From a business point of view, analyzing a group is much simpler than analyzing a concrete person.

If you want to open a clothing store in a city, you only need to analyze the target customer group you want to get involved in—where do they go to buy clothes, their recent clothing style preferences and trends, and deeper things don’t matter at all.

For example, whether a certain customer’s money for buying clothes was stolen, robbed, or through other channels; how did such-and-such a shopping mall or such-and-such clothing city become popular? , and does not play a big role in business.

Nanyi is different. To reach his level of business, there are many things to consider, ranging from the origin of the universe, to the big bang of the earth, to the relationship between the country as a community, and to quantifying it to people, from the natural environment to Ideology, everything needs to be taken into account.

If there is a large-scale food crisis in the world, at first glance it is good news for Shennong Nanliang, but when we go deeper, we need to know exactly when the crisis will appear and how far it will develop. If the crisis is not enough to break the social order, people and People still talk about face, which is a good thing. If the crisis develops to the point where all the "advanced" animals are abandoned, it will be a disaster for Shennong Nanliang.

At that time, Nanyi's coffin board will definitely not be able to hold down, and someone will split Nanye Hua Nansun, and the strong Roasted Nansun who is tied to the barbecue grill will complain loudly: "Boil Nanyi Nancoffin, Nanxuan Grill" Weeping, regretting not to be cremated, I really deserve you to be ashamed.

The highest manifestation of business is the regional monopoly of commodity supply formed by means of violence as the core. Nanshi was not born in an era when there was an opportunity to control violent organizations. It could only walk between the rules set by violent organizations, through patience and Long-term layout to obtain monopoly advantages in a certain region and a specific node.

When there is only one person in the world who likes to eat beef jerky, this person will form a monopoly in the beef jerk industry, fully control the beef noodle industry, and can formulate various rules-how to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, etc. .

Nanyi had eaten cold noodles in Xita, and after finishing his digestion on the street, he got into Wangdefu, and while throwing his burden in the toilet, he tore a few pieces from the big roll of paper and rolled them into a circle and pinched them in his hands. Thinking: "If I knew it, I would hold it in for a while, it seems that there is KFC not far away, water, paper, a few cents for each in and out."

After getting rid of the burden, Nanyi, who felt that he had taken advantage of the franchisee, went to the counter and bought a hamburger for ten yuan. He hadn't eaten anything yet, and he calculated in his mind how much of the "ten yuan" would return to him .

With a hamburger in his mouth, Nanyi left Wangdefu, and then went to the next stop, Zhang Guilan Theater Troupe, a troupe performing duets.

According to well-documented historical narratives, the predecessor of Errenzhuan can be traced back to the Bengbeng opera that appeared in the Qing Dynasty, which was formed by the fusion of Lianhualuo in Hebei Province and Yangko in Northeast China.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, Bengbeng opera performers scattered in rural wild shops began to enter the Northeast cities to perform. It was at this time that the earliest record of banning Bengbeng by a provincial state agency appeared-the ban by the Fengtian Administrative Office in 1913.

Since then, almost throughout the period of the Republic of China and the Puppet Manchukuo period, bouncing artists have always been in a semi-underground state where arrests are prohibited. The suppression by the authorities is mainly carried out in the name of rectifying the appearance of the city.

The major media in Northeast China, such as Shengjing Times and Taidong Daily, also provided public opinion support for this kind of suppression. Bengbeng in the context at that time was not so much a folk art outside the system, as it was other people in normal civil society. By.

Bengbeng first gained the name of art during the War of Liberation in Northeast China. In 1946, veteran artist Xu Sheng brought his disciples into the Ice City to perform. The government carried out the spirit of Chairman Mao's speech at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, and began large-scale research and construction of folk literature and art, thus creating a new identity for the bouncing opera artists.

In 1951, the Government Administration Council issued an instruction: "Local operas, especially folk operas, are simple and lively in form, easy to reflect modern life, and easy to be accepted by the masses, so special attention should be paid to them."

After the "Instructions on Opera Reform Work" was issued, Bengbeng opera artists claimed to sing local operas. In addition to joining the newly established local drama troupes and folk art troupes at all levels, some famous artists even went to teach in universities.

In this context, because of the discriminatory connotations formed in history, the name Bengbeng was disliked by artists. After discussion, it was finally renamed Errenzhuan, which was officially promoted in 1953.

The Northeast is not only a center of heavy industry, but also a center of culture. Because of the better economy and living standards after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, art can flourish and develop here. A good artistic atmosphere and inheritance are also inseparable.

