In 2006, Xia.

A short-haired spirited guy pushed open the courtyard door of the old bungalow, looked around, and found that there was almost no change in the courtyard, just like a few months ago, it was still the familiar sink, bamboo bushes, and a friendly drying rack. There is still the washing machine in the corner.

Under the bamboo bushes, there was still the same reclining chair, and the person slumped on it was still the same person, with the same face, but there were deep wrinkles hidden on his face.

Feeling warm in his heart, the energetic young man walked to the reclining chair, put down the bag in his hand, stared at his dozing face, and softly called out: "Lao Nan, the sun is drying his ass."

"Stop talking nonsense." The eyes on the face were wide open, looking directly at the forehead of the spirited boy, "Why did you just come back, didn't you say you will be home at noon?"

"The train is late."

"Oh, have you had lunch?"

"No, give me a bowl of noodles."


Nan Yi slowed down for a while, got up and walked into the kitchen to prepare delicious food for his son whom he hadn't seen for several months.

In 2001, Nan Wuwei reached the age of retirement. He rejected the olive branch of the academy, and did not choose to retire to other places. Instead, he accepted the special offer of the Bincheng Fleet Academy for undergraduate and master studies, and went from the south to the north. Put into the embrace of the navy, and wear a navy white from then on, specializing in ship command, the best years are destined to be accompanied by the sea.

After two bags of cigarettes, the father and son sat at the dining table, Nan Wuwei grilled the noodles, and Nanyi helped him grill the garlic.

"Where are you going to report?"

"Qiong Island."

"How many days off do you have this time?"

"Half a month."

"Twenty days less." Nanyi said in total, "Time is a bit tight, go to your grandparents, grandparents' house, one day at a time, I will take you out to show off for two days, go to Shanghai to see your grandma and grandpa Grandma also needs two days, and it takes at least three days to see your mother, and you have to arrange the remaining six days by yourself, is this arrangement okay?"

To Nan Wuwei, Nan Yi has never used a commanding tone, and now that he is an adult, he is even more talkative.

"I obey orders."

Seeing that Nan Wuwei had no objection, Nan Yi shouted towards the ceiling: "Yi Zai, call Liu."

After a while, Liu Zhen's voice came from the ceiling, "Is your son home?"

Nanyi: "I'm eating noodles."

Nan Wuwei said vaguely, "Mom."

Liu Zhen: "When will I come to Mom's place?"

Nan Wuwei: "Old Nan said it will be a week later."

Liu Zhen: "The time is just right, I won't be busy next week."


"Old Nan, where shall we play later?" Nan Wuwei said to Nan Yi after finishing the call with Liu Zhen.

"Internet cafe."

The first store of Feilong Internet Cafe is still open at the original location, except for the computer update iteration, the rest is almost unchanged.

Nan Wuwei said disgustedly: "Playing games again, there is no other fresher?"

"Go to mass sales to sing?"


"What's the fun of hanging out with an old man like me, you go find your own fun."

"Forget it, I'll still play games with you."

Nan Wuwei thought in his heart that he would not be able to go home in the next few years, so he should spend more time with the old man.

There are some things that I didn’t understand when I was young, but I will understand when I grow up. The old man most hopes to be in politics, but he is determined to work in the army until he retires.

"Don't force it, you and I don't need company." Nan Yi said duplicity.

He and Nan Wuwei have been together since childhood, how could they not want to spend more time together, who knows when they will meet next time.

"Old Nan, your words are becoming more and more empty." Nan Wuwei laughed and said, "Don't want me to accompany you, I will report tomorrow."

"Go, go, eat fast, I haven't finished eating a bowl of noodles in ten minutes, if every soldier is like you, we ordinary people will not be able to sleep."

"Twenty seconds to resolve the battle." Nan Wuwei said, picking up a big mouthful of noodles and stuffing it into his mouth.

"Slow down, slow down, rush to reincarnate, eat slowly."

