What the traders are talking about is the real-time exchange rate quotation of the Thai baht in the parallel currency market in London, because the largest spot market (London foreign exchange market) has closed trading, and the real-time quotation can only look at the currency markets in places such as London and New York that are still in trading hours.

Although some commercial banks traded Thai baht during this period, their quotations cannot be compared with the futures contracts in the money market, and most traders use the real-time futures quotations as the standard.

The exchange rate of Thai baht/US dollar has been maintained at 25 baht to 1 US dollar all year round. Although the Bank of Thailand has stipulated a floating range, this range is 4% of the upper and lower ranges, that is, 26 to 24 baht to 1 US dollar is an acceptable range, and now due to The violent increase in short positions has caused this range to approach the critical point stipulated by the Bank of Thailand.

Xie Yuying looked at the quotation flashing on the screen, a little in disbelief, "It was broken just like that?"

In recent weeks, the Thai government has repeatedly declared that they have tens of billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves and will definitely keep the baht's status, but at this time the baht has clearly reached the brink of floating.

"The good show is yet to come."

Zhao Shixian glanced at another screen, which displayed the data of the New York market—although the quotation of Thai baht showed a red line, which was obviously below the mark of 26 baht, but the downward trend slowed down, and there was a tendency to rise again.

After taking a sip of black coffee, Zhao Shixian said lightly: "There is no negative news in the market that supports Thailand's abandonment of the fixed exchange rate. It is all positive news that Thailand is fully protecting the exchange rate. The bulls will counterattack and will not give up so soon."

Zhao Shixian said, pointing to the Yang line that suddenly pulled out on the screen.

"President, what are we going to do?" A trader with a cigar in his mouth asked.

Zhao Shixian shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Erba, it's not the time yet, wait and see, attacking a country's currency is not an easy task, I believe the bear side will soon throw out bad news, and Thailand will also make a big move .”

Zhao Shixian's guess is correct. The positive line drawn just now was done by the Bank of Thailand. At this moment, in the trading hall of the Bank of Thailand, the traders in charge of the European and American markets are nervously placing the sales orders. After a while, when the Thai baht was about to fall below 26, they collectively took action and used a large amount of money to raise the price and temporarily stabilize the Thai baht.

In terms of the amount of US dollars in hand, no foreign exchange institution can be compared with a central bank of a country. Central banks of various countries are the main force of currency contracts in the money market. Once they make a move, they will sweep away thousands of troops. Hide away.

The trading volume of the Thai baht contract in the London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange International Monetary Market (IMM) is not large, and the sum of the two "underlying amounts" is not comparable to that of the Lijiapo International Financial Exchange ( SIMEX) share.

This is certainly the reason why European and American investors have little interest in emerging markets, but it also shows the huge influence of SIMEX in the Asian currency market.

However, the current situation is somewhat different. Although the number of transactions in the European and American markets has not yet caught up with SIMEX, if the Thai baht is quoted at a low price in LIFFE and IMM, and SIMEX has a different price, there will be traces for arbitrageurs to follow. Arbitrage will eventually pull the price to the same level.

Now the main force selling Thai baht in the market is international hot money, who control the trend of Thai baht to a certain extent, so even though the trading volume of Thai baht in SIMEX far exceeds that of the other two places, the general view in the market is that real-time quotes from LIFFE and IMM can reflect the Thai baht real trend.

Investors in the market now generally want to know at what price the international hot money that has borrowed a large amount of Thai baht will destroy the Bank of Thailand. This price will appear on LIFFE and IMM at the first time. After knowing the price, they will know what to do next Do.

However, they are doomed to be disappointed. On this day, the two parties only made tentative contacts and then died down. Due to the strong statement issued by the Thai government and the intervention of the Bank of Thailand, international hot money did not further suppress the Thai baht. They only closed their positions after gaining some profits. .

Seeing that the market was calming down again, Zhao Shixian left the trading room. The average price of the Thai baht forward positions established by PY was at 25.22. The book is still profitable, and the amount is not much, only about 700 million US dollars. Over-the-counter forward counterparties for long-term hedging, the time is mostly about one year, and there is no position problem for the time being.

Moreover, PY Securities has sufficient funds and can adjust positions at any time.


On Nanyi's side, he just sat at Lao Pao's barbecue for a while, and after learning that the monkey had already deployed to deal with the Black Snake faction, and that the Black Snake faction hadn't troubled him recently, he left Jialifeng Cave in a hurry.