Art eats the economy, and when the economy is prosperous, art can prosper.

Sitting in the auditorium of the troupe, Nan Yi watched the duet performance "Bajie Yang Youchun" performed on the stage, but he was thinking about other things...

There was a rural movie "Pine Ridge" in the 1960s, in which there was a villain named Qian Guang, who was a typical representative of backward elements, selfish, backward in thinking, glib in dealing with others, and wearing a broken hat with a drooping brim all day long , a wretched and annoying image.

Especially some of his lines such as "Eat food depends on the collective, and spend money depends on oneself", "If you want to talk about committing crimes? Then you can't find our buddies! If you want to talk about capitalism... then who doesn't have any food?" etc., are all plump his image.

The reason why Nanyi thought of this role was because Zhao Zhenbei's performance had the shadow of Qian Guang, and even the costumes were in accordance with Qian Guang's style, especially the octagonal hat on his head, which was the source.

Zhao Zhenbei and Zhang Guilan are typical representatives of duo actors. From the perspective of performance style, Zhao Zhenbei can be classified as a buffoon, and Zhang Guilan can be classified as a Huadan. One is down-to-earth and the other is slightly elegant.

In 1981, Zhang Guilan gave up her iron job and founded a private theater troupe that was responsible for its own profits and losses. Nanyi is now listening to operas in Zhang Guilan's field.

It was in the same year that Zhao Zhenbei was seconded to the county theater troupe because of his outstanding performance in the commune's literary and art propaganda team. .

Afterwards, I went all the way, walked from the county to the city in four years, and walked on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in another four years, and then got out of control, and accumulated a wealth of intangible assets "fame" through art. Started the seam business of coal and directly stepped into the ranks of financial freedom.

Compared with Zhao Zhenbei, Zhang Guilan neither actively moves closer to the organization, nor is she incompatible with the lower class due to the elegance of her art.

Nanyi didn't know if there were many audiences in the troupe before. Anyway, at this moment, he said that he had booked out a bit, but the number of audiences was indeed too large, and there was no one else within five meters of him.

Apparently, Zhao Zhenbei, once the number one blind man in Northeast China (playing a blind man is a unique skill, and he also became famous by playing a blind man), is now more popular as a small-scale farmer with a heavy habit of an urban outlander, and the audience likes to watch him. Earthy taste.

Focusing on the whole country, theater troupes and art troupes all over the country are in a downturn, and the lives of actors are not very easy, and the same is true for Errenzhuan actors. Nanyi remembers that the first time he watched Errenzhuan performance at close range should be two years later. ".

At this time, in the urban-rural junction and in the countryside, there are often sellers of Dali pills, jugglers, and acupoint groups. The first two are easy to say, and the general performances are similar. One cannot do without breaking boulders on the chest, chopping yourself with a kitchen knife, and selling Dali pills. , another show that must turn paper into noodles.

In addition to the common point of less cloth for performances, the acupoint walking groups have their own characteristics according to different regions. Some have strange styles, such as vase girls, snake girls, and two-headed people; there are people with strange looks and different races. Shaomin...

There are also diversification of performance forms, not to mention folk customs, Nanyi's rock cognition is the enlightenment he received in the acupuncture group, and his first impression of rock is "girls are very casual", which is a good thing.

Once, Nanyi watched the performance of the Northeast Walking Acupuncture Troupe. The show was mainly about two-person performances. For the Walking Acupuncture Troupe, no matter what the show is, if you want to attract people to watch, you have to bring some meat. Don’t expect farmers to spend money to watch elegant art. People spend three to five yuan just to make their hearts tickle.

The second time I watched Errenzhuan at a close distance was in a not-so-high-grade bathing place, and the bathing fee was not expensive, and the fee for watching the performance was included in the bathing fee. It is conceivable that the income level of the actors will not be so high.

After all, the proportion of guests going to the second and third floors is still not high. Most of the guests still mainly wash their body dirt. Guests like Nanyi will automatically walk into the filthy place with the idea of ​​cleaning their souls. The state of sitting on the ground, tempering one's own calmness, is better than reading books on the ground in the busy market.

After leaving the bathing place, I caught acquaintances and started bragging - I went up to the third floor and called three at a time.

As for men, it is about the most simple masculine self-esteem, and there is basically no truth in their mouths, and they are better than each other.

Shaking his head slightly, Nanyi pulled his divergent thinking back on track, and continued to turn down the Errenzhuan.