After Nan Wuwei finished eating the noodles, the two of them went to Feilong Internet Cafe and chatted along the way, mainly Nanyi talked and Nan Wuwei listened, talking about social changes in the past six months, economy, movies, music, everything. Conversely, Nanyi never inquired about schools and troops.

"Master Nan."


"Master Nan."

"Okay, let's play."

As soon as they walked into Feilong Internet Cafe, a few young people greeted Nanyi. Don't look at each of them calling Nan Ye, but not everyone respected him.

Ever since "Delta" and "Age of Empires" became popular, Nanyi would often spend time in Internet cafes. Stand-alone games require local area network connection, and everyone can play while shouting to be energetic. Play a lot, and get familiar with some people who love to play , for some in-depth players who don’t have enough money, Nanyi not only frees the Internet fee, but also invites a boxed lunch and instant noodles from time to time.

Although the one-hour membership price of Feilong Internet Cafe is only 4 yuan, and the night package is as low as 20 yuan, but for in-depth players who spend years in Internet cafes for many years, it is still quite difficult to spend dozens of yuan a day. Soaking, how can I have time to think about making money.

Nan Yi brought Nan Wuwei to their special seats and sat down. As soon as he pressed the power button, he asked, "A few new games have been released recently, do you want to play?"

"Wait a minute, I'll get off Doudou first."

Nan Wuwei clicked on Doudou on the computer desktop, entered the account password in a hurry, and when he got on it, a bunch of avatars shook there.

Nan Yi glanced at it and looked away. He clicked on Audition on his desktop and entered the game. As the hottest dance song "Spark" sounded, the keyboard screamed three times, and then the wailing continued.

Nan Wuwei replied one by one with good news, and then he noticed Nan Yi who was surprised at the side, "Lao Nan, are you naive to play this kind of game?"

Nanyi tapped the space bar heavily with his left thumb, and quickly pressed the arrow keys with his right hand. After a song ended, he replied: "Feilong Internet Cafe is already preparing to go on the market, and it will be launched in the second half of next year or the year after. IPO in New York in half a year, and take advantage of the rising period of the Internet cafe industry to raise some money. This game is now played by many people, and I want to know what is so fun about it.”


Nan Wuwei was 10,000 unbelievers in his heart. After coming back from winter and summer vacations in the past two years, he could hardly see Nanyi busy with work. He didn't believe that a small Internet cafe would need Nanyi to worry about it himself, but he didn't intend to raise an argument.

If you don’t believe me, that’s right. Nanyi is pure nonsense. It is true that Feilong Internet Cafe is going to be listed, and there are still two steps to go. Collect certificates, sell certificates, cash out all of them, and leave at the most prosperous node in the Internet cafe industry.

The plan had already been arranged, and Huang San'er was in charge of the specific implementation. Nanyi didn't care about anything at all. His playing "Audition" had nothing to do with being listed for a dime, and he just wanted to play.


"No, I play Call of Duty 2."

"Okay, let's play each one first, and wait for a handful of StarCraft, I learned a few new tactics." Said, Nan Yi played a new song "Yellow Card" by Gao Yaotai.

"Don't say I'm bullying you, I'll let you develop for three minutes first."

"You can die if you don't brag?" Nan Yi instantly became angry from embarrassment.

In terms of games, Nan Yi was tortured by blood since Nan Wuwei was three years old. He finally waited until the release of "StarCraft". God, Nan Wuwei, who knows the game thoroughly, can be evenly matched with him, and after that, he returns to the normal abuse plot.

"Four minutes, no more."

"It's a deal."

The father and son played in Feilong Internet Cafe all afternoon, and at about the same time, they went back to cook and eat together, and when the hour came, they sat upright and watched the news together.

The thirteen days can be said to have passed by in a flash. In order to deal with possible emergencies, Nan Wuwei set aside an allowance in advance, and set off to report for duty on the fourteenth day.

