Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 1174 Asking to be banned (edit)

"Is the dish ready?"

After finishing the phone call, Nan Yi returned to his seat.

"It's already ordered, boss, which journal do you plan to submit to?" Xue Xiaomin said.

"The first article should be submitted to "Post-Communist Economy". Although its impact factor is average, its pass rate is high. There are also my acquaintances among the reviewers. As long as my name is listed in the corresponding author column, there is a good chance Shock short commentaries and investigations on current affairs."

Nanshi usually divides economists into two categories, retreat and pragmatism. The former is to summarize the economic phenomena that have already happened into a theory, and the latter is to create an economic phenomenon. No matter what kind, as long as it is top-notch, Nanshi will Make friends.

Cooperate with the latter to create profits, worship the former, and let them become the spokesperson of specific economic interests. In simple terms, it is to defend the economic interests of the Nan family, use economic theory to retaliate against the trolls who make nonsense against the Nan family, or take the initiative to attack. The object and phenomenon that Nanshi wants to spray.

This model is not unique to Nan’s. It is usually the case in slightly larger group companies. The remarks made by many economists are not from their heart, and often represent the interests of one or several interest groups.

If Nanyi stays in the economic circle for a while, someone will almost always give him money, asking him to say something that he doesn't necessarily agree with, but can make a lot of money.

Du Wenhua asked, "Mr. Nan, what theme are you going to choose?"

"Eurasian regionalism and the World Trade Organization, the subtitle is a cornerstone or a stumbling block. This is one of the selected topics. The other topic is simpler. I want to discuss Tanzania's nationalization and land reform during the period when it took the socialist line. Find some ready-made refine and analyze the data, and leave the work of finding the data to the two of you.”

Nanyi explained in detail to the two of them where to find information and some necessary points. Everything was detailed, and the explanation was very detailed. Writing a dissertation is too tiring. After completing the four scheduled papers and setting up a person who can write a dissertation, he doesn't plan to do it himself.

He set up a studio for writing papers. He designated the topic and asked his subordinates to do it. Brush hard, brush all the way, until an expert is found.

After dinner, Nan Yi took the two of them back to the old bungalow, handed out a notebook to each of them, and kept them busy. He set up a formation of tea pots in the yard, listened to a little song, and drank tea leisurely.

Although the undergraduate dog will benefit a lot from a few papers, but in any case, Nanyi is only a teacher of elective courses, so he can't occupy Du Wenhua and Xue Xiaomin's time too much.

For a day and a half on Saturday and Sunday, the two were imprisoned by Nanyi. On Sunday night, they were rewarded with a sumptuous dinner, and the two were allowed to leave without delaying the main course or the progress of the thesis.

On Monday, the effect of participating in the real estate seminar before was shown. The person in charge of the preparatory committee of a brand forum called and invited Nanyi to participate. After asking a few words, it was introduced by an expert participating in the conference. Nanyi complained I agreed.

The slander is because of the aggressive style of the forum. You can tell that it belongs to the kind with a thin envelope. It matches Nanyi's status in the economic circle. , more inclined to cheer for face.

Grandma a bear!

Nanyi is not happy about the word "matching". He just wants to leapfrog the challenge and participate in some high-end meetings and forums, even if he is sitting in the corner.

Xiao Nan's journey to the top is going to be slow, but Master Nan seems to be having a good time.

Xiangxi came back after staying for two days. Nanyi and Luo Qianqian had lunch together, and in the evening they went to the house of her old leader Zhou Yongjun for dinner.

The acquaintance between Nanyi and Zhou Yongjun began in the tomb robbery case that year, and there was no contact after that. It was just that his son was transferred to Yangcheng a few years ago and happened to be Xu Feiyang's subordinate. When he was concerned about the leader, Nanyi's name was revealed , Just like that, the two sides moved around.

Zhou Yongjun has retired, so it's hard to say that he is happy to retire, and the dinner can only be treated as an ordinary family dinner.