He wasn't interested in this area, and he didn't want to meet a few blind people on purpose to show off his energy. There was no need to stay longer in this kind of place that was prone to trouble.

But sometimes you don't want to cause trouble, but things will come to you automatically.

The street where Lao Pao Barbecue is located is crowded with restaurants, and there are many snack stalls on the side of the road, so cars can't get in at all.

A group of Nanyi walked out of the "Food Street" and came to a two-shaped intersection. When turning, a man with a switchblade in his hand ran up from the right side of the side. A straight switchblade with a blade that can be retracted into the handle, isn't it? Folded, with blood stains on the blade, and blood stains on the breast, in the shape of a rag.

There were five men chasing behind the man, either holding steel pipes or wooden sticks in their hands, no, it should be said to be a pickaxe handle, the iron head of the pickaxe was removed, leaving only the long wooden handle.

The handle of the pickaxe is heavy at one end and light at the other, thick at the other end and thin at the other end, which can easily break ribs when swung.

When the hands of the tiger cubs touched the armpits or waist, a picture popped up in Nanyi's mind: the man in front of him hooked the victim's neck with his left hand, and stabbed the victim several times in his right hand with a switchblade The victim's spleen was pierced with a knife, bleeding profusely in the abdomen, and when he fell down weakly, the bleeding port wiped the chest of the man in front of him.

Nan Yi once heard Da Gang mention that the hooligans in the Northeast love to use this kind of switchblade, and it is in Jialifeng Cave. Most of the men in front of him are from China, and the ones chasing behind should be, Da Gang also mentioned Pickaxe handle, this thing is more directional than switchblade.

Unable to tolerate Nanyi playing reasoning slowly, Zuo Heng also rushed over seven or eight people, who looked like his accomplices of the switchblade man, Nanyi and his party became pond fish, and they were about to be flanked in a blink of an eye.


Nanyi complained, and followed the tiger cub who had already taken out the stick and retreated quickly.

South Korea has relatively strict controls on the issue of gun ownership. In many cases, the police are not allowed to issue guns when handling cases, let alone security companies. Only under the premise that the holding conditions are relatively strict, they can apply to own a few types of long guns such as shotguns and short guns. Almost impossible.

Therefore, Nanyi and his party entered South Korea without a gun in theory, but in fact they don't have a gun on them now.



"Fuck them!"

As soon as they retreated two meters, the two gangs shouted the charge slogan, and the walking was replaced by a fast run, and the things in their hands had already been raised.

Speeding up, and retreating three meters on guard, the two groups "connected" the wind to the "pipe" wind, and dull voices sounded, there was the sound of breaking the wind, the sound of the pipes hitting each other, and there were shouts and groans.

Those who came out from the left side probably didn't have enough brains to understand that Nanyi and his party were Chiyu. Three of them didn't rush towards the group from the left side, but instead rushed towards Nanyi and the others.


The tiger cub gave a cry, Tianxian and the others protected Nanyi and continued to retreat, the tiger cub led the other two to meet the three who were chasing them.

The foundation is different. One group came from the battlefield and practiced how to kill the enemy quickly. The other group was created in the streets and alleys, and practiced the ruthlessness that can scare ordinary people; keep different, and the group must always be vigilant to face the worst In this situation, I usually pay attention to maintaining my physical fitness and skills. A group of people smoke, drink, and sleep with big girls, and their lives are irregular. Their fighting skills are free-flowing, and they can only scare ordinary people with the evil spirit condensed on their bodies.

Therefore, the three tiger cubs did not wait for the murder weapon in each other's hands to be raised, one swung the stick from bottom to top, and hit the crotch directly; Swipe upwards at an angle, and draw on the cheek directly below the temple.


The three of them were done, and when they turned around, Nanyi and the others could no longer be seen.

At this time, Nanyi had already resorted to the ultimate fighting move, running like a girl, very fast, very fast, the soles of the shoes rubbed against the ground quickly, igniting the heroism of each one, Cao Cao, Dai Zong, and Donovan Bailey couldn't help but say in unison: " You bastard, you can really run."

Running and running, the BGM praising Nanyi sounded, "Seize every minute of life, go all out for the dreams in our hearts, how can we see the rainbow without going through wind and rain, no one can succeed casually."

More than ten years of unremitting training, rain or shine, broke out at this moment.