As soon as Nan Wuwei left, Nan Yi's life returned to laziness.

More than eight years have passed, and Tianxian, Tiger Cub, and Gangneed have all retired. Sissy, Mamasang, BBQ Team, and Burger Team have also changed their team members. Now only Miao Xiaolan is with Nanyi.

Yan Du and his group are still there, they don't have to travel around all the time, and they don't have many trivial burdens. They spend a lot of time on practicing. The improvement of their realm offsets the aging of the years, and they can work for a few more years.

Chen Wenqin is still there, still serving as Nanyi's personal secretary, but since three years ago, Nanyi has basically been a hands-off shopkeeper. Li Weijing manages Nanyi's personal assets.

Li Weijing is concurrently the person in charge of Green Nuclear Development and Yanxin Investment, but has seldom focused on Green Nuclear Development. The funds invested that year have reached the stage of recovery, and the returned funds are not invested again, but directly transferred to the United States. .

The main functions of the green core development have been completed, and the only thing left is the work of fund recovery and share management, and Li Weijing's concurrent management is sufficient.

Five years ago, Nan Youqiong, who was only 18 years old, followed Nanyi for two years. Yi's previous seat, Nan Yi hides behind the scenes, and Nan Youqiong enters the internship link.

Nan Youqiong will definitely have no problem coping with daily work. He listened and asked Scarlett since he was a child. The daily life of the company is part of his childhood memories. What needs to be watched and verified is his mentality and ability to deal with major events. Nanyi’s If you want to complete the "send a ride" work, you have to wait for major events to happen, and not just one or two, but at least three or four.

Nan Youqiong wanted to secure his position. In addition to obtaining the approval of Nanyi and Scarlett, he also needed the approval of all Nanshi people from the bottom of his heart. Only in this way would no one be obedient, and Nanshi could usher in Nanyihua .


"Students, last semester we said that the global economic performance in 2004 was quite impressive. I have already mentioned the foreign part, so I won't repeat it here. Let me tell you about the domestic situation..."

After the start of the university, Nanyi stood in a classroom of the School of Economics of Peking University, talking to the students gathered below.

At the beginning of last year, Nanyi, as he had imagined, became an associate professor at Peking University as he wished after going around foreign universities. He opened an elective course in the School of Economics, which is not a professional course. What did he think of? say what.

After the end of the last semester, Nanyi’s courses have a new nickname, “Send Classes”. He never rolls his name, he comes whenever he likes, and when he doesn’t come, he gives high marks at the end of the semester.

"...The performance of home appliance manufacturers is relatively impressive, and the performance of sales companies is also quite good. After the channel is king and becomes the truth of the electrical retail industry, Jingxi Tesco, Guangyu Electric Appliances, and Jindong Electric Appliances, the three electrical appliance chain retailers Enterprises became the Big Three.

These three companies already have the pricing power of home appliances. For example, how much a refrigerator should sell for is not decided by the manufacturer, but by these three companies. The nearly two decades of price wars between home appliance companies have found their fate here. People are a little sad. "

Nanyi stopped talking, and pointed to a girl who raised her hand, "This classmate, please speak."

The girl with her hands up heard the words, stood up and said, "Mr. Nan, how should home appliance manufacturers get out of the control of the three chain sales companies?"

"Please sit down." Nanyi pressed his hand to let the girl sit down, "I don't actually need to answer this question, if you pay attention to the news of home appliance companies, you should have the answer in your heart.

The only active strategy facing home appliance companies is globalization, stepping out of the domestic red sea, or sea of ​​suffering, exporting scale and cost advantages to the outside world, and achieving two goals through acquisitions: First, to achieve brand alliances , Second, directly cut into the mainstream sales channels in Europe and America.