Just as Zhao Zhenbei cannot represent the image of all Northeast people, Errenzhuan is not qualified to be the representative of art and culture in Northeast China. In the age of bungee opera, Errenzhuan could not gain a foothold in Fengtian. Apart from the official ban, another reason was that it could not resist Peking opera and criticize operas. Due to the competitive pressure of bangzi opera, bouncing artists have returned to the countryside one after another, and some have changed their careers to sing bangzi.

The same situation is happening elsewhere in the Northeast.

Even in the Errenzhuan era, Errenzhuan is still on the fringe in Northeast China. There may not be many Northeasterners who don’t know Errenzhuan, but there must be many people who haven’t seen Errenzhuan.

It can be said that Zhao Zhenbei's reputation spread far and wide to push up Errenzhuan's status, and because of the star effect, more people know about Errenzhuan.

The reason why Nanyi thinks about Errenzhuan is that he will soon get involved in the cultural industry, and the second is that the fate of Errenzhuan and Northeast Heavy Industry is intertwined. He has been caught in the situation of Northeast Heavy Industry consciously or unconsciously. He must carefully consider the country, Nan and his own gains and losses, he had to think about what to do.

He can't save Northeast Heavy Industry, whose building is about to collapse, but he can save certain factories. Money can work miracles in many cases. He has a solid foundation, and the darkness before dawn can be overcome so hard. There is a foreseeable dawn ahead, so what if it takes ten or twenty years.

The reason why Nanyi likes to use "Nanguo" to name the company is related to his surname Nan, his being a southerner, Fan Hongdou, and the shift of Huaguo's economic center of gravity from north to south. The opportunity for Nanyi's rise lies in the south, and for a long time to come, the Nan clan's center of gravity will also be in the south.

The world is absurd and changeable, and it will also go from one extreme to another. Nanyi, who has lived for many years, has seen the changeable wind direction. If you follow today's wind direction, you can turn into a dragon with a bamboo stick, and continue to walk tomorrow , perhaps the front is the abyss of purgatory.

There is not much time left for Nan Yi to understand. In more than 20 years, what will happen to the Huaguo? A little farther away, unpredictable.

The Nan family stepped on the east of the river for the first 30 years, and they will also step on the west of the river in the next 30 years. Whenever possible, Nan Yi wants to count on the generation of his great-great-grandson, and try to leave a better foundation for his great-great-grandson.

The Northeast is not going to be very good in the next 20 years, but who knows what the future will look like, he has heard the slogan of revitalizing the Northeast, and it has come, so he just sprinkled a few seeds and grows along with the situation, maybe it will be able to Grow a big tree to support the sky.

Nanyi tilted his head, leaned into Tianxian's ear and said, "After watching the show, call Wenqin and ask her to get three copies of Fengtian and Bincheng county annals. I want one and two for Zhenhe." , ask him to send them to the Emotional Policy Committee and Hongdou respectively, and also ask Zhenhe to investigate the steel enterprises in Liao Province, both state-owned and private enterprises."


"I'm not going out tomorrow morning. You go to the car dealership and buy a Bluebird. I'll pay for it myself, and I'll transfer two commercial vehicles. When the car arrives, return the bullet to the reclamation group."


Shrinking his body back, Nanyi continued to watch the show, his mind continued to turn, his thoughts switched from Errenzhuan to educated youth culture craze.

Scar literature emerged in the early 1980s and declined by the end of the 1980s, but educated youth film and television dramas were very popular. From 1982, the first educated youth drama "Waste the Years" evoked the memories of the educated youth; in 1984, "A Blizzard Tonight" was broadcast, and its realistic expression resonated with the audience, triggering a frenzy of ratings; in 1988, the broadcast of "Snow City" pushed the theme of educated youth to the peak.

Throughout the educated youth dramas in the 1980s, sadness and suffering are their general tone, because the era of educated youth has not yet gone far at this time, and most of the creators of the dramas are those who have experienced it. They know that going to the countryside means saying goodbye to urban life and means family affection. The severe breaks and heavy labor also mean unfinished studies and an unknown future.

So they urgently need to go back to this experience full of confusion and pain. At the same time, they have a sense of mission and pride in being chosen by the times, as well as resentment at the unsatisfactory life after returning to the city.

Therefore, these seemingly contradictory feelings, such as tragic exaggeration, expression of suffering, and heroic writing, were blended and blended in the educated youth dramas of the 1980s, and they went hand in hand.

For example, Ke Bizhou, the protagonist who has been hit repeatedly due to composition issues in "Waste the Years" and stood up again and again, is a representative of the misery faction.

