At 7:20 in the evening, Nan Yi came to Wu's private kitchen as agreed.

Private kitchens have always been prosperous in the capital, and you can find a courtyard house in many decent alleys for this business.

Nanyi had never been to the Wu family's private kitchen before, and felt that this restaurant was not well established. There was a door to welcome the female, who was not bad-looking and had a warm attitude. She gave her surname and was welcomed to the East Chamber.

When entering the hospital, her footsteps stopped, and Zhao Qinger, who was carrying Nanyi with a small tail, was fascinated by the western scenery.

It's not a description, it's a real western scene, also called La Pian'er in the north. The principle of foreign gadgets introduced in the past is similar to that of a kaleidoscope, which is to look at photos through small holes.

"Haven't you seen it before?" Nan Yi stopped and asked.

Zhao Qing'er looked away, shook her head and said, "Master, what is this?"

"Peep view, did you ever play with a small plastic camera when you were a child, the one that switches pictures when you press the shutter?"


"Yes, it's similar." Nan Yi pointed to the musical instrument stand next to the Western view and said: "In the past, those who set up Western view would beat gongs and drums to talk about the last paragraph. It is said that it was popular to say "Li Hongzhang Goes to New York" for a while."

"That's it." Zhao Qing'er nodded cutely.

"Let's go, look back."

Follow the door and enter the East Wing. There are already two women inside, one is Liu Jiajia and the other is Che Xi.

Just when Nanyi wondered how the two came together, Liu Jiajia had already walked to him with a smile on his face, "Nan Shao, I haven't seen you for several years."

"Yeah, it's been a long time."

Seeing Liu Jiajia's face at close range, Nanyi was very happy from the bottom of his heart. Judging from the features on his face, he must have received a youth injection. A proper Nanshi VIP customer must be enthusiastic about this kind of food and clothing parents.

Nanyi hugged Liu Jiajia, first pressed the left cheek and then the right cheek, then let go, smiling, "Seeing that Ms. Liu is still in style, I can't help it."

Liu Jiajia smiled sweetly, "Young Master Nan, you are too much, I am already old."

"No, I'm telling you the truth." Nan Yi laughed, and waved at Zhao Qing'er again, "Let me introduce you, my apprentice Zhao Qing'er."

Hearing this, Liu Jiajia sized up Zhao Qing'er who had just sized up for the second time, and soon had an ordinary evaluation, and doubts arose in her heart, "Could it be a real apprentice?"

"Miss Zhao, you are so beautiful."

Liu Jiajia hangs out at dinner parties all year round, and she can come as soon as she opens her mouth.

Compared to her, Zhao Qing'er was a little immature, she believed the polite words by 30% to 40%, her cheeks were warm, and she replied clumsily, "Miss Liu is a great beauty, I have liked to watch your plays since I was a child. "

"You are really sincere." Nan Yi muttered in his heart, and interrupted: "How did Miss Liu know Miss Che?"

"Don't you know Nan Shao, I was in the same company as Che Xi before."

"I know this, but I didn't expect the relationship between the two of you to be so good." Nan Yi said, and extended his right hand to Che Xi who was standing beside Liu Jiajia, "Miss Che, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Master Nan, hello."

Che Xi held Nan Yi's hand, feeling a little excited. She had officially debuted for three years, and she could only rely on her mother's connections to connect with small roles. Yi, she had a faint hope in her heart, but also a mix of doubt and worry.

I just heard that the "Master Nan" in front of me is very well-connected in the circle, but I haven't heard that he has done any earth-shattering events, and I don't know what his strength is at all.

After the teacher apprenticeship ceremony, Master Nan's name was not only limited to a small sub-circle in the Beijing circle, but broke out of the Beijing circle and spread throughout the entire film and television circle in the capital. It's just that everyone's perception of "Nan Ye" is different according to the distance of communication with the Beijing circle, the status in the circle, the width of the network, as well as the personality, focus, and thinking.

Che Xi is still a little transparent in the circle, and there is no very clear source of information at all, but she is also a child who grew up in a compound, born and bred, and her family has certain connections in the capital. "The understanding of it can only be said to be a little bit more than the real little transparency.

With limited understanding, it is impossible to decide whether to make friends with all your strength. I am afraid that I will pay a huge price and finally rely on a hollow pillow, which will be rather depressing.

Che Xi's heart is active, and Zhao Qing'er is not at peace. She once again rejoices at her good luck. The more she knows, the more she feels that her master is unfathomable, and her network is so wide that she has acquaintances everywhere.

Liu Jiajia has been paying attention to Nan Yi's eyes, and she found that there is a trace of appreciation for Che Xi in it. She secretly rejoiced that she brought Che Xi here, but at the same time, she felt sad. Men really like young men. It's getting harder and harder.

Nan Yi's heart is very peaceful. Although he has entered the stage of doing whatever he wants, and the Che Xi in front of him is basically in line with his aesthetics except for his nose, but he is not a hungry ghost. Adrenaline rush.

As their minds wandered, Liu Jiajia, the host, invited everyone to sit down, Nanyi sat up, Zhao Qinger sat on the left, Che Xi sat on the right, and Liu Jiajia sat at the bottom.

With such an arrangement of seats, some of Liu Jiajia's thoughts were exposed. She wanted to use Che Xi as a stepping stone to erase the word "no" from Nanyi's mouth. The truth is, is Che Xi willing to be her pawn?

The food was served, followed by the white wine, and the graduated wine cup was placed on the table. The waiter opened the white wine and poured the wine into the wine cup until it was 80% full, and then poured the wine into the four small cups very carefully. Not to let anyone suffer a disadvantage, drink less, and squat down to observe the horizontal line in the cup.

The waiter poured the wine, and the host, Liu Jiajia, made everyone drink.

"Today is the first time I've sat down to drink with my two younger sisters and Nan Shao. I would like to toast everyone."

This is the first cup.

"Nan Shao, we meet again after a long absence, I will toast you alone..."

When toasting, I toasted alone, but when I drank, I brought both Zhao Qing'er and Che Xi along.

This is the second cup.

"Che Xi, Young Master Nan has a lot of connections in the film and television circle of Xiangxi, and he is also known as Master Nan in the Mainland. If you want to take on a good show and become the heroine, please give a toast to Young Master Nan alone."

Under Liu Jiajia's instigation, Che Xi raised his cup shyly, and said to Nanyi, "Master Nan, I would like to offer you a toast, and please take care of me."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, Miss Che, let's have a drink."

Tonight is probably inevitable to drink a cup of wine. Even if Nanyi doesn't take the initiative to mention it, Liu Jiajia will mention it later. Among the people present, Zhao Qing'er is probably the only one who is not sure about the role she is playing, and the other three seem to be clear in their hearts.

A modification disrupted the rhythm, I try to code as much as possible.

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