After the meal, on the way to send Luo Qianqian home, I heard her complain a few words. Her husband understood the special nature of her work and was considerate to be the man behind her. Considerate, but also to display cold violence.

Nanyi listened and comforted, and there was another version of the story of the midlife crisis in his mind.

Similar stories, Nanyi has been told by different people one after another since he was 30 years old. There is no way, most of his initial social circles are "older" than him, and the crisis came earlier than him. From the itch of the year to the fading of the self, the child becomes the center, and there are a few chicken feathers behind each glamorous.

After the chicken feathers flew to the sky, Nan Youqiong called him, saying that Bo Qiong wanted to find him, so he called and asked, and under Bo Qiong's embarrassment, he learned that Liu Jiajia was really looking for him.

This is all around.

There is a saying, it’s hard to be a confidant and hard to be an enemy. On the cruise ship, Bo Qiong and Zhao Shixian played tricks on Liu Jiajia, causing Liu Jiajia to lose a lot at the gambling table. However, time has passed, Bo Qiong and Liu Jiajia later It seems that they have become girlfriends again, at least they are very intimate in public.

The two will get closer, probably thanks to Li Chiliang.

"Hello, I, Nanyi."

According to the number given by Bo Qiong, Nanyi directly reported his family name. Although he had socialized with Liu Jiajia back then, and even went to Wushan together in a flash, he did not exchange contact information, nor did he meet each other again. , the two can only be said to be casual acquaintances.

"Dongfeng, touch... I'll answer the phone..."

The microphone was noisy for a while before Nanyi heard Liu Jiajia's clear voice.

"Nan Shao, hello."

"Okay, last time I read the entertainment news that you have shifted your work focus to the mainland. Is this planning to flourish in both places?"

"How can it be so good, I am old and yellow, and Xiangyu has no work, so I have to come back to find food."

"Oh, what do you need from me?"

"Nan Shao, do you know Dong Qingqiu?"

"I've seen the TV series she acted in, it's pretty good, she's quiet and elegant, clean, like a white lotus in troubled times, she should be a good woman."

"What a good woman, she's just a chicken, and won't let him go..." Liu Jiajia breathed out the fragrance, which lasted for about ten seconds.

Gossip about Liang Zhenjun and Dong Qingqiu has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. Nanyi has eaten it, and just now he praised Dong Qingqiu for his bad taste in watching the excitement. Now, he is listening to Liu Jiajia's non-repetitive abuse with relish.

After his ears were satisfied, he said coldly: "I'm very busy, it's time to get down to business."

The soprano stopped abruptly, and there was silence on the other side of the phone for two seconds before Liu Jiajia said in a normal tone: "Jun Zai and I are already discussing marriage, and I don't want anyone to ruin our relationship. Young Master Nan, I've heard people talk about Master Nan, I have also heard about the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, and know that you have a lot of face in the mainland entertainment industry, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor and ban this bitch Dong Qingqiu."

"Miss Liu, I read an article in a gossip magazine. It is said that you play different games. I don't know if it is true or not."

Liu Jiajia gritted her teeth and said, "Dong Qingqiu is different from other women."

Nan Yi pretended to be entangled, "This matter is not easy to handle."

"Nan Shao, I don't know if you are free tonight, I invite you to dinner, shall we meet and talk?"

"No, Ms. Liu is so famous, paparazzi will follow her at any time, and lonely men and widows are easy to be photographed. I'm not a celebrity, and I don't need to be in gossip magazines."

"If Young Master Nan doesn't mind, I'll bring one person with me, and the three of us won't have to worry about the paparazzi." Liu Jiajia said in his mouth, slandering in his heart: "I hate this kind of street rushing, playing more than anyone else, and pretending to be a gentleman , eat feces!"

"Well, I'm free after seven."


Linked back and forth, a lot of crazy changes.

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