Accelerate, Nanyi and the others are still accelerating.

At 2 minutes, 11.27 seconds, Nanyi got into the car. Tianxian inserted the key, stepped on the clutch, stepped on the accelerator, and turned the direction in one go.

The three cars left, leaving one to pick up the three tiger cubs.

Nanyi waited for his breath to calm down, took a sip of water and held it in his mouth, spit it out after holding it for a while, and took another small sip of water to swallow.

Two hours later, Nan Yi asked Hou Zi that the two gangs fighting were the Black Snake faction and the Heijiang Dragon faction, and they fought fiercely. When the police arrived, one was dead on the ground and the other was seriously injured. Bye.

The cause of the fight was that people from the Black Snake faction went to the video game store of the Heijiang Long faction to smash the scene, and stabbed the spectators to death.

Three people died in one breath, and the matter was considered serious.

The monkey's previous arrangement has also reached the final step of implementation.

In the next few days, Nan Yi didn't go out, and stayed in the study prepared by Nan Jiajun for him to browse the materials of Thai and Korean companies. During the period, he beat Nan Jiajun once because when he came back, There is an elegant perfume smell on her body, which doesn't seem to be left behind from a play.


On May 15th, during the daytime trading hours on Thursday, international hot money officially hit the Thai baht from the futures and spot (spot) markets. Expand the floating range of the Thai baht from the current 4% to 10%.

This rumor is quite terrible, and the real situation has appeared in several countries that have experienced currency crises.

The United Kingdom tried it, but the pound was forced to leave the European exchange rate system; France used it, and the franc did not depreciate, but at that time the entire European exchange rate system expanded the range of fluctuations between currencies, which meant that the exchange rate system existed in name only; Mexico also tried it, but the foreign exchange reserves were exhausted. , In just two days, he abandoned his weapons and surrendered.

So far, countries that have widened their float to counter shocks have failed.

At such a sensitive point, such rumors in the market will undoubtedly deal a heavy blow to the precarious Thai baht. As soon as SIMEX opened, the Thai baht took a sharp turn, breaking through the limit set by the Bank of Thailand in an instant, and fell to 26.03.

As soon as the limit was broken, the panic in the market intensified. For a while, the selling in the market was surging, and the Thai baht fell one unit after another. The bulls were surprised to find that their big brother, the Bank of Thailand, did not intervene.

At this time, the Bank of Thailand was not available at all, and it was under pressure from the spot market. As soon as the opening hours of the bank arrived, calls from all over the world to "sell Thai baht at the lower limit stipulated by the Bank of Thailand" came from all over the world.

The market has become irrational. There were real cases before, and the rumors became convincing. At this time, if you don’t sell Thai baht at the lowest price of "26", you will never have the opportunity to sell at the current price when the floating range is expanded.

No one is willing to analyze the truth and possibility of rumors. Even if someone is willing to analyze, they cannot resist the power of the general trend. When most people believe the rumors, the truth is no longer important. After a few years or decades, Only when those with interests lose power or pass away have the opportunity to slowly refute the rumors.

The awe-inspiring righteousness of "justice will only come late, never fail to come, and the truth will eventually be revealed" can appear on the stage again.

Negative news was flying all over the sky. Hedge funds greeted Bangkok one after another. Investors who were long were under great pressure. In addition, no one from the Thai government came forward to speak out, and the panic was further intensified.

Naturally, the Commercial Bank of Thailand was unwilling to sell dollars at this price. They did not receive any news of expanding the floating range. The rumors were fierce. For safety reasons, they started calling their mother-in-law, the Bank of Thailand.

Zhao Shixian was in his office, looking at the changing numbers on the screen, and said to himself: "The real battle is about to start."

When the rumor appeared in the market, Zhao Shixian realized that the international hot money was making a move, which was a signal to launch a general offensive and mobilization. As expected, SIMEX’s Thai baht contract was under huge selling pressure as soon as it opened, and the bulls had little power to fight back. , can only watch the baht fall blankly.

"President, shall we follow up with short selling?" Xie Yuying, who had been standing beside Zhao Shixian, asked for instructions.

Zhao Shixian nodded, and said in his mouth: "Small steps and slow moves, enough is enough."

Scarlett Manor.

A trading team is arranged in a straight line, operating on the computer in a tense atmosphere. Behind them, Scarlett and Nan Youqiong are standing. Next to Nanyouqiong, his financial instructor is explaining the operations of the traders. .

