of the lungs. Then the white blood cells dropped to 2.5, so please come and take a look."

After listening to Wu Sheng's introduction, Xu Yang also read through all the previous medical records.

The deputy director frowned and his expression became solemn. Based on the current situation and based on their experience analysis, I am afraid that this patient is likely to develop bilateral pneumonia, and then it will become severe immediately, and in the end it is very likely that he will die. Respiratory failure and even loss of life.

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