From the day our country joined the WTO, globalization is a road that many companies must take. If you don’t take the initiative today, you will have to go tomorrow with a knife resting on your neck. "

After talking about home appliances, Nanyi talked about oil again, not only the international oil situation, but also some secrets about the oil industry that ordinary people and ordinary practitioners are unlikely to hear. If someone takes his words seriously, use information to do oil Futures, it is not difficult to make a little money.

In fact, ever since he stepped onto the podium, Nanyi has revealed a lot of valuable information. He just gave away his true feelings in a class worth 30 yuan a class, and wanted to see which lucky ones seized the opportunity and walked out of the financial world. A solid first step to freedom.

After standing on the podium, Nan Yi found that he was not as interested in money as he had imagined. He didn’t need too much money, as long as a dozen or so hundreds of billions of dollars was enough. He even enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of teaching and educating people, as if born should be a teacher.

Less than 15 minutes before the end of get out of class, Nanyi gave the students an outlook on promising industries, such as e-commerce, information technology, telecommunications, etc., and three minutes before the end of get out of class, he changed the topic to the US subprime mortgage.

"When I was young, I did business for a few years, and worked in a multinational company for a few years. In fact, I have achieved financial freedom long ago. Otherwise, I should be busy making money to support my family now, instead of standing here and giving you thirty Lessons for one yuan."

"Mr. Nan, how much money do you have?"

"Mr. Nan, my meal card is out of money, can you charge it for me?"

There was a frying pan in the classroom, and the students were chattering and asking various questions.

Nan Yi pressed his hand to calm everyone down, "The exact amount of money I have is my privacy, I have no comment, I can only tell you that as long as it is something I like, I don't need to care about the price at all.

Well, let’s get down to business, I’m a Lakers fan, whenever the Lakers have a home game and I have time, I will fly to Los Angeles to watch the game live in the arena.

I fly more often, and staying in a hotel every time is very troublesome, so I want to buy a house in Los Angeles, so that I can stay conveniently when watching the game. When the real estate agent took me to see the house, he tried hard to sell their company's loan products to me, saying that their company has channels, even if you are a cat or a dog, you can pass the loan assessment.

I didn't believe it at the time, and I didn't want to listen to the real estate agent's chatter, so I named Tom. There is no doubt that it was the cat you all know. "

Nan Yi smiled at the students, and continued: "A few days later, the loan was approved, and I also got a house in Los Angeles, with zero down payment, and only a little handling fee and agency fee.

A non-existent cat can get a loan, thanks to the very hot subprime mortgages in the United States. I spent a little time researching subprime mortgages and found that..."

Ring ring ring!

"Students, this is the end of today's class. See you next week."


Fry pan again.

"Mr. Nan, don't dismiss the get out of class first, you can tell us later."

"Yes, Mr. Nan, please tell me more."

"Teacher Nan..."


Nan Yi picked up his teacup and looked around the classroom, "When I was a student, I hated the procrastinating teachers the most. I imagined that one day I would be a teacher and never procrastinate. So, see you next week."

After speaking, Nanyi walked out of the classroom without looking back.

As soon as they walked out of the teaching building, a pair of twin sisters walked towards them. When they saw Nanyi, they quickened their pace and walked over, holding Nanyi tightly with each arm.

"Uncle Nan, a new restaurant opened behind the school, we invite you to eat."

The sisters are the second triplets in Ren Xia's senior class. Zheng Shanshan and Zheng Qiqi are the same age as Nan Wuwei. Their birthday is half a month earlier, and they have not grown crooked. They have fully inherited the advantages of their parents. Smart and smart, he is currently a senior student at Beijing University.

But to be honest, the two are not considered the top of the same class, and there are dual reasons for being able to enter Beijing University without household registration and the children of faculty members.

"You two ghosts, every time you come to intercept, how much my salary is, you two eat it up."

The "please" that Sister Hua said was not a treat, but simply an invitation to pay the bill.

Zheng Qiqi laughed, "Uncle Nan, don't cry about being poor, we won't be fooled, mother said, you are rich, let us take good care of you."