Scarlett was not idle. She wore a headset on her right ear and a communicator on her left shoulder. Nan Yi's voice came out from time to time.

Nan Ruofing, Fan Hongdou... Qidian Orphanage is paying attention to the current Thai baht market. In the future, although most of them will not directly engage in the financial industry, finance is closely related to all industries. Arbitrage, but you must understand the general financial trend.


Nan Yi and Nan Jiajun shared the same room, not only paying attention to the Thai baht market, but also chatting a few words about the LCD screen from time to time.

The laboratory technology of liquid crystal display has been mature for more than 20 years, but the process of industrial production is slow, and the cost has not been kept down. That is to say, in the past two years, the cost has begun to come down, the price of liquid crystal notebook has a downward trend, and the price of liquid crystal display has also Started to enter the monitor market.

Of course, LCD screens at this time are still expensive for ordinary users, and it will take time to popularize them on a large scale.

"Father, there is a girl group that is about to debut and is going to be active, do you want to arrange it for you?"

Nan Yi: "I'm not interested, you kid, don't participate in this kind of activity. There are too many people talking about it. If any important information is leaked, the next step is to silence it. Don't send yourself on the road of evil."

"I haven't participated."

Nanyi: "What's the matter with the perfume?"


Nanyi: "The kind with a short shelf life?"

"Two days and five nights."

Nanyi: "You learn the bad ones, and you learn the good ones too."

"I will never leave Shangmei, and I will protect her for the rest of my life."

Nan Yi: "Tsk, the rhetoric is too gorgeous. I'm a mouse in the gutter, I can't teach cats, so don't pretend to be noble in front of me."

"Father, blood is thicker than water."

Nanyi: "Nonsense, who knows who gave birth to you, have you looked for it?"


Nan Yi: "Let's look for it. It's a foregone conclusion to go to hell. Let's see if it's from heaven."

"Abba, are we bad guys?"

Nanyi shrugged, "Who knows, he's not a good person anyway."

"Father, it's time to move."

Nan Jiajun saw that the numbers on the LCD screen began to change.

There was a lot of selling in the spot market. At the same time, the exchange rate level in the futures market fell one after another. It is hard to say which side is affecting which side. Almost all investors are aware that this is the second attack on the Thai baht by international hot money after February.

The Bank of Thailand ignored the abnormality in the futures market and concentrated its efforts to deal with the huge pressure from the spot market sell-off. In the trading room of the Bank of Thailand, the phone rings one after another without interruption, and various commercial banks have aggregated their quotations for selling Thai baht.

The Bank of Thailand must control the Thai baht within the specified range. Malakanuan and the vice president are calling allies such as Li Jiapo and Xiangyu. According to the previously negotiated agreement, traders from several regional central banks appeared in the spot market , Start buying Thai baht.

At the same time, other senior executives of the Bank of Thailand called commercial banks and major media, denying that the Thai government has plans to expand the fluctuation range of the Thai baht, and solemnly declared that they would stabilize the exchange rate of the Thai baht.

However, at this time, the price of Thai baht in the futures market has broken through the range stipulated by the Bank of Thailand, and the price of the spot market has also fallen below the limit of "26".

As soon as the quotation lower than "26" appeared in the spot market, the Bank of Thailand immediately followed up and bought it at the price of "26". , and then sell it to the Bank of Thailand, they will not have any losses.

At noon, under the strong intervention of the "Thailand Alliance", the pressure on the spot market dropped sharply, and the Bank of Thailand was able to pay attention to the situation in the futures market.

The spot market managed to maintain the minimum critical value of "26", and the futures market has been beaten to the ground, the lowest has fallen to the level of 26.93.

Malakanuan deeply felt that the Siamese nation had arrived. At the most dangerous time, he quickly ordered the trader team to increase the transaction price of the Thai baht contract. He must withstand the pressure of the futures market. If the current/futures market is out of sync, futures investors They will choose to deliver at maturity, and then sell at the spot price to earn the difference, which will still put huge pressure on the Thai baht.

The trader team smiled wryly, how could they not understand the truth, they have been under pressure physically and psychologically for a morning, they can only drink some stimulating drinks, continue to operate in SIMEX, one unit after another, struggling to transfer the Thai baht Pulling up into the range, it was hard to fix the Thai baht at "26.42" at the moment SIMEX closed.