However, although suffering is the background of educated youth dramas in this era, when the plot unfolds, the spirit of the educated youth who are strong and optimistic and dare to fight against fate will often make the story out of suffering, sublimate the values, and let the audience see the truth hidden in the suffering. hope behind.

Since the 1990s, with the continuous deepening of the policy of reform and opening up and the construction of new rural areas, the educated youth who have once again been deeply involved in the torrent of reform and opening up have ushered in a new opportunity. They can look back at the past more calmly and peacefully. Under the influence of youth, they compare youth to poetry, regard going to the countryside as a part of youth, link the current achievements with the sufferings they have experienced, and establish an invisible causal relationship.

It has become their consensus that the countryside can hone people's will, and they even begin to miss those passionate years.

Therefore, the educated youth dramas of this period also catered to the trend of the times, and infinitely magnified the hope behind the suffering of going to the countryside. From the title of "Annual Rings", you can see the rich sense of romance, and the plot also adopts a romantic narrative style. , endowing all tenacious qualities on the protagonist, and through the protagonist's struggle with fate, strive to let the audience see the beauty of human nature and the hope of life.

To put it bluntly, in the 1990s, most of the educated youths who returned to the city had a better life. For example, Li Kuiyong, the saddest actor in the film and television drama "Blood Romance", drove a rental car in Beijing in the 1980s. How could his life be worse?

In fact, the mental state is higher, the grievances dissipate, and people become more open-minded. They no longer cling to the identity of "victims". Before going back to the places where they fought in the past to see if they were personal actions, now they become A collective behavior, and the educated youths in the same educated youth spot met to go back and have a look together.

This kind of collective behavior is most notable in the Northeast, because there is the Great Northern Wilderness in the Northeast, which turned out to be a place of bitter cold. One is to enter the production team, and the other is to enter the Construction Corps.

No matter what the situation is, as long as people resist the frost, the Great Northern Wilderness is a paradise for educated youths. There are large tracts of black land waiting for them to reclaim.

Not to mention those who joined the Construction Corps, they are considered half soldiers, everything is more organized, the food is good, and you can eat freely, relatively speaking, there is no shortage of oil and meat. The salary of more than ten yuan will rise to more than thirty yuan in the second year. My own nutrition will not be delayed, nor will it prevent me from being the pillar of the family.

Moreover, the Construction Corps will organize all kinds of studies, and they will not be forced to return all the things learned in school to the teachers. They will also have the opportunity to hold various positions and stay in the "organization" environment all the time, so they will not lose touch with the city.

When the college entrance examination resumes and the return to the city begins, the comprehensive conditions of the educated youth in the Great Northern Wilderness crush the educated youth in other regions. When the educated youth in the Great Northern Wilderness who can live and know how to calculate return to the city, not only will there be no famine, but they may also have hundreds of thousands of savings. , with money in your pocket, what to do is better than the foundation of famine, a higher starting point?

Therefore, after the educated youth from the Great Northern Wilderness returned to the city, they were still the best among the educated youth. They got up faster, had a higher probability of becoming top, and made more voices.

Since the early 1990s, there have been a lot of cultural activities related to the Great Northern Wilderness, the Black Land, and the Educated Youth, especially the "Retrospective Exhibition of the Educated Youth in the Great Northern Wilderness" organized by several ministerial-level units in 1990. All of a sudden, the educated youth culture craze was ignited again, and this craze revolved around the "black soil".

It is also with this "hotness" that the Northeast has entered the vision of some people who had no idea about it before. As a result, the Northeast cuisine (system) that did not exist before was born. Served on the table in the city, it was named "Northeast cuisine" without any restrictions.

The king of Chu is so thin-waisted that many people starved to death in the palace.

Director Zhang likes Northeast food, Section Chief Li likes Northeast food, Wang Chu likes Northeast food, Boss Qian likes Northeast food, Principal Zhao likes Northeast food, and "I" also like Northeast food.

"Northeast cuisine, Errenzhuan, heavy industry, people in the Northeast love to wear sable..."

Investing in heavy industry in Fengtian is very risky and the payback period will be very long. Nanyi still hopes that the funds invested in the Northeast can be earned from the Northeast, and it is earmarked for special purposes. Nanguo retail that will open supermarkets in the Northeast does not count.

Near the evening, Xu Lu called and said that she had found out that an old foreign house could be sold. According to the address, Nanyi rushed to a place near Bajing Street, commonly known as Bagua City.

The roads in this area are narrow, the terrain is complicated, or there may be a special magnetic field. I heard from the taxi driver that it’s easy to get lost, and it’s easy to go to the wrong place even on foot. If he didn’t live here, it’s really not necessarily a trip to Nanyi. live.