Whether Nanyi has money, Zheng Qiqi is very clear, every birthday and Spring Festival, he can receive big red envelopes from the other party, if the house price does not rise, in a few more years it will be enough to buy a three-bedroom house.

"Nonsense, Taipan Ren wouldn't say such things as sugar daddy." Nan Yi patted Zheng Qiqi's head, and said dotingly: "Go and eat by yourself, and when you're done, I will issue an invoice, and I will reimburse you. "

Ever since Zheng Qiqi was still a nanny, Nan Yi had treated her differently and included her as a candidate for his daughter-in-law. However, since Nan Wuwei decided to join the army, this kind of thinking has faded away. Many, Nan Wuwei's partner is preferably from a military family or a serving soldier in a military institution or military hospital.

"No, Uncle Nan, let's go together." Zheng Qiqi swung Nanyi's arm resolutely.

Nanyi reluctantly agreed: "Okay, okay, just go."


The two sisters held up two fingers, making a gesture that is very popular nowadays.

Nanyi shook his head helplessly, and was half-supported by the two sisters to walk outside the school, and was bombarded by the unpopular song "Super Pleasure" in their mouths along the way.


"What is the current maximum number of online users in "Another World Continent"?"

Yinke Building, Nanguo Hongdou Group Chairman's Office, Fan Hongdou is discussing business with Chai Zhenqi, CEO of Hongdou Network.

After years of development, Hongdou Network has established several subsidiaries, such as Haopay, Doudou, Soybean, and Cowdou, which respectively carry out third-party payment, chat software, food delivery platform, games and other businesses.

In addition, Pea Company, which operates the shopping platform, will also be established before the end of this year.

Haopay is just like Nanyi's original idea. With the help of Feilong Internet cafes and Yizhandeng convenience stores in various places, it quickly spreads the network across the country. It not only dominates the recharge end market of online games, but also wins many newspapers and periodicals. subscription payment business.

Since the four major banks were introduced as strategic partners in the early stage, the development of Haopay has not encountered much resistance, and it has successfully connected with the online banking interfaces of various banks. Based on the combination of online and offline, it has opened up a pure online business. channel.

Haofu is thriving, leaving behind Capitel and Huanxun, which appeared two years later, and Antpay, which appeared the year before last, and now it only needs peas to add wings to it.

Doudou's development history is more like verifying the four characters of rich and powerful. When other entrepreneurs are still pretending to be women to attract users, Doudou has deployed servers in major nodes across the country. What it pursues is a fast word, so that users can have the best experience, in Doudou, users will not experience the "network card".

Moreover, Doudou software is optimized and re-optimized to reduce memory usage as much as possible.

In addition, Doudou has also launched a spiritual shareholder plan, sending out questionnaires to users, asking what shortcomings Doudou has and what functions Doudou needs to add.

Users who provide good suggestions can get cash rewards credited into good payment accounts, or can get Doudou (coins) in Doudou games, decorative props in Doudou Space, etc.

Doudou has swept thousands of troops in the country and is thriving. No one can hold a candle to it. It has seven or eight rounds of financing and started to make profits three years ago, but it has been suppressed until this year to enter the listing stage.

Needless to say, Nanyi is stuck at the time point again. If there is no accident, when the freezing period of some hidden shares ends, the stock price will rise to a high point, and the high level will be thrown away. After the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out, it will be bought back at a low price .

In Nanyi's plan, Doudou has no chance to grow to the market value of several trillion Hong Kong dollars that it imitates, because its business scale will be limited, and it will not be extremely inflated. New businesses related to or spread out in the future will be A separate company will not be placed under its banner.

Soybean and Laijiang will cooperate to establish a relatively primitive food delivery platform. Users log in to the platform's website and place an order on the website. They can pay directly through Haopay or cash on delivery, or choose the food and drink they want to eat on the website. Just call the customer service hotline, tell the name/number of the food and drink you want, and then tell them the address.

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