However, they cannot rest after get off work yet, LIFFE in London and IMM in Chicago are still waiting for them to act as messengers of justice.

In one day in Asia, the Bank of Thailand alone sold more than 5 billion U.S. dollars. Each trader answered at least dozens of calls from commercial banks. The market is also going to crash.

In the futures market, more than 1 billion short-sellers have been added. This is only a SIMEX market. It is still unknown how much short-seller funds will be squeezed into LIFFE and IMM.

Zhao Shixian clapped his hands, "OK, Asian players can go to Happy Hour, take a rest early after drinking, remind me, I don't mind if you use the bathroom as a battlefield, but after the battle is over, remember to clean the battlefield. Throw the raincoat around, and I'll kill you."

What Zhao Shixian said made the trading room roar with laughter, and the traders taunted each other and got up and walked out.

During the trading period, the traders' movements were restricted. They could not go out of this floor of the Queen Mother's Tianting Building, nor could they communicate with the outside world. They needed to relax and vent in a state of rapid heartbeat and adrenaline rush every day. For some things, Zhao Shixian could only Open your eyes and close your eyes, after all tomorrow, tomorrow tomorrow, and almost every day after that, you will be in a state of tension.

The frequency of physical examination of the trading team of Nanshi Financial System is the highest, because the traders have long-term overload work, overwork, high mental pressure, irregular life, and high incidence of chronic diseases. Various diseases and factors of sudden death.

At the same time, when recruiting newcomers, they prefer candidates who like sports and don't work so hard during their studies. Simply put, Nan's financial system prefers talented talents. It is a fallacy that hard work can make up for one's weakness. People must be talented plus hard work. Hard work alone is unlikely to create miracles, but the possibility of receiving compensation for sudden death is even greater.

Of course, candidates who can bring out their father to introduce them will often receive preferential treatment, with a higher starting point and a special channel for salary.

"Abba, although Thailand and its allies have a lot of dollars, when the market opens tomorrow, international hot money will definitely attack again. One after another, no matter how much foreign exchange reserves are, it will be exhausted. The Bank of Thailand should soon counterattack."

"It should be, wait and see tomorrow's situation." Nan Yi stretched his waist, "I haven't eaten the food you cook yet, you cook it today, let me taste your craftsmanship."

"I won't, men in the Republic of Korea are not supposed to do housework."

"Little bastard, if you don't know it, you won't. How dare you be so righteous. Haven't you taken a cooking class?"

Qidian Orphanage offers cooking classes, but they are just hobbies and not compulsory.


Nan Yi was uninteresting, "Eat sliced ​​noodles, please tell me, don't put seaweed and sesame seeds."


After dinner, Nan Yi and Nan Jiajun continued to watch the live broadcast of the European and American markets while drinking tea and eating dried fruits. Bian Shangmei also joined in, but half of her attention was on trivial matters such as adding water.

Futures contracts in the foreign exchange market are very different from other varieties. This is a circle mainly composed of foreign exchange traders. In this circle, funds, multinational commercial banks, large import and export foreign trade enterprises, and central banks of various countries are active. The threshold is very high for a contract with a rich fortune and a contract amount of millions of dollars, which cannot be joined by just any organization or individual.

The underlying amount of a yen contract traded at IMM is about 100 million yen, which is about 1 million U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars. The foreign exchange market is completely different from the bond market. There is no limit to the floating of free currencies, which means that each percentage point of fluctuation represents Profit and loss of tens of thousands of dollars.

In terms of margin, there is no exaggerated high leverage in the foreign exchange market. Generally speaking, the margin of each contract is maintained at least about 10%, and at least hundreds of thousands of dollars are used to buy and sell a contract.

The threshold is so high, and the characters who are active in it are naturally not easy to match.

In daytime trading, the Bank of Thailand spent hundreds of millions of dollars in order to pull SIMEX’s baht back to the normal level. Even so, it only pulled the contract back a little. This shows that the short side’s offensive is fierce.

The spot market consumes more funds. Adding the two together, the Bank of Thailand spent more than 6 billion U.S. dollars. In order to consume Thailand’s foreign exchange as soon as possible, there is no doubt that there will be more violent attacks next.

The attack was so fierce that Thailand naturally couldn't just sit idly by. Therefore, as soon as LIFFE opened, the Thai baht contract rose instead of falling, creating a new high in the past month, rushing to "25.98".