After meeting Xu Lu, Nanyi was brought to a European-style three-story building, and Xu Lu said to him: "I heard from the people in the housing management office that this place is called Xiangsheng Building, and it is also called Xiangsheng Mansion. The building is designed by German engineers and constructed by Fengji Construction Company.

Its internal structure, decoration and exterior are magnificent and gorgeous, which was first-class in Fengtian at that time.

There is a special space in front of the building for parking horses. In the center of the door is a vaulted hall, which reaches the roof. The north wall is semicircular, protruding from the walls on both sides. The upper part has glass windows, making the hall spacious and bright. The hall can be used as a conference hall, banquet hall, dance hall, and theater, and the owner can have a panoramic view from the second floor..."

"Okay, your endorsement-style introduction is omitted, and it's designed by a German engineer. You usually talk like this?"

"Brother, it's almost enough. I ran back and forth to help you find a house, and my legs became thick." Xu Lu complained.

"All right, all right, you've worked hard." Nan Yi patted Xu Lu's arm and said, "Tell me, what did the Xiangsheng in the Xiangsheng Tower say?"

Xu Lu smiled slyly, "Guess."

"Guess what, if I can guess it, I won't ask." Nan Yi said bitterly.

"Hee hee, there are things you don't know, big brother. Didn't you say that you are more familiar with Fengtian's history than me, a local?" Xu Lu said happily.

"Okay, don't be shy, just say it quickly."

Xu Lu giggled again, and then said calmly: "Xiang Sheng is a person's name, a baby name, and this is the house where she lived when she was the mistress of a certain important person."

Hearing the word "mistress", the words "Miss Zhao Si" immediately popped up in Nanyi's mind, "Zhao Yidi lived here?"

"Brother, do you know?" Xu Lu was surprised.

"Nonsense, when you say mistress, she is the first thing I think of. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't know about the others. I don't know much about the old affairs of the Feng family."

"Oh, brother, do you like this house?"

"Is the property right in the housing management office?" Nan Yi asked back.


"How much?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"The people in the housing management office said that this house is prepared for attracting investment and will only be sold to overseas investors."

"Oh, forget it."

After Nanyi knew it was a golden house, he didn't like it very much. If the price was decent, he might buy it and hoard it for appreciation. Since it was so troublesome, he stopped thinking.

"Not buying?"

"No, did you ask if there are other old bungalows for sale?"

"No, other old bungalows have units in use, only this one is empty."

"That's why I don't have a relationship with Fengtian's old foreign houses. It's weird if I don't have one. Fengtian used to be an important commercial town, and all the houses where rich merchants lived were demolished?"

"How is it possible, I know of several buildings."

Nan Yi glared at Xu Lu fiercely, and said, "Do you understand what old houses mean? Did you only ask about celebrities who lived in the housing management office?"


"You, if you don't understand, just ask me. It's a waste of time. I'll go to the housing management office to ask tomorrow. The location doesn't matter. It's better to have a little space around to facilitate parking." Nanyi glanced at the Xiangsheng Building again, "Go Come on, let's eat."

On the other hand, Liu Xin made an appointment with Liu Xiangdong. For some reason, Liu Xiangdong put the meeting place in Daxing, a place where Han and Xian people are the main ones, and there are also a small number of ethnic minorities such as Xibo, Manchu, Mongolian and Hui. urban-rural interface.

Except that there are many dog ​​meat restaurants, it is not too special.

Confined day and night, there is a barbecue food stall with a very literary name, but a rough style. It is hidden between the entire row of food stalls and dog meat restaurants. A wooden cover is hung on the door curtain, and several tables are placed in front of the door. It is chaotic. , there are gourmets sitting in front of every table, the hot-selling sorghum wine cups, and the ten-jin rice wine jugs of the Xian nationality have also been opened, and the toasts are intertwined, which is very lively.

Amidst the noise, there were two tables that seemed particularly quiet. Four men sat in front of one table. They were not vicious, but they didn’t look like good people either. A man and two women sat in front of the other table, and one of the women sat behind them. There was also a man standing, namely Liu Xin, Liu Xiangdong, and Liu Jinjin, the mistresses. Behind Liu Xin was Luo Yang, the security guard who had been in charge of protecting Long Huiqing.

Liu Xin was a little upset. With the very shrewd Liu Jinjin present, today's meeting may not be able to achieve the goal smoothly, but since we are here, we can only go on as planned.

"Boss Liu, I would like to offer you a toast." Xu Lu picked up the cup and said to Liu Xiangdong with a smile.

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