This price put an end to the previous efforts of the bears, and the pendulum shifted to the long side again. There were a lot of discussions in the market, and they all speculated that there should be news from Thailand soon.

Nanyi picked up the remote control and turned on the TV to watch the Chinese channel of Peacock TV.

The financial program "Fu Shuo Finance" is being broadcast on TV, the host Nian Lufu, and the resident guest Nan Ruoqiong. At this time, she is seriously analyzing the trend of the Thai baht.

"International hot money, especially hedge funds led by Quantum Fund, have been coveting the Thai baht for a long time. As early as January at the beginning of the year, the hedge funds had already launched a tentative attack on the Thai baht.

Now, hedge funds have gathered more money to stage a comeback in an attempt to destroy the baht in one fell swoop.

Today’s violent market shocks were caused by them. They first released false news, causing panic in the market, and then shorted the spot and futures markets at the same time. Because the Bank of Thailand needs to take over the Thai baht they sold in the spot market, it maintains foreign exchange reserves for hedging. The Bank of Thailand must buy US dollars in the futures market, and the Bank of Thailand has become a double attack target.

The reason why the Thai baht has fluctuated violently is because hedge funds have sold a large amount of Thai baht in the spot market.

Audience friends will definitely guess where the baht in the hands of hedge funds comes from. In fact, this problem is very easy to explain. Use other currencies or assets in commercial banks as collateral to borrow from banks that have business in Thailand or local commercial banks in Thailand. .

This kind of borrowing is mainly short-term. Hedge funds borrow Thai baht to sell it, and then buy it while the Thai baht falls. The exchange rate difference is their profit...

According to my analysis, Thailand will announce the news of guarding the Thai baht at all costs, and prohibit commercial banks in Thailand from lending Thai baht to hedge funds. In addition, the overnight lending rate will be greatly increased.

These are public methods, and some unconventional methods may be used in secret. The specific methods are just guesses, and it is inconvenient to say more. "

"Okay, thank you Miss Chunan for your analysis, let's take a look at the Hang Seng Index market..."

Nan Ruoqiong did not give any examples of the extraordinary means, but everyone in the industry can roughly guess that it is nothing more than coercing and luring Thai local commercial banks to provide customer information on forward foreign exchange contracts; threatening or directly attacking media that publish unfavorable news, and dispatching the police Track down people who post negative news.

What the little girl said was not clear and sharp, but in fact it was nothing special. The two moves she said were within the scope of the central bank's three tricks, and they were applicable everywhere.

Of course, the main audience group of "Fu Shuo Caijing" is ordinary investors who have little knowledge of finance and have some idle funds in their hands, but they do not have professional knowledge and information sources. For this type of people, what Nan Ruoqiong releases is Rumors at the inside information level.


At midnight, that is, in the early morning of May 16, the Bank of Thailand announced that the Thai government will defend the Thai baht at all costs. It has strictly prohibited domestic commercial banks from lending Thai baht to international speculators, and greatly increased the overnight lending rate to 1000%.

As soon as this news came out, it greatly encouraged the bulls in the market to have confidence in the Thai baht. Subsequently, IMM's Thai baht contract also began to rise and gradually returned to the normal fluctuation range.

For the audience of "Fu Shuo Caijing", the guest Nan Ruoqiong has already had a superficial impression that although she is not old, she has a lot of ink in her stomach. With accurate analysis time after time, Nan Ruoqiong will eventually grow up Financial review expert.

This is one of the meanings of the existence of "Fu Shuo Caijing", to create the image of masters such as Nian Lufu and Nan Ruoqiong who are always correct, and occasionally intersperse a little "correct market" with strong timeliness in the correct remarks, there will definitely be Their fans acted according to the plan, and then because of greed and regardless of the time limit, they sent themselves into the leeks.

There are few people in this world who can trust others 100%. It is human nature to keep one hand. What gamblers (retail investors) have in common is that they are afraid of winning and not afraid of losing. I kept going up, my heart was scratching like a cat, I couldn't help but chase in at the high point, and then... oh, I got stuck.

Don’t be afraid of losing. At first, I just wanted to get my capital back. After losing a few more, my heart will become crazy and ruthless. Getting back the capital is no longer the goal. What I want is to get rich and financially free, and then... Hello, your takeout, come down and pick it up.

Oh, I regret it!

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